"Digital Church - What You Need to Know!" | Power Hour | Ep.74

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] hello sorry i was having a little dance there just by myself and then looked up and saw the second kite hello poor our world come and dance with us i literally just spelt an entire cup of coffee all the way just before we came live so i had to run upstairs as quickly as possible i was like oh no it seems to be a boy thing nate you spilt walter all died yourself yesterday i know it was all over i was just like and i just sat there i was like okay i gotta wait till the camera's off because i can't move oh okay hire your dance moves boys now that i i love to dance around the house are you guys dancers oh there's my dog barking again i'm an award-winning dancer you're an award-winning i really cannot dance at all but i like it i still move i still like to dance but yeah not that good yeah i'm not either i mean my wife can but i do love dancing with my kids because we love dancing around having fun with music my daughter sings all the time so it's like we always just dance with her i have to say i love putting on my like my celtic irish roots music you know my lord of the dance a good old michael flatley for the irish in northern irish amongst us uh and to d and to dance around wildly uh you know uh i actually really like dancing in church but the dancing i see in church is woeful it's the charismatic two-step you know it's like this is fox that's what we like to do i've never seen you dance in church sam i move a little bit or jump up and down but we don't play music that often you could dance to although i did one sunday remember i got everyone to run around the church when i we played did you feel the mountains tremble because i was really bored of slow music i played that one and we got i got everyone to just dance and run round and then i was like what do we do now just for some movement our church there was a fair amount of running i don't know we should have a running anointing it wasn't unusual to come out of an office and somebody was running under the power of god around the room just like weren't even church services or gatherings it was just like and the anointing would come and suddenly it's like movement maybe it's a sign that that happened a few times um yes the running church absolutely i i do remember one church that we uh sergeant's saying sam is an excellent jumper i do like because i can't because i can't that i'm just like i'm just gonna jump and i don't care how i look i'll just do it yes yes show us your your your jumping worship how can you do it it's not like this you know just i move my hands up and down i just like a bit of a bit of movement i have to say because of my lack of dancing abilities god had to break me of dancing and and the fear of dancing in public during worship and so let's just say in public the only time i ever dance is really in worship or a wedding reception i do you know the cha cha or something that it tells you what to do you know um but that time of break of that worship it's it's it's a different figure which my work my dance is probably not a real dance it's just movement but either way i'm dancing before the lord before the light we're the head of dance at one point who the anointing was was far right and she had um she had a big stick uh it was it said ezekiel stick on it and you remember ezekiel uh weave sticks together as a sign of the unity that's coming to the tribes of god and so she had this ezekiel stick which brought broken things together and she would dance and just stomp you know rhyme people and hit the stick on the ground people would get healed like that and come into their right mind this dancing healing anointing it was part watch you know amazing amazing i think god i have seen god dance in my third heaven encounters god is a great dancer you know you wouldn't expect anything less would you just that when you watch god dance with abandon when he enjoys the signs that he's made i love that in heaven now you know the angels are really gifted i mean everybody has a rhythm in heaven don't they but when the angels see a new thing about god and they're singing holy holy holy and they don't always sing it in the way we would you know you know they're really i mean it's like abandoned about the goodness of god and god dances back in response and you know so it's it's a you know so if you have not danced in church or you don't how do we get on to this what's the even scene from behind someone's whispering in my ear jesus is the lord of the dance he's painted here behind me jesus says the lord does there speaks a a musician you know behind and uh you know i just lose to you an ability uh for movement and dance even in your houses if you've got a little bit dying a bit stuck a bit depressed even if your church i listen to you right now that you may become a dancer and i'm not calling you into dance ministry because that's a whole other thing but once i release movement to you in worship i release the joy of movement in worship [Music] wind your kitchens and enjoy the wildness of god i yeah some of you do need to get dancing sticks um i love kaylee dancing love it anybody out there being her kaylee a proper uh celtic irish scottish kaylee i have no clue what it is is that bad know what one ends i don't even know what to say [Laughter] it's a dance right we might need to show him right now yeah come on it's kind of a bit like um a celtic version of a barn dance um so uh yeah minister tonight so um you know whenever uh you have some great christian um uh kayleigh uh dancing uh band members from his days you know it kaylee is spelt really weird can we put it on the screen we will educate you in scotland irish dancing kaylee is what we call it's like c e i l i d h i know it's not ridiculous combination of grace though as they're saying they're like i feel you nate it's okay so at least but actually whenever our new building uh is up and ready i would love to have um uh lots of cayley dances in it um and scrap the usual services and we just do uh scottish and irish dancing as a church uh i think we i think we need to sell tickets for that i think some of you need to fly in dance that would be the most fun that would be the most stuff too but actually i think that is spiritual just loving that movement okay is there kaylee practice like do you have kaylee dance practice or class fast and the faster the violin well you call it a fiddle the faster the fiddle goes the faster you're spinning brilliant fun brilliant fun because i cannot stand discos i cannot stand pop music i have no time for pop me i'm really sorry does that make me very old-fashioned or very godly i don't know i i can't stand it anyway oh carys one of our staff in school you're yeah my children will get traditional dancing classes in school yeah did do you not have that in america do you not get traditional was it traditional american dance line dancing is it yeah probably yeah don't break my heart my achy breaky heart did you not get that in schoolmate well i was private schooled and homeschooled i only went to public school to third grade actually so i would not be the person to ask my wife would probably be to tell you but i don't know yeah right okay square dancing yes right now what we're going to say we're going to get spiritual something spiritual okay no boy have we got some stuff to tell you today i mean i was doing the wow wow when we were briefing before we came on and what we have titled this is digital church what you need to know and from what god is saying to us let me tell you this google processes over 40 000 searches every second is that incredible and they have 3.5 billion searches a day that's google along let alone all the others you can go to youtube has grown so much that it has three billion searches per month and some high in all of that there is a world out there screaming for answers and in the days where you and i grew up with only the encyclopedia sex that you invested in on the bottom heavy you know the heavy books on your bottom shelf there was this sense of you know i don't know that i will ask the question because i don't know how to source the answer well now we have schooled or god has allowed a whole generation not even a whole nation but a whole international generation to question askers never before has there been such an anointing in the earth to have to ask questions and to expect that you're going to get answers it is utterly remarkable before we would have been satisfied to say you know well that's something i may not know the answer to because i don't have access to the encyclopedia that has that particular listing in it and so my children never think oh i'll never know the answer to that they never think that they think oh we're just going to ask google we're going to ask siri we're going to ask alexa whoever you ask okay and this is this is this moment in history of the explosion of a seeking planet who want answers yeah and they are all online and so we have got to rethink our nervousness about the digital place and the digital space and like said yesterday we have to shift how we think about church we have to shift about what we think our role is in church and we have to shift how we interpret scripture and not wear the glasses of archaic tradition all right that is the scene setting why because church is a bite and i'm recapping to get you on board from yesterday church is a lifestyle it is not a location on a sunday church is a movement every day of the week it is not a destination and so therefore you are not seeking to find people to come to an event that's long gone you are seeking the dissemination of truth every moment of the day where the question askers are which is online and so somebody said to me yesterday emma i've just written this brochure and this pamphlet this track that i want to get printed to hand people i and i wanted to scream inside no that's not where it's that i actually said to the person send me the digital copy because the people are in the digital space and if that is where the people are that's where we need to be and the people are that is where jesus would be okay and so we need to talk about how the church uh leadership what anointings are there and how the five-fold need to think to lead the church there now before we go into the fight for that scene-setting stuff and nate you had some great thoughts hit this with them yeah yeah this morning i just heard the spirit of the lord say that change is here and it's here to stay and that doesn't mean that we'll always be digital but in the way that it is changing and we have to shift and we have to be willing to receive the change and say okay it's here we can't go about the church we can't go about what we do like we've been doing you know and i've seen even churches online you know um different places have kind of began to come back and i'm like have we missed the real change that god is trying to do within us in this context and he really reminded me this morning is a place that we're connected to the church we're connected to the shepherds we're connected to to the teachers but within that if they're not continually seeking change seeking like updating from the lord receiving an update of willing to change what they do and how they act and how it's not changing the message but it's changing the method on how to move forward and so it it's not you you stick to the word of god but how can we go about this change god in the best way the only way to do it is not to mimic the church down the street or mimic what the world's been doing but to receive from the creator that creates new perceptions and new ideas and things that will be a hundred times more blessed than mimicking something else that you've seen and i'm not taking that away because god can take those ideas to shift that but god is the source of that and so it's that willingness to change that god can do everything he wants to do through us and when the shepherd and the teacher and you know the church as a whole begins to receive and update that it releases the body of believers to go through mourn to be able to be act in the fullness of what god has said and you know can i just can i just you have some brilliant phrases in there change is here to stay and i mean we've got to just let that wash us uh we there's no go back here change is here to stay and leaders if you are watching this you must get that change is here to stay you must ask for flu for a fluidity anointing to navigate that change is here today where you do not change what was the other thing you said you do not change the message but you change the next method yeah yeah yes come on all right keep going sorry yeah yeah yeah no it's all right and so it's it's really like you look in matthew 18 and um the first verse there the disciples are you know making statements like who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven and but then you see jesus respond to them in verse three and he says learn this well disciples you know learn this well the church unless you dramatically change your way of thinking and become teachable and that you know within that and learn about heaven's kingdom realm and the wide-eyed wonder of the child you will never be able to enter in and this is the disciples they've lost their purpose along the way like they've they've seen something and they've been doing things and they've been doing amazing works for the lord but somewhere down through the process god has shifted some things but they're focused on who's the greatest in the kingdom they've lost their focus and god's like no you have to be like the child you have to be willing to shift this and be in the place that we know what our purpose is and what it's that lack of knowing our purpose you know i had a pastor friend tell me right as soon as kobit kind of happened is he's like nate you know and he's a good friend of mine he's like you know i i i feel almost at loss in this time because i almost feel like i've lost my purpose like my purpose was almost all in the church on sunday mornings and going to hospital visits and you know the normal pastoral things which is amazing work but he realized that he had mostly focused on all of this and then didn't realize that actually he needed to focus in to find his purpose and the king and actually reshifting and so what that's done even for him he's been amazing is brilliant and changing how he goes about things how he does church how he goes about online and these things and so it's that place that we have to reevaluate who we are what we do and how we do it you know that's amazing because what you're seeing then from matthew 18 which is the with the scripture matthew 18 is the scripture yeah can we can you guys meet well and then we'll have to meet about her yeah it's it's the scripture matthew 18 of the squabbling disciples and really what you're unpacking for us there is that when you lose your purpose there starts to be the ability for infighting in the church that is a sealer right there when you don't understand your purpose it releases the ability for squabbling in the church could we not say that that's happened to many many churches they lost their purpose so they knew what it was to infight and really this sense of god you've got you've got to help us and we've got to pray god refocus me god repurpose me god reposition me because i do not want to be part of an infighting church because we did not bother to shift and update to the new purpose and the new way god wanted to use us did that yeah nate do you want to add to that i think so good you know within that it's it's the very fact that we have been doing ministry out of you know out of a place of just motion and and we're all guilty if you've been in ministry for any any sense of time you begin to just do things because you know how to do it and honestly without minute without meaning to sometimes we probably do ministry blindfolded we could do it blindfolded and know how to be an action how to do things but within that god is like look you have to be like children you know you're not worried about the person beside you you just like you believe you act you know and a child doesn't always know right and wrong so he's relying on the king he's relying on jesus in a child like faith of a place that he's continually receiving an update on direction not just an update on how you know where we are spiritually which we have to do that's i think that's very you know really the top but within that is how to go about how to share on online how to do this how to go about and so he's always shifting and changing and the world around us the way they receive from the lord and things like that is much different right now definitely in the uk where we're under lockdown and it's so that place of being like a child going to the king and fully relying on him to lead us every step every moment of of this creativity of unlocking this door that god is saying look i've opened the door for you go through it so that i can show you the steps of the fullness of this time of this of this electronic air or whatever you want a digital edge you know of flowing in that jesus wants to think you through it sam you have some great words and then i am going to talk about the fivefold yeah yeah absolutely and so agree with what nate is saying they're so powerful and just for some of you that are asking uh you're you're saying but what what about gathering what about people contact this is not a replacement and we're not saying god is saying either or he is adding and updating the church to what she should be as a people a body an army who know how to influence every area of society and know how to expand the kingdom of god and i heard the spirit of the lord's grace before you move on because it's really really important at that point let me be very clear digital church will never be more important than face to face can you please you need to hear that digital church will never be more important than face to face that is absolutely fundamental but we are in a moment that i would call the explosion of the gospel we are in a moment of the explosion of the kingdom of god never before in our lifetimes have we seen isaiah 9 so clearly worked out that of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end where all can be reached at this moment in time through the exploding gospel in an online digital way it is from that digital revolution that there will be a surge of physical church planting that we will see a movement of digital church planting which makes us incredibly uncomfortable get over it because that is where the people are we will see an explosion of digital church planting which will feed an explosion of physical church planting there is an order so don't get on your high horse and go oh i don't like the concept of digital church you have to go where the people are and then you invite them from that point of even online nurture and discipling to actually meet in person a new church that you may have to plant you know where it can be face to face okay and so it is it is not all about the gathered church in person it is about the gathering of the people who are lost in the digital space and then a real explosion of physical church planting on the back of it okay so i mean we've gotta we've gotta get over some of our kind of like ah and say god i want to be where the people are come on that's a cry god i want to be where the people are i don't want to be in my own church building fighting because we forgot where all the people were i'm sorry can we pray into that let's pray and go for it go for it yeah yeah so father god we just speak right now father god and we repent god if we've lost the purpose of what you're calling and speaking over us in this season father and god we just speak life father we speak a placement of god where we can walk out this what you have spoken what you're doing within the church not for the digital space to take over the the meeting but father where these two can combine and go out and serve and reach in places god that that our physical body would never be able to reach but because we're willing to step in this creative space that you have proclaimed god that you are able to reach people in places that we may physically never be but god are getting saved and connected to the kingdom of god of growing so father we just speak that right now god and we receive this perception of just being of this scared place father we repent for being scared god for this being scared to be online for being scared to to to share what you're saying father we repent of that right now and so father we speak life within that god in a god of a place of your control of your power god that rises up in each and every person that is watching that has been scared to go out on digital or how go out on on on facebook live or whatever ways that it is of reaching but god that you're empowering them right now to lift them up as in today or this week father that they'll begin to release the very words that you have proclaimed father we thank you god for what you're doing and each and every one of us and god we thank you for changing we thank you for changing and that we're willing to run with this father amen amen amen amen yeah we criticize what we don't understand often because we forget that his ways are not our ways and sometimes when there is something that is exploding of god we just need to go i may not understand that my default has been criticism but your ways are not my ways therefore god i trust you in the process and it is okay if it makes you feel uncomfortable but just because you feel pressed doesn't mean that we need to criticize and default into that you know god is so on this and i believe that the spirit of the lord is saying at this time for too long you have played with the five-fold as a non-essential server for too long you have played with functions of the five-fold as a non-essential service but now i am forcing you all my church to see that the five-fold as the essential service of the church and then i heard the spirit of the lord say this about it and you can take this up with jesus your essential service is not gathering your essential service is empowered people who function in their call say it again say it again your essential service is not gathering your essential service is empowered people who function in their call and this is why god is pressing the reset button because how many of you that are watching did not feel empowered until you started engaging with us digitally or engaging with some sort of movement digitally how many of you have been a part of gatherings for decades and never felt a moment of empowerment but the moment you felt like you could belong in a digital community of some description you felt empowered that is a sign of what god is putting on this era this digital era of the church and the lord is saying again don't criticize what you don't understand go with it move with it move with my spirit because i have put my glory on this whole digital era and actually some of you that are watching i just hear the spirit of the lord say this you have known that you have a particular five-fold function and you've felt it for years and years but you've always felt like a square peg and a round hole that you could not fit and the lord says i have been keeping you hidden and i have been keeping you in that ncup incubation zone so that this moment this era you would start to wake up and realize that your call is a fivefold minister is not just sunday morning focused but the lord says it's seven day focused and it will be out work the spirit of the lord says even in digital spheres so the spirit of the lord says i have been holding and i have been incubating you he says for this moment where i am getting ready to release you so in the name of jesus i just bless those of you who are watching who have a five-fold function but have felt like they are frustrated and unable to fit and i bless you right now to find courage and boldness to step out that this is your moment and this digital era and this online movement this online revival and this online awakening that we are moving into that you're going to find a joy in your function and a belonging in your function in the name of jesus and let me just say this i think our reaction often and i know i'm young i'm normally 24 but i think her reaction almost when we hear digital or online as you know that's for the younger people just because some of you that are watching don't feel techy you don't feel you know no and god is saying look i'm not limited by your skill sets or your lack of skill sets i'm not limited by what you think you can do and what you think you can't do don't you think as a creator i'm able to create new skills on the inside of you and for some of you that are watching where you feel like i have no nothing to give on this platform the spirit of the lord says you're going to know me as the creator who is about to develop some high level skills on the inside of you and sharpen your ability the spirit of the lord says to understand technology and really out of that that that land and i'm just going to bless you with this in a moment exodus 31 1 talks about this it talks about the people who created a tabernacle who built a temple for god who built that dwelling place and they said it says this it doesn't say they all had skills that already existed it said god anointed them with skill god anointed them with skill god gave them skill and that is the moment that you are in right now where god is saying i am giving you skill i am anointing you with skill and just like in exodus 31 the people there bezalel and everyone else were anointed to build habitations meeting points invasion zones of my glory so well you and for those of you who have skill already in this arena god is blowing it with blowing on it with his glory for those of you who don't have skill he's saying i am creating it within you don't you think i'm able to do that i am creating that skill within you so all of you that are watching i want you to lay your hands on your head right now and particularly those of you who think i am useless at technology i mean it's stressful enough to get onto power hour how am i gonna be a digital evangelist profit apostle whatever i may be in the name of jesus i list a creative word of god to you right now that he is creating supernaturally skill inside of you he's anointing you with skill he's anointing you with ability and you're gonna find yourself having knowledge and ability and skill that you didn't have even before this broadcast and the spirit of the lord says you've just got to have faith that it's already on the inside of you i mean that was a mic drop 10 minutes you've just given us we just sit in that i just said to david come and pray because so much of the tech anointing that you have came from david tech before i came to gpc i didn't i couldn't build a website couldn't do anything like that i got next to david seriously and literally within weeks i had developed all these skills that i didn't have before you know and david is our our lead apostle and holder of all things together you know he does the serious stuff in the background pray for us pray for us all you know uh uh and release a technical digital social media when david not i'm gonna make him blush but david before he came into ministry he's not going to hide his face a little bit david was the director of marketing for the royal scottish national orchestra and uh he was communicating director of marching and communications well i missed for the royal scottish national orchestra and he was seen as um one of the leading voices in our nation in uh digital marketing and social media platforms for communicating messages and he revolutionized the uh fortunes of some of the orchestras uh in the british isles that was his job and then he came into ministry so what he knows about digital marketing and the anointing is great so yeah okay grab hold of your bits of tech your computers your laptops your phones your your tablets whatever you're using holy spirit across the the airwaves across the wires across the wireless technology come and move on your people in this time anoint us afresh with an ability to steward and use the tools that you have given us to reach the new markets and i use that word deliberately the new markets that you have given us the people that you have given us to reach the nations the communities the cities the friends that you have given us the networks that you have given us to reach god in the name of jesus i break every fear that is on these people over using these tools and over using this technology god would you give them a new voice to use the creativity that you have put in them the anointing you have put in them the teaching gift that you put in them the prophetic gift that you put in some of them the apostolic gift that you have given some of them and the evangelistic gift that you have given some of them that they would put it out and instead of re-sharing and retweeting and and and pushing things they would be the ones who would release release your truth into this place god we need a flood of communication and god raise up those who would steward the nations online come on secure the people raise them up now we we break every lie of the enemy that says that this technology is not for you and i especially release it over those of you who are um young and inexperienced and who are told that you have to go through step after step after step until you're able to join whatever team or whatever platform i release you now in the name of jesus to be a digital evangelist to be a digital apostle to go out on the platforms that we don't even know about the the the tick tocks and the snapchats and the and the new things that are coming along even now those uh those areas that we're not called to reach but that are your mission fields go now go forth and spread the gospel of the kingdom in the mighty name of jesus wow wow wow thank you husband there was a point and old and inexperienced as well not just younger experience all the inexperienced as well yes you could say i'm going to become a digital ninja yes yes i hope that's an okay thing to say okay and do you have more before i start to prophesy yeah just one thing that i want to pray on i heard the spirit of god say this this morning i am troubled by the retreat mindset that is in my church i am troubled by the retreat mindset that is in my church and he started to talk to me and let me just kill one thing that god really wants to kill and go after it whilst i understand as christians that we want safe places for fellowship and community the idea that we completely evacuate social media platforms as christians and all go on to one that is disconnected from the other platforms and only accessible to christians is not it should not be within our thought processes nor is it a kingdom of god mindset it is a retreat mindset well i don't like what i'm seeing so i'm going to shift i'm going to retreat i'm going to disconnect and we're seeing this on mass with the creation of new christian social media platforms and as i said whilst i understand that belonging is sometimes key and sometimes we need that it should not be an alternative and a replacement for the call that is on us to invade dark places with light and the spirit of god is really speaking right now and he's saying i need to break off the retreat mindset you see jesus and we've talked about this already he rocks up to the gates of hades he doesn't go to the synagogue and he says standing next to the gates of hades on this rock i will build my church he doesn't say in a synagogue or in a jewish or christian only zone i will build my church he says standing pointing at the gates of hades right next to i mean we've been there it is a big old cave that looks dark and all the shrines to other gods all the places where people were sacrificing animals to the gods of pandemonium to the gods of fertility to the gods of sexual impurity and he says standing there this is where i'm gonna build my church here and so it does not matter how dark and how hellish these zones may seem how resistant to the gospel they may be you are anointed with the power and the authority of god to infiltrate those zones with the truth of the kingdom of god and release their light he didn't go to the synagogue he went to where they sacrificed animals to demonic gods he didn't go to church and say that he went to where the very literal earthly gates of hell where and and hades and he said here here the darkest place on earth here is where my church is going to explode and we've got to look at the darkness on social media we've got to look at the darkness that we see around us online and know that god is saying here in this darkness i'm going to build my church but also as well this retreat mindset brings the thought of i can't wait till online church stops i can't wait till online things stop so that i can just go back to gathering physically now remember what we said online is not replacing but it's an expansion and the retreat mindset is also i want to go back into my holy huddle and not have to be involved out here with anything that's going on online for my own good and the lord is saying look online this digital era it really isn't for your own good it's for the well-being of nations and it's for the salvation of many it's for the expansion of my kingdom across the face of the earth so we've got to just pray right now and say god i'm sorry for partnering with the retreat mindset and i choose the mindset of advance i choose the mindset of advance it's so yeah it's important i think some you know before you you're praying that can can we just be really blunt i we are watching christians create christian only versions of facebook what nonsense what silo retreating nonsense what are we thinking did we not learn anything from when we drew the drawbridge up in church and siloed and retreated that we lost the culture and that woodstock in the sixties went out and discipled it while we were treated to have our holy spirit meetings you know by ourselves and somebody else disciple the culture you know and here we are trying to do the same thing on social media did we learn nothing that we are in the world but not of it absolutely come on that was quite strong wasn't it we needed it because the retreat mindset and it's been on the church and now we've got to kick it off so i want you to repeat after me and we're just gonna say as we do i repent for partnering with the retreat mindset and now i choose to partner with the advanced mindset so just say that after me father god in the name of jesus i repent for partnering with the retreat mindset and i now choose the mindset of advance and so in jesus name you don't need to repeat this i bless you to come in to that mindset of advance and the retreat mindset now breaks and it will not rule your thoughts see the retreat mindset is what produces fear i'm afraid of everything that's out there so i'm just gonna disappear i break the retreat mindset off you in the name of jesus and i bless you to have an advance mindset that you shall not back down at the slight smell of resistance or one comment that resists you shall not back down in jesus name and what are you saying but what is the point what what uh but at what point will the church be butted off these platforms look you have a short window use it if if the church is booted off facebook at least you're going to take a hundred thousand or a hundred million new followers with you you gotta work to move and you've gotta start to move now you cannot worry about what might happen when the lost are going to hell right now and you've got a platform absolutely see it come on come on keep going sam yeah so just uh on that as well um the final thing is this god is releasing and this isn't to everyone although it kind of is because we need to grab a hold of it but he is releasing a new breed of digital for runners digital for runners and the largest thing look church you have played catch up when it comes to media and technology for years and you have not understood that i am the creator god do you not think it is within my capacity to create new technologies to create new platforms to create new areas of uh of of of digital advance says the spirit of the lord and god is mantling a new breed of those who are going to be ahead of the curve not behind it they are going to go beyond where even the nations are right now they are not going to go behind it and this is why we've got a partner remember what i said earlier on we've got to stop the criticism because we don't understand because there are going to be some bold men and women of god that start to do some super innovative things online and it will be easy for you because you do not understand to criticize it and think that it's wrong or it's bad when god is saying remember my kingdom ways are not your ways and sometimes you've just got to go i bless it god because you're in the middle of it and the lord is saying digital forerunners arise digital forerunners arise and god is really grafting those who have had ideas that have been ahead of the curve but have been ousted by the church are mocked or misunderstood he's saying i'm healing your wounds and i'm bringing you back in because the lord says no i'm putting in you innovative ideas the lord says that will attract the people of the world he says and there will be secular companies that want what you produce what you desire what you facilitate what you innovate as well as the church and so in the name of jesus we just bless those who are called to be digital forerunners we bless them where they are right now if you're one of them and you're watching i bless you in jesus name to hear what is beyond even possibility right now to hear what is in the realm of the impossible and know how to pull it into the possible in jesus name okay i'm just mulling over which way we go because we've got 10 minutes but i certainly have about half an hour worth of stuff on the five-fold so i think i'm going to park the 5-fold and i'm going to talk about the five-fold in the digital space tomorrow because i felt like we were setting out a mandate today of the fact that we need to be a new breed of pioneer and uh so for so tomorrow i will touch on the five-fold anointings in the digital space uh so we'll we'll pray for you it's slightly differently and and come back tomorrow while we look at that uh with this seems to always be the way it's like pages and eventually we get to them but here's here's the here's the thing in all of this you a thousand plus you're watching and all the others who get on catch up with 20 or 30 000 of you you are needed you are needed and i know there's a history in the church of a sense that we felt that only the people who were paid by the church were necessary and we felt very often like you know optional extras disposable but it is now a day in this you know billion soul harvest and that billion soul number is only about the youth where you are needed every single one of you and what i feel is going to happen is that you are going to become those that lead and so you know you've got leadership on you but you know it's never find its full release and this is the day where you're going to find this remarkable ability to be followed and you're gonna lead you are needed and you will lead that needs to be tight i am needed and i will lead i am needed and i will lead i am needed and i will leave come on and we will have followings don't let us ever think that our followings are some kind of endorsement to massage my ego you will have followers and likes that you are to point in the direction of god himself and that whether internet blows up and facebook kicks you off or this social media platform dies and this one allows you and this one bars you that is not the point the point of it is that you will have amassed a people who you are leading to jesus and if you have to move digital platforms so they can follow you somewhere else they will follow you somewhere else if you have to do it in another way you'll set up and do it in another way because it's not about amassing followers in terms of just a ballpark number it's about amassing a people who are taking to jesus and here is the shift the lord is saying do not lead people to yourselves come on do not cause me more problems where you are telling people lies that they must get an impartation from you and you only to be released in their fullness the lord says that we are to create in people a desire for christ alone the lord says i am not interested in a whole lot of your personality getting in the way of connecting people to me and so there is a there is even a purification of what god is doing to establish leaders you know in social media who have huge platforms where it becomes about i don't undermine the brand you know it it becomes more about brand management than leadership to jesus and so i feel like the lord is saying that we've had a lot of inspiration only a little bit of theology but a whole lot of personality and god is saying you have problematically put altars to yourselves in social media and you have created restlessness because people want the authentic real deal and you're giving them the polished version of yourself and the lord says you must go into the spirit lord says you must go into the social media space real raw authentic and christ focused that you may have a following for him not for you shift in our mentality god how can i lead people to you god how can i lead people to you has got to be the prayer and nate you had something on always updating just talk to us release an anointing that we would always be updating man you can feel that you can feel that oh i've got to always up just the anointing on the two words always updated yes yes yes yes yes you know the amazing thing is which what we're even talking about is you know we talk about not going in the dark place we talk about not going to this place or that but you know where does light shine the brightest and it's in the darkness and without people even realizing it that aren't christians when they see the hope when they when they see this power when they see the passion in this place of there's hope there's something different they're naturally drawn to it and if we miss the place of being in that dark place then we're missing the whole purpose of who we are as christians what we were sent here on earth to do and i think it ties into that place of of that continual place of updating that continual place of god give me more god show me more god help me know what to do help me know how to move to this next step how do how do i move father and and i love what sam was even talking about the creativeness that it flows from the king that will create and and you know we started seeing these tv series like um the chosen all of these very well done things but there's going to be more of that well done thing that's actually going to blow media out of the water of hollywood that that will be like well we didn't think about this but it was it's god-centered stuff that will expand the kingdom and draw people to the king of kings and the lord of lords and so father we just pray right now god as we're shifting in a place god insane god update me god help me be in a place that god i'm checking every five minutes with you that i'm saying god let me be updated today let me be updated today let me know what you're saying let me know what you're doing god let me know that i don't get stagnated i don't get stagnated in this place of this mushiness of well this is okay this is what we've always done but god don't let me be in this place but let me receive this place of your updating that is just a continual building of making not only me better because i'm being willing to be updated but it is actually shifting the darkness around me to be lit up by the very glory of god because i've let myself come humbly before the king and saying god update me because you have to become to the king in a place of humble because you have to come to him and say god i can't do this i can't do media i can't do this speaking online i can't do whatever it is you have to say god shift me god changed me and in that place it shifts our very being into a big lighthouse that shines out they put lighthouses to guard and protect people and so protect the boats from rock running into the rocks of desperate of of devastation and god says look i birthed this light inside of you release it now continue receiving this light that just births to new levels of new places that it's not just one beam of light from a lighthouse but it is expanded in a full 360 where it is just shining out in every place so father we receive this place of your updating this place of continual place of updating we're not going to let ourselves get stuck in a place where we say no i'm not doing that no i'm not doing that or i'm not i'm going to stop being critical of other ministries of doing things that are different that god i release or i receive every bit that you want to do and and and just receive it right now guys receive it right now receive it right now in jesus wow this is a seminal are we spent together i want to tell you about a text message i received from one of my my um closest friends a lady called nicola reed and uh i think nichola you were on here earlier she lives in a different city for me but we grew up together she was my closest friend in my teenage years and um i thought her understanding of the season was so articulate i have to say i read it to lots and lots of people she doesn't know that i reread and forwarded her text message to me but she was talking about the fact that we had got ourselves stuck in a roman mindset i teach you i have a platform to quite put it like this but i have a lectern and i stand on the platform and i teach you and the fact that god is taking us a wave and breaking aside of that heap that that roman place i teach you into the place of hebrew or celtic community where we live in conversational spaces and so part of what digital media is doing is it is shifting from i have a platform you gather in front of me i am raised higher than you and you will listen to my greatness that that is being removed and that what social media is providing is a more hebraic or bizarrely isn't it a more hebraic or celtic space for conversations where you watch me or sam or nate or sarah jane get at or on the british house counselor province we get a word and it's not fully resolved in us but we we sharpen each other in the public space and people see the authenticity of that and so what i want you to remember is what nicola really has has said to me in private in that you are not expected to come into social media in a roman religious traditional way where you know it all you are supposed to come in in conversation which is hebrew and celtic in orientation where you don't know it all but you sharpen each other in the conversational space and social media is outstanding for that because it gives everybody the place to comment which you never get in a gathered church wait are you seeing how god is healing some of the church through lockdown okay that is so it is so important and uh this this shift that god has taken us into and so our time has come can i ask you something personal can you pray uh for david and i today we are trying to negotiate on a new building and uh uh we've left our old building our all our ministry stuff is in storage not our personal software our church building our ministry building uh clearly we're in our house and uh we uh really need a breakthrough in the negotiations to get our new premises because i want you guys to come and see it in time you know and be part of it so david have to is going to negotiate have to bridge british bst our time and we just want you to join with us in prayer and we just want you to join with us uh in a in a new physical building home having talked about digital all morning it seems a bit you know but we do need that as well so please join with us in um in prayer and in agreement for a new home for the global prophetic alliance in scotland as we shift buildings and if you want to sew into that please do so no demand at all from me but we would love you to partner with us in sewing into that and so tomorrow and it sounds sir jane and i and we are going to hit the new i mean i've got amazing things that god said to me i'm like wow about the five-fold in the digital space so we will see you again tomorrow lots of love [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 6,606
Rating: 4.938838 out of 5
Id: 8m_e0JL6iOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 52sec (3832 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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