When You Spend $10,000,000 On Pigs - Farming Simulator 19

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all right so welcome back to the only game where you can break time in space by putting conveyer belts together it's farming simulator 19 in the last episode we had made conveyor belts across the entire map over a kilometer worth of conveyor belts and off-camera I decided to try and attach them all so they would never come out from one another and when I attached the last conveyor belt it sent them all into the stratosphere I was very sad but by the same token I guess somewhere in space a space station is probably getting hit right now with 69 conveyor belts filled with potatoes so I don't know I I don't know that's a win or what since our conveyor system is gone for the moment I decided we would attempt to harvest pigs yes I said harvest bacon for everyone someone had said that pigs just aren't worth it and in order to test whether or not this is true I decided that the only way to do an appropriate level of testing would be to spend a ton of money in a very inefficient way and see if we make anything back Oh now as we all know here $1,000,000 is not going to cut it ah yes hey buddy remember me no gray please don't too bad pleb okay so now that we're stacked with a ton of money that we legitimately gained in a totally legitimate fashion it's time to spend a ton of it animal pens million dollars each huh okay yeah good thing that guy had a ton of money letting it laying in his back pocket all righty big ass field over here should be the perfect place for a ton of pig pens there we go I'm curious how many you're legitimately allowed to have like I assume it's not an infinite amount I'm not gonna lie it's actually a lot more than I thought it would have all right so the number is 10 and almost four three and a half million dollars worth of pig pens very good yeah with a bunch of terraforming everything's seems to be doing just fine so over here I think that we can buy our pigs I don't know if the color matters yeah the one time we bought a bunch of animals and it seemed like the more of the same type you had the quicker they bred so we'll just pick a color and go with it I'm gonna go with the classic pink and here's the worst part of farming simulator 19 here we go [Music] [Laughter] this point I realized how many button presses you have to do for 300 pigs and if we're gonna do this for 10 friggin things that means three thousand here we go oh thank you Jesus okay so about half a million dollars in pigs great so this is our very first pig chunk here that is a lot of vacancy before all of our potatoes were the hash brown but you can't have breakfast with just that so now we have all of our pigs over here now you have to care for the pigs sadly so we're gonna have to give them some food and some water and stuff like that which means that we're gonna have to spend a bunch of money in order to do it but before we do let me go ahead and fill up the rest of the freaking pens here this one will be white pigs I'm legitimately about about to like download a macro that just allows me to like click the button one time and have it repetitively click until I tell it to stop there's got to be like a buy all button in this game right is there not there's no one ever do this no one ever buys 3,000 pigs okay I can't even imagine how the people that do the crap on YouTube where it's like you know reading the entire B movie script or counting up to 1 million or something like that like this is bad enough okay so if anyone was ever wondering it takes right about 1500 pig purchases to develop a cramp in your palm okay I'm almost done buying all the pigs thank God it's only like eight million dollars down the drain so far whoa what was that pig just like riding on top of the other pigs is that what happens when you have three thousand pigs on the map anyway we finally have all of our pigs this is what it looks like [Music] I'm not gonna lag out worried there for a minute I thought I would have to cancel the epic flyover because it looked like three of these things didn't have any pigs but it was just because they didn't render in yet okay so back to doing what we do best which is spending a ton of money let me think we're going to need a way to water these creatures so let's couldn't buy that all right now we're gonna need something completely ridiculous to use to water them honestly we're gonna spend the money okay we're going for max pig power here you can change the color there you go pig pink I love it 7300 liter water transport 32,000 liter water transport that's what I'm talking about that's a man who's comfortable with this masculinity right there like it's no big deal I'm surprised I haven't hit anything whoa sorry [Music] yeah don't honk at me you freaking did this now I assume with the power of science I can just move my my gigantic truck over here and kind of aim up slightly to where it should attach and it will magically flip itself over one utility later alright there's another way I can take care of this alright problem solved we're back on track something I haven't really considered is how long it probably takes to load this thing up so uh oh thank god it keeps loading up while I'm gone all right I'm just gonna we're just gonna leave that there and we're gonna continue to buy more stuff so we have to be able to feed the pigs so we're gonna need like seven billion bags of these as I repeatedly smashed my enter button I'd like to mention that you could grow your own food for the pigs but that's not how we're doing this I need another truck this one will be blue now we need something to put all of the pig feed in and let's see this will work this I want something bigger more more and more so this is what a crap ton of pig feed looks like a crap ton of pig feed in retrospect before I started this endeavor I kind of wish I would have read up on how much pig feed pigs eat per day because this is uh this is kind of a pain in the ass [Music] oh crap it'll be fine gray why are you doing this to me because I'm not gonna be the only masochist in this game Wow okay we finally filled it up all the way I think we filled it up wait can you shove a little bit more in there was like 59 - of course you can it's not totally level yet after all there we go okay now we have filled it up all doc I hope that this thing is powerful enough to take me oh okay yeah the weight is pretty serious ah there we go yeah once you get moving it's not so bad I'm kind of glad I bought like the most powerful truck now I'm not gonna live this truck flipped over and all of the pig feed went flying out I would probably flip my computer desk you freaking ha how much how much pig feed does each Pig thing it's oh my god you've got to be kidding me holy crap look at how much food it can hold that's ridiculous like 58 or 59 or whatever thousand liters is like a tenth full all right well let's up the productivity give him some water as well how much water can you fit in there a crap-ton I assume okay pigs are legitimately insane almost a full tanker of water so it gets us around 89 well 90% productivity as the cleanliness goes down this will drop a little bit all right let me get enough food for all the pig cages pig pens so they can be at at least most productivity and holy crap the slurry goes up quick i severely underestimated just how much work was going to go into dealing with these pigs now we'll find out maybe what like an hour's worth of pig haberdashery is worth I got some pretty bad news for all you pigs your life expectancy is 24 hours well let's Krause doing your Galloway is my pigs doesn't matter if they're short-term loan pigs they're still my pigs okay hey haven't had okay haven't had physics go crazy a little while why did you just try to keep me on my toes I see that's good I've bought so many bags of pig feed that there's no space left to put anything else back at the shop it skip all the space is completely taken up by bags of pig feet oh god I can see it from here isn't that just glorious two gigantic columns of money that has been turned into food for pigs whatever all the pig feed all the pig feed is coming with me I don't know how many times I have it in me to do this how many of these trips I can stomach before I just give up at this point I don't think that the question is can you make money with three thousand pigs I think the question is do you have the intestinal fortitude to do what it takes to keep up with them hi there pigs I'm back did you miss me I've got more pig food your frigging gluttonous scumbags okay so as we all know you have to water your pigs in order to make sure that they grow I've got water in a couple different places I think most of the pigs are watered there maybe like two or three that don't have any water here okay all the pigs have water all the pigs have food now it's just a matter of figuring out the reproduction time I imagine you have to sell some of them off in order for that to open up sorry mr. pig I know you were recently purchased you will be missed next animal in 30 is wait like for real in half an hour oh my god we already have full pigs again alright let's sell five pigs each time here it's a lot of bacon going off for sale Man 1 I got it I got to do some parkour over the pigs over here a lot of bacon going off for sale we'll see if it's worth it okay we sold five pigs from every single pig pen now let's see how long it takes them to refill it's 12:00 news here we go boom three pink progress well because we we burst fifty pigs or something like that so basically in three hours we created five times ten so 50 pigs in three hours we get 900 per pig because we're given a hundred of it back because we're not transport and that's bullcrap we don't have time for that so 900 times 50 not too shabby how about the slurry though that's the other thing every every while this slurry happens so I'm kind of curious how much it's all worth oh yeah you wants you a big-ass slurry tank oh you can pick the colors for this one too we're gonna do bright-ass yellow and yeah another big wiener truck over here all right red and yellow rolling up I'm looking for liquid money baby let's go ahead and start pouring it into the tank right up in here you smell that it smells like Pig chunks and money Wow six pig pens in and we're almost full up and that's it 30,000 litres of slurry in seven pens let's go sell it I guess I don't think you get paid until midnight so we got to wait for our money reminds me you have to buy the biogas plant too yeah see how damp the ground is it is damp with the sensation of the tears of the pigs who we have cause to give up their lives for the benefit of our own capitalistic ventures I feel like if we actually had 300 pigs in here they would be oh that one just climbed right under my feet they would be crawling around on top of each other like stacked on top of one another like dominoes so quiet so peaceful is that pig dead are they sleeping or they finally give up it's totally possible that the pigs have given up their will to live considering they know what the outcome of their stay here is at this point hey Isabella get up come on I know you've still got it in you you got two jobs to eat pig food and drink water and the pig food ain't cheap so get up and keep doing it I just watched the pig fall over I didn't oh well there we go okay so twelve thousand from the biogas and it never changed just there just slowly toppling like as time goes on do they all eventually go to sleep like do all the pigs eventually just pass out the up there goes no there goes a little you ready hose the most powerful Pig who's the roller come on freakin karate kick over here jean-claude Van Damme I've picked I've chosen the most powerful Pig this is legitimately the only Pig that's still standing right now you're really gonna do this to me fall over do it for YouTube I'm gonna sell you alright never mind see that's how you that's how you tame a pig right there they know they're smart I was looking around to see if all the pigs were unconscious and like I saw one lone Pig just standing in the background here and then just as I like charged my way over they went you know freakin ass up in the air who's still squealing did they sleep talk all that food that we got they went through it in one day the ones that still have productivity have generated 7,000 more slurry times 10 so 70,000 liters oh you guys are waking up it's like not even it's not even past midnight I guess pigs only need to sleep for like 30 minutes and they're ready to go again so the question was was worth it to spend ten million dollars getting max pigs probably I think you could make a lot of money on pigs the only issue is can you keep your sanity for the amount of work that it takes to feed and water them all and then go to each pen and sell them and then go to each pen and collect the slurry if you can then you'll probably have stacks this pig over here is glitching out he was breakdancing every now and again now he's very very gently walking away yeah that's gonna be for this episode of farming simulator night til next time folks stay foxy much love [Music] you [Music]
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,055,598
Rating: 4.8507166 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, car simulator, farming simulator 19, farming simulator 19 mods, farming simulator 19 trucks, farming simulator 19 machinery, farming simulator 19 game, farming simulator 19 gameplay, farming simulator 19 download, farming simulator 19 mods pc, farming simulator estancia lapacho, farming simulator pigs, farming simulator 19 pigs, farming simulator animals, farming simulator 19 animals
Id: igaAfv0cFs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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