When You Spend $10,000,000 Farming Potatoes - Farming Simulator 19

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all right so we're back with the only game where the more you break physics the more money you make it's farming simulator 19 I've got two primary goals today the secondary goal is to make a bunch of money selling potatoes and the primary goal is to utilize a grossly inefficient and completely inappropriately large conveyor belt system in order to do so I wanted to be really big if at all possible I eventually want to go across the entire map so in order to do something this ridiculous we need a lot of money now luckily in farming simulator 19 the developers have enabled a way for us to make a lot of cash very quickly if you want to follow with me you can do so all you're gonna need here is at least $1,000 Britain bucks euros whatever you got and you're going to need to buy yourself a chainsaw mmm there we go it really doesn't matter which one but I would pick this steel next you're gonna want to go into town once here go ahead and find someone that looks fairly well-to-do there's a nice gentleman right there now at this point you may want to lower your headphone volume down to about 10% of its normal volume so you prepare your chainsaw wrap it up and then and that's really all there is to it make sure to let me know in the comments section below how much money do you manage to get utilizing this method anyway I'm with the I'm with the build here so potatoes start with a pea pain-in-the-ass starts with a pea and we're gonna need a bunch of items in order to make this work over to the tractors we need something massive because we're gonna be hauling like a lot of super heavy equipment oh sure yeah this one's red and red means it goes faster go ahead and soup up that engine might tell you something farming is a very violent sport all right this looks this looks like something that you would take to war potatoes are living creatures too alright they just don't scream when we rip them out of the ground all right so we're gonna go ahead and load this demonic entity up because we've got to bring it over to our first field now the first field that we went ahead and purchased isn't very far away I decided to have something somewhat close to the bakery so we went ahead with this one over here so this I don't know how many conveyor belts this will take to go straight from here to the bakery area probably not that many of them alright so how good is this thing at going offroad I'm very curious yep can basically climb a vertical surface fantastic Oh barbecue later you're so good with physics I love you so much oh those wily Duke boys are at it again here we go case you were wondering what the inside of a half a million dollar machine looks like ah this is pretty much it quite comfy alright so Leslie over there is doing their thing as they do plowing down the previous potentially money-making field but we don't need that everyone in Europe is going to learn to live on potatoes so help me God that's right Leslie put your back into it make that beautiful machine hum man that thing is dangerous looking all righty potatoes go alright so while our two minions are breaking their back in like almost a million dollars of hardware so that we don't have to now it's time to start setting up the conveyor belt system and while we're at I think I'm gonna buy a pickup I'm up truck there's the drunken John Deere as you guys so lovingly put it in the comments section we'll go ahead and keep that now the only reason I picked this is because it's top speed is really good and apparently it doesn't care about terrain either that's how you fly that's how you fly in farming simulator 19 alright so we're just going to bring this completely safely right over here there we go looking back at this I think I completely underestimated how many belts this was going to take alright we've got a lot of money so I think we need a different tractor it's getting close to Christmas so we might as well go green for this one alright yeah this seems like a great idea I can't I can't see this going wrong in any kind of way far in the distance our two minions are still hard at work you're doing a pretty good job too look at this look at how uniform look at how glorious considering I'm going to be moving a bunch of these I can't seem to figure out a way to get I can get them connected when they're not attached to a farming instrument but when they're attached to this they won't I can't move like a bunch of them I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of wondering if I could just find a way to pay someone off to deliver these things right over by the farm because moving them back and forth is gonna be a real pain in the ass alright we've got a few conveyor belts down we're gonna need a lot more oh also how's our potatoes doing cuz it looks like they're almost ready to be harvested which is good because I need to test out whether or not this conveyor belt work appropriately mmm perfect so we haven't thrown down enough money yet so another half a million remember I said everything looks like a giant war machine yeah oh yeah that is a lot of french fries man it's just just flat JPEGs of potatoes there's nothing there's nothing to it it's just plain to watch there's still third dimension it's just a flat strip of potatoes that moment when you realize how lazy you are in farming simulator 19 yeah so this is happening I have to go fill it up with a bunch more potatoes but here's what's going on right now so basically this gigantic Frankenstein of a conveyor system goes all the way through town kind of hooks around here like so skip a deuce over this way and ends up at the end of our field so the plan is I'll be able to slap down tons of potatoes over here this thing will start picking it all up and it'll continue to feed delicious potatoes all the way over into the area now there is something of an issue here when I hooked up however many freaking conveyer belts that is I don't even know how many that is when I hook them up slowly over time they kind of started to warp and glitch because things and now the initial conveyor belt is kind of levitating off the ground but I don't know maybe it'll still work alrighty so if I do this oh I slapped it and it kind of hit the ground well that worked out well if I do this do good things happen let's find out oh yes perfect [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right so things are doing well we need to find a way to make like a much larger pile of potatoes though oh yeah oh it's perfect I just wish that there was a way to automate this thing over here so it would follow this is gonna be a lot of freaking potatoes see the big problem with the potatoes besides taking forever to boil instead it fills up the harvester like really fast this field is also gigantic so one pass on the field fills up the harvester there we go got it on cruise control it's a little fire and forget it now awesome now I can walk away and go get a sandwich and when I come back we'll have delicious potatoes to sell all throughout Europe I like the looks of that right there it looks like the slaughter of potatoes and the making of money so this is what it's like to rain potatoes you can see how high-def the potatoes are very lifelike have you ever seen a rain of potatoes look so realistic smells fresh ever thought I'd drown in potatoes that's effectively what's happening right now we got a lot of potatoes to go there's still plenty of space in this friggin thing I cannot believe how many potatoes this thinkin well to be fair it's a Semite Leslie how you doing stoic as always I can only imagine what's going through her head if she never sees another potato it'll probably be too soon now my plan is if I can stomach it without going completely insane winded like throw myself into an auger is that we have the conveyer belts going down the entire map to the furthest point actually hold on let's find something out here the next field is over here and then over here can we buy these like right now yeah buy this too and this I want all the land in between there we go farming simulator nineteen working perfectly got a little bit of a clipping but it's no big deal okay maybe we have a lot of clipping the potatoes are blowing out the side of the semi is it just me or does this look really distressing just open your mouth and catch all the extras we might fill this trailer up this pass I'm really looking forward to it I was waiting to fill this thing up entirely before we drop it all over at the conveyer belt because I really want to know how much you get for a full semi-trailer potato now obviously we could wait until the price goes up but I'm not that stingy I just I just want to know now ah man so close just getting the last little bit the last few taters got to shove them in there and we are finally freaking full good if I tip this thing over and send all the potatoes flying I'm gonna feel real bad okay I don't know I think that's a pretty good position let's freakin do this there it goes hold on oh you have me inside for it unload completely all right hold on keep it going keep all those yes keep the storm of potatoes flying out oh it is everywhere it's starting to lift up my ramp my conveyor belt well there's still plenty to go so got another 10,000 that it is a pile of potatoes if ever I did see one if you look far enough you could actually see all the way to the end over there how long does it take before the money starts rolling in hope everyone likes a little bit of exhaust with their potatoes oh there goes the money there she goes so right here this is the life of a potato we can follow it through its journey see goes down the road way right over here back it up traffic like 30 cars deep everyone's laying on their horn listen I'm making money here people deal with it you can actually outrun the potatoes if you do this and then finally this is where it all ends up in the middle of the void I don't know how but the the potatoes are getting suctioned from the pile I I'm not gonna question it I should probably buy a leveler so that if the potatoes get spilled out too far we can kind of like push it into the conveyer belt there were a couple plots of land on this side that I didn't know I thought we should go ahead and take care of it I just kind of wanna bump it over to the side a little bit just to see if it can get extra potatoes there we go a couple extra more twelve thousand not bad cutting trees is probably still better there we go now we're getting some of the rest of the potatoes although make it the most amount of money wasn't really the point the real point was this insanity making this gigantic sadness thing got most of the potatoes I mean there's still a couple on the ground but for the most part it picked up quite a few spent about 10 million dollars and this is what we've accomplished I think I think it was money well spent I'm just following the last remnants of sweet delicious potatoes these potatoes are so tiny they like really petite potatoes so another $161 I'm happy with the work we just need to keep heading that way with more and more conveyor belt I know folks hope you enjoyed this episode of farming simulator 19 still next time stay foxy much [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,214,911
Rating: 4.5797825 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, car simulator, farming simulator 19, farming simulator 19 mods, farming simulator 19 trucks, farming simulator 19 machinery, farming simulator 19 game, farming simulator 19 gameplay, farming simulator 19 download, farming simulator 19 mods pc, farming simulator estancia lapacho, farming simulator potatoes, farming simulator 19 potato, farming simulator 19 potatoes
Id: GyvNYcnbDcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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