When You Do "Medical Experiments" on Humanoids in Algodoo

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so do you remember that one time we played this educational game called alga do ya the one where you can simulate physics yeah well it's not really a game but this guy's got bowels which is kind of gross like goodbye oh yeah well and then there's his brain we just ripped out of his face his eyes disappeared well yeah whoa I just slingshot in his eyes away that was awesome probably wanted to try to end this guy's life in as many ways as possible now there are some good ones we did try some very simple things in the last video like like you know driving over him with gigantic machines oh yes oh that was glorifying is that a word glorifying I think it just made that one up and even dropping our friend on gigantic ice block of spike ulid all right in the eyeball yeah we did it but there are many many many more ways to kill a human and I'm not you know I'm not an expert on it by any means nor do I ever really want to because I'd be kind of weirded and spend the rest of my life in prison but I always liked the idea of our friend going bungee jumping and watch all of his little gooey parts fall out of them and then accidentally turning on something that says cutter on a laser pin right in the crotch oh oh oh destroy again yes that was great Wow we just destroy the entire maintenance mate matrix that's the word I'm looking for and I think if I do things right I can make a little block those change the color of that and then if I go in here I can make an S word tau apology is for the ugliness of it it'll still do the trick it'll still work wonderfully just you know you know bring you O realize it was that small now if I apply some velocity to it and we put some speed on the old beast and then the angle that way does it does it work if I if I just hit unpause oh it's just it's just straight bounced off his liver there we'll make this one or two steel that's even better aha what a horribly ugly S word sword sword if you didn't catch that an esper okay then we do and then we do the velocities and we do is speed as in multiple meters per second and and activate oh yes well I didn't really go in very far but it's still stuck here wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah no joke that look quite pay oh my word that looked painful hey wait let's do it again and it'll just do a little bit of that and go boot and Japan you know what the backside no oh yeah I'm okay don't worry about me oh no my hand question is can I just clone it oh my kid yes yes and three two one simulation speed lower activate Oh dirty Oh No yes yes got it right the eyeball oh no he severed his leg too and his foot that's kind of rough wonder what happens when all these s words hit the ground oh about this oh man right now his femur even oh that's a pile of gore feel like we just went all medieval on this poor little crash-test dummy and let's change the color of the water to blue so we don't get demonetized yeah even better oh I totally forgot about thrusters or Newtons oh yeah it definitely worked okay cool all right so how do you rocket propelled swords destroy a body that's a good question thank you for asking simulation speed low oh and that's as slow as it can go oh yes you know what let's just try one side cuz two sides is a little bit too violent for YouTube we can't allow that to happen again yeah like it was arm just stayed there all right so you go 1 times 1 times you're ready for this I bet if you blink yep Oh Justin Gore puddle of gore I love it and I just liquefy these swords what happens if I do that that was cool I just splatter him with sword puddle that was awesome yeah okay okay you know what let's just delete these they were fun but not nearly as fun as a stone mall that still mall looks pretty sweet so let's put this guy chained up to here I don't know what will happen we'll see oh there's a chain stuck it is Oh it is Oh my cat will come back a little bit and swing batter batter batter batter boom yes oh why why do I have a hanging upside down that looks a little bit maybe painful that's okay he's just a crash-test dummy Oh big swing coming up and Fred slam spinal cord that was amazing he's like screaming in pain as his brain flies out in a pile of jell-o and here comes this is a good one this is good what this is a good one oh right and kneecaps boom oh that's too bad no joke this might be one of my new favorite ways to kill the crash-test dummy all that look quite painful right in the chest cavity oh that was amazing so let's just say temporarily we remove that and then we make a new one with a giant spike on the front well that's so ugly I'm the best at making ugly hammers and then we'll fix them together like so we'll change this material to steel oh yes gold the gold would be good because it's SuperDuper heavy and dense and has more mass so I'll just swing you will just swing you back oh this could be a good one huh perfect oh this might not be perfect oh this might be perfect oh it's gonna swing perfectly at the right time oh no your Cubs kidney I don't know right ribcage kidneys are back here does this thing have kidneys hold up a second do you have kidneys do you have a kidney in there somewhere oh no oh yes sir I gotta I gotta see if you have kidneys in there somewhere oh there's a heart I don't think he had kidneys look at his mouth in this picture he's like incoming round two oh hey I wonder if we switch it I bet it's still the same sharpness don't worry my friend we're not gonna hang you upside down anymore no no no we don't need to do that in fact it's just time for you to lay down and take a little nap you've had a hard day you'll be why is your arm falling through the table that's not okay it'll be fine it'll be all right I'll put you on a glass table with steel legs there we go how's that look he loves it he's so proud of himself so next we need to give him a little pad like this thing and then another one right here and we'll make a super duper duper strong chain attach that to his jaw attach that to femur beautiful I don't actually know if that works yeah nope about to his little leg right there is that better hey that's better Oh everybody okay you know what we'll just go on the outside that'll do better there we go yes oh I love it and then we'll put one of these things here go that way and one of these things here to go that way of course we have to change the forces like so and slowed Oh slowed down the simulation speed Wow okay maybe we don't need that much force we really don't know maybe we'll do half seas here just 20 Newtons there that's better ah see that's much better it's like it's still going get ready we'll just try that again this one's not nearly as fun as I thought it would be activate oh there goes so slow this time it's because everyone's the motion whoa yay where'd it go whoops I won't touch this one to his pelvis and this one to his femur and this one to his heart because why not and activate oh those are falling they're not supposed to fall that's the wrong way you're going backwards step better oh this heart exploded okay I don't have enough thrust on these guys that gonna work oh why did you blow up so fast there we go now what's going oh wow where'd the table go I don't really know that was too cool do it again except except just rip them apart that worked his head's gone table still exploded man if I want to remove the chain oh there goes what happens if we put the table on top of them like so and let it fall down at normal simulation speed ooh that works good we need more weight it's a good sized box it'll turn into gold because it's super dense and as a high mass ready Oh Oh crushing I'll do it again and gold that works that works and we'll do it again oh yes and again he's not really breaking very much so let's get him a real one this time all right buddy this is the end of you even though your eyeballs turn into puddle of goop ready dad this is probably gonna crash the game didn't break the table but I pushed him through it yeah he turned into a pile of jello oh my word that was a good one now there is something I found in the old scenes scenario here it's called the pain machine that's supposed to be a human is that a human or an alien I'm not exactly sure Wow drill very important - it works from FK works okay we got different surgery things here red one is exploding six and seven oh boy oh boy the sickle shredder makes a very bloody track fast starts with alt I don't know what I'm doing alright let's just start over here I guess these hold all to the same time a guillotine starts with control oh my ok enter hit enter I did enter enter space bar oh I have to hit spacebar you gotta kill the alien enter okay now all twerks whoa okay that was cool the control brings down the guillotine uh-huh this thing so how do I get a brain holder yeah that sounds fun how do I get the chair to go back maybe I just tilt it back on my own is that work maybe if I let go of this is it gonna ricochet him up into the future and activate no it didn't oh nice so if I turn down the sickle then that he did it hey are you ready are you ready and where'd you go oh that was cool and then we'll go back up Oh No his head turned into a puddle of jell-o whew to the brain holder is a very useful tool moves with the W in the S and the hand works from opening and closing oh and Pete wow those are a lot of words I don't know I mean okay so W oh that goes down and then the oh oh the P nice so I would go down and I would grab his head but I have to move it forward oh look just like that right there right there and then I go I like those little things and then we close it with P uh-huh we'll go up a little bit there it is oh I got it I got it well raise it back up raise them up go back down we got it got to grab on a little better here got to grab on and then we'll close it up real hard just close it yes I got it closed and he died and then there's the robo arm for ammos and one drill moves from left to right ankle moves I don't know what is that English I'm not sure if that's English moves from page up page page up and page down those are even buttons and the home in the end are you kidding me home and end page oh hey let's try it I just can't hit the scroll shift because that's my recording button alright so page up okay that turns back and forth the home and the end is slower and then the number keys number one number one oh hey that was neat number two number three number four those were terrible number five whoa whoa was that number six Oh exploding one and O seven explodes all right there there that's what we do we bring it real close ah-ha and then we can turn it and move it up like this okay that works and then if I hit number six whoa I exploded well that kind of did work okay one two three four nice that was cool I like that I need to figure out that thing is a status there's also alien surgery menus takes organs I don't know if I want to play with these these are a little bit too much for blitz don't mind okay we got a club kills stuff easily we'll just bring that over here and we'll bring it down disease these work and Club up Oh yep that works that totally works also there's supposed to be two things are there things in the box maybe they're just hats is it a hat it's a cooler where your organs are supposed to go I get it we did forget about this tool to the drill nope nope nope nope nope stay forward Oh nope nope all right I'm just gonna move you slightly forward we need to get your head in the clamp before we can drill you properly and then we'll go down a little bit sorry little alien bro I'm so sorry there got a clap did real good now I need to do this thing I wonder if I can do it doesn't go up hmm well ant that that that that duck and then we'll shoot all three of them at the same time activate boo and then we'll hit this one there it goes and it's just gonna blow up I didn't do anything I just want to try it oh yes oh it works it works Oh for alien in his little beaver teeth dad dad all right so we'll try this one more thing I want to use this guy over here but I gotta get this thing out of the way first we'll just kind of bring that way out of the way like so then I have to hit the f4 the number 5 key and that should launch some sort of projectile oh it works alright slow motion whoa that's on super slow motion activate a Fudd game ok bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,105,796
Rating: 4.8701844 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, algodoo, algodoo game, algodoo gameplay, algodoo human, algodoo marble, algodoo marble race, physics game, simulation game, simulation, soft body physics, algodoo destruction, algodoo highlights, vehicle sandbox, sandbox games, destruction, vehicle crashing, physics sandbox, algodoo 2020, algodoo car crash, algodoo contraption, physics, game physics, realistic crashes, human sandbox, people playground, dec2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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