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[Music] no.4 please don't let me drop please I'm too young to die or that it's very high that it's very high Ford please don't drop me please don't drop me please no I don't wanna die Oh would you look at that there's new maps over here I think I need to scream this updates my name on twitch is wacky cast Go Go follow me because I don't have a Streamy schedule anyway let's go straight into museum basements and as per every video that I do I just want to point out that please keep the bone work suggestions in the bone works videos if you post any of those suggestions in any other videos I will just ignore you and I will delete the comment I feel like I need to point this out in every video because I still see them popping up and I don't want that so just just bone works just Justin bone works ok we go cheap be good ok alright now before I even start what the what the hell is this what is moto disk what is even I can with this oh boy what is this it's not working I'm being what is this even doing killing can I stick my face in here Oh brah those are headphones I can put oh ok that's pretty cool I don't want them music down so these can stay stay over there anyway let's go straight into the comments shall we could you defeat 34 words with only a sword coud I defeat sir what kind of question is that course I can defeat 30 that is like the dumbest thing I've ever heard let me just show you how quick and easy it is to do we have 30 forts and just to make things a little bit more interesting we gonna grab their attention look it's always fun so it's so fun to watch them you know turn around there you go have a pistol I'll even drop it over there and Vinnie of you was to pick it up I doubt you want to only a sword oh this is all so new we can see what's gonna be spawned now that is pretty freaking awesome why the hell is this and why does he have a crown on it anyway that's not the point I need to defeat 30 swords so I said swords when I need Ford's okay big massive swoops oh [ __ ] dang it okay this might be a little bit tougher than I thought no it won't hey did you see him with through his face ah yeah actually because this comes as a sword it's technically a claymore boom okay he's actually pretty sturdy I'm truly amazed at the fact that he can sometimes just continue moving ah even though I've completely shattered his face look at this Ford such a little goober point stop resisting this is easiness ha ha oh my god perfect [Laughter] oh my god there is actually a massacre over here this happened I'm just getting it you're not even gonna look hey Mikey don't want to look get a bunch of tables and flip them over and try to shoot through them and see if they can kill Ford while using a pistol okay so I understand what you mean you want me to lift like more tables so a few videos ago I I did this exact same thing but I only used one table and now we basically want to find out is more if more tables can can kill afford what do you say two tables let's throw two tables first this is a workout Oh actually I'm an idiot I'm a bloody idiot hey alright so we have two tables and one Ford goodbye let's put one Ford over there and let's take the pistol let's make sure it's loaded and let's see if it goes through two tables it does not go through two tables look at that two tables is the limit you one lucky fella I didn't actually kill you with these oh look a plane you can make things float get a weapon you want to make it float attach a gravity plate on it grab the gravity plate and put it in your inventory while it's attached to the weapon it's a lot of fun you can try web Watts oh wait wait wait wait this needs to be tested okay so we can make anything float right so let's let's grab this murder weapon of mine and let's plunk it down on the table that we can actually use like that okay now we need the gravity plate okay so let's activate the gravity plate nice okay and then we put the gravity plate on me did that work oh my god it actually worked this sword is floating oh my god that is one hell of a thing man seriously oh yeah so I this sword is now in zero gravity oh that is freaking fantastic man that is one hell of a good tip now we can basically improve on all of our murder technique entertainment techniques and like add this to it so this is now it's completely we can just bunk it away and it will fly all my dear god I'm just wondering can I close this on to a Ford and then put this on my back and Ford's gonna be weightless so let's try that hey go alright so I put this on my back is for now weightless he's a lot easier to lift no I don't think that worked I don't think I can make Ford weightless but can we make the table weightless yes we can the table is weightless oh my god that is fun that is properly fun can we make this weightless oh my god I made this weightless as well oh this is fun kablammo and then we can just push this away we can just do this and it's gonna float up into the air and it never can die I know I I kind of feel like that's a bug but I do hope they never fix it because that [ __ ] is funny make a bunch of weightless swords and throw them at Ford so it looks like he says sneeze in the matrix well this is freaking fantastic it's like you guys are reading your comments and replying them with other suggestion that can work with said comments so we should like spawn a Ford right over there okay for buddy hi hello hi sup I'm gonna make you look like you're in the matrix we're gonna do like five swords or so and I know that we can spawn like claymores we form five of them yes more know five sorts okay and then we're gonna make all of these claymores weightless oh no I don't want I don't want to attach it to the ground the table is still up there floating that's pretty cool okay so one two three four other fifth Claymore is just not here anymore oh there it is it's low it's floating up in the air for you where's my gravity on ya me y'all we took a while but we have five swords now that are weightless so we're just gonna put them ever so close to all this is gonna be one tedious thing to do man I don't think I'm gonna be able to put all the swords here because they're gonna fly around oh my god this is super tediousness you know what let's just leave it like that boom okay fort is definitely in the matrix I cannot align these are properly man I am so sorry this is not gonna even happen I do love the fact that we can make floating swords though that is that is probably the best thing I've seen ever try killing forward by smashing the VR headsets in his head what do you mean smashing the VR headset in his head so like this one should I just try and kill afford by smashing this in his head is this even VR headset oh it's most definitely is because this is the lovely view okay right so I know that I said that I probably wouldn't gonna kill you did I say that I can't really tell anymore cuz it's you know we've been through so much but these blades are floating here and all it's everything everything so cinematic especially with 30 dead Ford's here but I'm gonna smash this helmet on your face until you die here we go here we go okay so long story short headset whose Forge head no work oh I just what happened to your face man what have I done with your face okay um you see this blade you see this blade there you go that's what I thought I couldn't kill forward with the headset so I had to smash a blade in his face you guys get that right go there you go we can toss things so far wait water those there's like some taller tower parts on top oh my god I need to stream this so bad feel forged mouth with bullet shells if you can't use a living for use a dead Ford okay so this comment was originally posted in Finnish for those of you don't know I'm Finnish they're gonna in the future keep the comments in English because I want as many people as possible to understand what's going on all right this is just for the sake of everybody see much easier that way okay so they are flying off slightly backwards like that okay got it got it got it we can definitely make this work but I think I need a dead Ford for it to work however for the sake of trying things out we gonna do it on an alive for it first hey there man so if you would be so kind as to slightly gape a little bit oh that went right past you now and also right past you can we please just get can we get one bullet in your mouth one come on oh it's going in but it's not staying there so we need to use it on a dead Ford how in the world is this even gonna UPS oh not that he Minds he's pretty much oh sorry it's pretty much dead alright so let's just as far as I can tell the bullets are just bouncing off his face I was really hoping I was gonna work that would have been a fun thing to do however I can put I can't put the gun in his like like this I've done this many times and we can just kill afford stat on top of him then attach balloons to his dead corpse and see if you can make an airship so basically we're gonna make a dead Ford airship and I like that idea but you might hate it you know why this is why what Duff what the hell now I'm not even gonna use him because he's so like within stuff here so let's see we can make this Ford into an airship dead for an airship see if we can stand on top of him without him moving too much I'm standing on top of him I'm standing on top of Ford okay here we go this is gonna be very meticulousness so he's falling over dang it okay first off I need to make sure that he can actually live turns out that all the balloons that I can spawn is not gonna be able to leave Ford off this looks hilarious from a distance so what we need to do is we need to get the gravity plate and we need to stick it to Ford hang on so now he's much lighter which shouldn't turn make him able to float up what the hell do I know Ford you should be able to float are you so heavy that you're not able to float when you're dead anymore oh there we go no he's floating off no he's floating up okay I'm just gonna grab Ford and we're gonna see if we can lift myself up while I'm holding onto Ford it's not an air shape but I doubt the airship would be able to work oh we're so close we're so close come on lift me up Ford I'm gonna attach balloons to your pot you're gonna become a sensational tick-tock oh yeah hey I'm holding onto Ford and we're lifting up oh we're like we're like brothers look at this I can hold his arm no please don't let me truck I'm too young to die all that it's very high that it's very high Ford please don't drop me please don't drop me please no I don't wanna die I can climb up your face I can climb yeah there you go oh you're not gonna drop me down I'm gonna punch you into your dead first you know what we don't die together we good I don't I can't actually destroy the balloons but I can do this we can make the balloon spawn somewhere else okay we're gonna die together I'm gonna slam your face into the wet your face where's your face there it is I can see your face they go face-first and off you go [Music]
Channel: WhackyCast
Views: 641,679
Rating: 4.8963099 out of 5
Keywords: boneworks, boneworks vr, boneworks vr physics, boneworks vr sandbox, boneworks sandbox, boneworks physics, boneworks vr sandbox gameplay, boneworks vr game, boneworks game, boneworks vr sandbox physics, boneworks vr ford, whackycast, wacky cast, boneworks funny moments, funny vr moments, best vr game 2020, boneworks vr new update, boneworks vr gun range, boneworks vr update, boneworks vr gravity
Id: v4uyOODiIcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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