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I should have downloaded a mod that turns this pistol to a spit just everywhere oh my god I'm assuming that I oh shoot oh good luck catching me don't you just love the lovely outdoors we have here and I just want to take this moment before we jump headfirst into the video to say thank you to everybody who has decided to subscribe to the channel I really do appreciate it a lot of you've done it because they asked you to and I I really like it don't you did Ford uh if you don't turn around now I'll shoot you in the back of the head with my finger pistols and joke's on you they actually work what a thunk it I have finger pistols anyway enough of this nonsense let's girls good torture Ford some oh oh don't forget to subscribe so yes these finger guns of mine are actually a new mark that I've just installed and you can get mods for bone works as well if you go to I think it's bone tone calm I'll leave a link in the description below and if I haven't there's probably a pin comment with it and if I've forgotten please remind me in the comments below before we do all kinds of noises here I've downloaded a mod that allows me to save and load levels this means that technically if you guys wanted to make me a specific level you could do that and you can send that level to me and I can load it up and I can play around with what you have created so if you like this idea drop a like in this video download the mod make yourself a level join my discord and send me the file so that I can make a video with your guys creations I'm pretty sure if anybody you need any help with that just join my discord and there's a few guys over there that a really really bone works handy and they can give you a little bit of a help on how to install stuff so that's what I would like and please if you do decide to do it you this level the sandbox the museum sandbox that's the one it used this one and just build all kinds of bulky stuff and I'll check that out in a in a future video now apparently also I should have downloaded a mod that turns this pistol OS spit just everywhere oh my god my hand is all wet and stuff doctors this pistol into a grappling hook and we're gonna try that out right now so I just I'm assuming that I just shoot oh okay release the grapple hook released about how did oh crap wait come on oh I think I really need to got the thing in that oh that will make it that'll do it come on just do it how hard is it to do this release it shoot a new one okay the pistol is Bork let's just leave it up there it is but a tiny white speck on the wall I don't really care see if it works with her it does oh my god okay so there we go all right so we cook it back and that releases the grappling hook now my question is if I'm the heavier object will it drag stuff to me yes it will now you all know if you've watched my videos you know where this is going right we can we don't have to try this out on the Ford isn't that right we're gonna have to grapple on through a Ford and we're gonna see what happens because that's gonna be a lovely little thing to do so let's just do your Tilly's Ford but a baby there you go he has a hundred HP that is totally fine buddy hello right you are gonna be the subject for my my grappling hook No if I can just hit your face I would love that come on yes I have you grappled can I do stuff the grappling hook definitely works I think yeah pull him I want to pull him over whoo or I know okay you know these finger guns man they they have a lot of a lot of push to them like look at that oh my god these finger guns are amazing anyway we need a new test subject because the one well he he straight-up dead alright so let's go a little bit further away and if I do this hopefully the pulling strength will be more so he will be pulled towards me here we go boom yes it worked haha I did it I'm pulling forward oh yeah this is like a spider-man mod but it's you know it's not easy dad he did I can probably aim at that yellow thing up there and just drag it over oh my god there you go the only thing I want is a quicker release so for example pressing with the thumb or something so we could just do that and then press and it would release stop and I would I would like that would add so much but for the time being this is gonna have to do I think I've wrapped up my super strength to even more so why don't we quickly put that to the test as well so punch oh yeah okay yes all right I added a couple of zero so I think my I think my strength right now is I think I'm approximately a million times stronger than the Hulk boom alright yep and I'm flying up to the roof I love these things oh I wish the bullets flew a little bit further and longer and faster but you can't have everything in this world you can't have the cake in 82 or you can't eat the cake and have it too I don't know how the saying goes whatever you guys know what I mean boom yes oh cheese is loud this is the quickest thing man holy crap the one thing that I want to know is does it work with the other pistol as well because if it does I could use two pistols and kind of spider-man this thing according to my calculations I should now have two grappling hooks ready to go yes son and it's actually keeping me in between the two but now I have a little bit of a problem because I can't I need to release one to be able to talk okay you don't want us to do that it's I don't see the white line I think it's Bork oh it's definitely you know it's fine it's whatever I think I've messed around for myself right now I'm gonna go straight into the comments and we're gonna see what you guys have told me to do please guys if you're still watching leave your thoughts in the comments below I read through almost everyone but I only pick the ones that kind of stand out a little bit so if you see another comment that looks cool then click the thumbs up button on that one so it rises up above everything else and we can do the best of the best together a touch a sword in the wall and then punch Ford in it with the super strength okay well you can do that alright and then let's jam this one straight through like that and stay stay in there okay nice alright that's the sword now we need a Ford I'd like well that rhymed oh I should have been a rapper here we go spawn him right over there he has a hundred HP that should be more than enough what up son okay so he didn't see the sword behind you did you I hope you didn't okay so now we're gonna enable super strength are you ready here we go I think I have a million times two straight to poke so let's see now boom oh it only did six damage and the sword even pierced him look at that oh he's dying no no no no no no no oh I'm gonna give that one more go so slipper slow-motion this time I'm gonna punch your face onto that sword oh no oh my god no I missed eat it I think for dead [Music] boy do I have a surprise for you say hello to hundred thousand HP Ford this little bastard over here you're never gonna die so let's see how much HP I can scrape off your face with a super punch straight to your chin at full speed hoorah that's basically nothing these gracious as ever that's what I thought huh you mad no bruh you might know bruh he's not even what are you mad now now he's mad yeah yeah just go right ahead punch me a couple of times and then we'll be friends there you go yeah from Psychopaths to friendly neighbor 14 like a split second you are bipolar my friend can you Mack strength out and punch forward across the map I don't think I'll be able to punch him across the map but I think I will be able to punch him quite far so let's go I think my super strength is maxed out so Oh No he flew straight into the pole ah that was a strong punch though but Wow get away shoot your life while he's still alive oh he's mad at Kay just a couple of punches and we'll be good friends there you go alright him I'm gonna punch you one more time and across the level ah that was a good punch that was even though all the way to the cannon I wouldn't try the same thing but this time I want to use the power puncher you're gonna go into three times the slow-motion so now I have the power puncher and super strength mod and you're gonna fly through the level here we go oh yeah oh he flew really far this time to be honest guys I think I will be able to toss for further than punching him so we're gonna give that a go now all right here we go Ford and away oh he didn't go as far as I wanted him to go but you get the idea I could basically you know I mean like I could if I wanted to make a big boy Ford and then find the fastest method to kill him how the hell do you kill a blue Ford with a hundred thousand HP the guy wanted me to make like a five thousand HP Ford but here we have a hundred thousand so I'm gonna count it as a victory if we manage to scrape off five thousand H wait what um turns out the way you kill a Ford with a hundred thousand HP at once he's driving by the crotch and you squeeze so hard he'll start to sing and then he's dead you know what we need to get the trash out of here some point don't we there you go oh yeah massive speed you go I was really hoping that would be more spectacular than that but you know make a circle of Ford's attach thrusters to their hands and make sure that they're holding hands then make the thrust power to 4,000 if possible and sled see some flying Forge okay so the really good thing about this is that none of the Fords will ever die so let's just make a circle of Ford's what sets the power punch here we're gonna wield them hands together Ford hello what's up buddies hello hi you just look at me and turn towards me there we go so now there you go lovely stuff oh this is adorable okay oh my god this is loveliness now we need to attach some clusters to your ass I think I might need to attach the thrusters to your backs no don't turn around why are you looking at me no no no don't start shaking okay okay okay okay I'll stay right here and now we just did touch the thrusters to the Fords there you go I'm gonna attach them at an angle because I want them to kind of spin around in a circle yes I mean that's good enough right it's it's the right way as soon as that idiot just agrees to turn around a little bit okay you know at least Ford's are clumsy and dumb I don't care the which way these thrusters go on them now we have thrusters on every Ford and they're angled at a certain direction so that will make them spin around and let's hope it works so we have five thrusters why don't we make the thrust let's let's start at a measly a thousand shall we let's go okay that's basically just a flaming circle of fire Ford's let's add a little bit more I have years of practice to do this quickly so we went from a thousand thrusts to three thousand I'm just gonna step away a little bit cuz this don't get nasty all right all right they are kind of able to maintain their balance you know yet so now they're just a mess though now they're just a pile of mess you know what will make this even funnier that's right adding a whole lot of thrust we have five thousand thrust now good luck catching me don't know what they're about to do that is just lovely I don't think I will be able to make these guys fly anytime soon because they're stuck in a circle of doom and just go ahead just try and punch me buddy try and punch me yeah what are you gonna do huh there you go but you know what I think this is a perfect way to end the video if you guys want to see some weird and wacky things that I do leave your thoughts in the comments below and leave a like on the video and subscribe if you haven't so you won't miss the future upload it's not what people say I don't know what people say I've never done this I'm dumb like that you know I'm dumb like that I do like a good Fords as though
Channel: WhackyCast
Views: 690,960
Rating: 4.9253364 out of 5
Keywords: boneworks, boneworks vr, boneworks vr mods, boneworks vr grappling hook, boneworks vr spiderman, boneworks vr best mods, boneworks vr new mods, whackycast, wacky cast, boneworks modded, modded boneworks
Id: PNAtHaCWzqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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