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[Music] oh bone works feels like it's been an eternity since i've been in you ford now ford he's not here to turn off the ambient trovel in the comedic manner ford where are you broth we gotta do that what are you doing back there okay so get out here what are you doing come on sorry about that well you shouldn't have been ahoy and we riding for we gotta do the intro get up remember i still have your family bring me to the second season welcome back to a hallway video we are back with some more boats get out of my face we are back with some more boneworks mods for you today concave you have just wronged me and told me there's a ford that's just had an accident and we really need to uh figure out what's wrong with him and then fix him like we do concavia's going to be it's obviously not that guy there's no coming back from that you know if you're on your channel make sure to subscribe check that bell let's get straight into this ford where's concavia conkey there you are come over here bro it's an emergency we gotta go get on the ring i get on this windows 92 pc see where a betsy ambulance is see if he's already here all right we got we got to get ready for it what's this on your desk what's this thing we don't like like stupid around here bruv come on let's go we're professionals oh god the table's not even ready all this stuff's on the table okay what did he say [Music] okay said he's a heavy set male all right we'll uh we'll double the table up then there we go let's get the ecg machine set up here there we go conkey get up something belt we got work today i know it's monday but come on so give me the sip wrap he's coming in he's coming in there i can hear him hey there he is sir sir we need to get a trolley don't we do it do it don't hit him you idiot what are you doing to the shelves all the tools are on the ground hey sir sir you've been in an accident okay he's you've been in an accident come here don't get him concave you're back off come on you need to get on here you're not as heavy set as i thought we may need to knock him out concave yeah use the anaesthetic on him that's right yeah we're on the top of the head beautiful and again yeah keep doing it oh beautiful nice one concave concave is always here when you need the anaesthetics let's get him on the table right now concavia right he's in critical condition you look really angry concave you're right that time of the month get him on here there we go beautiful cracker yeah we're getting a little coyote adjustment while we're here why not oh god i've got a broken ankle survey and see what injury why are you looking at me like that i'm not happy about your attitude lately coming in late to work on a monday it's like 3 p.m it's got to be up by 7 broth all right all right let's blast some ambient trovel through his skull it didn't do anything concave you get the weapon i mean uh tools get the tools bring this table over here we'll put this little desk at the end of his uh hospital table i'm glad you're helping me move maybe i'll smash you in the face with this thing you coming to help now she's finally ready to help you had your chocolate biscuits this morning you're very cranky can't be asked to move this i'm just going to use the dev manipulator to get it into place oh i just broke his ankle so there we go yeah pin his legs just in case he wakes up all right go over it you need to go this side bring some more of your nurses in all right you're gonna need to hold him down all right stay there then jesus christ okay we need a nurse uh at the top of the ecg machine hello hello nurse what's your name penelope beautiful nurse penelope and then we've got uh another doctor in the room just in case things go haywire it never does though uh dr seuss i love your movies how many times can i do that joke infinity geezer okay so what we have here is a heavyset male uh came in very confused concavia gave him the anaesthetic he needed on the top of his head there uh we need to figure out what's wrong with him he's obviously got broken foot we've got an epic new mod to use to uh investigate and operate uh just one second one second that dr seuss okay concave so the fbi have been in touch with me just now they said this guy was climbing up walls and like shooting lasers out of his eyes so what we need to do is we need to do a little experiment with this mod that fbi gave me right in a nice little package we're going to use that to uh to figure out what's going on here all right okay we're gonna use a special new tool that we've just introduced to uh to operate on this man we're gonna see what's wrong with him all right dr seuss uh penelope stay tuned stay frosty concave yeah can you bring in the uh the new experimental uh diddly daddly do oh you've got it right there oh beautiful so uh this my friends and people watching at home this is uh the wolverine mod give it to me give it give it to me give it to me bruv toddy here we go we got a few more here let's just uh grab these now sometimes uh you can hold them like this all right sometimes you can hold them this way it's it's up to it's up to whoever's wielding them at the time or i don't want to see any comments are you going yeah i would never be clueless wrong sometimes i like old number one oh by the way concavio we're gonna do some viewer suggestions in this people seem to like that and the views are low at the moment you stay there with yours just in case we need them uh well just put that one in the guy's knee for a minute okay so we're just going to experiment on you sir i mean operate on you wink wink let me let me just get on top of the table leon yeah i need a better look at things don't you do i see you writing something down you better watch it okay i'm just gonna look in your mouth now sir i know i'm talking to him you can hear me and then just uh let's just put this right in there you gotta dig right to the back there we go it's coming out the back of his head now beautiful are you are you better now now that doesn't seem to [ __ ] that doesn't seem to fix the problem okay now i concave you go over here you have a go with him i jab at him jab at him give me your hand they'd be scared no one's going to tell you off go over here with that move stab him right in the balls or something ah yeah look at that oh you've got him on the rib oh my god and there's concavia what are you doing to the patient check her in here sorry about that she's a bit uh angsty at the moment oh god do you see that that counter punch i've been teaching her mma lately oh i ran too quick dr seuss are you okay one second doctor suits stay there nurse penelope dr seuss wants a word with me come on dr seuss [Music] the fbi told me about you okay dr seuss has got tommy troubles he's had to go okay battery's gone in my controller concavity get me a new one okay so we're going to put this uh right here all right for the fbi uh uh the uh operation society of health uh then we're just gonna get this and we're gonna transfer this we're gonna make him tv head it's going to be awesome trust me do you want to move the ecg machine at penelope there we go turned him into an android you see that pretty cool right get off the table you should be all right now bro it doesn't seem to be okay uh i'll just get rid of him chuck him in the trash or something what's that you just say to me you ain't telling no one bro oh oh she's hitting me she hit me a concave you get her get this [Applause] let's do some viewer suggestions so we can't give you away oh [ __ ] i don't think they were sharp on that end sorry broth okay if you come back to life please another one i've got plenty of them concave oh nice dance so darling come here come here i'd look nipples today our first suggestion comes from mikey mac alright he wants me to try and kill a ford with magazines it's easy brother all the time by accident look at him douchebag yeah yes and now you're attached to the table and you know what i'm going to attach you to the ecg machine too there we go gonna beat him to death with a magazine now magazine of choice nice little nine mil you want some ah get up i cut it oh we need a bigger magazine hang on control this girl again that's right i could do this one-handed i could do this with one ant i bought my back broth backhand oh god look at the state of his face there's no way you can go you can't go anywhere oh god look at the state of him and jam it in his eyes harder than i thought there we go he's been done in you see that that was all done with this bit of metal didn't even have to shoot a bullet date of him oh he's still trying to fight look even in death what a mess oh god look at his wrist oh he broke his rick come over and have a closer look con caviar you're being a right wuss lately it's funny eh here we go mikey that's what happens when you beat someone up the magazine oh there's my other magazine anyway from gave your next suggestion come true what are you doing ralph you got your head your hair gel stuck to the table so sean cut shell look at me when i'm talking to you sean cotshell wants me to attach five forwards to a ball and then put him up in the air with me and then drop them on some knives and spikes we haven't done a nice ball of forwards in a while you you stay there and try and sort yourself out this one quivering yeah i'll give you a sharp i'm trying to concentrate come on then let's start sorry about this but it's gotta be done there we go look at his chin looks like leafy see that bloke over there look at this guy's chin i want you to stretch your leg real high here got your little foot see there we go attach it here tell you what these guys are nimble concaviar okay if you're still over there having a nap lazy [ __ ] the ball of madness returns yes the ball of madness i need to roll you over guys all right stay loose what the hell's happened to this man oh this guy's going eight he's possessed by the devil you're scary man the guy looked insane tell you what this is always a treat seeing my forge doing what they love just playing with balls look at this one he's in a seated position concave yeah do you want to join in i'm not sure what's going on with these two this is the leg attached concave you want to get in on this come on you and your table need to find some room for concavia guys all right be nice be nice to her she's new at this all right now we need to make oh god i'm trapped in with them okay the ball of madness is complete as you can see everyone's really enjoying themselves here really enjoying themselves except this blokey i'm not sure boys why are you a part of this okay i think this is the most knives we've ever had no i want you there we go oh god got that guy's head and then we grab the nimbus gun and we get all the way up to the top of the roof completely missed sorry about that lads that was my bad go oh god that look at that bloody samurai sword that went wrong this guy's there oh dude sorry about that yes i bet we finish off with me versus 20 douchebag fords with wolverine claws let's do this i reckon you're still alive now they're actually all dead from that what you're gonna do when in bone works right let's do this come on bro yeah you want some you want some too you can't so let me give you an aircraft you'll never forget ah oh in his face and then he's there i'll just stop them what are you gonna do what you gonna do brother [Music] i'm finishing you mate wanna get finished like the rest of your lads i'll walk home if i were you ah you remember having a cup of tea with him weeks ago [Music] anyway guys hopefully you enjoyed if you want to see some more boneless mods let me know in the comments below any suggestions no matter how silly they are comment down below because you may be featured in the next video thanks for watching i'll see you in the next one thank you to all the members that have joined the channel thank you to antonio raphael chris cat missouri mike alex blanchett mitchell boy michael durst and ellen johansen if you want to become a member just click on that little join button below it helps support the channel and you can get rewards such as little sexy things next to your name in the comments shout outs at the end of the video and the top tier i will roast your friends on a
Channel: Walk The Plank
Views: 249,881
Rating: 4.8913426 out of 5
Keywords: boneworks, boneworks vr, boneworks vr mods, boneworks mods, boneworks vr hacks, boneworks hacks, boneworks vr game, boneworks vr weapons, boneworks vr new weapons, boneworks vr secrets, boneworks sandbox, walk the plank, walk the plank vr, best boneworks mods, wrestling in boneworks, ford, boneworks weapons, game show, boneworks gameshow, wolverine, wolverine claws, boneworks wolverine, experimenting, on, him
Id: mrlJT2FUQ1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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