When to use GERUND (ing) and TO infinitive (to) 😎

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hi everyone I'm Lara from linguist and in today's lesson we're going to see and practice something that is quite tricky for learners in general of any level verb patterns when two verbs appear together in a sentence look at these two sentences can you help me identify the two verbs that appeared together sentence a I enjoy travel enjoy the number one travel verb number two I enjoy travel is this sentence correct no it's not sentence B I need study I need the number one study there number two I need study is this correct unfortunately it's not but Lara what should i do then when two verbs appear together well you should transform the second verb English is weird and that's exactly what this lesson today will be all about will focus on the transformation of those verbs appearing in the second position to do so we'll see two main verb patterns verbs followed by gerund and verbs followed by two infinitive but before we get done to work subscribe to our channel in Gomes if you haven't done it yet and activate the notifications to be updated with our latest videos now keep watching this video till the end because you'll be able to practice everything you've learned in this lesson and now let's go back to our previous sentences I enjoy travel I need study we said before that the second verb had to be transformed right okay the right option would be I enjoy traveling and I need to study and Laura how can I know when the second verb needs a gerund or to infinitive to know which of the two options gerund or infinitive is correct you need to focus on the one imagined verb one is the ship's captain and verb two has to obey the captain so you're telling me that I have to focus on verb 1 and I'll know what I have to do with verb to correct now we said before the verb number one gives you information about bird number two right well some verbs are always followed by gerund and some verbs are always followed by to infinitive now we're going to practice using both and getting familiar with which verbs those are so some verbs are always followed by gerund the means every time you see one of these verbs in position one that too will be a gerund this is the case of the verb enjoy when you continue it with an adverb it needs to be a gerund I enjoy traveling my mom enjoys cooking my friends enjoy dancing a few more verbs that are always followed by gerund are avoid consider imagine and fancy let's put them now in context celebrities avoid answering personal questions have you ever considered changing your hairstyle nope can you imagine being rich and living the highlife on cold and rainy days I fancy reading mystery books some verbs are always followed by to infinitive so every time you see one of these verbs in the first position the second verb needs to be a to infinitive this is the case of the verb I need I need to study my mom needs to relax and my friends need to work busy people a few more verbs that are always followed by to infinitive are want this site deserve and learn I want to break free I decided to give some money away for charity you are a very good person you deserve to be happy I'm learning to do my makeup right I think I've done a good job we've seen a few verbs that can be only followed by gerund and only followed by to infinitive in our group now we're going to see a few lives that can be followed by both gerund or infinitive without change in meaning this is the case of love I love travelling I love to travel hate I hate studying I hate to study like I like sleeping I like to slip or dislike I dislike cleaning I just like to clean these verbs can use gerund or infinitive and build a perfectly fine now when we use them naturally we do something we normally choose the gerund option to emphasize the action in and we use the to-infinitive option to emphasize particular preferences about that action look at my examples I love traveling and I love to travel in winter I love traveling uses the gerund because I love the action of traveling in general I love to travel uses to infinitive in winter it's a specific maybe the rest of the year I don't like it I hate studying and I hate to study the day before the exam I hate studying with gerund means I hate it any time studying what I hate to study the day before the exam with to infinitive refers to a very specific situation maybe I'm okay studying is good for me but not the day before the exam I hate to study the day before the exam I have no time I know nothing I'm so stressed oh I like sleeping and I like to sleep in the afternoon I like sleeping with gerund is a general action sleeping gives my pleasure I like to sleep in the afternoon is a specific in the afternoon I'm okay but the rest of the day not really this is not the case of sleepy [Applause] and finally I just like cleaning and I just like to clean on beautiful summer days I just like cleaning with gerund is the general action cleaning I just like to clean a beautiful summer days to-infinitive is more specific only on those days I just like to clean their ass I'm okay and our last group for today is those verbs that can be followed by both gerund and infinitive but with the total change meaning this is the case of verbs such as stop remember forget and regret let's put these verbs now in context to see better how they work stop stop drinking coffee stop to drink coffee both are correct but what is the difference huh stop drinking stop plus gerund means to create an action not to do that anymore need to stop drinking coffee too much caffeine because we are talking about not doing something anymore this structure is commonly used to refer to addictions and bad habits for example I should stop going to bed so late I'm really tired the next morning and I'm very little productive you must stop eating so much junk food it's really unhealthy do you have any habits that you should stop doing write a sentence in the comments below and share it with us remember stop + gerund stop + - infinitive stop - drink means to pause an action to do something else after having the pause you'll continue doing the same action you were doing before in this case you'll continue working more examples on my way home I need to stop to buy some milk let's imagine I'm drivin my car I will have to stop my driving go to the shop get some milk and then continue driving or when I go running I always stop to breathe for a few minutes I'm running I stop my running I recover and then I continue remember remember plus gerund means to have the memory of a past situation for example I remember teaching for the first time I had two other students and he was hot I was feeling so nervous or I remember playing with my friends as a child we would go to the park jump run those were the days what do you remember doing as a child write it in the comments below remember + - infinitive is used to refer to a task something you have to do for example remember to wash your hands before eating to wash your hands is something you master you don't want them dirty or the place when you live remember to close the window the way the forecast said is going to be a storm - close the window is something you must do and you have to remember to do it forget forget follow the same pattern as remember forget plus gerund means to have the memory of a past situation for example I'll never forget traveling abroad for the first time I was so excited and Ireland is a fantastic flights or did you forget meeting your best friend for the first time where were you what were you doing what was the first impression right your memory is about meeting your best friend in the comments below forget plus the infinitive is used again to refer to a task something you have to do for example don't forget to take your passport - take your passport is a you can't forget otherwise you'll miss your plane or before the exam starts don't forget to switch your telephone off to switch your telephone off is something you must do sorry sorry and our last verb is regret regret plus gerund means to feel sorry about something that happened in the past and you wish you could go back in time and change for example I regret saying what I said I was really furious and I said stupid things or I regret eating so much I ate a lot and I think it was not a good idea write a sentence in the comments below about something you did in the past and you regret having done regret +2 infinitive is used to give bad news if a sentence starts with I regret to be ready for example after a job interview I regret to say that you don't seem to be the person we are looking for bad or at the airport we regret to inform you that your flight has been delayed may I have your attention please we regret to inform you that your flight has been delayed sorry and that's all for today we've seen that some verbs are always followed by gerund some verbs are always followed by to infinitive some verbs can be followed by both gerund and to infinitive with no change in meaning and sub verbs can be followed by both gerund and infinitive with a total change in meaning the first group of verbs those can be only followed by jaren or only followed by to infinitive are the hardest to learn that's why I've prepared a list for you with the most common only follow the gerund and the most common verbs only followed by to infinitive in the description box have a look get familiar with them and practice them as much as you can if you like my lessons you can support us now on making new interesting videos for you by subscribing our Channel and by checking out these two lessons over here to improve your pronunciation or your vocabulary don't forget to follow us on Instagram where you can find more interesting lessons challenges and games thanks for watching today and I'll see you in the next lesson
Channel: English with Linguivers
Views: 213,921
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Keywords: when to use gerund and infinitive, gerunds and infinitives, gerund examples, infinitive verb, gerund exercises, english grammar, learn english, gerund and infinitive, english lessons, english teacher, how to learn english, speaking english, what are gerunds, what is a gerund, grammar lesson, verb patterns, gerund grammar, improve my english, english verb patterns, english gerund, improve english, practice english, gerund, infinitive, ing form, ing form or infinitive
Id: yDc2BUV9xis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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