When to Season Steak Experiment- How Long Should You Dry Brine Steak!?

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hey everybody I'm Joey and today we're gonna do a steak experiment this steak has been dry brining for three days this for two days and this for one we're gonna get them on the grill and test the results so follow me and let's turn up the tasty okay so we're back with another steak experiment we recently published a video that salted steaks at different intervals and then tested the results in that video we salted one minute one hour and one day prior to cooking and I have to say the steak that was salted a day in advance was heads and shoulders the clear winner in terms of taste so we decided to take this experiment to a new level this steak here is right out of the fridge and we're not going to cook this today but we're using this to contrast with the texture and the color of these other drive Rhine steaks now these are filet mignons I hand trim these from a larger tenderloin we published a video about that as well which you can check out and find out how to trim your own steaks to save a lot of money when buying flamin yann now I really wanted to use a strip steak or ribeye or something that had a little bit more fat in it but my worst nightmares have come true I went to the store the other day and they told me because of this quarantine that I was limited to buying two packages of fresh beef so that's no bueno it's a little frightening but that aside I had these already hand trimmed in my freezer so I went with these so let's dig in right over here we have a steak that's been dry brining for one day this is really our control I know from my last experiment that this is really gonna be a great tasting steak over here I have the fresh one and I just want to contrast the color difference for you you can see that this is a much darker red before we go any further I should note that all of these steaks right here have all been seasoned with a half a teaspoon of kosher salt I wanted to use equal amounts of salt to create as consistent you know as a consistent of a flavor profile as I could across all three states in order to dry brine these steaks here's what I did i salted them with a half a teaspoon each of kosher salt I then put them on this wire rack and left them in the fridge totally uncovered and kinda here's the result this is the one that's been dry brine for three days and this has a really dark color a really tough texture I mean that's it's not like anything I've ever felt before when it comes to steak it still smells fine but I'm not gonna lie I'm a little concerned about giving this one a try this one has been out for two days and look at that you can see the color difference between the three-day over here and the two-day over here the three-day is a little drier it's a little tougher and it's especially interesting when we compare our three-day against our fresh look at that I mean that's just a much that's a huge difference and not only color but also softness look you can see that at home you can see me kind of pushing into that you can feel how you can kind of see how soft that is and look at this over here much different matter of fact the ends are actually very hard so I'll be interesting can't wait to give that a shot as I mentioned today and one day so they're the biggest difference besides the color is the feel they go from well softest softer a little a little harder to yeah there's some firm edges here also as you look really closely here that's the three day and the two day you can really begin to see some separation of those muscle fibers right there on the three day so I'm really excited to give this a try in a little bit nervous but I'm doing this for you guys at home I'm doing it for science so let's get them on the grill and that's the results explore the methods and recipes for cooking medium Trance across america as we showcase experts on location in their restaurant kitchens to educate inspire and entertain tune into our travel cooking show meet America only on YouTube in red meat lover calm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys we're ready for the moment of truth these have been cooked cut them up slice them open so you can see the inside I think this one maybe got a little bit for their way on the edges may left it on that side for too long but we're ready to dig right in you know that that 3-day dry brine snake really hit looked like a toy that they would give a child that was supposed to resemble a snake so it'll be interesting to see how that one turns out but I'm gonna start with the control what I know is a great stake are a one-day dry brine snake and it's phenomenal it's everything you want to stake to be insulting bike to bite have some great tenderness and its really just a great tasting flag now we're gonna move on to our two-day Wow also a great tasting steak I might have picked up just a little hint of additional saltiness on the two then I did the one I think I'm starting to taste just a little bit of dryness around the exterior where that had been sitting out for two days let's give it another try great bite of steak I'm getting a little drier towards the exterior maybe I should have just reduced the cook time a little bit I don't know if the fire was hot or if that's just how they would have turned out anything now over here for the moment of truth our three-day dry Brian's steak now before I even bite into this I want to show you guys at home you know you'll notice around the exterior where that was really rock-hard prior to cooking it you can see the fibers as they kind of pull away it's clearly you know gonna be a little drier I'll actually just try this piece right here yeah not a great bite of steak not not real good it begins to taste a little bit more like beef jerky around that edge that has a beef jerky taste now let's go for something that is more in the center here we go nice cut right there Wow that's fine it tastes very similar to the one in two days steak it's I'm gonna give it another bite just to be sure up you know reporting to you guys honestly and authentically it so it is a drier exterior starting to pick up just a little bit of funkiness it's hard to say exactly what it is it's not bad maybe it's in that realm of the beef jerky that I had right here on this end which is clearly dry mean you could see that it was dried out I wouldn't have known how I would have cooked this exterior to be something that's medium-rare so I mean you can see how dry it is which is pulling apart like this well I think based upon this experiment one day dry brine that's awesome it's gonna turn out fantastic steak to day though I think for me is about as far as I want to take this you could see the coloring you could see the dryness on that three but you know we encourage you guys to try this at home and let us know what you think in the comments below have you drive around the state for three days or even more we'd love to hear from you also while you're down there you know what to do if you like this video hit that big thumbs up like button or even better subscribe to our channel so you never miss another video or experiment as we continue to cooking ladies I'll see you guys next good steak [Music]
Channel: Red Meat Lover
Views: 14,452
Rating: 4.8842974 out of 5
Keywords: when to season steak, steak experiment, how to cook steak, when should you salt your steak, steak seasoning, how to season steak, meat lovers, salt experiment, steak recipes, dry brine, salt brine steak, dry brine steak, brine steak, season steak, salt brine, steak recipes for dinner, how to season steak experiment, how to, grilled filet mignon, filet mignon, beef tenderloin, red meat lovers, steak recipes grill, grilled steak tips, steak recipe, grilled steak, grill
Id: kBhEyzL86mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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