When the Love and Trust is Broken! Evangelist Willie B. Williams III

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the whole Bible is a love story between God and His people that's it the whole Bible all 66 books is a love story between God and His people and so what we're gonna talk about on this morning is that sometimes the relationship between God and His people got on some rocks anybody who walks around and claims that we've been in love all this time and we never once had a fight they're lying if they ever said you know what it's just been love 365 days matter-of-fact music always plays in the background we always whistling Dixie's at each other it's always hearts and loves matter of fact we never have it's just being beautiful when somebody says I found my soul mate and when you find your soul mate everything turns everything turns pink and and red and everything is just beautiful and you walk on daisies because once you find your soul mate then your acne clears up your cholesterol goes down everything is just wonderful and the people who say that to you they're lying to you because even even Jacob found his soul mate but they still got an argument because some things just wasn't working working out at times it wasn't that Jacob was gonna leave Rachel but hey we gotta work through this chapter and there are chapters in every love relationship there are chapters in every love relationship where you're going to go through some issues and you're going to go through some problems now if you think that all relationships are absent or problems then never get in one never get because that's a lie that's a lie if you're not prepared for the trouble that are in relationships then you should stay out of one being prepared is not necessarily having all the money and all the resource really the mentality if you don't have the mentality that I'm gonna ride this with you then don't ever get in one because there are some relationships you can get hit sad way have you ever got hit blindsided if anybody ever I mean I was a third backing day but anybody anybody ever got hit blindsided hi and you hit the wall and you ain't know and you had to look at and you had to look around to find out where some relationships some relationships get hit blindside someone said where were you what are you talking about sometimes the relationship is it's so one and all of a sudden one of you get in the accident and then all of a sudden something has to be cut off or something has to get amputated or somebody has to go into surgery in and you newly wins but now you're newlywed and you're in the hospital and all of a sudden the doctor comes in with some bad news and says hey listen you're gonna have to take care of her and he said wait a minute we posed to be living our best life I found her and then the relationship gets started or you just found each other and then all of a sudden something has happened to the parents and now you got to move the in-laws in so now you went from walking around freely in love to mama y'all need anything go y'all y'all cut that television down saying it's too loud mama that's the way we like it in here mama it's too it's too cold in here no all of a sudden you got blindsided and now you're taking care of you're taking care of in-laws or what happens when you go to the doctor and somebody says to the man you can't have children because most men don't get tested you just assumed I mean it never it never crossed your mind that he couldn't have any children or maybe it's her and she looks at him saying and he said from the beginning I wanna have a lot of children and now she can't have children I mean this stuff we'll talk about and then the couple comes to worship the next Sunday and now they they looking and he and she trying to and they trying to figure out what they gonna do and and she says hey whoa can I die he said I don't wanna die and I'm not a bad Christian but I don't wanna die he said and she said I don't know I don't know what to do I what happens when he loses his job and he made all of these promises instead of and the in-laws it's backwards it's not the in-laws moving in it's the couple that's moving in and you gotta say hey you mind we'll get that back one we're in a situation right now and you waking up in your mama and daddy's house and you're looking at your spouse saying can you hold on can you not leave me can you hold on just one second let me get my let me get my stuff together and I promise we'll be back on and then she'd make her come and sign up for this and he said well maybe I didn't either but what do you do what do you do when you get blindsided what are you doing somebody breaks your trust and every time you looked at your spa you said I love you I love him I love her but has anybody ever broken your trust and you don't see them the same she's not as cute today he was handsome yesterday but you found out some stuff and he ain't that handsome that that that Cologne that smell good to you nice take take that off I hate that smell and all of a sudden your eyes changed because your heart is hurting and life has turned upside down here we are in Exodus chapter 13 and beginning at verse 17 and it came to pass when Pharaoh had let the people go that God led them through the way of the land of the Philistines and although that was near for God said let's pray adventure the people repent when they see war and they return to Egypt so very quickly so for those of you who know the background of these I mean of God bringing Israel out of Egypt he sends plagues to get his people out of Egypt but when he sends place to get his people out of Egypt they have now come to the very last play and now Pharaoh is willing to let Israel grow remember the whole Bible is a love relationship between God and Israel and God and His people and so because God loves his people who said listen I'm gonna get you out of there and I want you to be with me and I want you to follow me and I'll take you to a better place here's what God promised Israel I don't want you to worry about anything you're gonna be with me and I'm gonna take you to the land of promise ain't there whatever brothers say to his lady don't you worry about anything I'm gonna take you out of here I'm gonna take you to the to the land of promise take you to Carol - I'm gonna take you to the land I'm gonna take you to the land of promise so God is getting his people out of Egypt and he says listen so now that he has them and they they're now trusting him more because every relationship has to be built did you did you know that every relationship has to be built there's no relationship that comes ready-made when people say look I looked across the room and I just saw her and she just saw me and we just knew and then two days later we were married that's nice that's wonderful and it can happen it can happen but the next day you you don't have to be old you can jump in some fast but that doesn't mean the strength of the thing you're gonna have to build it every relationship has to be built and so what God is doing here in Exodus chapter 13 he's building his reputation every plague he's building who he is matter of fact if I ask you why you love somebody you have to have a memory if you don't have a memory it kills your love it kills your love so somebody said why do you love this person okay because that was okay okay there was this compound that was the time where such a sister said okay well give me another example why you love each other okay so we were in the situation I didn't expect it but then and then she came in and she came our 15 Rolexes in it and it just blew me away you know something like that you have to have flashback and you have to you have to have memory and so what God is doing you got to realize what God is doing God doesn't need to send plagues to free people so why would God simply think about that why would God simply eggs and let them sit there for a while and see his work because if I want you to trust me I need to share myself with you I need to expose my power you need to know who you're following and so he shows his plagues and he shows his power and after he shows his power you get down to the ER and the Bible says in verse 18 but God led the people about through the way of the wilderness of the Red Sea and the children went up and harness out of the land of Egypt God took them a different route so he took them out of Egypt but he could have took them straight to Canaan land but the reason why he didn't take him straight to Katlin is found in verse 17 the Bible says in verse 17 and it came to pass when Pharaoh had let the people go that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines which was a faster route and the reason why he didn't that although that was near for God said to himself if I lead them through the way of the Philistines let's pre adventure the people that I love and that I'm taking with me they will repent when they see war and they return to Egypt he says our relationship is not strong enough for them to trust me when conflict arises so he says I could I could take them to the land of the Philistines but when they see temptation and when they see war they're gonna want to change their mind and go back to where they came from we're not gonna when a brother or sister is trying to talk to somebody new and you you trying to build a relationship you don't want them around other people you want it you want to isolate it come on I need one a man when you come already you don't want them around other people so so when you when you see pretty Ricky this is what they call them when you see Pretty Ricky walk in the dope you want to take you wanna no no no come on we're gonna leave while we finally Pretty Ricky just showed up Pretty Ricky get everybody and so I haven't had enough time to build my reputation so so you want to isolate somebody said we're going to go to the who gonna be over there Pretty Ricky Slick Willy this it's several of them over there we go let's go to the park I just want to spend some time with you why why do you want one-on-one time because if we don't get one-on-one time I don't have enough time and I don't have a chance to build which you are strong enough connection I remember in middle school the young guys we will go and try to talk to the young ladies but the young ladies were always hanging around 20 are they girlfriends and he'd be trying to I want to get in there I want to get you by your now notice the same way that it takes to build love it's the same way it takes to destroy it because Satan does the same thing that God does God wants you for himself and so Satan also wants to separate you so the same thing that builds a relationship is actually the same thing that destroys it I need you I need you to step away from the cloud and long as you keep coming to worship matter fact I need you to get out of this crowd cuz everybody encouraging one another y'all praying for each other everybody singing together you know what I mean you know what I need I need a good storm and I need you by yourself because the thing that causes to build faith you build faith also in community where if I want to destroy your faith I need you by yourself so the devil says can I talk to you for a second you know it's just what ii caracal the devil said baby can I talk to you just for hey cutie just can I talk to you just for a second can I get in can I get in your ear just for a second and he'll have you all in the corner and God say where were you being the problem that happened in the garden is that the surfing got in her ear and Adam should have said hold on play uh uh no you don't have a conversation with my wife and I'm not notice eight Adam didn't say anything but when he got in her ear it destroyed paradise it destroyed paradise because the same way you build love is the same way you destroy it it just takes one person in your ear to start messing with your thoughts and you come home with a different feeling you start looking at things differently because somebody then got in your ear the Bible says they start singing did y'all see that I don't know how to beat win but that's they start singing cuz when you feel good and you in a good relationship don't you try to find that come on Pandora subscribers you said I gotta find the right song for this one this one no no I hold on hold on a second you've been listening to so much gospel but now all of a sudden you you're trying to find that right song just no not not right now this there's to me find something good it they start singing on to the they start singing unto the Lord it's a loving relationship things are going well they they have some experiences together but there's something something happens very quickly I want you to turn your Bibles to Matthew chapter 24 Matthew chapter 24 and verse 13 I want you to hold Exodus we're gonna come back to Exodus well I actually won't come out to Old Testament we'll go to Matthew chapter 24 and verse 13 Matthew chapter 24 and beginning at verse 13 and the Bible reads but he that what shelling do why is my relationship why does a relationship require endurance why does a relationship require this is Jesus talking and Jesus said listen I'm here but if you and me gonna make it you gotta have some endurance Jesus has all power he's our Savior but Jesus is telling you if you don't have some endurance me and you won't make it and so what Jesus is a wonderful as I am if you don't have endurance as powerful as I am but if you don't have endurance we won't make it why does a relationship demand and require endurance for the Bible says but he that shall endure until the end you got to have enough endurance to make it work it's not enough to just have endurance endurance is what kicks in after you have cramps I think everybody I've been running and then that and then on that side and you wanna endurance is what kicks in after the child horse endurance is what kicks in when you're when you're tired when you're tired that next step is called endurance so so Jesus says if you don't have enough endurance to make it to the end you won't be saved now I'm giving you salvation freely but what do you need to have you gotta have something to do you gotta have a hold on kind of power and if you don't we won't make it name of it was called Muraki and the people murmured against Moses saying what shall we drink and he cried unto the Lord the first kind of complaining took place when they came to they first problem when they didn't find it to be pleasurable and everything was together then what ended up happening is they started murmuring and complaining about the relationship and complaining to Moses and in trouble begin to happen matter of fact you know when the relationship is shifting the relationship is shifting when you begin to complain about things you used to pray for you used to used to ask God for it God one day I pray I can have this and die one day I can have that and then you complain if you ever prayed for a car don't you ever complain about traffic if you ever pray for a car if you ever been if you ever been without a car and then you get a car don't you ever complain about traffic don't you ever complain about car insurance don't you ever why I've got to pay car insurance it means that you got a car that's what that means it means that you have a call why do I gotta pay home insurance because it means you got a home isn't it funny that sometimes we received of everything that we pray for and you started taking it for granted I can't tell you how many relationships have dissolved because people had good things and they took those good things I started taking them for granted there may even be some of you in here that you've taken some things for granted or there may be some of you in here you've been taken for granted and you went above and beyond and you did this and you did this for them and you man fact that's just a long list of all the wonderful things that you provided in a matter of fact you tried to improve on yourself matter of fact you you try to get certain spices the way that and you try to have the aroma you try to have the house a certain way or you win you got an extra job because you try to bring in extra money or you went and bought gifts and you don't even know nothing about them colors and using them trying to get advice on how to get something really really nice and you went and bent over backwards and it's a horrible feeling to be taken for granted matter of fact we do that sometimes in the Lord's house sometimes that zeal that you have when you first came to Christ all of a sudden you don't read your Bible like the same a matter of fact you start skimming on worship and you don't really come to Bible class and all of a sudden you used to tell everybody about Jesus Christ but after a while your spirit start waning and and all of a sudden you don't sing the songs like you used to sing you used to really sing a song used to look at every word and you want to really be involved and really be connected and all of a sudden you just start taking it for granted and you wanted to get to know all the brothers and sisters and all insects your lawns like your heart to be broken one time in the church will you be like okay I'm good I don't need to meet nobody as me and Jesus and all of a sudden the love for the Lord's Church the love for Christianity the love for his word the love for worship starts waning and you're like you start looking at the clock when this I think I got somewhere else to do matter of fact you could tell when the love start waning when you start looking at the clock and you start filling your Sundays up were you actually when you wake up in the morning you're more excited about what you're gonna do after worship didn't they actually coming to worship you said yeah yeah I'm here for God I'm gonna give God but I can't wait till tonight so uh something I got this going on I got that you more excited about the sleep that you didn't get after service then actually enjoy how do you keep a relationship from dying how do you how do you that that joy that you had removing the phone used to ring and when the phone used to ring it you shut everything you could oh the you got so excited not a phone ring but hello and you go to the point where you're entertaining you're not even you're not even engaged anymore I mean I'm not saying that you're not here I'm just sometimes your love for Christ can wane your love for your relationships can wane because you know you start Murr I just opened up the Red Sea for you and three days later you get to talking about me three days later now you dissatisfied three days later now all of a sudden we're not on good terms it took one misunderstanding and all of a sudden the lovers left the room there's a there's a problem here and the Bible says they verse 24 and the people murmured against Moses and they said well what shall we drink people start taking things for granted you start to take pleasure in other things here's how you know when the relationship is starting to go down you actually enjoy other things more the person that you're in a relationship with you actually enjoy talking to your co-workers more than you you enjoy talking to your spouse matter of fact you're more engaged with the neighbor across the street hey Jimmy what's going on Jimmy you're more engaged with the person across the street then in the people who live in your own house matter of fact you will drop what you're doing to go help somebody that you don't even live with and the person that you're with and the person that you posed to be building something with you can't stand and have anybody ever step back and say I think the love is gone if anybody ever looked at your relationship in Christianity and you realize I think I'm going through the motions let me tell you something bout God he know when you faking me and don't mean don't you know no men don't know when you faking you know but God no when you fake it God no when you're just going through the motions I know you got dressed and you keep your head straight you may sing this up but your heart where your heart is and what's gotten in your heart and it's funny you can know you drift in and you can even tell people I think I'm drifting but you can't stop yourself from drifting like you know you sinking and I'm not saying you still pray I know you still you still show up and do the duties but your heart is drifting away do you know the difference between the Old Testament and New Testament the heart because in the Old Testament they would follow the commandments but when Jesus came Jesus say listen now I don't care what you do if your heart ain't in it you don't get no credit for it so when you sing you need to sing with the spirit and you need to sing with the understanding when you pray to me when you talk to me you need to pray with the spirit and you need to you need to pray with the understanding because if your heart ain't in it I don't want it don't fake with me and just don't show up you don't get to heaven just by doing and doing the checklist the first thing that God looks at and worshiped this morning is what is the state of your heart the trust has been broken God said I did in my part but then you saw a little trouble and you talked against me and you hurt me one of the most hurtful things is the person that that you're in a loving relationship with and you hear them talk about you negative negatively let me tell you sir some brothers don't get in the private circles and tear your wife down because what you do privately shows up in the spirit and you don't understand something's and she may not know it but something's wrong spirits off you cannot being all day dogging your wife in secret corners and then come back and have a genuine hugging kiss me baby he sums off now can I go to the other side can I go can I going on over just us you can't dog your man you can't dog your husband secretly and tell him down and then expect God to move in the hole by your words you're tearing your own house down even though physically you might not be doing anything I'm not talking about seeking advice I'm not talking about praying I'm not talking about getting some things out emotionally and working some thoughts out of what to do I'm talking about you just chatting with your girls that you just had him you know he ain't no good he is sorry he's so sorry you can't say that and then go home and say hey King so my mama saying this if you ain't got nothing don't lie and say he wonderful he may not be he may not be but don't tear him down she may not have it all together so don't go home and lie you know you beautiful because she may not I don't know I don't know I don't know what situation is nice weari I will tell my hospitai spirit may be ugly that's what I'm talking about talk about that spirit maybe other you married I don't know I don't know don't lie do you know how many couples lie to each other how are you doing I'm good you good away we found ok I'll see you tonight you're lying when you're gonna let the other say hey you need to talk tonight cuz we're not good and if we don't put a plan together we don't put a plan together if we don't put a plan together to get better then what we're not gonna do is just go on autopilot cuz it doesn't get better by ignoring it there was a man that was on the road that he saw a lion he saw a bear and the bear was coming at him and so he was his eyes and he started to feel better and the reason why closed eyes cuz didn't see the bed no more and we miss him we do we miss him because whatever you close your eyes to don't get better it doesn't it doesn't get fixed because you know you stop talking about it if you don't put some type of plan together so God is taking Israel out of Egypt but then they have an issues along the way and they don't have the endurance to travel with see they didn't match they needed to get on God's level and they were still acting like a slave we talked about Rose on Wednesday sometimes you have women they great girlfriends they horrible wives they were they were great girlfriends that's why you wanna marry them they wonderful girlfriends but the transition notice I don't ever want you to be a girlfriend ever again because now it's the transition to wife so don't you can't act like that you can't be that free because marriage requires with more responsibilities so now that gold start that you got as a as a girlfriend go ahead put that plaque on the wall and retire that I'm gonna put your luck we're gonna put yo your dress and your skirt up on the wall and put that and retire your number you are no longer there ever again now we need to the transition to be something else that man who is a great boyfriend now I don't want you to be my boyfriend anymore now I want you to be the spiritual leader that walks with God he said no no I want to go back I don't I will go back to ISA when we were just kicking it after a good time no no now we're married now I want you to walk with God and I want you to lead the family and I want you to direct and I want you to fend off the devil and Lucifer what you asking me to do same person same to people but when the relationship changed sometimes the road can kill the relationship when you are a slave you were calling out to me but now that I'm freeing you and now we're gonna be in a land I'm taking you the Canaan land where you now you don't have to suffer anymore now I wanna bring you out and I want you to what they they didn't match God so God says you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna make you wonder around for 40 years very quick this is what happens when Trust is broken and I want to give you this visual this was what happens when Trust is broken when there is trust and you are access to somebody easy access it's that easy you are access to when the trust is there what's blocking us another easy access but when the trust is broken then doors are closed he can get back to me but he can't get back to me the same way so not all of them this is what builds up in our heart face this is what builds up in our heart now he can get back to me but yes you won't you wanted to go all around so do you by our feet by walking walking around do you man okay so getting me to walk over to the other side no no no that's closed could choose against you because you have left your what you fear for your first love how you doing now how easy was it for him to shake my hand over here because when the trust when Trust is there is easy access but when you break somebody trust you can still get back to them but you got to go to loan you got to go to the long way around and then I got a wall as we shake it hands because I don't feel what I don't feel safe you know what most people do most people quit halfway through the journey and you know what they say I shouldn't have to walk all this way I got flowers every day I said I was sorry he knew I didn't mean it it was a mistake came out of my bed I shouldn't say I'm sorry I'm sorry doesn't rebuild trust and if you want to rebuild trust you gotta have endurance and you gotta be willing to walk the long way around if you want to rebuild the relationship again and even when you get back you gotta help to break down the wall because there's still a wall thank y'all depending on how much you gotta walk depending on how long you have to walk when we hurt one another you know what we don't want to do we want to say matter fact we want to say this listen I'm sorry and I'm gonna see you next week I'm gonna get this back okay we good we back cuz I said I said I'm sorry we did it forgiveness is quick but when you tear a wall down full of bricks you know what you got to go do you got to get back down and you got to rebuild it brick by brick seven we've been known we've been known each other for five years I shouldn't have to get back down on my knees and rebuild it again yes you do notice what God said you hurt me this is what God said you hurt me and so because you hurt me you gonna have to wonder and walk around for how long now Joshua loved God and even though it really wasn't his fault he had to take the word he had to take the long way around there are some relationships that are in trouble but the two parties that are in the relationship don't want to take the long route around I don't feel like I should have to walk that long no no you walk first you are first and then and then maybe when I see you halfway then maybe I'll follow God tells the church Jesus comes to church here in Ephesus he says listen you doing a whole bunch of stuff but the problem that I'm having with you is you've walked away from your first love then he says this in verse 5 he says remember therefore from whence you all are fallen and what so here these two things are not and I'll give you the lesson he says you forgot about what you first used to do you forgot about how I brought you out you forgot about when you first was saved and you were so happy to have all your sins washed away somewhere along the route you start taking Christianity for granted somewhere along the way you start taking prayer for granting your name pray anymore that was a point in time where you really used to work for God now you're only in worship like you you started matter-of-fact you cutting me short you going through the motions and you doing your work she says I know your works you doing a lot of stuff but you forgot the first things that caused our relationship to be built in the first place at what point what was that first point where you fell in love with God what what caused you to fall in love the same thing that caused you to fall in love he said you don't have to remember and repeat and go back to it he says cuz if you don't go back to it he says I remove your whole church I remove the candlestick because you forgot the beautiful things in the beginning and now even though you're doing a lot of work and yet you paying the bills and you taking care of this so you have your responsibilities and you're doing a lot of activity but the love is gone you left your first love and now Christianity is just a bunch of movement and work you know what I can do I can get up every morning and I can do ministry and I can help and I can take care of this and I can clean that and take care of this and run errands but God says but you I'm missing the love that's supposed to be in you sometimes you could be in the house and you can vacuum you can clean you wash your clothes you wash the dishes and you do this and take care of this okay then and you've done a whole bunch of stuff but they ain't no love in the home somebody walks and say cold in here you know that the love is going when you don't even look at each other sometimes your hallway is real short and you just happen you so you want to talk to each other I think if you come real cold and you know the dangerous thing when you don't know what's killing the love when you can't pinpoint what's killing the love and many times is because you forgot I go back to brother and sister Hopkins they say you brought us remember what they say you brought us back to remember how it was in the beginning so you know what you you stop opening her door you used to write him little love notes sometimes I don't have to do anything I feel like I should have to do that anymore do you know the candy bars yeah do you know do you know my father has been in Christianity longer than me but if he stops praying every day he's in trouble I have studied for thousands of hours but if I don't read the Bible this week I'm gonna get a little weaker you get love it's the same thing as almost anything that you apply yourself to the amount of scriptures I read last week was for last week I gotta do more this is a brand new week the love that you show somebody last year you don't carry over this year so you're gonna need to be creative this year you're gonna you go you can't Valentine's Day is coming again in 2020 and nobody come fast I know brothers they come fast you got to find another restaurant you can't you can't say hey we Chili's again it can't be Chili's again everything if it was Chili's this year that's fine it can't be Chili's next year you got it you got it you got a plan and then pick it up and do those small little things and when you stop doing the small thing when we just stop being you know what kills the love in a church when we just forget the basic principles of just being kind of one another and respectful to work we forget the little thing we so focus on mission of Christ we're cutting each other I don't care about you don't care when you when you hear when you hear church folks say about that why don't care you you can do whatever you want forget you the love is gone I'll forget you is that the love is gone you got to get to a point where you got to start doing the little things it really ain't complicated somebody says I know what to do to be healthy and then I proposed to eat right and I know opposed say from carbonated food and on post I know give me a lemonade though and when you keep ignoring the little things that you know you're supposed to do some of you can be some of you can have be giants in the faith you already know what to do you don't need you don't need me to preach to you tell you to do you know what you need to pray you need to share your faith you need to study God's Word you need to have a regimen every day somebody said Williams I already know what to do it's just the idea that you don't do it somebody says I know right if I walk 30 minutes a day I feel her but you just don't do it you just don't do the small things something suppose you know what when I get in the house instead of taking my clothes off and put them on I'm gonna put them on a hanger I'm gonna dig it out and I'm gonna put it on a hanger and then put it and that way to house stay clean you know what to do what's the problem [Music] whenever you get lazy in a relationship you're killing it because you could do more but you don't do more because he gonna wear your answer you every semester he go nowhere she ain't going nowhere come back and out you how you doing all that scurry come back in the house you ain't going nowhere I'll call your momma when you take somebody for granted you only push them so far even God won't allow you to take him for granted you better appreciate me you better understand what you have before me because because here's something that we should all understand whatever you don't invest in whatever you don't take care of and whatever you don't nourish you lose it and sometimes you don't get it back sometimes you don't you don't get it back I can take and I'm done I can take some old junk that you threw out at the trash some of y'all done it before you've been driving down the street and you say somebody threw that away you ever see that somebody threw that away how could and you know what you did you drove down the street and you swerve back around and you drove a gear and then you parked and just looked at it i junked that you threw away and I can take it home and I can clean it up and I could put a new coat on it holster it I'll put some new fabric on it and you can come over my house and look at that same thing you do away and say that's really nice where you get that from I got that from your trash because actually you didn't know you didn't know what to do with it you complaining about the season there's somebody who's dying to be in your season and you said well I don't have enough they say you know what that song there's some sisters they go in the kitchen and they'd be like ain't nothing the cook you want to let's order something it's another sister that said oh it is and you say where you just don't you just didn't have the tools to bring that out you complain about your situation God's been so good to us but he's waiting to see what you gonna do are you gonna appreciate this time are you gonna go back to your first are you gonna do those first principles somebody said are you you ain't no good God can take that same person that you just start cuz you didn't know what to do with him and take that same person and educate him and clean him up and give him vision and give him purpose and give him direction and you know what you say well why wouldn't you like that when you will with me because if you don't know what to do with it if you don't know what to do with it and it's because sometimes we just take things for granted and we fail to see the treasures that God has put in our lives if you here on this morning then you realize you know what I have been coasting I've been on autopilot I've been kind of doing my own thing this needs to stop appreciate if you still have your mother appreciate your mother you murmuring and complaining and you're talking being mad yeah appreciate your mother if you still have your father you need to appreciate your father if you still have your children you need to appreciate your children now somebody who said I could do better with your kids do you you neglect yours if you have a husband cherish your husband if you have a wife take care of it and if it's not sometimes you need to be better it is not that God needed to be better here's your needed to be better because the relationship is struggling God is having a relationship with Israel but the real reason that God is having relationship problems it is not because he's not great sometimes we so much want other people to change when really the person that needs to change is you somebody said I've changed enough and it's that attitude that will keep you on the same Road if you still have life if you have a car if you have clothes when was the last time you just went up and you start thanking God for you just start thinking God for everything that you have because whatever you don't appreciate whatever you're not grateful for you will lose it and there's somebody that sent it on the outside they'll be so thankful that you didn't take care of it because now remember the person with the talents you're the person with the talents he know what to do with it so he just buried it and when the master came the master said give me give me that get it to me he took it and he didn't just let it sit there the Bible says he took it and he gave it to the work to gave it to the one who did the most with what he had the best relationships I've ever seen are not people who have everything they need they are two individuals who make the best out of that situation they sit in their Waffle House lad think of the money man they have $5 they said video a long day night you know move it if they went to the walk miles and they share it grits and they just and you over there just in being said I wish I had something like that and they said we wish we had a house we wish we had a car we got none of it but we gotta tell them we're gonna make the best out of it hey Ben guess what I found I found a coupon got that too for Warner
Channel: North Colony Church of Christ
Views: 5,295
Rating: 4.969697 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ, Gospel, Acapella, North Colony Church of Christ, Willie Williams, Preaching
Id: L16ty4V0udU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 3sec (2943 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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