Why Did You Hurt Me?" Evangelist Willie B. Williams III (Church of Christ)

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26 versus we can get to these 26 versus I mean they've been here we are in verse one and it came to pass as we continue our series dealing with healing and on this particular month we kicked off our new series dealing with healing it's not enough for me the priest read the gospel some I said by the way I'm Terry oh we got 26 verses you stolen it's not enough it's not enough just to tell you how to be saved but what good is to church if we don't tell you how to be healed once you come out of the water once you get baptized do you know you have to deal with yesterday with life you have to deal with your job you have to deal with your same family members baptism don't watch your family members away baptism baptism doesn't clean your credit score baptism doesn't wash bills away baptism doesn't move you into it you know buddy's has never been baptized to come out of the water and they say hey here's the keys to your new nah you go right back home and you gotta go deal with whatever you were dealing with that may have even brought you so it's not enough for the church to just talk about salvation because once you come to Christ once you are then what's the next step how do I fix this mess of a life that I'm in I mean by looking at the mess I needed to come to Jesus Christ so now that I'm in Jesus Christ now I gotta go back to this life that's still a mess and I need some instructions on what I need to do and how do I need to adjust and so as we focus on healing which comes out of Luke chapter 4 when Jesus says I've not only come to preach the gospel to the poor but to heal the world but to heal the brokenhearted how does he do that and what we've covered thus far is jesus heals to us sometimes we like to send people to Jesus but then P and then we drive off and we leave them in the parking lot saying okay but how do I connect with them if I am an unbeliever if I am a non-christian and I'm hurting then I need somebody with a connection I need somebody who knows how to go from Earth to heaven for me that's why we pray for people because if a person is in sin I'm probably getting the strongest connection that I should so sometimes when members stand up in the Lord's house and say could you pray for me sometimes it's not even that a person may be in sin sometimes you weak and you don't have enough faith to connect with God so you reach out to your brothers and sisters who you hope have enough faith and if you reach out to your brother saying they don't have enough faith you need to find a loo yeah I found new prayer partners gotta find this one this one sucks this through this nobody's connecting nobody's getting Wi-Fi nobody's getting a signal nobody's getting that you need what happens when you're not getting a signal you nothing works what would you what do you need to do you need to move we're not getting that this will be in the wrong place if we in a fight when nobody's getting a signal then something's wrong when a church prays and nothing happens nobody nobody's connecting that's the problem that's that's a problem and so one of the things we understand is that sometimes when we ask for prayer or when individuals actual prayer what they're saying could you intercede for me here's what God allows them Christianity God allows for you to speak for other people an ambassador is a representative so if Christ is willing for us to represent him then it's also okay that we represent one another and so the Bible says love covers a word not only do I have the opportunity to pray for you but the love that I show towards you I can cover your sins in the eyes of God by loving you by caring for you all right so the community is extremely important it is very difficult to heal all by yourself it's very difficult to heal by yourself if a person gets shot if a person gets shot you can you can medicate yourself but it's better if you have somebody that you go to a place what other people can tend to you or other people can care for you if something is broken or something hurt you can go and shut the door and isolate yourself and you can try to do the best that you can but it's so much better when you open the door and you let people come in help you heal this particular point the Bible moves really away from David and it focuses on his kids because what we're gonna talk about on this evening is pain so we transition from David and we just take a look at his kids the Bible says in verse 1 and it came to pass after this that epsilon the son of David had a beautiful fair sister whose name was Tamar Braxton Tamar and Amnon the son of David loved her I need you to understand everything that's going on in verse one the first person that introduces to you and you gotta take notice of this the first person that introduced to you is Epsilon what's about to happen is not about Epsilon but the story kicks off introducing epsilon and then it says epsilon is david's son epsilon had a sister which is David's daughter David's daughter was beautiful so was absolutely the Bible also says that somebody lusted after tomorrow which was Amnon which is David stuff going on in the family that's all I just want us a lot going on in the family in verse 1 we have a person on was so vexed now in order to be next next it's not something that happens physically to you that's is not something that happens in your environment next is something that happens in your spirit and when you next that means you are extremely bothered to the point concentration is very difficult to concentrate it is very difficult to focus have you ever been doing something and you say hey listen you have to tell you I need to leave I can I got a lot of stuff going on right now and you don't wanna be dealing with these customers you you don't want me don't want me talking to anybody have anybody have anybody ever asked to leave early hey listen I need that I'm not in a good place and I'm really not he is so vexed that he cannot function so the bible says none was so vexed that he failed what now if he's sick even in this world sick he's not sick physically this matter of fact if you were to run any tests on him he doesn't have the flu he doesn't have a virus he doesn't he doesn't have an infection what is going on inside of him is his spirit i want to i want to just park right here real quick when your spirit is off your body is off whenever your spirit is off your body many times your body is a reflection of your spirit and when your spirit gets revived then your body manifests what's already in your spirit but when your spirit is sick and it is stained with sin it can't matter of fact the body begins to shut down have you ever heard of anybody going to the doctor the doctor says what's wrong with you like what I got these I got these these migraines like I can't see straight I'm the blood pressure they say if you notice the doctor will say what else is going on because we done with the test this counseling right now we just we just gonna talk like what else is going are you sleeping eustress you know what's goin on ya got a lot of stuff you came to the doctor because your spirit is showing up in your flesh but the doctor says we can't fix a spirit problem that's that's why whenever something spiritually is going on doctors there's no medicine for that people people who are sick they end up trying to medicate physically hoping that the drugs would get into the spiritual spiritual problems have to be handled in spiritual places you can't medicate this one so the Bible says you got you got a brother who has a sister who's beautiful and the other brother Amnon loves Tama he's so vexed he fell sick for his sister Tamar for she was a virgin for those of you don't know that someone who has not had sex and Amnon thought it hard for him to do anything to her but Amnon had a friend yes he did didn't have none had a friend he had a friend whose name was Jonathan the son of Shania David's brother all of this is in the family this is the uncle and Jenna dad was a very subtle man he was very smart and he said unto him why are you being the king's son you looking lean matter of fact if you the king's son you should be big you posed to me did you overhear you looking you looking deathly and why are you looking lean as if you are malnourished and you the key now if you were somebody else's son okay maybe I understand your struggle but you the king's son and you over here looking lean from day to day why won't you tell me I'm not selling to him love Tamar she needed it and make cakes in his sight and didn't bake the cakes the only reason I'm at your house is because you were so sick that when people called for you word got back to King David hey something's wrong with your son he needs help when they say hey you need some help his request was yeah I'm not feeling well could you ask my sister Tamar to come and help me David thinking nothing of it said okay well sure hey tell Tamar to go and help her brother get well because he's playing like he's hurting but he's not hurting so the only reason you're over there is because you were trying to help somebody who is hacking like they were do you know how you can get attention y'all missed it do you know how somebody can get attention oh you gotta act usually gotta act like you came to it so have anybody ever helped somebody and on their own thing they really wanted was your time but they needed to act like they were in pain so that they can get your time and attention and if I said if I said I don't know how to fill out this form what is mine anybody help me you know what some of you do because you got a Jesus heart yeah you do you got a disa you know some of you who do you say what's going on what's happening what's going on put your name right there where right here you would be so helpful you grabbed a pen for me yeah I use it you want me okay yeah and then what's that well you gotta get your forms together what forms have you ever known people who play helpless but they were manipulating you and you found out that when you were not around they were doing just fine but when you come around they act like they came from they act like matter of fact they become weak so that you can stay present in their life it feeds your ego because you feel like you're really helping she's over there kneading and she's over there putting stuff together and she's over there developing all of that and she's prepare these cakes for him because my brother is sick but I'm over here and I'm working hard and I'm gonna get him healthy but the only reason I'm over there he's on the bed he's just think what be very careful if we're talking about healing but before we can get to healing I want you to be very very careful everybody that sick and sick everybody everybody act like they in trouble everybody that called you number one all emergencies ain't necessarily your emergency you know what I also realized I also realize that there are have you ever heard of a drama queen everybody overheard zone it's the idea of people who develop problems and even when everything is good they look for problems they stay in problems and they develop problems to keep people present in their lives be very careful of that because you know what that can do that can cause pain a lot of our pain comes from the investments we make I don't cry if I didn't put any time money or energy into it but if I put money and time and energy into something I'm invested I'm invested physically I'm invested emotionally of our hearts get broken then after your investment you don't get a return how would you feel right now if you got a text message on your phone and your bank said I'm so sorry all your money has been you've been robbed and we wasn't insured all your money is gone how would you find how would you feel if that was a glitch you went to go check your account and everything says zero no better yet this is a good thing it said negative they said negative fifty-five how would you how would you feel and you just got paid how would you feel you know how you feel you feel angry because you said wait a minute I want for that somebody took that's how we are we're relationships and you were counting when you were in it but if it's over the pain comes because you said oh that was for nothing she walked over a man's house she in there cooking my daddy told me to take care of your brother I was gonna be obedient to my father and not even realize that I'm actually being manipulated and set up for your own satisfaction the Bible says here in verse the Bible says in verse 10 and Evelyn said to tomorrow bring the meat into my chamber his room is big but he's on the bed she said on a pen she said it's time to eat he said don't tell everybody to leave now once everybody leaves she thinking nothing of it and then he said okay I want to eat but come a little closer to the bed okay cuz cuz you acting you acting sick I wanna it's just some one bunch of your fingers are could I eat out of the palm of your hand Tamar since the case here's the thing for go any further when you trust people their request doesn't seem strange to you until after betrayal because if I trust you you can even actually do something crazy but because I trust you I don't think anything of it now if you ever got your heart broken before all the more red flags like nacho hand no woody that don't help you eat better yes and you know what when you've been betrayed before you come in the room asking questions okay what are your symptoms what are you feeling okay what's going on hold on why they gotta leave which I'll leave your phone no no one of them need to stay you know if you hid in the situation before you said hey listen never again that my god used to asking a whole bunch of questions that means somebody needs a checkup somebody okay is it there so what is it cuz I'm not just gonna come here and take care of you and I don't know what's going on he says listen I want to eat I want to eat out of your hand it's amazing the extent people will go to meet the needs at your expense it's amazing the extent people will go to meet their needs and yours spins Pete took hold of her he grabbed her physically and he said to her sleep with me he said to her now this is not the first time this has happened you know what I think think Amnon went back and read the scriptures and got some tips from Potiphar's wife because in Genesis Potiphar's wife grabbed Joseph and you know what if you go back and read it said the exact same words matter of fact did the exact same thing Emlyn did you remember Potiphar's wife told all the men in the house to leave hey I just wanted to know whenever you see other people even you need to leave whenever you see the crowd leaving they said no no no somebody said I need to talk to you one-on-one nah we gonna talk outside with the rest of everybody else she told all the men in the house to leave and the only one that was in the house be very careful of people we talk about healing be very careful of people who are trying to isolate you from your your friends from your family and from everybody who loves you they just want to have you to themselves be very careful of people who attack anybody who loves you and cares for you be very careful of people who just want you to themselves so Potiphar's wife did the exact same thing said hey everybody get out and when the Bible says when they were alone she grabbed Joseph so I can imagine Joseph who was a man I can imagine he has similar scars that Tamar has the difference between Joseph and Tamar is that Joseph was physically strong enough to get out and take off running when Amnon grabbed her he said with me now here's the here's the part that I have a problem with you ain't had to say that at the end you ain't had to say now wait you know you could have just ended the sentence lie with me you ain't had to say my sister you you you ain't gotta have to say that you could've said something different do not force me for no such thing ought to be done in Israel do not do this foolishness do not do this folly and how weather shall I cause my shame to go if you do this to me then you're going to give me shame I have nowhere to put the second I want to talk about this just for a second there are some things that happen to us that we feel like I don't have anywhere to take this shame because if I had somewhere to take the shame then it wouldn't be so bad but who can tell that this thing happens to me one of the most difficult things and the body of Christ one of the most difficult things in the Church of Christ is we do a horrible job of ministering to me and who've been molested there are more services for women who are molested matter of fact there are more services and not enough services for women but with that being said we do a horrible job ministering to men who have been molested who have been sexually assaulted or abused because who do you go and talk to about your shame it's very difficult for a 4-man to go to another man and say listen I've been violated and I don't know what to do and there's many ways to violate I've been I've been violated and they keep doing it and I don't know what to do because in a society and we live the man is actually supposed to like it there are some men who will sit quietly because Society says they're supposed to like it but inside they are being scarred an aggressive woman an aggressive woman will go in and fondle a man and he doesn't know who to talk to about this shame it would be the equivalent of a woman being fondled and I did not want that happening to me but now who do I talk to because they're gonna look at me as a fast woman they're gonna look at me as looser or you know you y'all look how are you you'd if I did that anyway over there nobody wants labels and nobody nobody wants to be in that category where they have to say I need to talk to somebody but who did you talk to she says she's pleading with her brother please don't do this because if you do this to me you gonna isolate me and hang on I had nowhere to go she says whether shall I call us my shame to go and ask for you she says listen in a quick moment when he grabbed her she thought about all the things that are going to go wrong with this she said us for you you shall be as one of the fools in Israel if you do this not therefore I pray you speak unto the king for he will not withhold me hey there's another way but you you don't have to you don't have to steal you don't have to rape you you don't have to take this from me for those of you who don't know especially in this setting in this time if you are a virgin you wore certain clothes so if you go back to verse 1 and verse 2 when the Bible says that she was a virgin that means she was able to wear certain clothes so back in the day man was looking for a wife one of the things that he would look for is you know what you wear it yeah what you yeah what you what you wearing now if you wasn't wearing certain clothes then that means that you were not a virgin are you has sex outside of marriage and it was up to that man of whether or not he would pursue or not or that he would look for a virgin all of the virgins had virgin the tire he went to the Virgin Gap store he went either all of them have certain attire so you gotta understand what's about to be devastating to her if you do this to me I can't wear I can't wear my proud clothes because I've killed myself and because I kept myself I walk around with these garments to let all know I'm pure I've kept myself but if you do this to me I gotta change my clothes now how is it that yesterday I was wearing virgin attire and today I'm not wearing virgin somebody's gonna ask me and I'm not married somebody gonna ask me what did you do my daddy gonna ask me every man yes in my family will know mr. that I didn't do it right something happened to me she so she says listen don't do it this way but being stronger than she he forced her and he lay with her the difference between Joseph and Tamar is that Joseph was stronger than part of his wife Tamar tried to resist but the Bible says that Amnon physically forced her and so now this shame the scene has been done on Amnon the Bible says in verse 15 did Amnon hated her exceedingly after he had sex with her the moment that they finished he actually hated her now in the beginning he was so sick he was telling them I love her I love her when your love is not rooted in God many times sex will reveal true intentions because after sex a it's time for you to go home yeah it's time for you to go even get your stuff it's time for you to know it's time for you to it's time for you to go home this is what he's telling Tamar to do I'm done I'm good you can you can leave now get your stuff and leave he hated her exciting so that he the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than the love wherewith he had loved her because he because of how he got her the Bible says he hated her but if you understand it purely he actually hated himself he actually just wounded himself there are some things that you can do to people and you can hurt people if you ever been if and we've all been in a situation before where you've hurt somebody you said something you did something you inconsiderate whatever we've all been in a situation where you've hurt somebody if you've never hurt somebody what you don't realize many times is that if you hurt somebody and they've been hurt by you also at the same time you can hurt yourself even though you hurt so sometimes when a person is trying to tell you they're hurt when a person is trying to tell you their pain it's hard for you to listen because you're dealing with your own pain of what you did when he looks at Tamar he's really looking at himself so what he's hating and the Bible says his hate is growing the moment he finished and he's looking at her and he's staring her but his hate is growing but the hate that's building up in her is not something that she calls she actually did nothing to him what he's hating is himself now some of us that you may have repented for sins but the hate that you have with us there are certain people that when you see those certain people or when you come around certain places or those places are those people mind you of you when you were not at your best so what we don't realize sometimes is that sometimes that the people who hurts you the most they are actually bleeding themselves and hurting themselves and sometimes to cover that up they push you away and you're saying wait a minute why are you pushing me away because they're hurting people who hurt people are really hurting themselves and to feel better they can't keep looking at the people that they hurt so here's the problem when you're willing to forgive them faster then they have even recognized their own pain so it's hard for them to receive your your spirit of forgiveness because their hate is actually growing by just looking at your face I know I did you wrong I don't want to talk to you anymore why are you being like this because it's really turned inward that's why it's never good to mistreat people because you're actually hurting yourself you're actually wounding yourself some of you you think okay I think that maybe they got away with it they didn't get away with it you know what they're gonna do they're gonna go self-medicate they're gonna push a bunch of people away they're gonna go isolate and you know what you almost have to do you almost have to find new friends you have you gotta go to a new environment you got anybody who you gotta get you gotta see you gotta see faces you have not heard so that the hatred can stop building hate that crazy the scripture is laying out what's actually happening to him now this is between em nan and Tamar and epsilon is not in the room I want to let you know the stories about epsilon even though we can learn from em none and even though we can learn from Tamar even though there are men and women that can that can retake my story and say hey I know that story there are some men who can read matter-of-fact and there are some men who can look at take my story and say I've been in that situation before and I got caught and there are something out of evers told me she said if you don't sleep with me I'll tell everybody that you did me wrong he felt stuck and then if he didn't sleep with her he didn't want anybody to think that he was gay so then maybe I gotta sleep with it cuz out I'm trying to protect my reputation while at the same time by doing this I'm wounding mice this is stuff we don't talk about these are all the little angles that we've done it cuz everything ain't just black and white there are many many different angles just as there are some women who set me up and loud but there are some women and said listen y'all it's not my fault and then there are some women who are angry and the other group of women because you make it hard for us to tell our story because you're deceitful are you a setting of are you have some other agenda or maybe you were trying to get money or whatever the case may be and for people who are really in a situation that need to tell a story we have a hard time telling it because people don't believe us because they're looking at you so it's a flip for the corner and since a 50-50 are you one of them are are you really telling the truth and then there's a secret society of men and said I'm not gonna say anything it's amazing how many how certain being get up in age and they finally reveal I was wrong I was molested if you ever meet a man that sleeps with a whole bunch of women you gotta go back to the very beginning something happened something happened because you're trying to cover up especially if it was a same sex experience from men who experienced the same sex experience I feel sorry for many women because they're going to pursue many women to try to get that off or some kind of way show that I'm not my first experience because look at all of the women that I've been with then I can't be that I can't be that and now some women say they don't understand how come he can't come in and he's with this he can't keep it in his he he's running all over he's running from something he's trying to pursue he's trying to conquer something and if that man doesn't get he'll meeting women's hearts are going to be broken you'll have many women stand up say yeah we've all experienced that one man what and and I'll say this I'm not saying that it's not true oh I'm not saying that you know you have to say that this is true I'm just telling what right now is my perspective if a woman gets hurt she could hurt about for me if a man gets hurt he'll hurt about 50 women not good at math so don't you know Amy's not statistics I'm just trying to paint a picture when men get hurt they hurt many more than if a woman gets hurt a woman get hurt she may hurt the next man on but but women will forgive their are they're more forgiving a man gets hurt he it takes from much much longer so now she's in this situation am nam hated her exceedingly so that the hatred were with was greater than the love that he had loved that amnon senator arise and would I need you to leave I'm done any any any man that's like that something's broken in him mad fact let me let me just not make it gender will make it all any woman or man that can be intimate and say be gone something's broken inside of them if you've given the most intimate part of yourself and then the next thing you do is just kids you go and you just and you don't feel anything something's broken something something's broken in the spirit not the flesh these are pains of the Spirit and pains of the heart so for you to just get up and leave for a man and say I'm done you need yourself it's time for you to go the hurt is not so much even the physical the heard is how you value me because you didn't value I can easily be dismissed and what hurts most of us is when people we care about quickly dismiss us and move on that's one of the biggest pains that people have how is it that I think I'm such a wonderful person and you can quickly dismiss me so it's one thing that you just violated me but then I gotta hurry up and get out and she can't put the same clothes on again you've heard her on multiple levels foot now this woman out from me and then you know what you know that would be in present time not only leave but imma change the locks and I'ma block your phone you don't call me again cuz I'm done both the door you can't come back and both the door after her the Bible says in verse 18 and she had a garment of different colors upon her for with such roles where the Kings daughters that were virgin apparelled y'all see that so now she has these clothes that are only for virgins that her honor is gone then his servant brought her out and bolted the door after her and Tamar put ashes on her head and tore her clothes of different colors that was on her and laid her hand on her head and she went on crush she tore the clothes that she was once so proud of I can't wear these in him we talk about pain she put ashes on her head and she wept bitterly Absalon here we go Absalon her brother said unto her have none your brother didn't with you now I don't know how he knew it I don't know if he got it from one of the soldiers or maybe he caught wind from Davey then that Tamar second care the brother but the next time he sees his sister I know maybe I knew who you were trying to take care of but wait a minute you're not wearing the clothes you crying something we were wait a minute who did this to you did have none do this to your system he is your brother regarde not this thing so tomorrow remained well in her brother absalon's were inviting tomorrow take my usually she like she normally be here I understand inviting tomorrow in by seeing sister tomorrow she stopped coming sister sister Tamar she used to be at the market since anybody seen sister Tamar anybody called brother Absalon the see maybe he caught by the absalon's he was sister Tamar is the bible says she went desolate inter who's taking care of Tamar who's covering her he's hiding her he's he's making sure this thing happened to you but he's your brother so you can't do but but I'm gonna make sure to try to hide your pain now it did not happen to Absalon let me say this about my pain well something happened to you everybody I love you feel it something can happen to you and you say I need counselling but what you don't realize is that everybody I love you they need counselor too because their heart can break just those you got children some can happen to your child at school and you'll be in your car crying anything happen to you if anybody ever got a phone call from a relative or loved one there's something happening in it and it made you angry it made you want to get on and get on the plane I'll get in the car because you shouldn't go pray why were you angry it didn't happen to you here's the here's the lie of the devil it only happened to you that's the lie of the devil you're the only one going through it you're the only one experienced in it it's just you that's the lie of the devil there's nobody in the room that's Duke that's going to this and fill in this but you as tomorrow is desolate and hurting so is Absalon the Bible says in verse 21 but when King David heard of all these things he was very angry an Absalon spake unto his brother Amnon neither good nor what for I absolutely hated Amnon because he had forced his sister Tamar now if you was to ax Epsilon hey what do you think about him 9 Absalom would say hmmm you think you're a good person you dig it up you think you're a bad man hey you know here my brother so I don't the Bible says that Absalon need to speak word but he hated when people are hurting be very careful of people who don't express it because that means sometimes that hate could be cooking have anybody ever had hate cooking we just said never ruin just brawl in this isn't of and people don't even know us in the oven hey you know what's there you can literally be talking to a person who hates you and they speak neither good nor bad when they see your face hey what's going on all right they don't they don't even say good to see you they know not to hey all right don't even say God bless bye bye you have to go back every flag you know like they say I mean they're not have you ever have some people in your life they're not mean to you but they don't help you they don't tear you down but they don't support you either you got to be very careful people who will watch you fall but they won't push you either and it's just watching the Bible says Absalon speaks neither good nor bad but the Bible says in his heart he hates him it came to pass after how long that Absalon had sheep shearers and Balthazar which is visage Ephraim and Absalon invited all the king's sons do you know in order to invite all the king's sons to an event that would include Amnon why would you invite an enemy to an event something's cooking you know what we're reading in second Samuel we're reading what happens when you don't get healed and the pain is still there after many years it will show up in a season nobody will expect they think you have an attitude but your attitude is actually from six years ago matter of fact they don't even know that even the way you're moving is based upon something that happened ten years ago you know what's you know why church is dangerous Church is dangerous because you don't know who's healed and who's not and you don't know who law is cooking there are some people I don't want to mess with you know why because they will sit and wait for years and plot on you have anybody in here ever plotted confession time about class almost over have you ever plotted if you ever sit back and plot it scary because a person that sits back in plot they watch your moves just that it three o'clock okay he likes chocolate milk easy to hide is its potential he likes okay they find out all the things that you value oh so you like you like your video games okay these are your favorite tennis shoes and they just sit in plot just sitting wait they find out who who are your friends who are the people that who are the people who got your back cuz then I'm gonna get them first cuz cuz that'll be the matter of fact I know who your first phone car will be people who plot they watch you you know who the best plotter is that that I've ever met y'all want me to reveal it the the best plotter that I've ever met is Satan because there's nobody that's more patient than Satan and God Satan will watch you and watch your moves and see how you operate he will plot on you the Bible says he is here to do three things to do what and to destroy and in order to do that he has to find out what you value in order for us to talk about healing healing requires that there has to be an injury an injury always takes place before healing never after so if we're gonna talk about healing it is the understanding that there was an offense or there was injury that took place there has to be an event there has to be a date there has to be parties involved and there is a perspective there has to be an event there has to be a date there has to be parties that were involved or an individual and then there is a perspective semesters relevance what about the perspective sometimes your pain comes from your perspective not from reality so you're crying because of how you see it not because anybody did anything bad to you and then there is a date and then it's how you saw those people or individuals involved that determine your level of pain and if you're injured you're at least injured in these three places you've either been injured physically spiritually that's of the mind all right motion aliy you got your feelings hurt well somebody says I'm hurting they've either been hurt physically emotionally or they have been hurt spiritually and if they've been hurt those four categories have to be there as an event parties involved there has to be a perspective notice on all of these elements if we can begin as we talk about healing to break down these elements maybe we can unlock some of our own pain maybe we can start to look at our own shoes so you know what yes there is a date of my pain there were the parties that were involved there there was an event and I do have a perspective of what notice when people are hurt they say homicide can you tell my side okay okay okay tell you what you do okay you finish because I got my own perspective and sometimes the perspective and we're gonna hit on all of those areas when we're dealing when we're dealing with healing because if you don't if you don't address the event and if you don't address the parties that were involved if you don't address your perspective if you don't know where you are hurting you you acting like it's in your body but really your your feelings are hurt you know that the other day said you know what my feelings are hurt you hurt my ego got on the phone today he said sir what's your name I said my name is my name is Willie Williams and he said we were talking all and he went back to confirm he says I see you say your name is Willie the evenings he said is that short for something does that mean something else is it just that it's my feelin's you know you don't see my feelings but the rest of the conversation I had an attitude I just I told you with my name I didn't give you that why given nicknames my name is woody it ain't short for nothing they don't mean nothing else it knowing somebody so Rob and then what hurts me don't hurt you so you know what you would tell me I'll get over you don't mean nothing now I want to get away from you because he's I'm still hurting and we'll go to all of those different angles and if we can understand that I can we can communicate with each other better because I realize where your pain is coming from I realized what area and then I can speak to it a lot of us stay hurt because sometimes the people who hurt us don't speak into our pain because they don't understand the category they forgot the event they first they forgot that they were there does that mean they don't they don't remember they don't they don't realize that they were one of the parties that were involved and they don't see your perspective and by being oblivious all that they can't speak into your pain and because they can't speak into your pain you've got a just like tomorrow now where do I take it cuz I need this is you saw almost like we have a need for somebody to understand so that our healing can begin Amen man I don't know if that was for you but never a rose for me I feel good about the text amen if you hear on this after this evening and maybe that's something you need to pray for sometimes you'll have Saints where we carry and stuff that you don't need to be carrying there's some stuff that you may need to let go there may be some things that you just need to pray for you got to tell the church their whole business but sometimes used to say I just need y'all to pray for me I am carrying some stuff I am dealing with some stuff I am trying to handle some stuff and I'm really not doing a good job with it and I need some intervention I need Saints that have a connection with God to pray on my behalf if you hear your desire relationship with Jesus Christ would encourage you to come we encourage you to give you a life to Jesus Christ because the only way that you're gonna truly get your healing is that you gotta come to the doctor you try and get healed at home and being isolated being like Tamar Tamar stayed in that house and even though her brother was covering the only thing that was in that house is both of them ended up getting sick cuz he was covering her but she never dealt with it he never dealt with his pain they just stopped talking about it and when you just just cuz you stop talking about it and just because you turned your head away from it it don't go away their pain to come up two years later and you'll be having uh you having to get together all for the wrong reason I wanna invite everybody over to the house I'm gonna buy the everybody table tell me what you know we still go from that oh yeah we're good don't let that's good I want everybody to the house don't go there's pain in that house amen that
Channel: North Colony Church of Christ
Views: 4,066
Rating: 4.9139786 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ, Gospel, Acapella, North Colony Church of Christ, Willie Williams, Preaching
Id: KRJW4tkRBag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 54sec (3234 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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