"A Loveless Marriage!" | Evangelist Willie B. Williams III (Church of Christ)

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dealing with thirsty for love we've been dealing with relationships and the reason why we need to study relationships because all of the Bible is a relationship from Genesis to Revelation it is one big relationship between you and God so if you don't understand communication if you don't understand forgiveness because I don't how much money you have and I don't care where you live and I don't care how many people you have around if love is not there but at the end of the day when you sit in that big old house and you're looking in the mirror and something is missing God saying it's me it's that the thing that you were looking out in the middle of the night that you were willing to pay for it's me you're looking for and you don't even realize it so the Bible says don't don't give your strip that's the problem what Samson as we studied on Samson last week he gave his strength to the women because he was looking for something and at the end of his life the only thing that he wanted to do he called out to God and said God if you just give me my strength back out do your wheel what you had given me the assignment and the call to do in the very first place I spent my whole life searching have anybody ever been out on the streets and then you came back home and saying another [Music] [Music] you don't add you don't add Jesus to your life he is supposed to be your life you know you don't add them you don't add them to your agenda see God is my agenda you don't add God to your relationship you add hurty to God you add him to God I already have a relationship with God you add people but you don't add God because God is the reason he is the source he is the beginning he is the Alpha and the Omega so as we dive deeper into looking at relationships and looking at love I want us to look at Genesis chapter 29 and there's a reason why these stories are in the Bible is for you to learn so we'll be pulling out some things I also want to say this before I go deep into it I realize and it is it's even I appreciate this because it has been brought to my attention I realize that some of these lessons are difficult because we all come from different walks of life that some of us and here you you were divorced some that are married some you have children out of wedlock that some that you've lived a life that has not been holy and have not been clean so it's difficult to discuss and talk about these things that some of them have been married two and three times and so your perspective maybe a little we all have different stories and so sometimes when we talk about the design of God it becomes difficult because you're listening and then you're trying to apply to your context and sometimes it's a it's a horse peel it don't go down it don't go it doesn't go down well but the purpose of studying it because regardless of what has happened in my life and regardless of what has happened in your life God's Word is still true and if we could honor what God says he'll tend to you wherever your state of life is with her father's sheep for she kept them to give you context Jacob has just left home he has some issues he has some family issues with his brother he stole his birthright his mama and daddy said listen I need you to get out of here your brother trying to kill you so he goes to Laban 's house to get away from trouble he's a single man and he's he's the only reason I'm here is because back home there was some trouble and so he's just arrived he's at Levens home and he's looking around and the Bible says that this woman comes around and her name is what her name is Rachel Jacob doesn't know Rachel has never seen Rachel before Jacob is minding his business Rachel is minding her business and Rachel probably like any other day turns the corner she's a working woman she's a working woman the Bible says in verse 8 I'm sorry and verse 9 and while he yet spake Rachel came with her father's sheep for she did what all right there's some good skills she she know how to take care of sheep she know how to she's a leader she's a leader she she takes care she work out on the field you looked at her hand say she sees she put that time in she put that time in and care for the Sheep you don't want to be with nobody that don't know how to care for you you got a headache and they put vaseline on your head I need some tylenol I need some you doing so don't know how to care for you you you're sick and you're coughing up and and they given you a coca-cola or you know some juice I don't know juice I need some soup she cares for the she cares for the Sheep she minded her own business and then Jacob Jacob ain't never seen it before and Jacob the Bible says terms reimbursed him and it came to pass hold on to your seat Church it came to pass when Jacob saw Rachel I'm in the Bible the daughter of Laban his mother's brother and and the Sheep of Laban his his mother's brother and Jacob went near I want to read slow some of you may didn't get a chance to read all week I'm gonna want you to get this in your spirit the Bible says that Rachel was working and the Bible says in verse 10 Jacob turn and he saw Rachel and when he saw Rachel the Bible says he didn't say nothing but the Bible says what he did the Bible says he you ever have somebody just get woke up all on you and just get the Bible says he got near and my endotex yeah I'm gonna take the Bible says he got near and I rolled the stone from the wells mouth and watered the flock of leaving his mother now she's tending the flock he sees her working and then he gets near no he doesn't say anything he gets real close to it rolled the word because you won't flex your muscles that's what's really he rolled a stone on and he started helping her she didn't ask him to she was working on her own don't wait to get into a relationship to get into a ministry and then you say okay god I'm gonna work with you when I get with somebody get with somebody love God enough that you were gonna serve God right now and then whoever connects which let them help you she's working and he started he started helping with her he started helping with the flock we did even though he happened with the flock we at verse 11 the Bible says and Jacob they're not married I said well let you know they're not married but he get real close and he got so close cuz they working together now he got so close am i in the scriptures I'm not looking I'm not making it up he get so close he did work [Music] and the Bible says when he I don't know how sweet it was I don't I don't know answer but the Bible says when he kissed her he lifted up his voice can you can you see him crying have you ever seen a man kiss a woman and then break out doesn't start crying the Bible said he lifted up his voice if there was ever love on first sight we in Genesis chapter 29 he lifted up his voice and he started weeping I don't know what sister Rachel was think it is he okay she could have said well that's me yes that's what happens gather yourself [Music] the Bible says he started weeping Jacob told Rachel that he was her father's brother and that he was Rebecca's son and she ran and told her father and it came to pass when Laban heard the tidings of Jacob his sister son that he ran to meet him and braced him and kissed him and brought him into the house he said listen this is who I am she went and told her daddy hey this man he comes and welcomed her welcomes him in and the Bible says in verse 14 and Laban said unto him surely you are born am I born in my flesh and he'll bow with him in space of a mother and Laban said unto so for a whole month he didn't had his and the Bible doesn't say but he probably snuck in a few more kisses doing that month the Bible says he had been there for a month and Laban said unto Jacob because you are my brother and kshitij thou therefore serve me for nothing you've been working here all this time shouldn't I pay you nothing but what he don't what he doesn't realize is ain't working for nothing I'm here for Rachel he said what do what should I give you for doing all this work you know when you when you would love you work harder when when you when you connect you clean you clean deeper you you cut the grass with vigorous you you you you you go shopping you you you get dressed you you know everything has a little bit more energy in it you wash your face with with two types of clearer sail you you try to get it all together he he said man you working so hard here do you want me to pay you something I'll give you something for the work you do he works so hard Laban felt guilty the Bible says in verse 16 and he burst 15 and Laban said unto Jacob because you're my brother should've stopped serving four now tell me what should your wages be tell me how much you want to get paid verse sixteen Laban had two daughters the name of the elder was leia and the name of the younger was rachel verse 17 is a biblical perspective of these two women Leia was tender [Music] the word but is a transition word it's a transition that means something's different is about to happen in the latter part so whatever you just read in the first part is not gonna be like the second part but Rachel was beautiful and well favored hey Leia what's going on Rachel y'all got that as far as i'ma go verse 18 and Jacob notice verse 18 and Jacob loved Rachel and said I'm I'm gonna serve the seven years for Rachel your younger daughter let me say how cold this is I want no money know how to ask for goat or something give me some sheep or something some land he's on the money I don't know waitress I don't know no no the only thing I won't he he's a crier he's a crier the only thing I won't can you give me Rachel if you give me Rachel I'll put 7 years of working you didn't say Jacob said you didn't see is she bad I'll put 7 years of working if you can give me if you can give me Rachel seven years for Rachel but he's so in love they seemed unto him but uh but a few days and the new Bible tells you are for the love he had to her he loved her so much that seven years was nothing for him there were number a few weeks for him I know what you're thinking that's crazy but that's real love you you can't deny it that's real love there are many people who get into relationships because it'll look like nobody else coming come on Larry some people get into relationships because they're looking at the clock and it has nothing to do with love there's just looking at the clock and I say you know where I gotta hear who's around come here come here because I'm running out of in their mind they got a clock somebody said brother wins why are we talking about this because don't you ever say the church didn't talk about it I never say the church didn't teach you there's some people who look in the clock there's some people who have given up hope and they say well let me just grab the first thing that's coming there are some people they get into relationships because the intimacy was so good that they didn't look at the person there's some people you wanted to break up with your boyfriend a girlfriend six months ago but they keep saying one more time you ain't gotta say man that's just I want us to be honest this morning and I'm not I'm not talking about non-christians all this whole conversations about Christians that you caught up in a sexual relationship and even you want to leave but you call because you get your strength away and the person has your strength walking around and you trying to break a soul time but it's difficult because they got the key to your house and then you pop up at your job when they feel like it they come around your desk and get near to you they give it they get a whistle call and you'd only one in the room know what that call is [Music] they've sent you a text every day and they know one of them days you're gonna answer you see them at least once or twice a month at least you ignore them but they keep coming around they've taken your strength away and pulled you even further away from God there's nothing about your church attendance that's changed but your soul is far from God we don't know that kind of love because the world offers us appetizers when the Lord is trying to give you an entree so you never even get to that side you never even get to the entree because all you got is chicken fingers and mozzarella sticks and you don't know where Lambchop even tastes like so he loves her and the Bible says it was just a word few days look at verse 21 and Jacob said unto Laban give me my wife my days of her feel and I'm fitting to go in unto her and labor and gather together all the men of the place and he made this big old feast he said my seven years is up I get to be with the woman I love let's get this going Laban laving gathered all the men they had all this food and feast and then celebrate he's excited today because now finally I get to be with the woman I love and the Bible says in verse 23 and it came to pass in the evening that he took a lair his daughter and brought her to him and he went in unto her for those of you don't know it is not the ceremony that marries you is sex that marries you in the eyes of God you can have a hundred ceremonies and when the preacher stands before the woman and the man any and you take the vows that's not what marries you when you have sex with somebody that's what marries you some of us have 15 wives some of us have many wives and many husbands because in the eyes of God it is what consummates it matter of fact it's almost equivalent I can write out a whole contract I can write out a whole contract I can give you a copy I can have a copy I can even print your name on it but it's not binding until you would sex is signing for those when you have sex you're signing and you are joining yourself to that person right say man tomorrow he gives layer to her but it's not about the ceremony the Bible says to consummate to sign the marriage he goes into Leia he is so excited about being with Rachel he never looks at Leia face don't act like you ain't been there before [Music] he's so focused on being with her he never looks at her don't ever be with anybody that's so focused on being with you they never look at you the Bible says he consummates and it was that night verse 25 one of my favorite verses in the Bible and it came to pass took a minute in the morning sleep all night and behold another word for behold it's look that's what but what behold me behold mean look it was later y'all see that behold it was later and he said to Laban what what what is what what did you what did you do what have you done to me didn't I serve you for Rachel why have you tricked me you knew I wanted Rachel and the Bible says in verse 26 Laban says it must not be so done in our country to give the younger before the first one you didn't want to tell me that before the feasts okay I know what I did but I needed to get her Leia we're gonna be with nobody you know she got our own situation so I needed to get I needed to get her married but if you would work another seven years if you were working if you would work another seven years then I'll give you Rachel the Bible says in verse 28 and Jacob did so and fulfilled the with now notice without hesitation because when it's real love I wait real Love Waits somebody said I got stuff to do because you're looking at the clock Jacob is not looking at the clock he's looking at Rachel don't look don't look at what you won't look at God god is love look at love and if you look at love don't worry about the clock because if you look at the clock you're gonna find yourself jumping into something because you feel like you running out of time and God is time and whatever time you think you lost God will give it back to you the Bible says here he walks another seven and he served him another seven years in verse three so look at verse 31 who's gonna go to verse 31 to 35 and lessen be yours what I really want to talk about is Layla first 31 when the Lord saw the lair was work P opened up her wound marriage does not produce love marriage does not produce love marriage supports it marriage is supposed to protect it but it's a it's a horrible thing to be in a place that supports and protects something that's not there it's difficult to be in a loveless marriage the relationship that Jacob has with lair is based on duty not on love does he feel a yes does he take care of later yes does he does he give himself to Leia to to make sure he does his duty yes sometimes you can be with a person and is strictly book chapter in verse it's difficult to be in a relationship what I'm gonna do everything God has asked me to do nothing more nothing less you have a book chapter and verse do you know it is not against the law for a man to ignore his wife's birthday [Music] husbands you don't have recognized her birthday there's no scripture for it there's no law anniversaries pagan you're not a bad Christian and you're not a bad husband if you don't recognize anniversaries yes there's no scripture for it yeah this there's no scripture for it do you know Valentine's Day has nothing to do with Jesus Christ and him crucified [Music] you cannot approach that man of being a bad husband unto God because there's no scripture for it now what I just talked about was duty but if it's real love valentine's Day is not enough anniversaries is too constraining you can imagine Jacob wants to love Rachel everyday because God is love what day does he skip giving you oxygen God loves me every day do you see that and so when a relationship is based on duty and it's not a love church becomes a cold place because I'm only treating you based upon duty but when it's real love I'll go above and beyond I'll do the extra I put the little parsley on the plate and I know you're gonna eat it but I put the lid and I decorate around and I and I put the little lemon in and I write your name in the lemon and the cut and then I and I put the little crystals around and then from the door on outside if you do the extra somebody said why you doing because love puts a son on a cross love goes above and beyond when it's real the struggle that Leia is having is a married to a man if you don't love me there's no love there's no love here God who is love and can recognize love look in the marriage and say oh my goodness she is married but there is no love in it God from heaven has such compassion on her he decided I'm gonna open up your womb he's not going to give you love so let me tell you let me tell you the problem that Jacob is having in the relationship and layers have no relationship the reason why and the tragedy of Leia and Jacob was because he was never looking at her he was in a relationship he's in a relationship with layer but he was never looking at her his eyes were always on Rachel but the problem is that he was sleeping with somebody he was never looking at you can be with somebody in your heart and mind is somewhere else don't ever be in a relationship or the person that you're with their mind never goes to God if your mind never goes to God then what in the world are you looking at I feel safe if we both looking at love so that we know what to model laughter but if your mind is not on God and mine is on God and I'm looking at love but you're not looking at loved and we not going something bad happen can I also say this stop giving the relationships with people when you haven't gotten over the last person you all let the movies and hug up but you're still thinking about Jimmy you missing Darlene kissing KC you haven't got over Jacob was never looking at layer so what she ends up trying to do is she ends up trying to get his attention and he doesn't he doesn't see her sometimes you can get a person's attention but their heart is somewhere else and because we're so impatient because the father was so impatient he threw our into a marriage never considering that there was no love there because he couldn't wait and because she didn't even fight against her father they were so focused on getting in the marriage that the father and Leia they both jumped into a marriage daddy a marry not never considering he's never gonna love you because marriage doesn't make a person love you and if there isn't any love the person who likes you can turn to hating you because now the responsibility is averted and our a bunch of marriages where people are walking around on duty you don't want me to pay for your dinner this time you got you got it okay you want me give this okay you cold you will get the air-conditioned everybody good everybody ate everybody good All Right see y'all tomorrow and there's no love you could tell when a couple is in love and they're not even all on each other but you could tell that they in love baby let me get them you could they can talk to each other you want anything you won't be kitchen you don't have to force them so I remember a rep told me this one time so impactful she said I had to apologize to my husband and I told him I'm sorry she said I should have waited for you but I lost faith and I got into a relationship that hurt me really bad she said and you were there and I should have waited for you but I wasn't willing to wait and she said this she said it's not how fast you get it it's not how long you can keep it it's how real it is that matters let me say it again she said it's not how fast you can get it anybody can jump into a relationship real quick change your status [Music] you want to get him one real quick you can go ahead and jump in round one real quick all the merry people in the room said you better slow down it's not how long stop looking at the clock because it's not how fast you can get in one and then you have some people she said it's not how long being married for sixty years is also only if you are loved because it could be a prison sentence man how long a man I've been in 17 years man I don't know I'm up for parole but they but the Lord they let me out I've been break something I've been going to the Lord Lord just let me out if you just you can free me Lord I'm I've learned from my ways I should have I should have loved you in the beginning there are some people they've been with their spouses a long time so what if you don't love each other if you don't enjoy each other if you don't care for each other somebody said I think they kinda accident they still living come on man as your wife man [Music] everything okay you asking for a different reason am i free when when it when it's real and you pursue real you don't look at the clock and it's not about holding on to somebody for a long time God don't want you to be a Christian just for a long time what good is that if you don't love him he wants you to love him not just be a Christian and have the title but it's about how real the 14 verse 14 the Bible says in the Lord show and you shall work you gotta wait you got to be patient when it comes to fighting battles in your life you gotta wait on God stop trying to fight everything on your own if you'd be willing to be patient and wait on God God will fight for you the reason why you have so many battle scars is because you stepped out and you didn't get on God you didn't trust in God you didn't lean on God lean on God and trust in God and watch him fight for you then that's good I want you to go to the battle wait on God Galatians chapter 6 verse 9 and let us not be weary in what don't be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we were be patient and wait on God when you trying to holy you you're getting real weary and you want to quit and you're getting tacos god I've been doing everything that's right and wait on God and be patient it's the people that are not patient yeah their hurry up and get it but the quality the quality goes down whenever you rush you want good quality if God is working on you God is also working on what you praying for don't rush God go ahead God get the rest of that clean the rest of that stuff out of it so that when I receive it it's all the way clean you can hurry up and jump and get something that ain't finished yet you know you don't want unfinished lasagna I tried it don't taste good the Bible says turn your Bibles to Psalms 37 in verse 7 Psalms 37 and verse 7 Psalm 37 and verse 7 rest in the wait patiently for him fret not thyself because of him who prospers it stop looking at other people stop looking at Facebook and Instagram and what the people have because sometimes it's just the picture the realness is not there some people you have two beautiful people and they look good together and that's really all they have they know how to take a picture that's it they only know how to take a pic but there's no love there some people are together because it's strictly business they just take two great business people and they know how to do good business but there's no love there there's no realness and for what for what you need and what God let God give you sometimes your blessing is singleness because there are so many cockroaches [Music] the Lord of spray a barrier you know if I wrote spray anybody know it rose spray is wrong audience see if you knew the baloney you'll know the RO spray that rose spray is supposed to have a barrier so when they come they turn around could it be that god of spray foolishness spray around and you wondering when you get close they run what are you going why don't we move in and those who got foolish they smell it as I can't get close okay I can't but you only realize the Lord is protecting you and because you're not willing to wait on God you shouldn't enter running after something that's gonna break your heart and your credit the Bible says fret not thyself because of him who prospers away because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass wait and be patient in your desires never be so hungry you gonna outrun God's hand a provision last scripture Philippians chapter 4 and verse 6 Philippians chapter 4 and verse 6 in Philippians chapter 4 in verse 6 be careful another translation be anxious for nothing so myself oh okay I can't wait to get married and I can't wait to have kids oh and I can't wait wait sometimes your kids I can't wait to be out on my own welcome Kathy bills then come on come on get them you wanna hurry up and get them you look back and you realize how much of a blessing it was to hate it be careful for nothing but in everything do it by prayer you know a prayer is prayer is a communication with love keep talking to love let love know your fears let let love know what you desire keep talking to love about what you need and let love work on your behalf and supplication with Thanksgiving while I'm waiting I'm thanking God for what I know and what I don't know because they were crazy didn't even know it revealed it later thank you God have you ever looked back and realized God steered you from some something crazy thank you I didn't know I was blind you look at an old how in the world how did how did I entertain that and you realize maybe because you wasn't spiritual and now that you've grown you don't even see yourself the same way the Bible says but let your requests be made known what here's what faith comes in when you ask God you gotta have enough faith to wait on God so praying is not enough you you ask God to come into your home you ask God to come into your relationships you ask God to come into your life but you are not willing to be patient and wait for him to actually come in the way that would benefit everybody in the house somebody said well when the love is gone with the own pace that I can actually to start his god because if you look in the house and God ain't in the house and God ain't in you and God ain't in that person then you both gotta start back with God now it takes two it takes two now I can eat alone but it takes two to be in a marriage if both people quit you know die every time if one person it only takes one person to quit that I heard somebody say one time I don't believe in divorce you don't have to believe in the divorce it happened to you you can stay in that house and believe in all night long you just take one to say I'm done it take one to turn ungodly it take it take one to turn ungodly and then your home got the devil in it but when you got both that that are willing to trust in God and Selene on God and to be patient this doesn't just apply the relationships this will this applies to everything in your personal life if you're not willing to wait forward if you're not willing to be patient it probably ain't worked that much whatever you whatever you're about to receive or pursue are you patient have you trusted in God have you quit have you given up have you throw up your hands are you autopilot is that no love have you stopped trying see if enough love is in me I don't really care what you do cuz I gotta still be me imma keep loving cuz my love is not connected to you my love is connected to God who's the source of love so just because you caught her attitude that some of you I I mean how many of you wives you ever cooked a meal for your husband who you were mad at okay here you want anything else and you're angry but why do you still serve because my connection is to God it ain't today have you quit on God have you decided to do it your own way and go your own relationships and pursue your own thing and you're not gonna do it God's Way you're not gonna trust in God's Way because it's taken to just take it too long and the pain of not having it now this causing you to walk away from God if you'll be willing to be patient and you'll be willing to have faith and trust in God then all these things will be added unto you
Channel: North Colony Church of Christ
Views: 4,636
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ, Gospel, Acapella, North Colony Church of Christ, Willie Williams, Preaching
Id: HsgbaRno4u8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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