Instrumental Music In Worship...Ok, Let's Talk About It! Evangelist Willie B. Williams III

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there's a lot of discussion for some reason there's a lot of discussion about instrumental music in the Church of Christ today it's a lot of arguments you can smile and that is nice of my smile and there's there's a lot of people who've been hurt by it there's a there's a lot of families that have split over it people who used to worship better but they don't worship there anymore because of the things have been said on a personal level all about this particular subject so if you've been in North Colonie in the amount of time you would know that I don't really talk about instrumental music I don't really preach upon it and so on tonight not only will we talk about it but hopefully and prayerfully at the end I'll tell you why I don't spend a lot of time on instrumental music so just think about if you go to a club there's what there's music you go to concerts just music you got family gatherings and you're you go to parties and that's what you did especially if you did that before you got serious about your faith there's a lot of stuff do you use them you participate in so I know people that are very adamant about no instrumental music in the Lord's house but they free everywhere else and then they getting down and then gee I don't know how to I just they did you know you get down and dance I don't know why you get down and I don't know why people getting down and dance you can stand up and dance I don't know some some people struggle with nostalgia you have a flashback but you're a Christian now so you're trying to find out how to have but you don't know how to our Christian fine you're a Christian now you know you so you both say till you stop everything he like everything so how can we steal but the fun that you were exposed to we're of the world do not approach the scripture with the perspective of preference because I can find a thousand people who say our worship with instruments and it doesn't distract me at all so I can never have I can never get in a Bible conversation with somebody about on the subject of distractions because distractions are subjective you know I can watch television and eat and and do homework at the same time some of you you need everything cut off you need your space clean you need your pencil sharpen and your opinion and you got your laptop and you got you and you need everything set up and then you go that's some of you you all in the bed with one leg out eating doughnuts getting a yes how you get your way so notice a lot of things are subjective so if we're gonna have a Bible discussion you cannot put your preference over anyone else they were excited about what God had did for his people Miriam grabbed the timber told the sisters come on let them out and with the timbrel just started dancing and praising God context of the scripture is that you have Hebrew slaves who have spent their whole life in slavery they don't know God you know why I know they don't know God because just a few chapters later thousands of them die in the wilderness because they do idol worship so here's what we don't want to do we don't want to take examples from this group because this whole group that went out and dancing and Miriam leader they all died God got frustrated because they didn't know how to worship Him be careful who you take your examples from right but this is this is your first this is one of your first scriptures that you ever read of instruments and praise dancing but here's also taking perspective there is there is no temple at this time the law has not even fully been installed they know nothing really of the laws of God they spent all of their lives worshipping idols in an Egyptian country and an African country worshipping idols worshiping the way non-believers are barbarians worship so their dances look like African dances because where they've been slaves in Africa I have to say Africa because people don't know that Egypt is in Africa some people didn't realize that it's instruments in the Bible I want to say yes instruments isn't about so if you take the time to start studying like we're doing if we had enough time is it let's just go through the scriptures you're gonna find instruments in the Bible financing upon all of these things there's nothing sinful about instruments I want to make that very clear there's nothing sinful about dancing some type some of them some of them Oh dancing is not seeing some of it is some of it is outlawed in heaven and earth but not all but some but not all dancing is seeing so so I don't want to demonize instruments there's nothing intrinsically wrong with a flute it wasn't made by Satan right but what I'm doing go to the scripture is because you don't take examples of how to operate in a Christian Church from newly freed slaves who don't know God and the reason why they're doing what they're doing is that because they're just celebrating on a natural day they know nothing about the Lord's Day they that is far from their mind they're just happy that God stepped in and protected them so you can imagine this is on like on a Thursday they got excited a lot of systems got up lined up and just start dancing shouting and praising God you wanna marry him answer them and she said sing you to the Lord for he have triumphantly gloriously the horse and his rider he has thrown into the world now if your enemy on your back and the Lord sweep in and throw them in the sea I'll be dancing to do it I'll be putting this singing too right so they know nothing about the Mosaic law they know nothing about worship they know nothing about Jehovah and honoring God the matter of fact their first experience with with the real power of God there at the Red Sea wow this is God so they start dancing but they're dancing and their joy and awe is a reflective of the captivity they just freed from if you saw them right now you have probably felt uncomfortable because you like these don't look like because we have this perception of this mind that they were they always knew God they didn't always know God music do something to the word to the spirit to the body matter-of-fact music has been been found - it can calm you down that's why when you go to go shopping they got music playing in the stove so you can calm you down so you can pay and swipe with no issues and you feel your favorite song is playing while you just swiping away and you're gonna music isn't all of the commercials music is a matter of fact music and sports have been married together for a long time because they understand yeah and everybody shot at the game because the music and the drunk and there was a we oughta check and and and that song has nothing to do with sports but they've been married together to the point whether it's almost at every game if you're a winner and so in order for instruments to be playing somebody has to be trained everything we do in worship service you have to participate we say everybody pray everybody see if you're a child of God everybody take communion everybody give everybody open your Bible but if we add instruments that's the part that everybody can't do now just think about all the acts of worship all the acts of worship regardless of your education regardless of your background your color your gender everybody can participate but if you add the element of instruments that's the part where everybody can't participate you just have to sit back and enjoy it David begins to play the heart something like this I don't know how to play we begins to play the heart I'm thinking that's romantic you know two hands you know you get to dance so he's playing and so he's skillful matter of fact he's not even king of Israel yet but his gift notices it's a gift his gift and his talent to different things his gift and his talent is known throughout the land the boy can play right now he happens to be the king of Israel Saul ends up dying killing himself he becomes the king of Israel and asked the king of Israel he Institute's something that God does not command him to do but but what God allows him to do this was a personal project from David and his own desire hey he's commit cuz you're the king he's commanding them I want y'all to do this right I can model his desire to praise the Lord what I cannot model is his instructions I follow Christ I don't follow David those are his instructions and that's fine for that time and for those people but I'm a Christian I don't follow David I follow Christ so I need to know what Christ says about it even though you're showing me what David said right love Miriam Moses sister lover all in the family but I don't follow Miriam as a Christian I follow I follow Christ right burn off in the New Moon's and on the set feast days my number according to the order commanded unto them continually before it was a commandment he said in place and he mixed instruments with the things that God desired Jesus didn't take instructions from David so David that's what you wonder but I'm building my apartments rock i'ma build my church and Jesus didn't build his church according to the instructions of David so anybody who says what they instruments in the Old Testament yet I did but when Jesus built something he didn't follow that blueprint he had his own blueprint from heaven right there's nothing that you can do in worship that can substitute me so if I don't show up I don't tell brother Trevor hey brother hang about make it today can you represent me and I'm feeling like I want to give this much an offering so if you can do that for me I like to sing with my head up so if you can do that for me you can't nobody can come in here with a sign that said I'm represent I'm representing a sister read today no it's just a regular she just missed it because I can't get in mind and yours at the same time right so whenever you have praise teams I don't care how beautiful they sound they can't sing for me I got a C so you got a lot of churches and and they got professional singer that's wonderful but you supposed to sing the whole church stop singer because the brother on the drums and he's just going at it everybody like they're clapping for the gift but we're here for the Savior right so we can listen to that tomorrow and we give you your props for your skill to tomorrow but today is about the Lord and only a small group of people even have the gift to even do it and those who are do it we we just have to sit back and then we're gonna sit there and judge the whether or not you can do it real well I don't like this guitar player where we get him from you know he's need to go back to school this is and you can't participate praise ye the Lord praise God in his word that's not just good those are instructions I'm telling you where you need to go in his sanctuary has the church been built at this time so don't get in a church discussion with Psalms 150 no matter of fact as he's writing these instructions he has no idea what the church even is what is that the sanctuary is a temple an open temple where it was filled with smoke and dead animals you only recognize it if you went into the temple like we saw the blood on the floor whistle what's it smell like smell like doves and sheep what's what's in here you would bring the ANA people in if you were to follow people to go into the sanctuary they looking at you strange and with your animal Edmond you didn't say in this week y'all good you good you know I got an extra I got an extra lamb for you if you you trying to get right with God anybody trying to get right with God did not got an extra layer you know selling that $5.00 you want it right you wouldn't even recognize the worst show you wouldn't even recognize the worship then so when we're trying to read scripture from the Old Testament and compare it to a spiritual place because the church has not been made by hands it's a spiritual place you can't take something physical because everything that David is talking about is physical even for the part where he takes credit these are my instruments right so he says praise God in the sanctuary praise Him in the firmament of his power praising with the sound of the trumpet and praise him with the psaltery and harp praise him with the timbrel and dance praise him with the string instruments and organs these instructions let everything that hath breath praise the Lord praise ye the praise ye the Lord somebody will go to Psalms 150 says see the Bible says but you got to understand he's talking about his passions and that's another religion what religion are you in here in Christianity I don't point to another religion and get instructions for what I do in Christianity you compare Christianity to Christianity you don't compare Judaism to Christianity it's two different religions in your Bible there are 66 books half the Bible 39 books but in your Bible the little white paper that separate half your Bible your Bible is made up of two different religions and at the very beginning of the Bible it's no religion Noah what didn't know or know about the Ten Commandments what is that right so when they're singing and dancing in a no religion say Miriam when she was dancing she knew nothing about no law she was just beginning our relationship with God she's she was fresh you know more about God now than when she did when she was dancing so why would I take instructions in Christianity from a woman who didn't even really know God right I hear some people say Ephesians chapter 5 verse 19 is not a worship scripture that's not true it is a were subscription it's not only a worship scripture but it's also a scripture that pertains to your daily life so Ephesians is a letter Ephesians is a letter the only way at this time that the church was going to hear this scripture is that the church were gathered together and they would read the letter in front of the whole church so this scripture is being read in a church setting it's being read in a church setting with that being said speaking to your word now that he's the Christians he ain't talking to unbelievers so at what point do Christians speak to themselves speaking to yourselves how do we speak to ourselves hymns and what Psalms hymns and spiritual songs we are restricted to the type of music that can be played here that can be sung here that can be saying here we're restricted so I know a Sharon got a beautiful he had a beautiful song that's out somebody who said stop brother Williams we're restricted to Psalms hymns and spiritual songs if it's not a psalm him and said I don't care how beautiful the arrangement are the song and even if we do even if it's a cappella music you're not allowed to sing just any song in his house because it has to be a psalm here are our spiritual song so you know what when it's show house you can make the and in the rules of his house he said listen all songs the facts when the rules I have for my house all songs have to be song about me any time you open your mouth and you're gonna sing it better be about it better be about me right that's God I was heaven tell you in the scriptures right he came in our fellowship and they say listen we need to stop singing I'm gonna take him to Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 19 and says no we have scripture to support singing somebody said what about instrumental music now that's another subject and I wouldn't use a singing scripture to refute subject you don't use a singing scripture to correct somebody about communion you go to to you go to a word you go to a communion scripture and then now let's talk about communion when somebody says brother Williams what scriptures do we use for instrumental music so here's why I don't preach about it because there's no scripture it's impossible to have a Bible study about instrumental music in the Church of Christ because when Jesus built the church he didn't think it was necessary enough to even bring up the subject it's the shortest Bible study ever so I use this example is it okay to play basketball and worship you know what to tell me it's a non subject brother women's you got off subject and I said no I know I did it because talking about basketball in worship is the equivalent of talking about instruments in worship scripture doesn't talk about either one of them so while we have in a dumped conversation matter of fact if we were real students of the Word of God if we open up the scriptures and we studied it we would never come to this subject I almost want to apologize to you tonight that we're discussing something that the Scriptures never talked about so I don't want to take a whole lot of time studying to discuss something that God never talked about in pertaining to his church in this religion now if you want to talk about Judaism and if you're in Judaism that we have an instrumental music conversation matter of fact the Jews should be having this conversation not Christians Christians should not be having is instrumental music okay in the Lord's house conversation because you can never study it there are no scriptures about it and it has nothing to do with what you prefer you can't there's nothing to go through people who are pushing it in the Lord's house even if they think they're right even if they think they're right they would still have to answer to God because you're splitting the church over a non issue this is a non-factor that's like splitting the church because we wanna we want to play space during communion you you would be like brother Williams why are you causing people to stumble over us stupid the conversation of instrument of music and worship is a stupid conversation and anybody who spends any preaching time and spends all their time fussing about it it's a waste of time so you know what we're gonna do after this I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this because we gotta get back to saving souls so what I need to be talking about is the gospel I didn't be talking like the Holy Spirit I didn't be talking about holy living we need to be talking about the commandments and teachings we actually need to be talking about what Jesus actually said versus subjects he never talked about so if Jesus never talked about it why would we spend our whole gospel meeting why would we spend a whole conference on lectureship on a subject that's a non factor I've never seen anybody run down and jumping get baptized because the bass player was killing it the guitarist was going in it and somebody said I want to be saved I've never seen that before I've never seen that before people don't get saved by instruments so you know what I think this is this is the best the devil got us arguing over something that doesn't even exist in the skirt ain't that good the Bible says he's cunning the devil got up the devil got people split in churches and it's an innocent indictment on God said look at your people I didn't even have to use scripture to get them to fight then fighting on something that fighting over something they can't even read do you know if you start this conversation you can never end
Channel: North Colony Church of Christ
Views: 8,351
Rating: 4.828125 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ, Gospel, Acapella, North Colony Church of Christ, Willie Williams, Preaching
Id: p4txOUpeTO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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