BILLYE: Out of the side
came the woman, and out of the rib and side
of Jesus came the bride. (Singing) I know my God
has made the way for me. I know my God has
made the way for me. ANNOUNCER: When God's glory
shows up, there's nothing of the curse that can
remain; everything bad overtaken by everything
that is good. Let's join Gloria Copeland
and her special guest, Billye Brim, for today's
Believer's Voice of Victory. GLORIA: Hello, everybody.
I'm Gloria Copeland, and welcome to the Believer's
Voice of Victory. Billye Brim's back with us from Prayer
Mountain in the Ozark, and she's really loaded for bear. BILLYE:
Loaded for bear. GLORIA: I mean, this is it. She's going to talk
about the glory! BILLYE: Well, you know, Gloria, this--the
message of the glory of God is really the message God gave me
to begin with. GLORIA: Yeah. You've been preaching it a long
time. BILLYE: I've been preaching it for years because a
revelation of it came to me about the glorious Church.
GLORIA: Mm-hmm. BILLYE: And I--every time I come to it, like
today, where do I start? Do I start at the end about the
glory? Do I start at the beginning about the glory?
Because the whole Bible became, to me, the story of the glory.
GLORIA: Mm-hmm. BILLYE: And so I want to read--I was teaching on
it a year ago in October. And I was teaching on it out at Prayer
Mountain, and this Word of the Lord came, which I'm going to
read to you. It came through me. "You have come to the time now
for the lightning and the glory of the unseen to be manifest to
you. You have come to the time when the things of the earth are
growing dimmer. Earth's magnetism will soon release you.
The gravitational hold will be taken away." GLORIA: Mmm.
BILLYE: "But until that day, degree by degree, step by step,
more and more, the glory will shine on you. GLORIA: Praise
God. BILLYE: "Your eyes will see even more than you've seen
before. And that more, more, more that you cry for--" GLORIA:
Yes, Lord. BILLYE: "--will come unto you." GLORIA: Praise God.
BILLYE: "Things you grasp, you'll let go of. Grudges you've
held will hold you no more. Fires of lust will hold you no
more. Freedom will ring within your soul even as now it does in
your spirit. Free, free, free shall my bride be." GLORIA:
Praise God. Amen. BILLYE: "And the manifestation of Me shall
show up on your face--" GLORIA: Yes, Lord. BILLYE: "--and the
glory and the grace in every place you go." GLORIA: Mm-mm.
BILLYE: "The time is come and that you know. But this isn't
the whole of it. This isn't the all. You really are barely
beginning. But steps and degrees will increase quickly, and the
Master will become everything to you." GLORIA: Praise God. What a
word that is. BILLYE: What a word. GLORIA: We receive that,
Lord. BILLYE: "The Master will become everything to you."
GLORIA: Yes, amen. Praise God. BILLYE: You know, there's that
old song, "And the things of the earth--" GLORIA: Shall grow--
TOGETHER: "--will grow strangely dim--" what? GLORIA: --in the
light-- TOGETHER: "--of His--" GLORIA: "--glory and grace."
BILLYE: "--in the light of His glory and grace." GLORIA: I
would sing it, but I'm going to put that off for a few dozen
years. BILLYE: Well, praise the Lord. GLORIA: That is a great
song, though, and it is the truth. It is. BILLYE: And do you
find that happening in your own life, Gloria, the things of the
earth grow strangely dim? GLORIA: Yeah, really, it does.
You keep moving forward and upward. BILLYE: That's right.
GLORIA: You know, it looks a little different. BILLYE: Yeah.
GLORIA: You're not--you become taken over by this Word. BILLYE:
That's what happens. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. BILLYE: The truth of it.
GLORIA: That's right. BILLYE: God's Word here, the truth of
it, overtakes everything. GLORIA: That's right. Changes
everything. BILLYE: Yes. Bless the Lord. GLORIA: If you'll let
it, it'll change everything. BILLYE: Now, I'm going to use
for my key verse of scripture, which is the key verse of
scripture that I always use when I'm teaching on this subject,
and that is Ephesians 5:25-27. And I've got it down here for
you. GLORIA: You've got it? Okay. BILLYE: Ephesians 5--the
whole book of Ephesians is about the glorious Church. GLORIA: I
like that first sentence, "Husbands, love your wives."
BILLYE: Isn't that the truth? You've got one that loves you,
girl. GLORIA: I know it's a blessing, too. BILLYE: I'm
telling you, I get to stay down at your house, and I get to
watch that love. GLORIA: It's for real. BILLYE: It's for real.
I can tell you right now. GLORIA: Amen. BILLYE: They love
each other just as Christ loved the Church. You see the--the
marriage on earth is supposed to show-- GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE:
--Christ and His Church. GLORIA: That's right. BILLYE: And when
God has joined you together, and you walk in love, then it can
happen. GLORIA: Yes. BILLYE: So whenever I do weddings-- GLORIA:
It's a blessing. BILLYE: --which I don't do many, but I sometimes
just speak at the wedding, and I always teach on love and walking
in love. GLORIA: That's the key. BILLYE: That's the whole key.
GLORIA: Yes, it is. BILLYE: So this scripture, which is
the--I'd say the key scripture of the whole book of Ephesians.
If you've got one book in the Bible that you want to be
meditating now, it's the book of Ephesians. And this key little
passage right here is talking about the glorious Church.
"Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church,
and gave himself for her; that he might sanctify and cleanse
her with the washing of water by the word, that he might present
her to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or
wrinkle--" GLORIA: Yeah, that's right. BILLYE: "--or any such
thing; but that she should be holy and without blemish."
GLORIA: You know, in Verse 26, we think about, of course,
"washing by the water of the word," being washed from sin,
and that's what it means, too, but it also means being washed
from any part of the curse; poverty. BILLYE: Absolutely.
GLORIA: You got into--you got into the Lord Jesus, you got
into the Word, it washed poverty away, sickness away, every part
of the curse away; unhappiness, sadness. BILLYE: Well, Gloria,
we're going to draw this to a picture of Christ and His bride.
GLORIA: Praise God. That will be good. BILLYE: Now, would He want
His bride--want a sick bride? GLORIA: No. BILLYE: A poor,
barely-get-along bride? GLORIA: No. No spot. BILLYE: Not a spot.
GLORIA: Hm-mm. BILLYE: Not a wrinkle. GLORIA: That's right.
BILLYE: Not a blemish. GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: So this is
going to be a picture-- GLORIA: This--I'm excited already. I
like it. BILLYE: There's going to be a picture of the glorious
Church. GLORIA: Amen. BILLYE: Now, I want to, right here, tell
you that the absolute key for understanding Scripture is
correctly, rightly dividing the Word. And I have to get this in
every time I teach. In fact, I did a little book on it--
GLORIA: Good. BILLYE: --"How to Rightly Divide the Word,"
because people are mixed up on it. I heard someone, not long
ago, that you'd think really had everything straight, and they
were preaching from the book of--24th chapter of Matthew, and
they had like the Church applying scriptures to it which
don't account. We're not going through the wrath of God.
GLORIA: Huh-uh. BILLYE: The wrath of God is coming in the
tribulation time. And three or four times, it tells-- GLORIA:
After the Church leaves. BILLYE: After we're gone. And it tells
us three times in the scriptures that the Church is not appointed
to wrath. GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE: So if you don't understand how
to rightly divide the Word, you're going to have the Church
doing things that don't apply to us. It applies to the Jews, it
applies to the nations, but it doesn't apply to us. So you
really have to know how to rightly divide the Word. And the
Word in the New Testament tells you that it has to be rightly
divided. II Timothy 2:15 says, "Study to show thyself approved
unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly
dividing the word of truth." Well, I sometimes hear preachers
not rightly divide the Word. And I'm thinking, "Woops. I don't
know if that gets approval or not, but I'm not the judge, God
is." GLORIA: That's right. BILLYE: But He approves of your
messages or not. GLORIA: Look at the key word there, Billye.
BILLYE: Yes. GLORIA: "Study." BILLYE: Study. You've got it,
girl. GLORIA: Meditate on it, in other words. Get in the Word.
See what the Bible says about you, what it says about me. I
mean, it's awesome. When you study and you find out what the
Bible says about born-again believers, you don't want to go
anywhere else. BILLYE: No. GLORIA: It is so wonderful.
BILLYE: But that's the point, Gloria. GLORIA: Yes, amen.
BILLYE: People try to make every scripture apply to them and they
don't. The scriptures apply to people-- GLORIA: You have to
study. BILLYE: They're written to certain people, and they're
written to groups of peoples. Now, in I Corinthians 10:32, it
says, "Give no one offense, neither to the Jews, nor to the
Gentiles," that means the nations, "nor to the church of
God." You could only be in one of those groups. In the Old
Testament, it was the Jews and the nations, the Jews and the
Gentiles, then Jesus came. After that, any Jew, any Gentile can
come into the third group, the Body of Christ, the ecclesia,
the Church. How do you get there? It tells you. You believe
in your heart God raised Jesus from the dead and you confess
Him with your mouth. And then you become a new creation, a
species that never was before. GLORIA: Born over again. BILLYE:
Yes. So that's the third group. And that's the one we're in.
Now, the third group--I like the word--the group--for the
Church--actually, the Greek word is ecclesia. "Ecc," means out,
called out, a called-out assembly. We are called out of
every tribe, every nation, every tongue, and we come into an
assembly. What is the assembly we come into? The Body of
Christ. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. BILLYE: So which scriptures say to the
Body of Christ who you are, what you are, what you have, where
you're going, and how it's going to transpire? The New Testament
letters. The New Testament letters are where you find the
revelation of the ecclesia, of the called-out assembly. GLORIA:
Amen. BILLYE: So it's in the New Testament letters. One of those
letters is the book of Ephesians. Now, let's take that
scripture that we looked at to begin with. And it says, "He has
sanctified and cleansed her with the washing of--" And by the
way, "ecclesia" is a feminine word, so that's why we change
her--you know, we change it to "her" rather than "it." GLORIA:
Okay. BILLYE: So Ephesians 5:25-27, "Husbands love your
wives, even as" the Anointed One also loved the ecclesia--"
GLORIA: Amen. BILLYE: --the called-out assembly, which is
His body, "and gave himself for her; that he might present
her--sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the
word, that he might present her to himself a glorious church--"
GLORIA: Amen. BILLYE: "--not having spot, or wrinkle--" Now,
"present her," in other words, we find out in here that the
Church, the Body, is going to have a presentation, and He's
going to present her to Himself. Now, how do we study-- GLORIA:
Praise God. BILLYE: --to find out what He means by that? Like
you said, Glo, you have to study. So I--here are some
scriptures that talk about that presentation. So in II
Corinthians 11:2, which is going to be on page two-- GLORIA:
Okay. BILLYE: --we're going to look at the scriptures that talk
about the presentation of Christ presenting the Church to
Himself. He's the bridegroom, we're the bride. So II
Corinthians 11:2, "I am jealous over you with godly jealousy:
for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you
as a chaste virgin to" the Anointed One. So we are going to
be presented to Him as our husband, and we are going to be
a chaste bride. We're not going to be a filthy,
half-in-bed-with-the-world church-- GLORIA: No. BILLYE:
--at His presentation. GLORIA: Amen. BILLYE: In fact, He's not
coming for a church. We will have progressed-- GLORIA: Yeah.
BILLYE: --from glory to glory to glory to glory to glory until
there's only one more step, and that's out of here. GLORIA: And
there's no spot or wrinkle. BILLYE: No spot or wrinkle when
He comes for us. He's the most glorious bridegroom ever there
was, and He's going to have the most glorious bride. GLORIA:
Praise God. BILLYE: And II Corinthians 4:14 talks about
this presentation. "Knowing that he which raised up the Lord
Jesus will also raise up us--up us also by Jesus, and shall
present us with you." GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: So we're
going to be presented. Colossians 1:21-22, "You, that
were sometime alienated and enemies in your minds by wicked
works, yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his
flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and
unreproveable in his sight." Jude 24, "Now unto him that is
able to keep you from falling--" GLORIA: Yes. Thank God. BILLYE:
"--and to--" do what? TOGETHER: "--to present you--" BILLYE:
"--faultless before--" what? GLORIA: He is able. BILLYE:
"--the presence of his glory--" GLORIA: Amen. BILLYE: "--with
exceeding joy." I'm kind of going to skip ahead here and
say, the church of those three groups is the entity that will
stand throughout eternity in the presence of the glory-- GLORIA:
Praise God. BILLYE: --of God the Father. And we will do it
because of what He's done for us, which presents us faultless
before the presence of His glory. If we were not faultless,
we couldn't stand there. GLORIA: No. BILLYE: You know, Ananias
and Sapphira, I've been reading that account lately. John G.
Lake said, "The glory of God is as destructive of evil as it is
creative of good." GLORIA: Mm-hmm. BILLYE: Here's Ananias
and Sapphira. They're not off down at the theater watching the
lions eat the people. They're where Peter is. They're where
the church is. And Peter said to them, "Now when you had that
property, wasn't it yours to control? And even when you sold
it--" GLORIA: Mm-hmm. BILLYE: "--you didn't have to say that
you brought it all. You could have kept some aside." But what
did they do? They told a lie. GLORIA: Mm. BILLYE: They said,
"We brought it all." So what happened was they were in
presence of so much glory that the glory burst through and
judged the lie. I personally think Ananias and Sapphira are
probably in heaven, but when the glory is manifested big, it
breaks out like it did. You know, when they had the glory of
God--when David had the glory and he was bringing it on that
cart--he was bringing the tabernacle back and the mercy
seed, and he put it on a cart. He said, "Oh, we're modernized
now. We've got this cart. It's got wheels on it. We're going to
take this down." So they're going fine. And then it's--the
ox, it stumbles. So this man named Uzzah, he reaches out and
steadies the ark. Well, that was kind of a good thing to do.
You don't want the ark to fall. Ping, he's dead. Did God just
not like Uzzah? No. He touched--he came in the presence
of the glory, and it judged him. So let's go on down here to see
about this presentation. We are going to be presented, the
Church of the living God, a bride, and we're going to be a
glorious bride. So we're going to read our scripture again.
You've got to have your Bibles when you come with us to study.
That's what we do. What Gloria said, we study. GLORIA:
Ha-ha-ha. BILLYE: So presentation as a bride. Let's
start with Verse 25. "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ
also loved the ecclesia, and gave himself for her; that he
might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the
word, that he might present her to himself a glorious church,
not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing--" GLORIA: Praise
God. BILLYE: "--but that she should be holy and without
blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies.
He that loves his wife loves himself. For no man ever yet
hated his own flesh; but nourishes and cherishes it, even
as Christ the church. For--" This is an important verse,
"--we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
For this cause--" GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: "--shall a man
leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife,
and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I
speak concerning Christ and the church," concerning the head and
the body. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. BILLYE: This is a great mystery.
So we know here that he is talking about the
presentation--our presentation as a bride and that as God sees
us, He's the head, we're the body, bless the Lord. And He's
the last Adam, and it's rather like the first Adam. Out of
Adam's side--that word "tsela," T-S-E-L-A, which has been
translated "rib," it's really "side." So one side of--they
were together, male and female, but out of the side came the
woman. And out of the rib and side of Jesus came the bride.
GLORIA: Mm-hmm. BILLYE: So we are His bride. We are His Body.
He is the Head, we are the Body. We are His flesh and bones in
the earth. Right there, in this hand-- GLORIA: Yeah? BILLYE:
--I've seen those hands laid on a lot of people, Glo. GLORIA:
They have. BILLYE: Yep. And when you laid your hands on them,
Jesus did-- GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: --because you're the
body. GLORIA: Yeah. I see that. BILLYE: You're what He has. So
His plan for us is not that we be half back-slidden in the
world, but that we be holy. What does "holy" mean? Separated.
That's the only mean of it--meaning of it. GLORIA:
Separated. BILLYE: "Holy" is separated. That's the whole
meaning. GLORIA: Amen. BILLYE: If we had a thousand chairs in
here, and we took one chair out and we sat it over to the side,
and we said, "Now, that chair is going to be for the Lord--or
Kenneth Copeland. That's Kenneth Copeland's chair." It's holy.
It's set apart. GLORIA: It's his chair. BILLYE: It's his chair.
So God has a bride in the earth, and we're not supposed to be in
bed with the world. GLORIA: That's right. We're His. BILLYE:
We're not supposed to be a harlot bride. GLORIA: We don't
sit in the world's chair. We sit in His chair. BILLYE: We sit in
His chair. And more and more now, we're going to be
separated. And the things of earth are going to grow
strangely dim and be overcome by the light of His glory-- GLORIA:
Praise God. BILLYE: --and grace and even it's going to show on
our faces. GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: Hallelujah. GLORIA:
Glory to God. That's exciting, isn't it? BILLYE: Mm-hmm.
GLORIA: The time we live in, people, oh,goodness, there's
nothing more important than knowing what time it is in the
Bible, in the Word, in our day, and obeying. Billye
and I will be right back.