Exercise Your Authority

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[Kenneth Copeland] Every believer has a voice and it's the Voice of Victory. ♪ My God has made a way for me - Hello everybody. Welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory. You're going to like today's broadcast. Pastor George is going to talk to us about The Untouchables. God's circle of blessing. - That's right. - Glory to God. I like it. - Gloria, over these last two weeks, which I have thoroughly enjoyed being with you. - I have enjoyed having you. - We've been talking about living in God's circle of protection. That protection belongs to us. - Yes it does. - We have a covenant of protection. - We have a circle of protection. - Yep, we do, and we have scriptures after scripture after scripture that guarantee us that no matter where we are and no matter where we go, we are redeemed from the curse of the law, we are redeemed from the curse of destruction. And we can walk out that place throughout all of our lives, we and our children living under that umbrella of the blessing of God. - Long life, strong life. - With long life does He satisfy us and show us His salvation. And His salvation is His protection, that's part of it. When we talk about prosperity, you look up the word prosperity in the Hebrew, and it's the word Shalom. Nothing missing, nothing broken. - Peace. - Peace. And it also means complete and total protection and security. That's what that means. - Praise God. - So these two weeks we've been talking about that. You can go back to the archives and watch these over and over again. All of our outlines are available to you. Just go to kcm.org. The information will be there for you and you can download them. Gloria and I have had over 500,000 downloads of our outlines since we began 210 broadcasts ago. So we've been talking in these last few days about the how-tos. How do you take your place in your position of protection? And today we're talking about, I would say would be one of the cornerstone messages of this ministry, and that is the believer's authority. How do we exercise our authority against every evil thing that comes against us? - And that's what it takes. - It takes exercising. - To be free, I have to walk by faith. - That's right. That's exactly right. - And you're going to have to walk in your authority by faith. - We must walk in the authority that God has given to us. And it begins in Genesis Chapter 1 in verse 26. And God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness," or the Amplified Bible I believe says, "Exact duplicate in kind. And let them have dominion. Let them have complete authority over the fish, the sea, the fowl of the air, over the cattle, over the earth, every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth." And then it says, "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him, male and female created He them. And He blessed them. And He said this to them, 'Be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over it'." So man has been given this dominion. He was born with this dominion. And when it says here to subdue the earth, Gloria, that means if it gets out of line, you put it back. - Oh I like that. - If it gets out of line, you put it back. The Amplified Bible says, "Subdue it using all of its vast resources." And if I might, I'd like to quote this scripture in Psalm 8 about man's authority, in verse 6 in the Amplified, "You've made him to have dominion over the works of your hands. You've put all things under his feet." And I like what the Contemporary English Version says, "You let us rule everything your hands have made and you've put it all under our power." Gloria, the thing that I have learned, one of the many things that I've learned over the years, over 40 years with you and Kenneth, is learning how to take the word of God and exercise our authority over the curse. - Amen. - That has been one of the most important things. You've taught me how to take the word, to stand on it, to walk it out to victory and that whenever anything is happening in our lives, whenever something is taking place, you've taught Terri and me to release our faith and exercise our authority. Take authority over that sickness, take authority over that lack, take authority over that disease, and take authority over that destruction- - We can do it. - ... To keep us in a place of perfect rest and perfect peace in the Lord. - If you're born again, you can take authority in power. - Yes. And we must do that. - If you're not born again, you're way behind, because that's such a good thing to have been born over again. - We are not subject- - In the likeness of God. - In the likeness of God and we are not subject to the times. We are not subject to the things that are going on right now in our nation and in the nations that are trying to grip people with fear. We are not subject to that. We are delivered from it, we are protected from it, and we have to rise up and take that dominion and take that authority. - There's the blessing and the curse. When Jesus paid the price for sin, He gave us an ability to receive the blessing if we would make Him the Lord of our lives, then the blessing would come on us. Then the curse is out there. It's still out there. It's still working on people that don't have Jesus. - It's still working. - They don't have the deliverance from the curse. I remember that curse. You didn't know what to do. You'd get sick, you'd just stay sick. You'd go broke and you just do without. That's a curse. - That's a curse. - I've been delivered. Hallelujah. - We have been redeemed from the curse of the law. And even more than that, in Genesis 2:15, it says, "Then the Lord God took the man, put him in the garden to dress it and keep it." And it's very interesting here in point A, number four, it's very interesting when you look up the word dress and keep. The word dress in the Hebrew means to work it, to till it, to be a bondman over it. - Take care of it. - Take care of it. And the word keep in the Hebrew, put a hedge of thorns around it in order to guard it, protect it, and watch over it. - So now you know you have to... the situation, your life, you have to guard it. - Yes. Protect it. - And watch over it. - And watch over it. - Why? Because Satan's a thief. He's come to kill, to steal, and destroy. - And we have authority. - And we can't let him in if we want to be free. - We still have authority over any kind of attack of the devil in our lives. - That's exactly right. - And I'll tell you, take a look here at this, what Jesus did in the face of a storm. You remember that? And I like what you said. Just before we started rolling here just a few moments ago, Gloria said this. She said, "What do you do in a storm? You do whatever you've got in here." - That's right. - That's good, Gloria. - It's got to be already in there. - It has to be in there. - You can't look up a scripture. You could, but you'd be late. - You've got to store up the word in your heart, deposit the word. Because from the deposit of your heart, your mouth speaks. Or as you said one time, from the deposit of your heart, your mouth leaks. - Did I say that? - You said it. Because what's ever in there- - What's in there comes out. - ... is going to come out. And whenever the devil puts the squeeze on you, if that fear is in there, fear will come up and out. But listen- - Unbelief is in there. - If unbelief, it'll come up. But if the word is in there and the word of our authority as a believer is in there, that word is going to rise up from the inside of us and we will take dominion and authority over what is rightfully ours. - That's right. That's good, George. - And in Mark 4, we read about what happened with Jesus in the storm. In Mark 4 verse 37, there arose a great storm of wind and the waves beat into the ship. It was now full. Verse 38. - Full. - Full. It was full. - Oh that was a full ship. - Yeah. It sinks. It won't float. Verse 38, Jesus was in the back part of the ship, asleep on a pillow. They woke Him up, said, "Master, do you not care that we perish?" And He arose. He arose. And He rebuked the wind and He said to the sea, "Peace. Be still." - He arose, He rebuked, and He said. - Oh that's good, Gloria. - That's it. - He arose, He rebuked, and He said, "Peace, be still." And the winds ceased. And there was a great calm. - Glory to God. - He said to them, "Why are you so fearful? And how is it that you have no faith?" That's how Jesus did it. If you go over there to the second page. - How is it that you have no faith? - It says in verse 41, they feared exceedingly and said one to another, what manner of man is this? That even the wind and the sea obey Him. And the Lord spoke to me one time, Gloria, when I was studying this out and the Lord said, "Jesus was a Genesis 1:26 man." He was a man of authority. He was a man of dominion. He subdued. We just returned just recently from our trip with Billye to Israel, and we were on the Sea of Galilee. And I was thinking about this and those waves, Gloria. We were there and it was beautiful weather. It was calm. There was at one point we were up on a hill that we could see the entire Sea of Galilee and it was so peaceful and so calm. But they told us there that storms can come up just like that. Nine foot waves, 10 foot waves can come on to the... and that's what was going on that day. And Jesus, Jesus the Genesis 1:26 man, and you and I... Gloria, you are a Genesis 1:26 woman. - I receive that. - You take your dominion. - I do. - I'm a Genesis 1:26 man. I take my dominion. I subdue the weather. And that word subdue if you remember, if it gets out of line, put it back. - That good, George? I like that. - Put it back. - If it gets out of line. - You put it back. - Whatever it is, the weather, the money. - No matter what it is. - Your health, put it back. That's strong word that. - We as believers then. We as believers in Matthew 28, you've got it there. What believers do, what we do when we face the storm. And it says in Matthew 28 in the Amplified, Jesus approached and breaking the silence said to them, "All authority and power of rule in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go then and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost." You and I have been given this very same authority to take authority and dominion over dangerous situations in our lives. And this is one quick testimony here that a woman wrote to us. Lenora heard what she thought was a train. She ordered her children to go to the basement and wait for her. She went outside on her balcony to see what was causing the noise. The roaring she heard was not a train, it was a large tornado. She stayed on the balcony, speaking to the tornado until it suddenly changed course. The tornado struck surrounding houses in her cul-de-sac, filled the air with debris, but praise God, her house remained totally untouched. - Praise God. - These are the scriptures that we began with two weeks ago. First John 5:18. He that has begotten of God keeps himself and that wicked one touches him not. - Amen. - In Proverbs 19:23, the fear of the Lord leads to life, then one rests content untouched by trouble. What you and I have to do is we have to exercise our authority, release the authority that we've been given in the name of Jesus and by the blood of the lamb and release that authority and see to it that we take dominion over every evil thing. Stop walking in fear, stop walking in doubt, stop thinking to yourself, "When I get in my car, somebody's going to hit me today." No, you rise up and you take that dominion and you take that authority and you release that, just in the way that when you and Kenneth were driving one time and saw that car, that woman with children in her car and it went up. That car went up on the side. You took dominion and authority over that. - We did. We said to that car, "You get back down there." It was just like that. - I've been in airplanes with Brother Copeland before when I've heard him in the cockpit take authority over the weather. I have heard him. There was one, if you remember the Viscount, the Vickers Viscount that we had many years ago and I was sitting in the back of it and we were going through a rough storm, and I could hear Brother Copeland in the front in the cockpit, "In the name of Jesus I take authority over this right now." And God got us out of it. - I've seen funnels go back up. - Back up into the sky. - You get out of here in the name of Jesus. - You get back up there in Jesus' name. - They go... - Gloria, we have dominion and authority. - I've seen that at least once. I haven't seen a number of them, but whatever. - Whatever it is. - ... to have deliverance from storms. - We have authority over every kind of spirit of terrorism that would ever try to come upon our house, our land, our people. We have dominion over ISIS, Al Qaeda, and whatever other kind of terroristic spirit that is out there that is trying to come against us. And you know, something else? We have authority over the spirit of death. - And you know something else? We're supposed to take it. - We take that authority. - And we tell whatever the enemy is trying to do, the enemy in whatever he's trying to do to stop, to cease his maneuvers against us. - That's right. - Whatever it takes to say to stop that action, that's what we do. Hallelujah. - Gloria- - If you hear about an epidemic, there's an epidemic sweeping the country, people are dying. Don't say, "I hope I don't get that." No. You say, "I'll never have that. In the name of Jesus, flu, whatever it is, you're not coming on my house, my family, or me." - That's right. In Jesus' name. - In Jesus' name. - We take our authority. - We've got to be bold, George. We can't be little wimps. - We must be. And the boldness of the Lord is demonstrated in this testimony that we want to show you at our minister's conference earlier this year. - That's amazing. Don't miss it. - Mark Barclay was speaking. And at the end of his message, he got up and talked about how his granddaughter drowned in a pool, and what the Lord did, and what particularly his son-in-law did. - That's awesome. - Every time I see this, it moves me deeply. We can take authority over the spirit of death. - That's right. - Watch this and Gloria and I will be right back. - This summer, one of my little granddaughters drowned in the pool. Just a little squirt. And they were fooling around with a side vent and she has long hair and she didn't do it right for the pool and it sucked her into the side vent. Her daddy was there and her mom was there and some other kids and such, and it drew her right against the pool and she drowned. And so finally, one of the other little kids come running up to her daddy, my son-in-law and said, "Jayden's not moving. We don't think she's fooling around." So of course he ran over there. He said, "I put both feet against that pool, Dad, and grabbed her hair and could barely get her free from the side of that swimming pool." But he said, "It was kind of too late. I threw her up on the deck and me and a friend tried to do whatever CPR we knew and it just got worse." And finally, shortening the story, finally the first responders came and they're working on her and it's going on five minutes. I kept hearing the one emergency person kept saying to my son-in-law, "There's no pulse. There's no breath. She's already turned color. She's cold." And other signs that happen to your body when you die. And she's laying on that deck. And I asked the responder later at the hospital. He said, "I looked down, we did everything we could do, Reverend, for that little girl. We do this all the time. And I looked down and we watch our clocks for different things and I looked down and I'm looking at five minutes plus. And my brain is saying, even if she comes to, but she's not going to now, she'll have brain damage and other things. And then I started to push the signal that I'm going to have a dead on arrival. And I'm down there and I lifted my hands off that little girl and I looked to your daughter to shake my head no." And he said, "Your son-in-law screamed out a blood curdling like I'd never heard before. No, Satan, you cannot have my baby. We are tithers. God will rebuke you today." That paramedic, not a Christian, he said, "I never seen it." He said, "That little body jumped about that far right off that deck. Just jumped up, opened her eyes and said, "Can somebody turn off the pool, please?" That was her first words. They took her to the... You can clap once. Go ahead. (audience clapping) That's a mighty miracle. (audience clapping) That's a mighty miracle. They took her to the hospital and the doctor's standing there when they arrived and I'm there by now. And they arrived and the doctor said, they unloaded the ambulance and little Jayden comes walking out. And the doctor's looking around, he goes, "Where's the girl that died, the drowning victim?" And the emergency crew is going. He said, "No, no, no, no. I was called in because somebody drowned." He couldn't even say it, he just. So they checked her all out and said, "Well, there's nothing wrong." But they wanted to take her to the children's trauma thing, you know, the specialist. So they went over there and they asked Jayden, they said, "Well, what do you feel? Is there something wrong? Do you hurt?" She goes, "No. I'm like Jesus. I've been raised from the dead." Children's church. Children's church. That's children's church. - Mark Barclay's son-in-law exercised his authority over the spirit of death. - He had that in him. - He had it in him. - He didn't have time to go get it somewhere. - No, it was in there. It was alive in him. And to me, Gloria, that's one of the strongest demonstrations that I've heard in a while. - It's a miracle. - It's a miracle. It is a miracle of what took place. - Back from the dead. - And he was not going to let her just lay there and die. He spoke that word over her and that's exactly the way we should be. - That's right. - We should take our authority over every demonic activity in our lives. Whatever it is, we have the right. We have the right by the blood of the lamb. - And the power. - And the power of God to do that. And what Gloria and I are going to do with you today is receive communion. And Gloria- - Let's tell them to, while we're talking, have the elements ready. - Get your elements together. If you need to pause the TV, which in these technical days, we can do that. Just whatever you need to do, take communion with us because, you know Gloria, I remember so many times growing up in this family, whenever something would happen, whenever something would take place, we would end up over at your house and out come the communion elements, and that we would receive communion with each other. I can remember the times, Christmas times and times that we'd be together where we would take communion with each other and take authority over whatever it is. I remember that time that Kenneth had the attack on his back and we went over there to the house and we received communion with each other and it settled it. And that's what communion does. The blood and the body of Christ settles every issue. Every issue. - That's right. Praise God. - And so you and I are going to take the blood and the body and receive it, and we're going to receive it together and we're going to remember what Jesus did. Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law so that we can walk in the blessing of Abraham. - Now everything bad is under the curse. - That's right. And everything bad is under the blood. - That's right. - And we're going to receive today that communion, the Lord's table. And I'm reading here from 1 Corinthians 11, where Paul said this, "For I have received of the Lord that which I delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the same night that He was betrayed, He took bread. He took the bread and it said He broke it." And Gloria, this is... that's Jesus. - His body broken for us. - He broke that for us. - Praise God. - He broke it for us and He said, "Take, eat. This is my body which is broken for you. Do this in remembrance of me." Father, as we receive the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, we receive His protection. - Yes. - Because as Jesus is so are we in this world. And He is well and He is whole and He is delivered and so are we. - And He has delivered us. - And He has delivered us. So as we partake of this bread right now, we partake of every article of the covenant that belongs to us, especially in the covenant of protection. - Thank you, Lord. - We dwell in the secret place of the Most High and we abide under the shadow of the Almighty. - Amen. - And we settle it today. No evil. - No evil. - Or calamity. - Or calamity. - Shall come near us. - Shall come near us. - In Jesus' name. - In Jesus' name. - Amen. - Amen. - Receive the body of the Lord Jesus. - Thank you Lord. - Praise God. Praise God. Thank you, Jesus. - Thank you for what you've done for us. - Gloria, we have overcome. As long as I've known you and been in this family, everything that we've faced, we've overcome by the blood of the lamb. - That's right. - And the word of our testimony. - Praise God. - And you do too. You overcome every evil thing. - God's no respecter of person. - And Paul said after the same manner also he took the cup, and when he had supped saying this cup is the new testament in my blood, do ye as often as you drink it in remembrance of me. - Praise God. - So Father, we lift the cup before you of the blood of Jesus and we plead the blood, we plead the blood of Jesus over our lives. - We take our deliverance. Healing. - Wellbeing. - Yes, everything, healing, deliverance, wellbeing, protection. - We're delivered from the curse, the whole curse. - We receive this now in Jesus' name. Praise God. - Hallelujah. - Praise God. - Praise the Lord. - Now, Father, we pray over this offering today and we declare and we say that every partner is walking in a place of supernatural provision. That Lord, you are supplying everything according to your words and we send now the angels. Angels, you go. As a matter of fact, Gloria, repeat this after me and you repeat this after me. In the name of Jesus. - In the name of Jesus. - I send my angels forth. - I send my angels forth. - You go out there right now. - You go out there right now. - You bring my harvest back to me. - You bring my harvest back to me. - My angels are ministering spirits. - My angels are ministering spirits. - Bring me the equipment that I need. - Bring me the equipment that I need. - Bring me the house that I need. - Bring me the house that I need. - Bring me the car that I need. - Bring me the car that I need. - Bring it to me in Jesus' name. - Bring it to me in the name of Jesus. - In the name of Jesus. Father, we thank you for that. - All of our needs are met. - Lord, we pray over our partners and friends, every one of them, every one of them that is sown into this ministry. Thank you. - Bless them. Increase them. Heal them now. - Thank you. Yes. Bless, bless. Bless, increase, multiply. - Thank you, Jesus. - Right now in the name of Jesus. - Praise you, Jesus. - In Jesus' name, we pray. - We pray. Amen. - Gloria, we are untouchable. - He is our source. We lack for nothing. - He is, He is, He is. He cannot steal or kill or destroy because we are the untouchables. - Satan has no power over us. - That's right. - In Jesus' name. Hallelujah. - Praise God. - Thank you, George. That was good. I hope you did it with us and you do that with your family. I mean you do it at church of course if you go... You should go to a church that receives communion and you do it with your family. You stand your ground against sickness, disease, poverty, problems. Somebody is trying to sue you, take communion. - That's right. - Whatever it is. Glory to God. Hallelujah. If you missed any of the broadcast this week, watch it on kcm.org. It's free. Or on our Roku channel. Get in a good church that preaches you the word of God. - Amen. - Learning how to hear the voice of God. That changes everything, George. - It does Gloria, it does. - When you hear God or you're reading in His word... You're hearing God when you read it in His word and you obey it and you agree to it and you take it. Hallelujah. This is Gloria Copeland and George Pearsons reminding you that Jesus is Lord. [Announcer] Kenneth and Gloria Copeland would like to thank you for your faithful support. To give by text, text the letters KCM and the amount you'd like to give to 36609. Text to give is available in the United States only. Take the word of Faith wherever you go with the Believer's Voice of Victory Magazine. Build your faith through powerful articles from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and other guest authors. Read encouraging stories and testimonies of real life victory and equip your kids for spiritual growth in Commander Kellie's Corner. 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Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 4,703
Rating: 4.8447762 out of 5
Id: xgI0UQTDmPs
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Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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