Jim Carrey On How Rich People Laugh | Letterman

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you know ladies and gentlemen let me tell  you something there is no hotter film star   than our first guest tonight I happen to know  that his last film Ace Ventura detective made   over a trillion dollars his new film  entitled The Mask will probably make   enough money to shut Hollywood down forever  it opens on Friday ladies and Gentlemen   please welcome the always personable the  very talented Mr Jim mccarrie this series the place Goes Wild congratulations there this must be very  thrilling your head just must be spinning   because of the the constant and overwhelming  praise in adulation that you're generating   for yourself because of the films it's an  amazing thing I don't know exactly what's   happened I've I've gotten very popular and  uh and and but it's nice to know your roots   and it's nice to know what happened you  know and I really think it's responsible   you know what's responsible for this whole  thing is is my subliminal motivation tapes ah I had no money and no education now I have  script approval and the power to green light a   movie Project I can even throw a tantrum and lock  myself in the trailer while the whole crew Waits   yeah you're being silly oh well I'm a little um  is it difficult to keep a level head with all of   this though well I'm a little pissed about  this oh I'm sorry what do you have there I   found this in a pothole outside uh but you know  I just want to warn people did I see that well   in in a second okay I just want to you know  I just I want to tell people that if you if   you go to a newsstand and you read about me in  these Rags you know 90 of what you're reading   is absolute garbage it's total fabrication check  it out we're now now that's one of that's one of   the worst offenders right there that icky Newsweek  yeah check this out can't believe a thing you're   reading usually check this out man and what  about the London Times there's another one   going through the garbage you know check this uh  Jim Carrey is reported to be making seven million   dollars a picture I don't know where they got  that number Seth I wouldn't even rehearse for   less than nine uh then they get into my personal  life and they can eat that check this out check   this out said to be romantically involved  with Dumb and Dumber co-star Lauren Holly   now I don't know where they dream this stuff  up I mean so we sleep together four or five   times a week does that mean we're romantically  involved of course no no we're just good friends   sleeping buddies this is the worst  one though this is the worst one of   his competition Carrie says I hope they choke  on their own vomit and leave the good scripts   for me die die die hurry up and die now  that was supposed to be off the Record garbage garbage I'm sorry you have to endure that  kind of thing when you're this big   you uh you started out your career when I was  first aware of you back in Los Angeles you were an   impressionist yes from from Canada you're Canadian  right yeah it it actually started out with uh   it started out with just voices  that I'd hear at night oh I see just just voices would come to me and  I think it was my conscience you know   a lot of people have you know the little  whispry voice that that comes into their   head and says I think you might  be taking yourself a little too   seriously but my conscience is like  Broderick Crawford and born yesterday thank you I like that hunks  like you are a Diamondbacks that's the kind of thing once you  stop I'll be saying that now the   rest of the week looks like  you were a diamond resident   foreign ugly commercials I'm gonna do something with a band  yeah go ahead would that be great yeah the movie you know you know maybe get  dinner afterwards sure make something up   it's a day you know you were talking there  you're talking about the magazine articles   about and about money and stuff and I know for uh  maybe this hasn't been your experience but from   my experience and that of many other men and  women in stand-up comedy they work for years   and years and years literally just making pennies  and then all of a sudden you hit it big and your   paychecks increase enormously yeah and and is  that any kind of pressure any kind of problem   for you do you I'm I'm I'm completely all right  with that it's it's just it seems to have uh   I seem to have relaxed into it nicely  now uh uh I uh it's a bit of pressure   I noticed that it changes you in little  ways like it's changed the way I laugh   at parties oh really I used to go I used to  go that's really funny you know now I go oh have you guys heard this one oh you laugh that way because you  know you're wealthy is that very   wealthy that's that's odd that's how  wealthy people I wouldn't have gone   looks like you're a guy but doesn't oh they're getting frighteningly good I love it   I love it it's better if you  turn around before it though you gotta turn around I can hardly  wait for the show to be over so I   can go upstairs and say this to everybody  in the office do you have it do you have a   clip do you have anything in the film you  want to show did you bring a clip yeah I   actually brought a clip I didn't bring a  clip of the film I brought something else uh because you know at this point a lot of  things are coming out that I did before the   success of Ace and uh and you know people are  trying to capitalize on things I've done and   we've done a little of that Rob Reiner was here  the other night and we showed videotape a film   of him singing blowing in the wind with the Gomer  Pyle on the Gomer on the Marines the uh the Gomer   Pyle show whatever that was really yeah and it  was fun it was fun to look at but it was like   something like it's something like that and it's  it's just just remember when you see this that   I was young I was hungry and uh and I was I was  frankly I was desperate so you're showing this now   so we don't embarrass you by showing well that's  pretty good I think you guys want to bring it out   and let it you know let the people see and judge  for themselves how long ago was it uh about uh   five years okay well this would be fun thank you  very much for sharing this with us Hal if you have   the videotape in there of Jim Carrey five six  years ago all right I'm Mike Wallace I'm Marley   safer I'm Ed Bradley and I'm Jim Carrey these  stories and Andy Rooney tonight on 60 Minutes that's not so bad that's you know that's really  not that bad I feel so filthy oh can you can you forgive me yeah I think we  can so the the film opens is it this week I'm   not quite sure yeah Friday Friday and and  this is one of those I as uh what I've seen   of this movie I've seen little bits and pieces  here and there and it looks like a really good   combination of special effects and you just  being a complete bonehead you know it's it's   just like a nice combination of that thing we  definitely have the bonehead there you go in   there yeah yeah so you must be very excited  about it I'm very excited well I hope it's   a big big hit for it it was a pleasure to  have you on the show Jim thank you have a   lovely summer and come back anytime thanks  a lot man ladies and gentlemen right here
Channel: Letterman
Views: 3,484,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letterman, david letterman, dave letterman, interview, letterman interview, letterman official, letterman late show, letterman late night, late night, stupid pet tricks, stupid human tricks, top ten, late show, top ten list
Id: VoLdkt3y0BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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