When Pranks Go Horribly Wrong - AskReddit

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the dryer was incredibly old and i didn't know that the door wouldn't just open what was the outcome of a prank that went horribly wrong [Music] the girl i live with cooked pizza places on plate and slices says help yourself and leaves the room we get another plate slide the entire pizza onto it leave original plate with just crumbs and hide the entire pizza in the cupboard she comes back sees empty plate gets angry we all laugh she then has epileptic fit from the stress and bangs her head on the countertop hooray for pranks would like to point out that we didn't know she was epileptic and neither did she at this point this was how she found out my mom's cousin had a friend pull out her chair when she went to sit down at her wedding the impact paralyzed her someone replied this happened to my partner in school when he was 13. he broke his tailbone and it set badly at an angle so now it stabs into his butt muscle and sitting gets really painful for him nobody will give him corrective surgery because it involves messing with his spine and there's a high risk he'd end up totally losing use of his legs so he's stuck forever unable to sit without pain all because one of his friends thought it'd be funny to see him fall over pulling someone's chair out from under them is super dangerous and should never be done especially not as a prank when i was younger my mom was out on a walk with her friends and my dad thought it would be funny to pelt them with water balloons when they came around the corner as soon as they rounded the bend we ran out with our water balloons and my dad tripped and fell and broke his foot his leg and his arm our neighbor who i called him was the unfortunate victim of a prank gone wrong in his youth he's also married to my grandma's sister so he's my great uncle too i guess anyways he had only eight fingers this was because in the 1950s his friends tried to innocently prank him so he did his required military training as all 18 to 19 year old guys were required to do back then he was in the navy and he and two or three other guys hoisted the anchor so they all pulled up the chain but his friends decided to drop it no big deal right it's kinda just to scare tim and they've only pulled on the chain for a minute so they're not losing much time or anything but tim had sort of hooked his fingers in the chain to pull it up better so when the guys let go of the chain his fingers disappeared with it since then he only had eight fingers i tried to do the red kool-aid and shower head prank on my parents back when i was 15 on april fool's day i didn't have any kool-aid so i thought red jello powder would be the same who knew that jello still congeals even when you don't refrigerate it i didn't and ended up causing 625 in repairs to the shower and water pipe system pushed my then best friend into a pool he tried to instinctively catch the rail causing him to trip and hit his back on the edging of the pool leaving him paralyzed from the waist down family is still suing me years later in civil court i was the closing cook at a pizza joint had a prank war going with the overnight janitor i started by freezing his mop into a bucket of water in the walk-in freezer he countered by soaping the floor by the locker room we went back and forth for a couple of weeks it was relatively good natured then one day leaving work i found he had tied some cans on a rope to my exhaust pipe would have been funny but i had to turn sharply to exit my parking stall and drove over the rope which ripped my exhaust system out of my truck i countered a few nights later by loosening all the lug nuts on his wheels i really loosened them until they were almost off wanting him to discover it before he got too far i wanted to inconvenience him not kill him apparently he was on the freeway when the vibration was so bad he spun out luckily it was four in the morning so it was a single vehicle accident with no contact made but his wheels and studs were ruined cops came to my house that afternoon asking me if i knew anything about it i denied it but did talk about the pranks and my exhaust system they said janitor boy said he had a video of me doing it i asked to see it smart phones were brand new then few people had them but he didn't have a video then the janitor boy said he saw me do it at which point i asked why he didn't stop me and didn't check his wheels before he left we all reached an impasse with strong circumstantial evidence but no real evidence the cops suggested we consider the prank war a draw and grow the hell up before somebody got killed we agreed it was good advice my friend would always screw around with pranking people funny friendly pranks blowing air out his mouth and tell you the tire came off the rim actually very believable don't know how he did it nothing cruel or mean he flew up to alaska from canada to work as a welder he continued his little friendly pranks and everyone thought he was hilarious he was always smoking and drinking coffee he drank his coffee like you would take a shot of booze just shot it back at some point someone on a drilling rig tried to pull a prank on him not realizing his coffee drinking habits i don't know why or how they thought it would be a good prank but they swapped out his coffee he came into the doghouse drilling rig control room and shot back his beverage without looking smelling or tasting it was swapped out with drilling fluid this is the stuff the oil companies say isn't toxic until it's being used near their properties then they lawyer up he died within 15 minutes they were too far from any medical help that could pump his stomach quickly enough if it would even help he left behind a wife and countless friends i don't know what happened to the guy that pulled the prank i grew up in a large old house with a balcony on the second floor my older brother and his mates would often jump off the balcony for fun and land in the bushes below thinking they were such daredevils a friend of mine came over and we were hanging out on the balcony i'm afraid of heights but told her the story of how my brother and his mates jumped off she said let's do it and i was like yeah okay kind of sarcastically okay one two three ha ha ha we laughed we'd pranked each other and neither of us jumped it was funny then okay now we'll really do it one two three i laughed ha ha good prank again oh no she actually jumped this time and she did not land on the bushes she broke her leg including the growth plate as we were only around 10 years old doctors were concerned that she would have one leg longer than the other so she then had an operation to break the other leg and growth plate and take a bone from her hip and put that in her leg for some reason epic prank fail she told everyone she fell and i told one girl that she jumped and everyone ended up hating me because i made up a story that she jumped off my balcony guess she got me back for that prank when we were younger i convinced my brother to climb in the dryer during a game of hide and seek i assured him there was no way i would ever find him if he hid in it he stupidly believed me and as soon as he was in there i shut the door and turned it on i had intended to pull the door open right away and no harm done the problem was that the dryer was incredibly old and i didn't know that the door wouldn't just open you had to turn it off first and the lock would disengage i don't know but i yanked the door to no avail and in sheer panic started yelling for my mom he went round a few times and was a little banged up by the time my mom came running in basically she killed me right then and there i never did anything like that again the customer at the bar i used to work at pull out an icy canister whipped cream metal canister and sprayed it over his friend which we mix some infused liquor inside for our guest bartender to use for his signature menu it happened so fast and it ran out the special component that took eight hours to make gone in minutes the menu was reserved for the press and our regular patron the prankster said he will pay for it and when we show him the actual cost associated with it he was dumbfounded it was meant for 40 servings which cost around 600 u.s dollars still it wasn't about the money to us it was about somebody mess with our work and more importantly sabotage my friend from abroad who came here to have a good time he stole that away in the town where i grew up there was a local fellow who had made it quite big on the bodybuilding circuit and owned a gym he was getting married and booked a honeymoon to some exotic place mauritius or such like his best man and mates devised a genius prank they got him dead drunk at his bachelor party and one of them the local doctor put a full leg cast on him the next day they told him and his fiance that he had broken his leg the cunning plan was that they would play it until he got to his hotel and then have a message waiting there for him saying it was a hoax yeah they changed hotels and never got the message he spent four weeks unable to enjoy his very expensive honeymoon no beaches no paragliding no passionate use of the exclusive chalet when he got back it was a real mess apart from the cost and inconveniences when they took the cast off his leg had atrophied that much that he never competed again yup the big fella was angry heads were banged in elementary school there was this running gig the boys would play on each other where prankster would hold a pencil facing upwards on prankstee's seat as he was sitting down prankstee would commence sitting hit pencil and jump back up everyone would laugh this went on for a while until i decided to run the gag problem was i had just sharpened my pencil to a fine point and my target put all his weight sitting down the edge broke off and got stuck in his behind he was bleeding and was sent to hospital he was a friend of mine and i felt so awful it stuck with me for years he forgave me and we continued to be friends but i never pranked anyone with something that could physically hurt ever again this one is from a manager at the movie theater i worked at i'll name the projectionist bob and the manager john one day they decided to prank the projectionist in his booth as anyone who's worked projection knows it's dark possibly haunted and you become very accustomed to being alone so they call on the radio bob the cinema 2 film reel just cut so bob is running for his life to get to the booth as he opens the door the managers yell boo and this poor guy is paralyzed on the spot in fear it takes him about half a minute to get his heart rate down and adjust a few hours later the projectionist calls over the radio john i just dropped a film reel an expensive job-ending mistake and i can't afford to lose this job i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm sounds of panic manager jon tells him that it's all right i'm coming up to help you it'll be fine and bob is going i can't lose this job i can't i can't and as manager jon gets up to the booth and opens the door he sees bob hanging from the ceiling by a rope manager john freezes his heart stops time slows as he stares with dropped jaw at bob's lifeless limp body swinging from the ceiling support a camera flash flares from the darkness of the corner and bob turns on the lights and says i got you i got you good it turns out he stuffed some mannequin in a uniform and strung it from the ceiling in an email circulated to the rest of management that day guys from now on let's not mess around with bob when i was younger i would always hang out with a friend who was deathly afraid of storms one night when my parents were out and an older sister was watching us it started to storm he went to go take a pee in the bathroom that is relatively close to our staircase into the basement we screamed out to him that a tornado was forming and without even hesitating he sprinted out of the bathroom and down into the basement he never stopped peeing i did the baby powder in the hairdryer prank but accidentally used cornstarch instead of talc the resulting fire and stench of burnt marshmallows was quite special a couple of weeks ago my friends and i lit off a screamer bomb on our friend's porch his neighbor thought it was a gunshot and he sees us all in black hoodies getting in our car and driving away super fast he gets in his super nice ford f-250 and chases me in my beater station wagon while on the phone with the cops the entire time i finally realized that there is no way out of this and i pull over and start to explain he is still super pissed and won't let it go a couple minutes later three whole cop cars show up and start to question us it took us almost an hour to sort things out they called our parents and we all got grounded for weeks i had this idea when i was young that i could get out of school by hiding under my bed so i tried it one day and when my parents would call my name i wouldn't answer and was just lying under my bed and i would see them shuffle in and out of my room when eventually i thought they had just left for work i crawled out from under the bed and went downstairs to watch tv i didn't realize how big a deal it was that their child was missing and i went downstairs to find them out in our garage talking to two police officers turns out they called 9-1-1 and said they thought i was missing or kidnapped or something i just wanted to not go to school and watch tv thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more videos click the right box for the confessions playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these pranks
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 50,168
Rating: 4.9530687 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts prank, prank gone wrong death reddit pranks gone wrong, pranks gone wrong, prank, prank fails, deadly prank, evil pranks reddit, reddit prank
Id: wgx0-HVxPo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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