When Lethality Nasus hits 1000 stacks, you should just surrender (1 BONK = 4000 DAMAGE)

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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some nasus in the mid lane running Harvest taste to blood eyeball treasure second wind and overgrowth we're going to go lethality nases we're going to make our Q damage do true damage basically cuz we're going to have so much armor pen but first item I'm going to get an Essence Reaper it's a crit item because I need something with Mana otherwise I'll run out of Mana while killing the enemies or farming hey if you didn't know nasis gets Stacks every time he kills a minion or a champion with his q and he gets extra stacks for Canon minions and champions and it just adds the amount to his Q damage so the longer the game goes the more damage my Q will do if I farm she's attacking pretty fast wonder if she took the attack speed Rune oh I have a lot of built-in life steal with my passive we got second wind with the Doran blades so I got even more life steal in here in so if we make it out of the early game we're pretty much Unstoppable and his early game really isn't even that bad if I get shoved into turret though that's where it gets a little difficult I can hit her with my e for Taste to heal a bit I don't have teleport so I'll need to find a good time to recall I'm going to do two point Q here I'm not going to wither her anytime soon I should be able to get the cannon long as I don't get Charmed off of it nice hopefully she runs out of Mana before we run out of Health if I can just get Auto attacks on stuff that's good too nice that didn't hit me yeah I'm thinking essence reer into collector then I can utilize the double crit items and then maybe hubris we'll see hubis could stack up a lot of damage for ad she's almost out of Mana we're we're surviving nice charm down that eats a lot of mana and Q perfect might just teleport back nice I use my e to hit her and the minion she's out of Mana give her a bonk oh I want Harvest I'll get it with my E I guess it is an teammate thought that was an enemy for a second Ally he's getting pretty low but I'm also about out of Mana I could ghost and try and get her if she doesn't just instantly flash I think we could she just leveled up that means I'm about to level up though an enemy has slain I want to save my Q for this Canon or hitting her nice she's going to over stay what she should do is recall though an ally cuz I don't have teleport she does she come back to Lane with full Mana oh gosh all right I respect the effort that was decent there is a Brier nearby doing a good job keeping my Mana up an ally has an enemy I don't think I'd have enough damage to kill her before she'd get to Turret so I'll just keep stacking I mean she doesn't have enough Mana to kill me is the good thing so I'm kind of free farming now nice I'm level six oh my minion he was already doing 260 damage all right just need to not get Charmed off Cannon good looking solid I just want to keep this Lane how it is as long as I can right now cuz look I've just been healing every time she gets enough Mana to use a spell I'm already healed all of it back from the last hit I'm actually not running out of Mana I think we'll take this time to base I can get a [Music] Sheen or where is it Sheen boot SW I guess I'll lose this wave but I was going to lose a wave anyway he could just teleport back but now I have enough damage to kill her and now I'm level six and I have the double HP scaling with an overgrowth so I won't be too squishy either but Ari is actually going to be really hard to kill just because she's going to dash away my slow doesn't do too much and let me get this cannon first I'm coming bro operation get Brier go I don't think she can get away he probably already flashed to kill him I mean I guess we'll just wait here an well unfortunately Darius yed both the kills but at least I got something I lost that whole wave mid though which sucks so I guess I'll just base cuz it'll slowly come back to me we can get CDR boots is need this wave to get here before these minions get to the turret which is good Ari has no alt but it'll be back up soon once I have Essence Reaver I can just pretty much infinitely Farm never run out of Mana and I'll out heal her damage okay she flashed ocean drags nice for early sustain too we Max our wither next I'm going to try and push this wave so I can go take chickens but I think Brier's around there's her all oh she has no flash alt I'll fight this oh my God I'm bonking Brier come over the wall I dare you oh I have no Mana I shouldn't have e hello kind of far from bot Ling damn I need that blue buff maybe Ramis can come back and get her I'll bait it come on Ramis get her unable guess he didn't have his que up well Brier was there that could have been bad if I had chased uh I think we got to go or I can try and get thresh to come here oh my God kind of hurt oh I leveled up I have a little bit of Mana it's not enough I have to Auto Q to kill her there's a cool down on that all here comes the super Bonk Bonk that's good I got the blue buff and a red buff an ally has been that's actually really good an enemy an ally has been slain an ally I get a lot of plating here too I think that's me it was all right we got Reaver we have blue buff for a little bit we got red buff why is this warded I I'll alt but I'm pretty sure her Al's already back up or not oh my God go back in I dare you H oh no how did I I'm dead how did I get aggro I already killed her damn oh that sucks oh well free recoil all right let's get a collector or hubris I don't want to throw in a CYO sword too the slow will be nice this isn't that good because it's going to clear all the Minions I don't think I get the stacks from it like say I qu a minion it kills like three of them at once I don't get Triple Stacks let's go hubis it gives haste collector doesn't give haste I'll get collector after yeah but see how much damage I'm doing now I have 300 Stacks at 13 minutes while this was kind of a Rough Lane but I just barely held on there because of my life steal and healing and now once I make it to this point my Q's are doing half of their health bar already I mean we can go stop him maybe I can catch her over here oh she done you're done might still be able to get her actually hold on she's withered she's not getting away stack aronis he get blue also from that no darn I wanted the stacks get these double kill our bot and our Top Lane are pretty big I mean Ramis nobody's going to go stop him teamy I can literally out heal AR's damage now and Brier keeps trying to fight me but she will not beat me and Ramis counters don't do it where is it coming from your team has destroyed I've already healed back all of the damage I just took all right I'm coming under your turret I don't care I killed her in two qes two bnk the double Bonk special I think Ramis one V1 to Brier cuz he a storm mail now who is this I think I'm dead I got the turret I was hoping I could kill it a little bit faster but he actually did damage I'm squishy though all right collector next I get a lucky crit I one shot I wonder what's better the 208 208 10 lethality Oro 35 ad which this might actually be better I think it is destroy they don't even have any armor yet so it's like I think Darius wins this oh my God yes he wins this his Q like did half of their health bars going to kill Ari too he has malignance but he just heals so much I think he still has dunk yeah he does she's dead oh the charm it's a one for one an enemy has been SL just keep stacking I mean I can throw an infinity edge in this build in my last item to do like the most damage possible or we can keep going lethality we'll see though what the heck I don't think those stack un maybe they do stack off the chickens and then midwave should be ready healed 300 in a q i can force her to all M thinks he could beat me now since I didn't fight him back I was fighting a turret rer come on me get the AR off of me oh my God you're dying that Shield a little wrong oh no yes I still got the cannon okay once you get to this point in the game is n it's just so much fun cuz you know nobody's going to mess with you when you're stacking cuz you'll just kill them and you just get to farm no Dawn comes darkness of course collector maybe we'll do CYO sword next for that extra 100 damage on the Q and the slow I mean we already slow them but oh shoot almost I could have flashed a q but I think I still would die I need um some more armor pen versus him I mean a collector will probably change that but oh this gives haste too I could I could definitely get a CYO sword if I get uh ax Mark I get unlimited Al too if I kill somebody yeah Mor actually doing some solid damage oh you know what it's cuz he has anti-heal I was only healing half ver him too I was wondering why I wasn't healing much um I could do ldr also ldr would be good versus Mor that would make me win vers him but it's not that good versus the rest of their team they don't have have any an ally oh my God what happened to her HP bar no ah he cced me I almost one shot kaisa from Full HP I got a 20% 40% chance crit on her I wasn't expecting to do that much mors is doing so much damage to me darus should have him here oh no I think he's dead um I think I need and we could do cyclo sword into uh ldr no Infinity Edge maybe I'll sell boots for iie and just flash and one shot someone but I would say ldr is like a lethality item since it gives me like 35% armor pen or something I'm very squishy though so if I have anti-heal on me and moris are melting me we will die I got the Wither which is spectating you just all away I think I need to go bow we need need to split them up cuz they're all just coming mid and if I'm left alone I'll either kill turrets I think I can One V one more there's no way he can One V one me heex Tech Dragon a good one on me the Ramis is top I'd stack off every minion this way but I kind of got to get it pushing in case they all fight top cuz they're going to if we lose fight top the enemy team's going to do Baron here oh this is not good I'm just going to push bot and maybe I'll get a inhib for Baron here depends how bad we lose this fight but Ramis actually made it out Darius didn't though oh my God arious me an fresh died out of everyone they might still go Baron though nah they're going to come for me can't leave nasus alone oh they're on it well kind of need the people on Baron to deal with the nases do we stop the baron oh my God he stole it all right GG good job Ramis I'll go do the dragon an enemy is dominating an ally has been slain oh yeah that Nami really stood a chance at uh defending that turret versus lethality nases I almost killed her in one hit see if we can find kaisa this is a one shot for sure I'll let him feel useful I'll let him hit the hook you know chickens are up better Al away she's going to dash back in cuz she doesn't want to feel like she wasted it oh my God I almost killed her uh don't Al him I don't think he has Al actually he just flashed we got to go I have like full build in the base nice I smited it me go get Grump while we're at it oh never mind I don't want to take everything from him uh what do I want C go serpent F shield shield or Bri does well she does have Shield I kind of want to get an infinity edge just to like actually one shot them is not this time we have three lethality items I don't need the ldr it's only good verse more the rest of them I'm literally just going to one shot how much for IE 400 more we're almost at 1,000 Stacks too it's harder to farm this late in the game though if I'm not splitting 200 gold to one shot City I mean I can probably already one shot people not Brier but better start running you're not out healing thaty you are actually getting one shot oh so close the Harvest killed her she if she was in the E she walked out of it if she was in the E that would have one shot her cuz this reduces their armor by another 40% an enemy has been slain an ally has been slain all right 500 AD nases with about 900 Stacks my Q is doing 1,000 damage additional thousand so if I crit IQ does 2600 I like the noise of the cyclos swur I need to go help my team well I'll just get bot pushing I mean there's no objective up I'm coming there's nothing to get bought an Al if that Ward doesn't see me you better run you better run too you had a chance oh he hurts a maybe I sell boots for ghost blade ldr would be highest damage and Slot but I might be too slow I mean if really I just need flash ghost up in one fight I killed them all ow I'll wait for them to go back mid get darious there it is 2700 damage Q she got to play the game playing ADC is fun oh no I'm healing I think I can one shot both of them you're dead sorry Nami I didn't even crit and I One Shot her your turn no she walked out of it oh I didn't crit I got 60% chance to one shot oh my [Music] God don't ow me don't all me damn it I'm going to die oh we're surviving I don't know how I didn't die there was like one HP I want to get the ghost blade just spit out my coffee don't worry Darius ah we win anyway I don't think getting ghost blades going to I be able to fight them that was fun though doing almost 3,000 damage I would do over 3,000 damage with a Q if I sold boots how many stack that I have probably around a th000 right vict oh nasus has got to be one of my favorite Champions to play every time we play nasis we have a blast Let's us see the damage chart I did 66 6K damage how much did I heal healing done look at that I healed 37k I healed half of what I did I had 50% life steal pretty much without even Building Life steal how much damage did I take look I took the most damage too and I didn't build a single tank item Arvest ended up doing uh 2400 I mean it didn't matter what I take normally I take Fleet it would be better cuz you can actually utilize it make my early game healing more but Harvest was good light game it actually saved my life and got me a few kills because my ALT has a burn on it when I left them at 1 HP after queuing them the AL burn proc the Harvest and then it did the rest of their 20% health and killed them yeah not bad was very fun n this game if you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like also subscribe to the channel if you haven't last but not least leave a comment below let me know what Builder champ you want to see next also check out my website swag. GG got a sale on keyboards and mouse pads I sign the mouse pad so if you want a custom mouse pad signed by me or cust some keyboard go check it out and join the Discord at discord.gg zwag other than that I'll see you later have a great day
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 136,689
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Id: Up1t2WkH0DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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