Alistar but I build full AP and kill you with ONE combo (THIS IS LITERAL ABUSE)

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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Alistar in the mid lane we're running electrocute Sun impact eyeball Relentless maniflow band and Transcendence we're going AP Alistar he actually has really good ratios 80% 100% on W and then we got 70% on E and you pretty much hit all those Spells at the same time so he's got a lot of bursts the only issue is your early game's pretty trash cuz you don't have wave clear but he does have some built-in sustain healing from killing minions with his passive yeah that was going to let her push me into turret oh that didn't even hit and if she's under my turret I can actually like flash combo her and kill her cuz this early in the game two turret shots is pretty much a death is going to be difficult with her e though I think it's going to stun me when I W in so I won't be able to combo let's see if she dies to the turret shall we level three I'll go in for a trade I know the way just cuz I'll have my stun then with e creep blocked once we stun her we're going to back out cuz that's all I have nice Dodge that our combo's back up in a few seconds we missed Cannon but St really far back problem should be broken into little pieces we're going to go rocket belt as our first item that'll give us a dash Health damage she's going to flash here oh yeah see she wasn't even aiming it at me and I get stunned out of my combo actually would have killed her there too now I'm angry but it's fine we're not just only going to go for her blood she teleported back war with jungle I have to be careful if I go in and war with ganks an ally has SL I have nothing to get out with and now she's dead nice at least Kindred knows that an Alistar is actually very easy to get kills off of I can set her up cuz I can burst like half of somebody's Health but then I don't have anything else but Auto attacks all right let's [Music] do book boot I know the way I might get a dark seal next base because four of them are squishy I'll actually if I get fed enough I can kill them in just one combo Le is probably roaming down now I'm angry got a Warwick an ally has been slain yeah if I can combo before she gets her e off then I can hit the Q which it work there I mean if she stays she's going to die one more combo with Ignite should be a kill you must follow I'm going to block this CU she doesn't get it and she'll die for it if she wants to walk up and now we have alt so I can actually break out of her CC cuz I can use it as a cleanse I got to fix this wave before I go to Dragon oh no I got you bro get down sorry you have slain an enemy at least we got him really wanted to fix the wave I didn't know she was uh that low though in running away I thought she just wanted help on dragon or something I didn't know they were fighting all right nice I should have got a seal instead of this Ruby Crystal it's fine though she's going archangels she'll get a shield which actually could save her from my burst close yes the rocket belt will help me Farm a little bit too now I'm if I just you stand in the whole wave with e I have decent clear it's just I can't do that when enemies are around do not take my Cannon I will take your soul she tried you thought about it an ally well good all by TOA eny I want to go bot and get that Jin actually an enemy hasain I might run into Warwick Bran's not there though I can probably just walk by Warwick this Jin's dead unless he has flash he's dead oh an ally to pretend like I'm going for him but I actually just want all the Minions head butt don't s ax me please o all right dark seal will have to wait we have rocky belt know now it's easier to combo I could have aled when that war whip was hitting me but I I knew my teammates were coming and I just wanted to bait him in uh-oh he's dead an ally has been slain yeah the Relentless is nice cuz I need speed to run around I'm out of combat before I engage now I'm angry oh damn thought that hit I had to get the farm at that damage she might not expect the rocket belt here I think I can kill her an enemy I don't even need to use it well we could have had a stacked up seal already nothing can hold me back but this is going to get fun I'm really fed where's Warwick I can't One V one Warwick I maybe I can he might just out heal I need to go kill kale well that was easy hail down and I could get Sor shoes here too I want to help her and help her is I mean try and get some of this farm and plating so I need I need one plating I think I have uh seal and Boots all right after rocket Bel there's many items we can go a storm surge could be good for burst the only issue is storm surge doesn't give any haste I did take some haste in my runes though to make up for that let me think lit Bane's really good too you used to be able to fit in an auto attack in an Alistar combo while you were using it but they took that out I might go storm search though just to Nuke whoever I combo cuz I could go a route where I might actually not build any haste and then I'll just play off I either one shot him or I don't if I get some haste then I can potentially combo again in a fight okay everybody look away I don't know how I screwed that up so bad I'm even upset with myself okay and I got stuck on the wall I'm upset with myself after that one I don't even know how that happened I got to go for the wave over her I shouldn't have flashed I should have just rocket belted good thing he didn't know that I used my ALT I know the your team has destroyed and you get the say you can't milk there we go H she's going to live with one HP Domina never mind what the heck nothing can hold me back fight me put the dog down your okay he didn't have all how did that work cuz he didn't get cced from my q but then he also was still hanging on to his q and my w didn't hit him away that was just really weird oh he's going to come back really quick you I do have Al I could bait I got him I'm not living this how do I dodge I got nowhere to go this is hard mode oh my God I'm so dead to Warwick though how did I dodge all those he just had to shoot it in the middle I couldn't go to the side well buying a MAG when I have zero Stacks isn't the greatest investment how about this oh this gives move speed forgot about that I could get [ __ ] Blom and then I have magic Penance and pace shine once more before the end that's a kale I know the way wait no that's a toia never mind I've killed everybody I have the move speed there's no way kale can beat me in a fight there's no way even if she stand I stand still and she just Autos me like this is going to do half of her health oh she knows D it why is she so fast your tret has destroyed I have more move speed than her nothing can hold me back unfortunately she had that bush warded that sucks I wanted to combo her you must I could dive this guy I'd like to have either rocket belt up or ignite pretend like I'm going through here but I'm actually just going to get the Gin break out of that go for you that should kill or that now I'm an enemy has SL we are on a ticking time bomb with kale she could get very scary very quick red I have storm surge I know the way I think bran does the most damage to me out of all your team has desty once you make it out of like early Lane you get one item you're fine really really now Riot games I see all right storm surge I think we go Mai's death cap next the Lich pane's cool but it's just going to delay death cap then this is going to be nice extra first nothing can hold me back Le is splitting bom if Ash just alss him he's dead oops aha I got that one that guy's dead oh my God wait he could have taken that that would have been so funny I actually got him where they at I didn't get any gold I'm angry oh I have to kill them before the strike to get 30 gold all right this could be bad I'm dead actually the unlimited CC combo good thing we're not getting Magi yet I need to be careful if I had Al there I could L that good Leah does zero damage brand does everything I think brand aled me yeah okay Thresh crazy um oh she's got him damn it almost stole it I wanted an assist here I come never mind I'm not going into that does brand know I'm here I don't think he knows I'm here oh my God storm surge is so fun with this just makes a giant explosion look how much I did to her I can break the Warwick Al she's going to Al though you have slain an enemy see my sister there we go that makes up for the combo bot M that was a pretty clean one nothing can hold me back your team has destroyed a turret he just realized him AP Stampede you still down I don't want to stay up here Warwick I I could actually beat him I got to go help my team I could have gotten the turret though H let's just grab this I just get two kills and I'm even faster see if they'll keep pushing no your turret has been destroyed now I'm angry you bet my heal skills with HP and not AP I know all right I don't think she can kill me worst case I'll have to all she didn't all the initial damage now I just stun nice I can rocket belt to hit that last stun Auto at the end all right one more stack and the cow is going to be on roller skates you must follow oh I could sell ring for large Rod yeah I have over a th000 damage with just two abilities here this adds another few hundred and with electrocute now who's the easiest to kill anybody I can reach I guess I could probably one shot BR wow I killed him with my W uh thr just got this not I want to heal my BL here comes the cow moo moo damn it I think we should kill brand again he liked that one her e is going to be up this time oh I Ed so late there I thought I could get out without using it yeah whatever k died H did I give kale to kill yes hey I still got 11 stacks and I got death cap but yeah that was pretty bad of me I should have just Haled I got slowed or something I think KQ slowed me and I couldn't get out of turret my mistake all right I think we go it's either void staff or [ __ ] Bloom next I think we go [ __ ] bloom a little bit of haste probably won't even notice the difference in the damage or hear me out we go the void staff and just one shot them you must follow but yeah since I have all these move speed items I have Relentless Hunter I have almost 500 move speed just running around and that helps more than you think because that allows me to get in position to hit my combos nothing can hold me back if I was slower they'd have more time to react I almost have Flash oh oh oh oh not the one I wanted but we'll take it I remember to Al this time oh my God she flashed it too she actually would have just insta died wait did they get Baron did we get Baron what happened oh we got got Baron up I don't even remember doing Baron your team has destroyed a turret let me just go hit this turret once grab it since we got mid in why is it hitting me whatever your team has destroyed a turret I really don't want to flash Al our Bunger has they'll never expect me to come back for him even Warwick's scared of me move yes oh exploded she didn't even get a chance to ult unable oh man I might just go void I'm just one shotting this build's so fun when you get to this point one combo is one shot my e alone does 700 I just need a blue potion anybody remember back in the day of like season 2 when Alistar jungle was a thing I don't know why I just got reminded of that need blue pot you must follow yeah kale actually gets one shot by me since she has no defensive items she has to ult or Flash I could sell my boots but it probably wouldn't be the wise this choice I'd be too slow know way I could sell him for L pan though if I do but it have to be before the last fight of the game and then I just I have to have flash up and then I just flash combo one shot oh she's dead oh wait she fast kind of fast can hold me back all right who's going to get one shot I killed him in one ability dominating an En has been SL an ally has been SL I mean I could flash on him and guarantee one shot him I want to save the flash for like a multi kill though I didn't even eat I'll let her clear I want to keep killing them it's fun look at me Zoom around 537 where did I get more move speed oh Cloud Soul why did sheld I know defending my team I'm running so fast at looks weird just trotting around aggressively your team destroyed in let's see should we damage test on Warwick oh he got a spell shield my one counter doesn't matter 26 kills wait I want to kill her [Music] no that was fun if you guys en enjoyed the AP allar destruction make sure to leave a like before you go also subscribe to my channel if you haven't last but not least leave a comment below and check out my website swag. we're having a sale on mouse pads and keyboards you can get a medium mouse pad signed by me for like $15 counting shipping if you're in the US so consider getting one to support me I want to get rid of the rest of them I have like 50 to 70 of them left but I have some large ones too but only 20 of those left yeah go check out my website please I want to get new stuff but I got to get rid of all my old stuff first 42k damage here's our Rune stats electrocute did 2500 Sudden Impact added 1,700 damage and other than that I hope you guys have a wonderful re to your day I'll see you later peace
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 124,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gKNlK40yEHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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