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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Braum in the Top Lane we're going to grasp demolish Second Wind overgrowth biscuits and Cosmic Insight we're going to go Bruiser SL tank Brom he actually gets damage on his you from HP so I'll probably go a heart steel if I can and we could get a a blood mail after we have a few HP items I think we'll do hard steel Sunfire maybe blood mail Titanic we'll see or Titanic Blood Mill that's probably better I think I can yeah I can jump to minions and I can stun the target I'm hitting so it's not too bad Braum just uh lacks a little bit of damage so that's why we have ignite okay we're against aelia we fight I don't know if I could beat her if she's got fully stacked Q in a trade but I can q auto and the thing is if I hit her four times I can stun her and then I can probably safely disengage but oh yeah another thing I don't have is wave clear so I might have to get a bombes before anything that's what I was forgetting ROM ain't got no clear but aelia players are just like yasu and yon players they're attracted to the turret keep your spirits High First Blood all right Farm's going good nice grasp I do have a nocturn jungle show oh she took another turret shot should I go for it nope oh I got a flash that actually oh my wait the turret did shooter oh man that was close oh I got the cannon almost I think I needed to flash that stun though she would have killed me she was a level up on me too ad Sho armor boots are good vers some oh no he's fighting Sho I think nocturn is stronger though I have a feeling he's going to win okay that's not good he dies to Aurelia my Lane is in trouble good thing I slauer I've actually healed quite a bit I wonder what's around next Corner not bad Sho could be up [Music] here use be chunking pretty much have to play around my ignite being up again all all skills with ap not really any AP item I can think of that I need to build want this Cannon and I got it I'm actually looking pretty good on health considering she teleported back Farm's a struggle unfortunately my jungler didn't gank life of Top Lane an enemy has been slain always don't lose um I wonder if I should just grab a bombes first it might help me fight her I think I'm going to do it bombes into hard steel I just don't have a way to clear those minions is the issue see how we're already struggling with cs I think I can fight her though she might not get this she's not going to get the plating that's huge and we might have a chance of killing her cuz she's going to need to push this wave but she won't be able to doesn't have enough time I could freeze this sometimes battle is unavoidable okay a lot happening at Dragon an enemy has been slain an ally has I guess we'll just max out HP cuz our Q is going to be our main damage spell besides our Auto attacks okay I actually am going to catch back up in CS and I might even be I had an XP want a fighter there but there's too many minions to block my Q if I don't hit the que there's nothing I could do damn my life is good trade good trade I think I just want to take slow short trades my is I guess that do I have to use that behind me how does that work move like they he definitely wants the cannon but I am terrible maybe I can still oh I'm going to kill her without him oh my God we sleeping on bmtp kind of do some damage no I hope her Tee's not back up made sure to be last pick too cuz if I locked this in earlier my team would have uh got upset cuz as soon as I locked it in they said what WTF in chat an enemy oh no I think I'm fine if she chases me she actually loses so many minions I think I'm dead though actually nope okay that's so good I mean I'm going to lose a wave too but she just lost so many minions I can bait this I normally wouldn't stay but since noct turn's here she has no alt at least I blocked the auto I hit her she's going to get stunned now stun into fear oh my god let's go good jungler you come to First think I Max W I do use my E I don't think she'll freeze on me I'll just take as many minions as I can and now we go on 185 I could already upgrade it but we we need the heart steel it's working I'm actually doing pretty good damage yeah this gives me armor and Mr and a jump this blocks increases damage reduction duration I don't know I think W's better nice low Dragon to help me get back to Lane and I don't even need a minion to jump to oh I'm just beating her up okay Braum's op I'm now a Braum top main my is my sword I tried this before and I didn't have any success but I think I was doing it wrong cuz I was building like ad items but I'm like you want HP actually with this Q 336 right now you are safe with got to be careful under turret I have a Sunfire of the bombes so if Sho just like cues in and I'm hitting turret it'll hit me behind no for worrying I have hard steel 1,300 I still want to base go get some Mana like how Braum jumps to base that's a clone that's insane oh he has a full item compared to Sho having half an item could get an iceborn good shut downia aled enemy double kill hey at least I can Block genin abilities I hope this guy grubs can help me get more turrets an En all right that was easy I thought that was a clone there is a squishy Sho you can always TR broke laners have no clue how the game works zero collapse pretty sure landre was in base and Aurelia I guess could have came but they would have lost anyway I'm strong I'm Brom I like playing really off meta stuff or dumb stuff like it would be considered trolling if you saw this in your rank game but if there's somebody playing it that kind of knows what they're doing you can make it work and then I just say o I just bought this character he looks really strong can't block turret shs my I wonder what's all right let me go grab heart steel I could do heart steal Titanic I want to build this going to think do need armor boots I want to build iceborn but then that's going to delay Titanic Blood [Music] mail iceborn will help me stick on people though even heaviest do can be open Titanic will be a lot more damag I jump to turet no I don't know which way to aim that I don't think I can block it first we fight then we [Music] eat I think I block the damage from it but I don't block CC right if you have problem you come to me first it's not a missile is it what's cool is I can heart steal and then just jump to my minions oh no triple braho wait a second I want the I might be dead no I died for the hard steal Stacks I should have ran ignites an enemy has been SL well aelia didn't get the kill if I had armor boots there I would have survived I mean if I upgrade the bombies to Sunfire it's going to double the damage on it might as well do that Ally This Guy's dead the thing about Braum is I have no area of effect besides my ALT so I'm not good at fighting multiple people if I get ganked but I'll be decent in team fight we get turret your team has destroyed turet one safe with bra I think I can still One V one AI even though she has Blade no time for worrying an ally has been slain let's go chill with my teammates flam of Fury I don't want to demolish this your team destroy maybe demolish this one damn he got ignited Ally has been slain I would have stayed and aled and kept fighting them but I had a feeling she was coming that's jyn's flash ghost I'm kind of beating him up Lucian kind of got gapped by a cannon minion there though have have a Morana I just get the turret I'm tanky come on Lucian hit her twice and she's stunned bro oh good Shield all right okay what are you doing he crazy okay he got one I don't know which one's which it's this one no exposive had something to jump to all right we need to leave I need one minion I wonder next let's go get her okay aelia should die here en I got the heart steel at least turret survives sometimes Shield becom smashing all right we get Sunfire I think we go Titanic next blood mail's good after I have Titanic and stuff I mean I don't even need the blood Mill we'll see depends how much HP I have enemy Rampage dead too if you have problem you come to me first oh yeah this Sunfire is actually doing some damage now of these minions I don't know if nocturn wins a fight versus aelia I save to or bot I think we just take out aelia and then it's easier they're bot Lane's harder to catchet has destroyed oh my Sunfire got it all to dragon go go go it's ocean soul oh no got picked why are you still top nocturn we have a grouping problem we can't even fight this now hey just kill this guy I can't move shouldn't have flashed anyone was dead why is nocturn splitting on Dragon timer who knows actually took so much damage from morg I might need Mr more that leandre's cooked me an enemy has SL your tret has destroyed can't buy that your team has destroyed a turret an enemy is UN oh okay never mind yo just hit this see that wasn't so bad get it okay that's actually so good okay I'm fine with losing Dragon for that I can't believe he got he got all the way to the inhib that's worth I need stay with Lucian Z know lucian's died nine times 03 Morana did so much damage to me because of leandre's if I can get to Jin though I delete him but the Morana Shield also counters me Morana just counters everyone teamy getting deleted fler man rumble's a little late with his Al I Was Made for This Moment oh my God he almost died we need a back up just need please yeah I need to heal but this guy is 100% going to die Morana is actually hitting me the most out of everyone next item is an MR item we do Jag shows gives armor and Mr or we could do kanak with a shield I might do that course in nature for Speed if Rumble just alts on top of one of my alts it's going to do some serious damage I don't know if we'll be able to catch him yeah nice he died anyway to burn that's good if I hit him again I had a huge chance of dying I can't block the CC but I can block the damage you don't need to go top we have a huge grouping problem though we cannot get all five people to be in the same spot without somebody dying and unfortunately I am a tank though I I can only do so much fight each fight sing in all chat to get their team to go up there okay we need to pick this morg this morg is the one that's winning them the fights oh we got her we got her we got her she's not getting out of this come on where's the nocturnal are you serious bro there's a free pick but instead we're going to get picked enemy double kill an enemy is dominating brighter the where is my Rumble probably dead yeah why can't we just stick together Stay Together guys got Titanic I have a hard time doing anything with this team though they really don't want to just play as a team ban is allergic to staying alive nocturn just does whatever he wants he doesn't want to play for the team Rumble ults have been really questionable I don't think he's landed one another day I might have to just split we're not winning team fights we're going to lose in 5 minutes if they get ocean to I think I can still One V one aelia so I guess I'll just split I tried playing for team it's just they don't they don't group I got him yes somebody needs to go the other way oh my God why is there a shaper box here okay she just walked into that oh we're dead it's all right guys lucian's bot Lane we're screwed Lucian is always on the other side of the goddamn map it was a good first half but that's what happens when I play tanks if I have to 1v5 the game and I'm playing something that doesn't do damage happen I tried telling them what to do I even set them up they don't want to win need some Mr now I think Force Nature Good split bro hey maybe he could steal this how long an all they're going to get off it w kind of impressive though how can you not do a 30 minute Baron and he's dead very if only we win in together team together we are strong stop going in one by one I'm getting absolutely obliterated by Morana and landre though sometimes icy heart just needs warm smile much does my Q do 400 of Fury I mean I want to go bot and get aelia but they might do Baron all right lucian's going to die he almost just died I can't go bot even though I'm the one that needs to kill her I have no idea I really have no idea how she did not get Lucian there okay we're on a pick timer I mean it's not like we're going to have Lucian but we might have a fair fight here they have no Aurelia we win one fight we win the game still like we're oh this is good how many hourglasses does she got it all by me no he's gone oh he went this way hit him please okay Luan uh there's still two of them alive very hard for me to catch all these people that got dashes feel like Zyra could have done anything there but run away just one ability all right we really need this Dragon we spawn before them their jungler won't be up if you have problem you come to me this guy needs to build an ldr but he's not going to do it your turret has been destroyed he's going to get help wow I'm so big I can't even Dodge can we get to this of course nocturns got a farm anything Bud group lutions got to do red night the they're 100% going to steal this we don't have a chance whole team's there I why is knt turn not on the dragon the world will never know hey he did something wait we're winning we're winning we're winning we're winning go to who's still alive Morana is still alive nocturn please why do you you guys always have to split at the worst time we can't do this without him maybe we can I think we can it's just they're going to steal it or kill us all right we're fine clear top oh they got ocean soul though we actually could have had that Dragon I don't know where nocturn was how much do I need I mean if we're if we're still in the game now we still got a chance one good fight we Ace them on one good fight now and we win I actually don't know how we won that last fight I got I mean I kind of picked landre I had her CC that whole time warm smile I need one minion but I have a feeling there's a lot of people life is good D I don't even know which one to hit easy all right I just picked their assassin I don't know why that guy thought he could fight me okay and we got another pick on aelia we just need Mor and uh landre not to pick someone here we can win we can win if we can get two inhibs here chilling okay chin all down that's huge you they're fighting Lucian lived oh my goodness wait oh come on I barely missed it's fine it's fine that is actually a really good uh zyro your team destroyed inhibs I don't care I'm getting the base if we triple inhib we're good not bad bro if Rumble hit the inhib one time if he hit it one time instead of standing behind me we would have had it that's not bad though I think we can win we're somehow winning fights now I think we're actually playing as a team for once we actually have everybody in a fight but we're also getting picks first which is the big thing what do I need last I can't build damage it's like all I am is a cc bot now I can beat anybody in a one V one still but team fight I'm I'm useless besides just my CC damn if I hit that alt right here we might have won the game can't believe that missed I think I go Thorn need anti-heal I could try and run through the the jungle it's back door that inhib fa I've defend base wait for him to spawn we lose the game if anybody else dies here I wonder what's around next Corner okay their whole team's not pushing mid yet and they have two top even the heaviest door can be open probably going to die for this but it's worth okay I'm so big my hit boox is so whack man I was not even in that oh my God he just DED into a clone it's fine I got the inhib oh it's eler oh no really needed him not to in there but I think we lose Elder we don't have unless he steals it it's a huge wave top or he could just back door he's not even in range for either of those what is with this guy in farming they're at the Elder Dragon guys lives another all right uncontested Elder I think we would have just died if we fought it they're going to come from behind we can we can fight Baron if they leave base he'll lose I think I'm just going to split lose cuz I think their team's going to go to Baron win the fight cuz they have Elder not bad an ally has been slain the darker the night brighter the Stars I can get a turret I'll die though but oh my God I'm getting two turrets they got out there wait a second look at all those minions minions come on few more punches open Nexus yes and we got Baron let's go just leave stay alive bro hey maybe you could beat her an ally SL going to dash into a bind oh he's dead he gets queued now at least he's not in a pool oh Ally need's armor pen how do you go the whole game without building the most broken item in the game right now 40% armor pen he has zero I mean their team cannot really leave the base but their inhibs are going to respawn is on the they're kind of going to just Turtle but I mean everybody's already full build at this point just about I mean she keeps buying potion you are safe with an Al what the hell are my teammates doing no it's all right we haven't been punished for getting picked the last like 50 times okay I need 100 sometimes icy heart just needs warm smile three minutes till any objectives up so I'm curious I don't think I mean at least two of them are going to stay in base I kill the Nexus really slow I do have a bit of damage because of the Titanic on it but life is good no kill it really slow I don't think I can One V one aelia anymore she has a lot of tank items well I can go get Thorn mail that might help do I stay with the team try and help them in a fight or do I apply pressure in the side lane like I feel like if I take one person on their team out of the fight to be in a side lane although they need to they always send two for me so I take two out that's better for us cuz if I'm grouped we just get hit by the area of effect anyway from all their ALS you can always trust bro bro this okay wait they're split they're split enemy kill probably lost I got to just commit here can I move we might not lose we lose Elder again maybe wait this could be a kill oh she doesn't have all yo Rumble go TP in the base and end end look I got a ward for you they can't end Rumble I don't think we'll be able to kill the Nexus fast enough but he'll get them all to base and then maybe we can get Elder go for this bro go for this TP your inor has destroyed eny just hit the Nexus Rumble what are you doing oh no Ally I'm depressed he actually could have had it he actually could have had it if he didn't just decide to go for an inhib on an open Nexus oh so close my shield is my sword I mean if they go to Baron we can maybe I mean I have no other pressure they just send everyone for me even the heaviest door can be open if you have problem you come to me first I wish I had flash that Super's getting it I can't they're going to literally send everyone for me it's actually really easy win for us here if we just all Rush as five and knock turn alts and they can't see but getting these tater tots to be on the same page is impossible an ally father always said don't lose I can distract them they only have two people on Baron theer the night brighter the they're not on Baron that's huge if we get her oh my God shut down enemy killing oh they did get Baron when did they get Baron I think we lost behind th my team had a million chances to win this game but they always chose the losing plays but it's not over yet hang on the enemy team is just as bad at ending if we sit in base exposive turboshock Rockets they're still pushing bomb why is it every time I play a tank for a video the game goes to 50 minutes this guy where's nocturn we're dead wait we can stun her we're beating her wait we're winning we're win no he's dying I have a turret right I have a turret lusion in the [ __ ] game I got you bro in the game Where's the where's a really no he died if only he built a defensive item did we get an inhib almost got TP there's a ward down here oh sometimes I just needs warm smile think I need a clear mid is easy well this is the last super minion but I have to just defend the Nexus here Papa banshees if I can your turret has been destroyed oh he's going for it I got to stall bases I got to stop bases a Jin's there an ally has been slain I think we're doomed 70 second death timers we're at 70 seconds Jin's too fast for me to kill even if I hit everything he's just going to run away okay we need to just go for the base race end us go go for it nocturn I don't care th this is our best chance they have somebody on Elder fine I'm going for the Nexus I think we win oh it's healed the full are you kidding me why is nobody ever hitting the Nexus man I should have warded for him oh I did Ward but he doesn't have TP does he like Rumble allergic to hitting the Nexus nocturn allergic to hitting the Nexus we can defend we can defend get me out it's going to be an hour long game oh we're going to lose here this guy is literally looking the wrong way we're dead for so an enemy is unable well it was close we had like five chances to win the game it was fun though I was really strong I just kind of required a teammate GG if you guys enjoyed the Brum video make sure to leave a like also subscribe to the channel if you haven't last but not least leave a comment below let me know what Builder champ you want to see next let's see the damage there's no way I did the most impossible but I actually there's no way I should have even outdamaged any of my teammates but I probably did and nocturn could have hit the Nexus and Rumble could have hit the Nexus look at that I did second most damage as a tank that actually doesn't even deal damage 50k how much damage did I take damage taken 101k here's our Rune stats grasp did 4600 M did 7200 and yeah thanks for watching guys we got a 2,300 damage Rumble that's actually impressive our damage dealers didn't do damage yeah make sure like comment subscribe if you're still watching peace
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 195,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wE130xbH8mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 12sec (3252 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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