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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Teo in the mid lane running Harvest cheap shot eyeball ultimate absolute Focus Gathering storm we're going to New Burn item that's in the game on Teo Blackfire torch I think Teo will really like this we've got a burn that scales 4% with ap and it gives us I think 4% ability power per enemy we hit so if I have five people burning in a team fight means I get 20% more a for that fight against a whe might be difficult as a little Teemo but I'm going to go the torch first it gives 25 haste so I won't have the health from leandre's but I'll have a bit more damage and I'll have more haste for more shrooms early and it has a decent component that has a little burn this uh this thing faded ashes gives us a flat seven damage per second burn and what's cool is the burn resets on my shrooms so it makes that 3 second burn last I think around six or 7 Seconds cuz Teemo room burn last 4 seconds so do triple burn items and then do like Shadow flame death cap we'll sell boots for void staff if we make it there I mean if I walk up to him I'm going to get blasted by the time I'm in Auto Q range he can hit fear and then Fireball or miss both oh not the shield actually blocked almost all the damage their jungler oh Brier I mean I'm decent into her I can blind her but R's still very strong early we going do like three points E before we Max Q just for better wave clear if I get shoved into turret I should be able to clear nice um there's Brer get her yes sir we won't get her maybe a harvest stack anything I'm going to get your ward why is it always on the cannon minion I think we got him oh oh okay I was like not the shield but he has to stay in that Circle he still had a burn on him so it was close I should have ignited him right away though I keep forgetting about the shield I'm not going to hit six off this wave I need level six to push but I think can push faster than him right now as long as I just don't stop autoing stuff but also I have a risk of death very big risk of death you know what let's just leave it's not worth it all right don't snipe me I'm standing right here okay he doesn't know we're good oh faded ashes builds into both of our items um we don't need the the Mana that bad emo actually got some Buffs a while ago to his alt where it doesn't really cost Mana I don't know what they did they increased his base Mana or his cost but I've been going leandre's all season and that doesn't give mana and I haven't really had Mana issues all right so this faded ashes is actually really good with the shrooms cuz look it keeps reapplying the burn on it yes sir not enough to kill the casters but once I finish the item shrooms going to one-hot casters which if you first item LeAndre your shrooms actually don't one-hot uh Caster minions until Level 11 eight damage 16 I can hit him with ay nope also it does extra damage to monsters trying to think of who in the jungle would build that canceled me AO I want to put my quarter shrooms down but I want to just keep shoving the wave oh that is [Music] terrible I guess it's a middle shroom I really feel like Brier's here okay I Live Another Day damn it it's a new record a one minion shroom damn that hurts though we'll have triple burn items then the burns will crit oh he's in trouble he doesn't have Flash here I'll give you some Farm I'm too nice uh I mean I just blind her but I don't have enough Mana to Blind anro I'll just run this way an ally has been slain little off I think she's actually going for botl not me an enemy has been slain okay we have the Blackfire torch I think it was called was called Blackfire torch and twisted Tree Line this item used to be in Twisted Tree Line had completely different stats but it did have a burn I that's all I remember can we get a like for Twisted tree line if we get 200,000 likes on this video I'll bring Twisted Tre line back no no no yes I lost one I think I just clear this wave and I go buy my burn item cuz it's such a big increase of damage compared to what I have Oh no I got one that's good enough sell potion uh I'll get rid of one potion I don't think I'll use both okay so instead of seven damage per second it's now doing 26 plus 4% more AP which that 4% AP might give us one extra damage on the burn so do like 27 yes sir but this burn will keep getting more powerful okay look at look at that bar it's burning him oh see it killed the killed the casters hey my burn beat the ignite needs to be moved around there good death fire grasp is that what it was called I thought it was still like it was either Blackfire death fire torch she has no she's dead damn I did a lot of damage look at this is on 270 already 300 actually I lied well I could get more boots or we could have a double burn already is that Sho doing negative damage oh triple kill an enemy has been slain is it an a that's an ad SHO oh he's got the recall boots I want to see those I'm sure we'll see him recall sometime this this is nice though I have enough Burns that the shom's just going to clear the the wave way faster than leandre's because it's uh flat damage well not flat but scaling damage instead of just scaling with the minions HP which the minions don't have a lot of HP early so this is cooking this is cooking probably put some shroomies down two Autos that should clear the whole wave wave clear stons they're on grubbies I'm on Krabby but did I miss a plating oh well I am here for my ultimate Hunter stack Pikes too fast you might die in one Q all right I don't have ignite damn it you think I'm done I'm not done I'm alive I'm just going to stand still surely it won't hit me right an enemy has been slain we're good oh she shot that from like Top Lane um um I'll just buy this I want to get the leandre's ASAP I do need Sor shoes but [Music] YOLO g g z w thanks for the 55 months J bammer oh man I missed like every minion I think I got one of them yes sir all right I'm going to get this plating well maybe not actually we have some enemies chasing us that'll slow him down that's going to hurt aha I think I got him off meting in goodbye sir a your Shield I need to ignite him shroom rank up an enemy has SL yeah teemo's still going to like malignants you might build this before though oh Sho shoot uh I'm fine I'm fine oh damn I was just like I'm going to look and see where he's going to use the Ability it's already on me destroyed tret I wonder if I was on Vision or he could actually where I just recall or there was a ward Dar I need 200 gold well goodbye Doren you sered me well ooh it like half of Pike's health I think okay we got Mega burn damage but we don't even have the nuclear burn yet with this yes sir yeah I mean I like this new Burn item but now I'm like oh what do I get LeAndre malignants or this thing this might be a better like late game burn item oh I don't think she stands a chance stop shielding oh no I'm dead crab crab [Music] no damn I like threw four shrooms out before I died damn that's a lot of tentacles okay yeah that just kind of heals her I need boots I'm too slow mean this has done 1,200 damage been the grub Gap tret J have the burn item no he is a RIT collector uh I don't think jy's winning this for some reason no he won it we're good oh hey for Sho somebody's going to die I got a harvest stack do I get the blue I do where'd Brier go room here here and we'll figure out the next spot your team destroyed just a que Burns him for quite a bit all right watch this this is called the double bounce I guess it's a singular bounce not getting hit by that what was that Pike here okay Sor Cho malma time they should just give this the the burn thing too kill job clear Harvest I don't get the oh I don't have Harvest up One auto attack would get me har oh I don't even need to look she cooking leandre's damage is catching up to the torch I mean both of these Burns scale good into late game cuz I'm going to get more AP so this will do more damage but they're going to get more HP so this will do more so like I don't know I guess this would be better against squishy Champs than uh leandre's but I mean the items work so well together you could totally use both do I even beat her I don't like this I'm trying to dodge this e there we go outplayed have fun with the burns SL an enemy that was really risky because like has like a 50/50 chance if she hits that e on me or not I feel like now that they added this though they're going to Nerf malignants or change [Music] it you're clear this is too much Mana though I don't need this much Mana but I do have a lot more haste I might like this item on zerth instead of uh ludin luden is I don't know 90 95 five more AP an enemy has I have to test him cuz it's probably going to do like the same damage as luden luden is a bit better for burst yeah you know what they could take the the Lost chapter out of this item and give it make it kind of like a cosmic drive he is oh god well all right yeah I would have been uh I think I would have Liv that what do he have I think we're going to do a mundo game too today there's is a new this item blood mail from the arena 2% bonus health is attack damage that's good because remember they took the bonus ad off of this item and it's gone well now it's back on this so I'm down to try this has SL you get a lot of ad on Mundo yes sir 2500 on this 2100 yeah the Andre just catches up down what is that noise oh I need some deep shrooms I can't get over there they got a sweeper and a mod of shroomies I don't know where they all went ow was he oh yeah I wanted to look at Essence re I'm like who the hell is going to build Essence reer now 15 mana on hit but it scales with ad I'm thinking I'm thinking of doing a build where I just play Jinx and build this and then only have the Rockets activated I just shoot unlimited rockets and never run out of Mana I think that would be fun flick blades 15% of their cool down crit attack speed the hell is going to build that who wants crit an attack speed that can Auto really fast and refund their abilities maybe like a el I don't know I'm not killing her he's got double tunneler are we winning yes your team stop that all right we got migma the triple bird turn is completed now we just need a shadow flame to enhance all these Burns we'll do Shadow flame death cap and then I might be able to hit like 1,000 AP just with those items because of this torch reporting in a shoot oh my God I was about to flash away I just got chomped thought I put a shroom down I guess it didn't go off my shrooms uh-oh BR she doesn't even have she has Merk Treads an ally has been SL I mean I used Ezreal baited me I blinded him and then I didn't blind for the Brier I thought he was just going to die enemy has we got to take out Pike he be clearing my my shroom Army going to be level 16 also they're doing about the same damage I mean I had the torch first item but it didn't do that much earlier I think it only had like a few hundred damage before I had LeAndre I don't know they are buried I think so get her yes sir oh buddy buddy old P how many damn people are coming oh he hit it he hit it we're out we're out we're out damn he lived he died okay I don't know did he hit another shroom why did it take him so long to die he had to have hit another shroom cuz like that was well over damn it my Cannon was close that might not kill him that might oh shoot oh God this might hit you bud oh there's a pike somewhere there's a pike come on no need more money I don't have to base I got blue and red by the time this red buff runs out I'll have full HP especially with a plant okay I think Jin does a lot of damage guys he doesn't even have the burn crit item I want to try that on jyn because jyn gets a lot of AD so it'll make your auto attacks burn for like 300 damage now jyn doesn't attack very fast so it won't apply why is this guy so tanky Joan Triforce Ezreal is going to have to go back to building Triforce since Essence Reaper is garbage now I feel like they're going to have to change the flick blades or the quick blades or whatever it is cu this just like this is not good there's like two champs that'll may be build it and I don't even know what those two champs are [Music] an enemy has uba nice yeah my Burns do a lot more damage now with this Shadow flame and if we get a death cap this does a lot more Ally on for scout I got more oh we're surrounded somebody hit a shroom I mean one shroom did 30% of ezreal's Health it's attack of the sweepers I don't want the Clone to like disappear and me get hit by the allow eat that's a pretty big one that shroom hit oh yeah they pretty much that's that's a big one I think their whole team got hit by that shroom well I didn't get the kills for it but I did a lot of damage how much did this do 5K 6K all he does have a lot of Health though so I get like extra damage versus her team destroyed inh like one turret or none damn in Auto does a lot of damage to turrets too wait his extra armor pen from this that works for his turrets trets then too right your team destroyed much is this done 1,600 I mean this burn does the lowest out of all of them pretty much but it does lower their Mr which makes everything else do more damage and it gives you a lot of haste 45 haste on shrooms put one behind me I'm so bad holy I flashed into his stun oh where is he oh hey we got him just said Shadow flame damage 7K 5K ow I just get a blue Pop I don't think we're making it to death shut down I think the true damage from the blue potion can crit too they don't have anyone that can like melt a tank besides aoi and then alloi just doesn't have enough damage to kill them oh cool it shows how much damage you've done from oh oh no it shows the attack damage damn she's getting 72 oh my God wait that item is going to be crazy over 100 ad for a Bruiser item he does have 850 stacks on hard steel though yeah get away oh my goodness I think she queued a minion on accident burn why isn't she dying yes burn no no no no no in in he kind of seems like he's attacking fast rapid fire I think jyn's going to be very happy with these two items he can't get a pent Quadra is a Penta for nice all right that was fun let's see this did .5k 2.5 this did 6.2 so the LeAndre still ends up out damaging everything but I kind of knew that would happen but Blackfire if we had like 1,000 AP probably would out damage andrees 62k damage there's our Rune stats and make sure you guys like comment subscribe thanks for watching
Channel: Zwagmo
Views: 116,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zwag, tczwag, zwag xerath, zwag tiktok, zwag shorts, asmr, teemo, zwagmo, zwag3, ranked climb, league of legends, league
Id: s1ItQRuZWH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 19sec (2119 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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