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how is it going ladies and gentlemen this God and I'm playing morer on Top Lane against Darius and we will be going a very special build we'll we'll be going the no cooldown build I've got the new Legend Rune the haste Rune and Transcendence so my ability H is going to get well bigger and bigger I can't wait for it the Q is going to be tremendous I'm going to have W constantly and I'll be grabbing all around now here we are here we are let's guard our jungles jungle oh wow way mid as planned I don't want oh oh I like what I see the F anyway Saka is late that's all right she's going to make it she's going to make it oh my goodness my goodness gracious he went doran's blade what is bro's idea of a fun evening where's he going is he for real there please Ward somewhere watch got it got it great success boys isn't it tremendous 10 gold look is was there more bro thr all right to good job says is he not there sad sad rather sad I mean virus is pissed it's all right it's all right it's okay now let's get in here where is bro he might be rather aggressive oh wow isolated quite beautiful oh guys I love it he's got W all right I tried for did one but no great success there he wants to book me I don't like him for that I'm gonna poke you I'm gonna touch you okay it may sound like a fun idea to you but trust me homie I'm going to smoke you as I have many times already come ah rest in peace beautiful we got a level three we got a Canon thank God shout it in bro has got no DP so he's losing all of thiser there we go lovely lovely lovely now there's ability H in this beautiful thing so we are obviously getting it and I will be getting the uh Cosmic drive because that one is well next level guys next level look at that all of that he's losing well how I don't think he's set it up that great oh now he doesn't even have the W there oh my God he lost all of those oh cool how much HP was it around I believe five because yeah cool cool cool cool cool brothering doing fine life is why would he be wow that was insane I I mean that's very close to an actually end got him and of minions there Lev four I don't think I can although it would be my deepest pleasure to be able to help you I checked if there's a something no there is nothing he somehow Recon somehow no I thought he escaped obviously he did not hello oh sorry youo Shall Serve me bro please I bonked him bro but that was I thought I would be off the passive but I was not my bad by morality I don't think that can pull his on off he did thank you thank you please just die too oh thank God not bad I got an assist off of that and bro has to stay all right that was a but that was okay oop see there we go there's no way I'm freezing this so I'm pushing it makes sense right boys onward onward mayy we've done it let's pop up War there now I will be having ult rather soon maybe you in the plate there it has happened bro got book got him clean on the chin of his did not get him there ET you are going to brail the TRU I appreciate you I like him let's go maybe I could pull one one more plate off of that don't to get close to that homie I don't know what it does exactly but I wouldn't stand near that you might get your you might go blind and your BS might go all hairy and stuff I would I can't it is what it is let's get these since they are going to be needed against definitely against vgo and Aras if vgo comes I'm blasting him with the ult and just killing him what does bro thing he is if he comes with to shut down while I'm taking it that's a lot of PS one could be enough and one yep there we go but it worked for L because that's a smart thing but he's level five you see now that makes some sense let's see proper bro dies incredible he's level six now so I don't have my old I have to be poking him around rather cleverly that was not it morality that's it I like you oh my God is bro actually doing the void grabs I did see some green and man who I hate it he is how about you stop obviously getting it I mean nice I'm getting at least the one right here so we win the traes handsomely because we they have just two and I have one let's see it let's see this oh rful what a nice try and guess who got the shut down it was me Mario let's heal up because we do have the means to heal up Soul shall Ser I see V go still there lurking push the three set time I have enough for the rift maker Oh I thought I saw a ward which I did not so nice shut down on the way again everybody's way can get it as well they all can get it let the got this beautiful thing all right how much Hast do I have as you can see it's around 35 which is cool now very cool Transcendence you got a 10 my goodness this one you got 12 oh wow that's better than I expected already and we're pushing quite nicely as well we got one void C which is a tremendous W I don't think that's G would be cool nice damage I guess some pooke he's got some pooke to it brose pushing it for free oh my God all there's no way for me to get there and to be fair I hope there is y I hope he get a kill since that would well give me some gold impressive I am actually going to fight you I left the husk of mortality behind I would be fighting you guys and they wouldn't be fighting me that's the difference burn the thing I see you there bro cool no way bro is this terrified all right there go right there he's leaving now or will walk around which I would not mind at all will not be intimidated Lev 10 if bro just allows me to burn [Music] it that was quite good [Music] M want to trade big time now you know you can't be doing this I'm not sure if the ignite was necessary but I will take it there goes but that might be a first break for me here honestly definitely this play here [Music] oh wait that's now more important I will take them yes remember when I did take one for you come on get those so that it burs more go go go go go there we go we got it om receive the GI nights lovely I'm missing darious he might be AFK honestly surr because I'm spamming theq on him too much he's not enjoying this oh there he is cool Co cool my return so he was just just farming then he hasn't lost his spirit yet coolest Reco ever I don't have enough sorry bro has to die I guess in order for me to be very happy go for the behind no way bro not bad damage he's just stronger there's a very strong go whom I would like to have on my top side cuz brother would just lose it here has been SL let's burn it a little oh I see how you are you don't always have to fight you know that right let's use this and help the bro there we go I've got the cosmic drive now this one is nice but it doesn't give me the ability haste I'm I se now does this nope it does not not getting it I need ability haste let's see which item my beautiful choice will it be not sure is great that one is tremendous this one there's Mana I might still get it we will see but Li Bane oh Bo boy it's going to be plenty of bongs plenty how much is my Q down 2.4 already 15 minutes isn't it nice guys I know it is thank you I just hope Veo comes bro that' be next level if V go was nice enough to should I get here he is he is he is yes let's act as if I'm stupid come on no way that's all is that oh don't dive him all right he got him easy w we might face bomb look at that look at us handsome look at the fellas I will silence so we got nicely paid and had fun so double win and let's Farm some more why wouldn't we after all here we go heal up the sustain boys sustain is just outwardly proper Escape okay [Music] be fair he no there's nothing bred Visa time that's one of the worst way places to be no God please no no [Music] what is happening fear I don't think I can push this there's not many minions but I can definitely cut it down a little they're going for the Drake which is totally cool I'm vibing with that Embrace of let's go we got it beautiful I've got a nro now ability H is loaded up okay okay let's wait for the for the thing for the amplifying tomb doy how much is Q 2.2 it's getting lower he getting nicer I should just keep on going topan cuz they will come for me they have to get therea is way out of position I would have said that's nice but they are still way out of it all right V's got way that's beautiful and luckily I am roming oh he accidentally BR pged it P accident huge over horrible over all right I don't like it all right okay they got him after all so I guess not an overstay at all I'm willing to switch swap these turrets I mean trade them like yeah doesn't want the smoke okay what is it oh it's the fell Ro the fear is disgusting oh that's horrible cool cool I was willing to fight just so you know but they were not an ally oky there gets a kill I love it I love it cool for my Guyer the all right let's get this always nice always good to have keep on going keep them coming grab this one as well we do need to get paid handsomely for everything every little obstacle that we Face we need to get paid for it oh good God I did not expect that so many did not even see the there yep just r w he does have it guess they could be going and should be going for the baron yeah they are I shouldn't have just went there blindly to protect lean because theyve seen him so they gathered around that's good that has to be a kill it is oh bro somehow survived that's random what a scroll I respect it Reon is the arrow and I'm coming I'm going to come Dreadful they do have a dead vehicle okay probably yes the strong it maybe somebody is going to get this way that'd be cool in away I am surrounded that a shut down wow that was nice let's get [Music] it let's get it for sure he got it finality approaches an ally has been h smart by him not going to lie was ready cool to flash like that or Q or all time and don't know what he did don't know don't care that's not good good boys V could I guess P this one well not that's not a combo by him so both of them die be gorgeous I do not have what it takes no way somebody pops up here that' be suicidal grab this real quick just check in I'm not even sure if I would see it my Saka do okay that's that's not bad at all if it happens it has oh God bro broke his nose all right there's we go El somewhere oh great got him got him nice and should we I guess we could technically not going to be easy though bro I bonked him like insanely strong all right we can't obviously end this getting the five gold and leaving there's no end it's not how it goes does Zona give me abilities no it used to but it doesn't now let's see the what do I have with other options I guess this is nice are they healing he is yep it is nice let's go I'm very surprised I would not be doing this if I was her but then again she's obviously great and probably dead well that's not it but least made it work get it that's 1.8 second on the Queue that is rather nice incredibly impressive I shaller them from their lives why would you waste your only Escape now we can't fight that's Dar is fully stacked and he got strong he now has the best score from the enem team I feel like I should be getting way and I guess it's true mistake at least no need to Smite R now has no Smite I'm just free to do as I please here cuz there's no way I die because I have ult I will kill one let the foolish Cur me [Music] the I got the one as promised oh no way is not the one then I guess it's Vego varus who knows it's not varus though I should probably switch these for these the CC is great yep now I got some tenacity do it that's got to be a dead Leona okay so it's two for two we did not actually lose I would I would go for that weo is going for it my goodness incredible random good easy easy Drake easy Drake easy life I guess I could go for this one the tenac city is of a great value in this one how much is my my God yes we are going to take it why wouldn't we thethy D they do not actually have Vision man if you start shooting and stop pinging one of if not the best Smite ouch bro is not AP bro isn't all that to be doing this I just want to heal up next grab one real quick there we go all right yeah that is smart they can't do anything to us I didn't not get him strange region there that surprised sorry guys I have to it was a bad or by way somehow he's surviving welcome to obliv right I could not W well I should okay Leen that's how is that good oh I guess he got a turet but it's not smart is it Rose cook wow almost killed by killed by way good Dodge impressive stuff rather nice okay shame I could did not W there but vgo is just it's it's all right it's Le and abandoned us he abandoned us he actually did we should keep pushing both on top at the same time maybe perhaps yes but then they can just pick one side and destroy that one side handsomely tce let's go it's fine there bro how does he not take the T-shirt off of him that would be tremendous there we go you lost somebody maybe yes yes so it I just have to ult veh go somewhere where he can't jump over anything cuz that guy will use it to jump over anything you're very cool to cool to get somebody he Laing there is Drake coming yes got it surprise I hope the enemy think that he's got it [Music] because he certainly does not I got it I am the one I am the one G GG he won I won the quees bro I was just I kept queuing I closed my eyes and boy did I I'm sorry why would we ever go for the Drake and we can literally literally and like so now that's going to hurt though okay luckily I'm not tanky there easy buiness like it this fun all right we it has happened I loved it what game I mean look at these cool Downs 3.6 on that guys on Shield let's see the stats shall we I love it look at them flaming each other it was all me of well here it is look at it I'm not surprised that's a lot of damage dealt by me there I like it murer guys let's see total damage to the most at 10,000 beautiful healing done well not that great but you know there's Soraka so obviously there going to be large self mitigated image V good thing this guy was gold earned a was the richest guy around and vision score well that's I could have gotten lower that sucks anyways I hope you enjoyed this video leave a like subscribe have a wonderful day and see you next one bye-bye
Channel: Godzu
Views: 34,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JCpC1KrkVlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 8sec (2228 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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