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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Sho in the jungle we're running hail blad Sun impact eyeball Relentless boots and approach velocity we're going lethality Sho do a lot of damage assassinate people he has a really good early clear and you can gank a lane I think when you're level three just as they're hitting level two a lot of junglers can't really do that box over here thees might be wrong spot I'm going to try and clear this really quick the plan is to do this right away and then queue over and do these and then go up and then I'll be level three after this and then this box should fear the red buff into that box and I just get to hit it come back here do extra damage with my backstab nice okay I think I did it right way faster than I thought I was going to be able to do it I could um M two gank bot but I wouldn't have my e but I mean I'd be able to gank bot when they're still level one it's just best we'd probably get a flash they're playing pretty safe anyway but yeah we're going to go lethality Hydra and then we're going to get a CYO sword and after that we'll see don't know if I can H this one it keeps turning oh we can gank mid a wild Sho has appeared and Sho is one of the only junglers where you can take a ignite with your uh Smite don't need flash cuz he has Q so maybe I'll just go do blue and then go gank top I mean I have Smite up in after this Camp so I can clear gromp really quick too we'll see I mean Darius will probably be up there at the same time we'll just clear I'll H level four here but yeah that's a perfect early start I get level three so fast and then go over the wall for the aggressive aelia bit back here yes got damage sure there's a way you can get the using the boxes to make the camps always turn around warding I'm going to come over the wall we'll get his flash here most likely I'll throw this to slow him I think he's dead good flash Q if he didn't do that uh he would have lived and I wouldn't have uh ignited give him box all right well we already have a tat this will be and the weird thing is this builds out of a pickaxe so I can't get a long sword here got a moat all right we can try and gank bot maybe I should have done the crab while I was up there but Darius could have been on it I also need to get a sweeper aelia looks gankable I mean it's a seraphine smolder am I going to be able to do anything I mean we have Pantheon we could try how can I oh if he gets a St nice huge that's a Relentless stack makes me faster easier to get more kills in the future this is gone so Darius was down here just in case he's on the dragon check uh I mean I'm here but I don't know if we can beat him I have to wait out the que I think he saw me that's good though we got Darius ghost he's got 10 more Farm than me so I think he did both the crabs I forgot Sho goes two points in the Box I think I should have done that level four but it's fine it helps you clear a little bit faster let me go check if this is up I don't think I can One V one Darius though now you don't what is up I can do grubs since I have tmat but it'll get me kind of low I'll try and sneak one oh nice J is dead Darius isn't here this is free normally I'd save my Smite for like the last the second or the third grub but I see Darius down there so I'm not going to get contested on this um we could go try and take his red this will be fun well hopefully he doesn't Justa here before my Q's up to get out he doesn't have ghost to chase me but I don't have SM will be F an enemy has been she went really deep I'll take his chicken tender loins I have Al I can maybe beat him in a fight if he doesn't have Alt oh these are gone I wonder if he just cleared them I mean we could di him oh Mal doesn't have all never mind nice he's got all now huge okay oh well she's about to get four people on her oh my God all right and there we have it the Sho the Sho early pressure the only issue about this is they might just FF we're going attack speech but the the other thing is if I don't get ahead early then it's like almost impossible to play if they have F15 we'll just play aam or something or Arena I've been liking Arena a bit their team does kind of scale look smoulders always end up being really strong late ellia is just kind of losing to our turret darious is he just warded think she's too fast got mercs darus has blue slain um eny has been we got smer I actually want s on oh wait we have her if he has his spells up y I have double execute so let me help you sir I'm sorry you're fine we actually caught her he flashed so my e does more damage when they're low and my Hydra does more when they're below half health so I could Hydra and then e and just do an insane amount of burst damage here we go oh the Clone got him and the Clone gets like permanent extra attack speed from hail blades if you summon it while your Hail is still up all right wonder what's better can I get this no I guess I'll get The Shard and the moat see me now you there is's top he didn't do any grubs yet now if I buffered his pull with a an enemy has been SL yeah they're struggling they are struggling we have a really good team comp though gallio's pretty good into Aurelia M's good into Jace this will be fun I mean this is how you'd want the game to go as Shake this is probably the best outcome you could get the on all right stab em at e so easy to kill squishy Champs rub money these grubs do more damage than the other ones hey I forgot the sweeper maybe I'll get it before the game's over an enemy has grabs uput down an ally has uh I don't know this this red up again I could take his red on you only do the extra damage versus champion little up tap I will go get a brutalizer and a sweeper little bit closer this game's probably going to be over in the next 40 seconds I have a strong feeling that 16 to3 is an FF will your team has destroyed a turret I play is come here there's two of me that means I heal where are you I'm inting I get my Psy oh I don't have enough for cyos sword okay I was doing it as a fast Recon maybe I get an assist I was going to say it's a fast recall so I can get my CYO sword before they FF but maybe since I died they might not have I was hoping smolder would be like half Health there something they're both full HP your team desty now all right two more camps for Jungle upgrade and there it is GG hey we got the cyclos sword at least oh yeah that's sho I'm either going to snowball early game and win or we're just going to lose pretty simple on to the arena all welcome back to some more Arena got some Darius assist red and blue buff serve Beyond Death 15% ad we could go for Max ad darus darus can hit very high ad because of his passive we'll try it it's actually a pretty good augment the surf uh beyond death would be good too though cuz I could die first in the beginning of the round and then maybe take someone with me what she got warm-up routine all right har gar garen's lethality I'm just going to let her warm up I just need to peel for my vein basically I get full stacks on Garen and he's screwed here I got the stack at least he cooking there we go how much ad did I get up to there beautiful there's a lot of range Champs in this lobby but this team I could do good verse Oh swing what do they got tether get only 100 Darius is converting AP into ad I mean it works but I don't think it's that great is it armor boots wow my ad almost doubles when I'm fully stacked up we're against set darious I think I could beat him I mean you are able to get more AP than ad this actually could be good but the AP items I don't think are going to be that they're not going to do anything but how much ad does he have got let V warm up got 130 I mean he only has 10 more than me Run VIN I mean if she keeps running that way I won't be able to help her I think I'm fine maybe not all right good thing I got that bleed and a lot of damage that was kind of scared was his tether still hitting me while Darius was dead it might have been my go she got the res but is it enough it might actually be gank Plank's not using his passive oh my God it's close I had jeweled Gauntlet this would be good we could do this if I do manage to get a kill I might not instantly die vagar twitch everfrost might be hard to reach them probably going to have to flash I don't have a Duo tonight we just got a random vein oh no and this could be good but also really bad I mean I can't really go over there now my vein's dead I got to go in I got to make something happen oh my auto canceled well we got one of them she should just go for Rez oh she did a kind of troll that one I don't know how my auto didn't uh go off though oh yeah we got against range Champs on a map that range Champs Auto win on so it's like what am I supposed to do um gives a lot of ad I do kind of need to be alive still though so we'll probably go Bruiser items Triforce 30 10 less than Cleaver but I get that Sheen and then I get attack speed so my auto won't cancel in the futuree oh he's got magic resist but I might get cced before I can even kill them oh my God okay V well I hurt got 300 ad 325 three times as much as Vin he melee Champs I a beat he died in the portal I'll probably fall off late I mean doing a fun build is never more optimal than actually trying to just win you never know Mountain Soul 20% omn Vamp for Mountain soul my abilities do hit pretty hard this is tough cuz this might heal me as much as the shield does so I'll try it we'll try it I mean I'll heal off my dunk I'll heal off my Q even more I don't know if it heals from my bleed I don't think it does but maybe oh I actually think I do heal from my uh I really don't like brand I wasted that exploit gr's going to hit me before I hit him at least he didn't Stun Me Oh no he has detonation orb oh I hit him wait am I here wow okay I don't know how we won that but I'll take it um against Katarina M I think I got to go ster it gives 51 ad though this actually gives a lot of ad I can either save my gold for Anvil or save up for prismatic I might do Prismatic since I have rolls did V get any good stats from this yet no I don't know I don't like this item you can get something really good oh she's got 69 ad but you have to keep rolling it to get better stuff but you also could get something really bad for the round and just lose stay alert well I'm probably going to get Mel aled cool I think I I wed one of his crabs or the set instead I would have killed Karina I think uh one of his crabs walked on top of her when I clicked it oh there's a little spot up here that's cool damn I thought he was going to go for me Katarina did a lot of true damage what she got oh this oh yeah that's cool for Just Wing It uh I guess this I hate to waste a roll BS trash stats we're getting really bad like augments and stuff we get a low tier augments no Prismatic item well I guess we did get a prismatic item just not good one but at least we have a lot of HP so we could still get like one or two more things but we're getting a regular item into who knows what I can maybe get two regular items if I get kills here maybe not too low Hellfire probably have to go for Le never retreat why is oh he's blocking I will not he's too fast now they had a team the Bounty thing on me and then my vein instantly [Music] died YOLO this could work or this this might give more ad yeah this gives like 80 then 12% more it works with my ster too my ster gives more ad I got solid setup it's just adcs are just generally bad and she didn't get very good items on this okay I hit pretty hard 661 [Music] adplay Giant Slayer oh invulnerable this is good but I think I might be able to get something better work on pole I'm just going to go with the dragon souls we got ocean chem Tech Mountain that's fine that's all defense I don't know the invulnerable I have to stack up my ALT first a lot of the time we've lost I haven't been able to stack it up wow I don't know what just happened I'm so confused did Darius pull us into a Max damage set punch cuz we both got one shot that is such a broken combo or did the plant screw us that happened so fast I couldn't tell Karina's a little strong I can survive B is kind of useless guess we'll buy more stats cuz we're out after this or I could buy this ad thing maybe this for the round get as much ad as I can before we lose here's Mystic punch he's like unlimited tumble problem is adcs just get one shot on this if they don't have like an Ardent support and I'm not playing an Ardent support with a random my that couldn't even move she might be able to Res me if she waits out though yeah I get res first nice all right V played that well I don't know how I got cced so long I think spell wake like one shot me oh you know what Ren and W might have broke my ster Shield too I hate this map so much it's just this doesn't last long enough you have about 5 Seconds seconds to decide if you want to cross over or not all right we're against the Darius set so oh this that stance take the work and both of these oh my God 846 ad the problem is set one shots us so I need to go for the Darius who's a tank but also if we ignore the set he kind of one shots us too why does he have a spell shield oh this is good actually down he goes think we beat him 900 ad I hit okay get any good stats from this she's still rolling using ability heals me that's free roll Q2 200 haste e oh this would have been so good if I took Colossus but I didn't know I was going to get this thank Q wait really s than them didn't I beat this team no way we're going to win well maybe might get one shot by Garen like these games I don't think I'm going to win we actually have a good chance at winning I don't have flash I'm too slow take the thing bro oh my God he's burning I do not tolerate C we got to get a stun here come on v e okay V's trolling he literally just had to press e we could have won damn that was free win but vain literally just didn't want a stunner there were a million Rock Spire but yeah I mean not bad we hit like almost th ad on Darius yeah GG get for playing with a random see the damage yeah I did twice as much as her
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 119,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8zTnwQ6TGhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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