When Karen Meets Karen... The Karen Outrage Simulator

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i know halloween's coming around the corner but you're gonna think it's christmas why that's because the karen and outrage simulator has been updated so oh what is what is that it's the carrot signal the world needs oh that's right i'm ready to smack karen with some low prices and some smiles and great customer service now the only reason i know that this game got updated was thanks to james on twitter they let me know so freaking thank you uh because i love this game you guys know how many how many times we played this game oh what the heck so now i can't play the game studio that's the one we did last episode now we're going to do the salon that's the newest level the salon camry could not have amazing hair like that if she didn't go to the salon so you know it really just makes sense as she drove around her town or town in her minivan a ghastly site caught karen's eye uh through the revere mirror she spied the several strange of her hairdo had fallen out from out of place oh my god this is like freaking me you guys understand i have really thin hair and i just keep bleaching it it is just not good i don't know why why do i do this to myself viewing her style as a pivotal part of her personality oh yeah that it's very vital to the karen image she sought to rectify it immediately and made a beeline to her favorite salon without her signature look kerry felt unremarkable and without identity little did she understand it was not what made her unique oh what the heck oh oh god it's like michael jackson with the wig and just a little bit of lipstick is that carried or is that the stylus i really don't know it's actually terrifying i like how she has the i'm pretty sure that's like the stylist but i'm pretty sure she has the same exact hairstyle i love these photoshop skills guys go download this game it's amazing i'm gonna take this new haircut out for a walk whatever oh got billy eilish over here don't worry mama bear we'll take good care of her you're the best is this karen or not did they did kerry get a new new dlc like what is this no i think that is her oh wait no no no it's not that oh oh it's excuse excus or freaking excuse me oh ooh she did not like that is it carrot versus karen i think we've kind of already had that but this i mean they have the same hairstyles rodolfo so wait does this hair salon give the same exact hairstyle to everyone so is the girl in pink hair about to get it like i'm just curious karen well adolfo you better watch out what's the trouble darling she's mad oh she's just storming in i don't play with death with me that woman has my hair cut so there's two ways we all know i'm gonna i'm gonna try to do the actual way after doing my own way i want to do it my own way okay so that woman has my my hair cut or we you know we could just start off really spicy and say i ought to sue you but we'll do with patience that's my haircut you can't just give another woman my hairstyle i mean arguably karen okay the other one was way more scarier than you i i will say that's a violation of our relationship it's basically identity theft you know i gotta say i don't know what would happen if i went to a place where i get my hair done and someone came out with green hair i would just i would actually set on fire seriously honey darling baby girl sweetums you need to understand something you don't own that style you don't own anything suddenly rodolfo's face hardened the veneer of the kind stylist evaporated in an instant replaced by the cold and unreadable expression of someone who had dealt with the likes of karen too many times before he i mean it's a tough job i mean dude she has he has to deal with her multiple times like oh whoa whoa whoa what is going on dude this is they're throwing a freaking wrench in my whole gameplay here what is going on mystery camera can no longer read her old friend she was blind to his inner workings we're just throwing all the physics out the window for this uh episode guys you need to check yourself karen i don't need this attitude in my salon attitude what attitude you coming here barking at me over someone else's haircut what do you want me to do about it isn't it obvious when she gets back i want you to shave i want you to shave her head that's the only logical thing you could do you shave her head right now i don't care if she pays you you shave it he jumped back you can't be serious oh i'm i'm serious with all though i always forget what the heck purple is there's no meter for it so i don't know what it means since now everything is a mystery we don't know what our the stylish resolve is we have to guess uh you will do it or i will we're gonna be like a wwe match and just like drag her by her hair you know now that i think about it i think karen would make actually a great wwe diva superstar you're not touching my razor i don't need your buzzer i'll use my teeth i'll tear her hair out with my bare hands i mean i don't know how we're gonna top last episode last episode actually would have made for like a really great halloween episode uh well first off i highly suggest you just play the game it's actually on sale for like until tomorrow so you can get it for like two dollars but like spoiler in last episode we played kevin totally turned into like a demon and it was freaking hilarious it was her final form so i i really i don't know if they're trying to top it with this one but this is pretty insane that's pretty it's pretty crazy karen so you better get that trimmer ready it's happening as soon as she gets back you're off your rocker karen i'm not doing crap you're not the boss of me so either shut your trap or get lost [Music] you need to realize something with dolpho oh we can say we can go with i was your first client i made you i built this business oh i kind of want to say that just because like did she like really i'm actually curious i feel like we can unlock the story depending on what we pick i'm your best customer i paid top dollar for this haircut i'm gonna say i built this business i practically made you without me you would never have gotten off the ground don't try and make this emotional karen i sense that there might be some truth in that it's not going to work with me you're not as important to me as you think oh oh billy eilish overheard hey are you going to cut my hair or what and now addison i've got to put this in her place [Music] listen karen you didn't invent anything that style has always existed people like you have always existed you're just the latest version oh she's like a copy oh whoa whoa whoa whoa what's happening since oh we're getting the care in history ah yes ah love this game since the dawn of time your kind of walk the earth it's like you're telling the the dinosaurs oh my god it's going back to the cavemen days even before we knew how to speak oh my god i cannot believe guys this is like christmas honestly we're getting a caveman karen cape woman cam really i guess i should say is that kareem caveman kareem dude i can't even express man my love for this game i guess i was carry language back in those days through the ages your predecessors have been just the same you exploit everyone around you for your personal whims so even in the egyptian times yeah egypt doesn't exist anymore it's just the times oh she's beautiful bastard you worthless dog what do you what do you call her a karen patrick i don't know my tube would construct itself please i need to rest my body's going to give out i beg just a sip of water cow right karan doesn't care for your troubles what a great oh she's got glowing eyes she's like the wing dragon of karen karen let my people go the cruelty or type has dealt it to others has no no limits so he's saying essentially that she is the root of all people and oh that's good that's good even when the stakes are at the utmost extreme wait what is this [Music] oh my god dude that's so scary it is blatant that this woman is a witch she was the witch bird with the steak there is no other explanation for her persistent youth and beauty she has to turn my husband's eye wondering also my crop spelled so milady please i'm only 22. i had nothing to do with your crops heresy thou musted sufferer which to live burn the enchantress before she hacks us us all oh so she was accusing others of being witches ah it doesn't end with you either dude we're getting an actual history this is better than just going to school to be honest this is like the best history lesson if they they should teach carol 101 in schools i think everyone knows that the toxicity you create will always exist [Music] bro she's a cyborg droid i demand you accept the terms whether you comply one one zero zero one zero zero one zero zero zero one one zero no then you will be destroyed bro she did a canon laser thing so even in the future oh my god that that's actually gonna be uh terrifying when amazon events care and robots so karen do you understand you need to get off your bullcrap now because it's not gonna work i know all about you and who you are at the core you're not special you're not unique nothing about you is original distinctive or fresh you're just a bald you're just a bad old trope that we're all tired of oh yeah i don't even know what a trope is you think you know me really you haven't got a clue oh rodolfo just let her do it what and addison this is your mother we're talking about plot twist um stepmom also it'll make great content oh my gosh she's a tick tocker you never know what you're gonna get in this game girls this is too much for me suddenly it's my lunch break i'm out of here he just quits his job immediately i would too man i think she's coming dude and i'll film it through the mirror [Music] oh i'm back sweetie hey you're not gonna believe this but an officer was writing us a ticket as i passed by our car i jokingly asked him if he could forget about it and just ripped it up you don't think this haircut has something to do with it do you oh man the officer really really loved her haircut dude she's so scary oh she's getting the clippers hold hold still you imposter let's got some among us here oh she really did it dude she's like a samurai oh my god my hair what have you done [Music] i like how she walked like a model it suits you a lot better you copy cat how dare she come across karen so wild dude we're sticking your tongue out it's too much don't forget to like and subscribe bro she's been on tick tock too long oh i think we got the actual ending oh this is the good ending for for karen that is so when she says so when he says that she's like a stereotype or like a like a copy or something so now we say so are you rodolfo why don't you think about that for a minute huh i know you think i give a dang i'm fine with who i am you're the one losing her crap over someone else's hair oh what will she say to that karen i'm warning you don't you freaking mess with me and my customers or you'll regret it all right so we officially got the freak out meet her up but i mean i feel like we already freaked out so i don't see what how this is gonna like really change oh so now is now the story has been changed i stopped to admire the garden across from the parking lot oh hey we've got the same hairstyle isn't that funny because she looks like the mask now i know what she looks like she looks like jim carrey for the she looks like the mask but with karen hair not for long you phony rosellfo give me those scissors not a chance karen you've lost it this is not going to end well better get it on video get out of my way rodolfo oh my god dude she just totally annihilated him with her power you get what you deserve traitor he's like upside down no it's your turn boney there can only be one oh oh okay so she still ended up cutting your hair all right what did you do i've returned balance to the order of things garrett is thanos now take a good look at yourself and always remember this oh she actually does take a look at herself actually it's not that bad kind of fresh so you think edison kind of hot not gonna lie better than this freaking wig at least oh listen here you little brat oh we fought her too the tick tocker lunatic karen and jealous over a haircut new style okay yeah we got the official one well guys that that pretty much does it uh i hope you enjoyed it if you haven't seen me play the other levels and you just want to play the game i'll link the game down below for you to play it if you don't want to buy it or you don't have steam or whatever feel free to check out the videos that i made on it and yeah that's about it guys smash like if you enjoyed and uh i'll see you scripts in the next one bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 138,322
Rating: 4.9760628 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, karen simulator, karen, karens, karen game, speak to the manager, speak to the manager game, the karen simulator, the karen simulator game, karen outrage simulator, karen freakouts, karen outrage simulator update
Id: KtPYppBfVc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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