When It's Time To Finally Let Her Go

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne this is my video coaching newsletter topic of this newsletter is going to be when it's finally time to let her go got a email here from a viewer and he says hey Corey I was with a girl for just over a year and I got dumped so suddenly because her family wouldn't allow her to see me and she felt there was nothing that she could do but finish the relationship we have not spoken in over a year and sometimes I gave her drunk calls with no answer I think about her every day and I still have strong feelings for her but I don't know how to get her back or to get over I really need advice as it's on my mind all the time so if you could post a video I would really appreciate it well here's the deal you haven't heard from her in over a year and you've done drunk calls to her and she doesn't answer or respond guess what it's over dude it's done and done and done you can put a fork in that one it's [ __ ] toast it's history you got to admit to yourself because obviously you came to my website because things weren't working in your life or in your relationship or you had a challenge in your life like everybody that comes to my work it's not because people come to work because things are going great there's something that's off or something whether it's in their business or it's in their career or it's in their personal life or it's in their health or their belief system or something that's going sideways and that's when people usually show up in my my website and find out about my work and so that's why I encourage you to read my book because the reason you got dumped is not so much because of the family it's because you did enough things and you interact with her in enough inappropriate ways and not only she got turned off but you turned off her family to the point where they felt like you were bad for her and so you're here because you need to learn something obviously your approach that you were taking in the past has not worked for you and so you stayed hung up on this girl for the past year and it's over I'm sorry to tell you you've been bullshitting yourself if you think anything's going to happen between you and this girl if anything was going to happen it would have happened she would have gotten back in touch with you and when you did when this long of a period of time goes by you won't hear from her ever again and it can be sad but it also can be incredibly freeing because you know that you can finally move forward in your life and never look back at having to be with that person we're going to help you I'm going to help you if you follow what I teach I'm gonna help you find somebody a thousand times better for you so the idea is that you got to learn and fill in your knowledge gap you got out you got to figure out what it is that you don't know that you don't know and so by reading my book and watching these videos which are obviously already doing you're starting to get an idea of where you went wrong in the past so once you figure out obviously where you went wrong you read you want to read my book 10 to 15 times the point where you literally could teach it yourself so you can give yourself a baseline knowledge to operate from and so one of the next steps I've encouraged you to do is watch a youtube video that I did called improving your social skills so if you google Cory Wayne improving your social skills that video will come up and I want you go to the mall just spend like an hour a week on the weekends maybe if that's all the time you got just been an hour a week and just start walking around make an eye contact and say a lot of people and start using the techniques that I talk about the ask people opinions and ask some questions and start talking to the clerk's and so gets in you habit of talking to other people and you realize that you can literally meet people anytime anyplace anywhere that you go in your daily life and so when you do that you get comfortable that it's pretty easy start asking for phone numbers asking for dates it's like repetitions the mother of skill and so the more you talk to and you are interact with new women and people in general the better you're going to feel about yourself because your the problem is is your identity is all totally wrapped up in this relationship that you used to have with this girl and the reason you're still suffering and the reason that you still feel pain because of this relationship ending is because you want reality to be other than it is and you want her to be in your life even though she's not and there's nothing you can do to force her to want to be in your life it is what it is and you holding on to what was and what is dissolved over a year ago is not helping you move forward it's not serving you it's not helping you meet that next great love of your life and so by learning the things that I teach in my book and my videos the articles on my website you start to learn appropriate ways to show up and interact with women you learn what creates attraction and so when you learn what creates attraction and you interact with women you start to see wow I can [ __ ] create a charge with girls just by how I show up how I act people will perceive you how you perceive yourself there's a video I did a while back called getting over a breakup how how so if you google Cory Wayne getting over a breakup that will come up and I go a lot further and detail in depth on on this subject of getting over a breakup but for you by applying what I teach going on the mall improving your social skills and just getting immersed in this stuff focusing on your career and your business get yourself a personal trainer focus on your diet focus on becoming healthy or get yourself flu nutritionist go see your health care professional start doing cardio workouts start working out with weights get in the best shape of your life take the best care of yourself that you can possibly take care of because you'll feel better you'll look better you'll be happier you'll have more energy it'll be easier for you to interact with the opposite sex when you're focusing on being at your best personally because it's NISS naturally it's going to make you a happier man and the happier you are the easier for it is for you to apply the things that I talk about naturally and easily and effortlessly and the more you do it the better you get at repetitions of other skill then when you do it over and over again you get to the point where you don't it's like talking to women it's just like breathing you don't want to think about it it just kind of happens as you go about your life so that's what I would do if I were you if you really want to get this party life handle and get over this this next girlfriend and get somebody who loves you who adores you and whose family loves you and accepts you and wants you to be a part of their family so if you have a question you want to ask me go to my website click the contact me tab which will be the left hand side of your screen send me one to two paragraphs max it just give me certainly to get back to you with the response you want to talk to me right away the quickest way to get my help is to book a paid phone coaching session you can do that by going to my website click the products tab which will be the top of your screen and just follow the instructions if you want to get a digital version of my Kindle eBook on my website underneath the email signup box is a box that has a link to take you right to the Amazon Kindle download page once you get there if you don't have a Kindle device already you can download one of their free reader apps for your smartphone your tablet device or your computer it only takes a matter of seconds to download install the app and complete the purchase of my book and if you appreciate the value of the information I offer in these video newsletters the articles on my website my ebook you can show your appreciation by going to my website right now another would be a toolbar which will be at the bottom of your screen click the PayPal donate button and donate any amount that you feel is equal to the value of the information all right we'll talk to you soon you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 377,030
Rating: 4.8164883 out of 5
Keywords: When, Its, Time, To, Finally, Let, Her, Go
Id: wnSN2goEPJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2012
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