Being Able To Walk Away Creates Attraction

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of this newsletter is going to be being able to walk away and why it creates attraction one things I want to talk about this video obviously is going to be attachments because a big reason why a lot of guys fail with women's they become emotionally attached either to the object of their affection or to her showing up in his life in a certain way that he feels she she should be within a certain period of time and when the guy doesn't see that that happens he gets antsy he becomes needy he starts to chase he starts to pursue because he thinks that he needs to do something in order to make him want her more but in reality his chasing and pursuing is demonstrating not only to her but the universe that basically he feels he doesn't deserve to have what it is that he wants because he felt like he deserved it he would hang back he would chill out and he'd have a take-it-or-leave-it kind of approach towards it and I've got an email here from a viewer who obviously they had a girl and she was on rebound and she ended up going back to the ex-boyfriend even though things were starting to progress ones with her and him initially just because he became too attached and when you're dealing with a girl who has broken with a boyfriend who she maybe has several years that she's been with and you just met her nine times out of ten she's always going to choose the guy that she has more time if just because she has a deeper emotional connection and bond to him just because the amount of time that they were together previously and so you've got a license all the time you're going to love you the person in such a way that they feel free and if they don't feel free they're going to the women are going to naturally gravitate to whoever displays the most traits and characteristics of a dominant male so he says I'd like to ask the questions come to mind from what I've been watching your videos you say when a girl is wavering between two guys the SATA or if it doesn't work out get back to me doesn't this help her to see you as a back-up plan well the thing you understand is there's a reason why the ex-boyfriend of hers is the ex-boyfriend she didn't dump him or get rid of him or break up with him because he was doing everything right she basically broke up with the guy because he wasn't treating him properly and she wasn't having a good time and she just didn't feel the relationship was progressing to any kind of destination that was to her liking and so therefore she chooses to leave the relationship so she can find somebody who is more like what she wants and so she started dating you in this case and she felt that initially but when a woman backs off and starts going sideways and goes back to the other guy when she had been coming to you successfully it's either a you did something wrong or be she'd this other guy had been in the picture all along and that's why when you're ever you're dealing with a situation where the ex is still kind of unsure it still kind of dating her ex-boyfriend or whatever you've just got to hang back go about your life make you make a once-a-week date and just follow the plan that I teach in my book and if you have a chance with her and this other ex-boyfriend doesn't have a stronghold on her then if she gravitates away from him and towards you she'll keep moving towards you to the point where she starts chasing and pursuing you more and it should become more emotionally attached and attracted to you than him because she knows what she's going to get with him but when you're comparing comparing the two together and you're constantly making beta male mistakes and the ex is acting more like an alpha male she's always going to go back to him he says so would that encourage her to use you as a fallback it doesn't really matter one way or another because the thing that got understand about women in relationships is that you have to be with somebody who wants you you want to be with somebody who reciprocate sinteres not somebody where you're making 80% of the effort and then they're only making 20% of the effort or you're making 90 the effort the other persons making 10% of the effort now women can in a healthy relationship they'll be doing 70 80 percent of calling texting and pursuing but when they're together both of them make the effort what I'm talking about is a situation where a lot of guys that I get emails from get themselves I know and I used to do this [ __ ] when I was younger as well is they get themselves into situations with women they start chasing and start pursuing to the point where she never has enough time and space and freedom away from him to develop strong emotional feelings are strong emotional desire because he's doing so much pursuing and he's taking so much action trying to force things to happen quicker than they're going to happen so he says if she's with another guy she could say he he he's referring to a pickup line where I say whether the art the article that I wrote a while back called the best comebacks ever he's referring to when I'm here that I put in there and he says if she's dating another guy and she says well I'm still kind of seeing my ex-boyfriend you just simply say well I don't care about him even keep you busy when you're with me or if a girl says hey I got a boyfriend like I don't care you can give you busy when you're not with me I mean at the end of day there's a lot of women that are unhappy in relationships and if you're just looking to hook up and have casual non-attached sex there's a lot of women that would cheat on their boyfriends the danger obviously is getting caught and also getting involved with a girl who starts to become emotionally attached to where she starts gravitating towards you and away from the boyfriend but the thing you understand is that she's willing to cheat on the boyfriend and run around behind his back with you then if you were ever in that situation you become lazy you become complacent get caught up in your job your career whatever happens to be she's going to go and do those same things to you that she did the other guy and at the end of the day you've got to give women the space to choose you as well because we obviously know that you like because you're writing to me about her and when she reaches out to you or you call her once a week to ask her out for a date that's you making the effort that's all the effort that you need to make and usually by the third or fourth week if you just call girl you just met and you take once a week or you meet up for drinks once a week or whatever if you do more things right they're wrong used by the third or fourth week she'll start calling you she'll start texting you should start reaching out to you more and this will make it really simple for you is just go ahead great to hear from you I'd love to see again when are you free to get together then you make your next date and then what happens is then she calls you a few days later after that date same thing hey I was thinking about you had a really great time again the other night I really love hanging out with you really loved seeing you and great me too I had a blast I want to see you again when are you free and you just make your next date and that creates a pattern of basically when she calls you you arrange the next date and then you get off the phone that helps you remain mysterious and a challenge because she's then she's got to wonder what you're doing and what you're up to until you guys get together and the idea is that scientific fact that women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear so you give them the space to wonder about you and to be okay with the fact that you may lose them to another guy because at the end of day a guy who perceives themselves as the catch is just going to say hey if she goes back to the ex boyfriend or she chooses another guy it's our loss and the only way she'll choose another guy over you is if it's an ex and she's more emotionally attached or you screw it up and you drove her away but the end of day if you do everything right and she had a high level of interest in you and attraction to start out with then over time over a course of several weeks in several months she'll eventually after about two months or so this well should be if you've done more things write their own she should be head over heels in love with you and at that point should be calling you and texting you two three times a day and then you're going to pretty much be together you'll see it you'll be waking up with her in the morning and then at night when you get home she'll be coming over late at night bringing a bottle of wine or some whipped cream or some strawberries and chocolate or some kind of little fun surprise that you guys can come up with creative ways to utilize those sweet treats in the bedroom to spice up your love life but I know it's counterintuitive because you're because you're basically saying don't pursue but the problem is is that guys that are making mistakes that are blowing chances with women that they really like the problem they're pursuing too much they're acting too much like women who are unsure themselves instead of guys who have busy careers busy lives busy businesses through an entrepreneur or their travelling whatever happens to be and so when they're not talking to a chick they're focused on their purpose in life they may be thinking about it from time to time but hey it's going to see her tomorrow night on his date so he really isn't there's nothing he can really do because you can only cause a woman to fall in love you by spending time together in person and so I know it's counterintuitive but like I said it creates attraction and like so there's scientific studies they've done where they realize that the women are more attracted to guys whose feelings aren't clear guys who they didn't go out with who they're constantly unsure of whether or not the guy's going to call or whether or not he really feels the same way and then they get together and she kind of expresses some the fact that she's unsure of herself he just grabs her and hug her and kissing her and says baby I adore you what are you talking about how you been in they go and have a great date together and they have great great fun together and then she thinks herself oh I was really I was just so silly of me to be that way and so she's unsure but when she gets around him he reassures who her through his actions and the words that he says and the things that they do together so if you have a question you want to ask me go to my website click the contact me tab which will be on the left-hand side of your screen send me one to two paragraphs max and just give me several weeks to get back to you with a response if you want to talk to me right away the quickest way to get my help is to book a paid phone coaching session you can do that with one of my website click the products tab at the top of your screen and just follow the instructions if you want to get a digital version my Kindle eBook on my website underneath the email signup box is a box that has a link that will take you right to the Amazon Kindle download page in my book once you get there if you don't have a Kindle device just download one of their free deviator apps for whatever electronic device you want to read my book on and if you appreciate the value of the information I offer in these video newsletters the articles on my website or my ebook you can show your appreciation right now by going to my website and on the will be a tool bar at the bottom of your screen click the Pay Pal donate button and donate any amount that you feel is equal to the value of the information you you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 894,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Being, Able, To, Walk, Away, Creates, Attraction
Id: Z1NVpeqwN7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2013
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