When Hurt Heals | The Whole Story Series |Pastor Keion Henderson

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understanding to your feet we're going to go to the book of mark chapter 14 mark chapter 14 and we're going to commence our reading at verse number 32. we're going to be reading from the new or the king james version of the bible mark chapter 14 verse 32 and the bible says in the 32nd verse and they came to a place which by name was gethsemane everybody say gethsemane and that place um in the greek it means the oil press so this is the place where you're squeezed until what's in you comes out and the bible says and he said to his disciples in this squeezing place sit ye here while i pray and he taketh with him remember he's talking to the 12. but now it's time for something else to take place and he does this often he says to the rest of them you all stay i'm taking my my 2022 crew with me come on peter james john i want y'all to come with me and the bible says and began to be amazed they were amazed and and they were very and and i i i know this word is for today and they they were very heavy they were they were very heavy and said unto them my soul is exceedingly sorrowful unto death he's basically telling them i'm getting ready to die and he says but i need you this is an old church word i need you to tarry you hear i don't know why all these old words are coming up today but how many of y'all remember in the church where they said you had to tarry in the holy ghost um and and and you had to wait a while i remember my mom we grew up baptist and she went off to the church of god in christ and and i remember going to mama's church because see i was still i was still in my denominational thought process and so i was still in baptist and you know when you baptist you just die baptist right but mama was in that church of god in christ and i saw mama start speaking in tongues and spinning around in circle at the all time like what happened to this because this wasn't happening in the baptist church where i grew up and she got in there and and i said mama what's that she said baby i was tarrying in the holy ghost and it was an old mother standing in front of just thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you just clapping and the holy ghost came before i knew it that thing hit me and i was in that shot and somebody said terry the problem with a lot of us is that when we come to church we want to move through the service we we we get in our pain and we want to move through the pain but every once in a while you got to get in that thing and and and we're starting a series today called the whole story we're going from brokenness to wholeness for the first part of this one how many of you all want to go from broken in one area to being whole in that area the bible says and they said unto them my soul is exceedingly sorrowful unto death terry and and watch verse 35 and he went forward a little and fell on the ground and prayed that if it were possible the hour might pass and he said abba father all things are possible unto thee take away this cup from me but nevertheless not my will not what i want god i don't want to go through this but nevertheless not my will this is gonna be listen i got a word today i'm telling you i'm gonna take my time i don't want to go through this i don't want to go through this with that person i don't want to go through this i don't want to feel like this i don't want to have this discussion again but god if you're going to get something out of it nevertheless not my will without and most of us will get to promise we can get to resurrection if we recognize that the crucifixion is his will verse 37 and he cometh and finding them sleeping see this is the problem well we keep sleeping on them and and in it amazing that one somebody said in new year's resolution i want to get more sleep what billy really meant was i need to get some rest because there's a difference because what happens is is that most of the time our reaction to pain is sleep we hope that when we wake up it'll be over but the problem is is that the cup doesn't evaporate it has to be drained so if it's in the cup you can go to sleep but that cup's still gonna be sitting there oh god i'm gonna preach today i brought my own i brought my own holy ghost pastor torrance [Music] couldn't y'all just watch with me for an hour if you hurry up and get the hour over and do it right it could be over watch ye and pray lest ye enter into temptation because if you're not praying through this thing you're going to be tempted to be who you were [Music] i'ma prove it to you i'll prove it to you pastor thomas how do i know that he called him pastor rhema he called him simon let's not forget he already changed his name to peter but god is saying okay see this is the problem this is the old you this the old you just owe you that new year's resolution didn't do nothing because the clock changed and you steal simon the spirit is willing [Applause] [Music] but the flesh the flesh this this ain't nothing have you ever noticed that anything you have to do for this you got to repeat you can't just wash this once you you don't just get to take one bath in your life no you got to take one hopefully twice a day you can't just brush your teeth on the first and not get her you got to do that at least twice okay you don't you don't get to shave once you don't get to eat once you don't get to sleep once there is nothing that you do for the flesh you don't just get one manicure in your life because the flesh is weak and anything you do for it you have to repeat and he went away and prayed and said the same words and when he returned he found them they was tired it was sleeping again for the eyes were heavy neither which they what to answer him do you know that they actually were hiding from him because they didn't know what to say to somebody who had already corrected them twice this is the third time so you got to understand that there's somebody you're trying to correct even jesus has to repeat himself you think you think your child is just not listening to you that god is even repeating himself to them and and they were asleep and he came verse 41 the third time and they would sleep and he says you know what go home stay asleep just just just take your rest it's enough the hours come behold the son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners since i ain't got nothing else to work with let's let's just go because the betrayer is at hand i when i couldn't figure out what to name this sermon so i said sean just listen to this sermon so i started telling her what i was going to preach and in one word she thinks she wrote this sermon she did not she just gave me the title so don't don't get no ideas she looked at me and she says why don't you call it when hurt heals when hurt heels do you understand the gravity mike of that statement i would have never thought of it when hurt [Music] heal i think it does you may be seated in the presence of the lord and don't be thinking you're going to be preaching next week that's just you just the lord didn't use you that's enough now now it was when she said it i thought wow when hurt heals um there is a man that you should look up he has a lot of good literature out his name is uh victor frankel he is an australian um philosopher whose family was originally from the area of germany which means that a lot of his relatives and he himself were victims to the atrocities that took place upon the jewish people namely history refers to it as the holocaust and victor franco is a survivor of the holocaust and i read this book once and guys any note takers watching online any note takers in the room this is like one of those things that you got to write down this is you got to type this on your phone you have to put this in your memory and whenever the devil comes after you you have to recite this to yourself he says that suffering ceases to be suffering the moment you find out why you suffered good god almighty suffering ceases to be suffering the moment you find out why you suffered in other words the moment you discover the meaning for your suffering it releases you suffering is there to teach and it won't let class out until you pass thank you do you understand what suffering is like a professor it shows up in your life to teach you and if you don't learn the lesson it locks the doors to the classroom and stays and the problem is is your suffering and my suffering is assigned to us so it doesn't have anybody else to teach so it doesn't have to let class out for another class to come in there is a suffering or some sufferings for every individual and they don't have any other student other than you any other students other than you so it doesn't have to let you out of the room to let somebody else in your suffering will stay with you from 12 to 80 if you don't learn the lesson suffering is a professor and it doesn't release you until you learn from it and most people even the most spiritual even pastors even deacons even elders even evangelists even bishops even teachers even the most strict christian we tend to have a perspective of struggle and approach it from this perspective that pain is more of a punishment when in actuality pain is really just a process i i got if you don't get this you're going to miss a sermon because nobody in here wants to hurt nobody in here volunteers for pain nobody nobody says lord good morning all the struggle you got today just give it to me jesus lord i want struggle matter of fact give me a double portion of struggle i want so much struggle that i won't have room enough to receive it you have never paid prayed for struggle but what do we do with psalms 119 then verse 71 when david said it was good that i struggled it was good that i was afflicted that i might know the statues of god what do we do with that what what do we do when king david says it was good that my heart was broken it was good that my trust was broken it was good that i went through the divorce it was good that i was bankrupt it was good that they foreclosed on the house it was good that we had that argument it was good that my father was absent it was good that i lost my mother it was good that my brother died it was what do we do when our nature says don't suffer but our god says it was good what do we do with that what if what if i told you that struggle and hurt is actually the door you have to go through to becoming whole i need you to pay attention to me today because this word is how god told me to start you off in the new year and if you miss today's lesson you will not get the benefit of the ones that are going to come after it this is like the crust to the pie you cannot bake lemon meringue without a crust otherwise the contents of the pie will stick to the pan and you won't be able to enjoy it this message is what god is going to put between you and what he's going to fill you with this message is your foundational message for the next listen 363 days so you can be sleepy if you want and you're gonna wake up in february crying but if you stay on the wall don't go to sleep disciples and i don't want to have to warn you three more times we are in the garden of gethsemane this morning and with everything in you you're going to have to pay attention can you not watch with me lord help me in this place today but for one hour he says that i'm it was good that i was afflicted that i might learn what statues statues statues statues it's a hebrew word that means prescribed pain it means it means prescription that i might learn your statutes that i might learn your prescribed task in other words listen david says it was good that i was afflicted because my pain had an assignment and because my pain had an assignment it actually taught me what god was trying to do so when he said it was good that i was afflicted that i might learn your statutes what he was saying is i have gotten to a point in my life where i embrace my affliction because i've learned that the pain is actually a prescription listen to what i'm saying how many of y'all have ever been to the doctor and they said you needed some medicine and and but this it wasn't advil it wasn't tylenol it wasn't ibuprofen it wasn't anything you get over the counter you have to go to a pharmacist because there are certain medicines that are too strong to put on the counter the reason why most medicines are prescribed is that there are ingredients in it that people have found out how to make other stuff out of and so they regulate how much you can get not just because the medicine is is effective but because it's dangerous if it's misused [Music] i'm gonna talk if y'all not here with me again and notice you got to get a prescription you can't get a prescription from your mama you can't get a prescription from your cousin unless your mother or your cousin is a physician a pharmacist or a doctor in order to get a prescription you have to get it from a doctor today's lesson comes from a doctor who's never lost a patient [Music] it was good that i was afflicted that i might get the prescription i get the prescription and then the pain that i have is done away with because of the prescription i receive somebody say god's trying to cure me a prescription is when a doctor gives a patient the proper medicine for specific use and if the pain is a prescription if the if the medicine is prescribed it is to take care of that particular pain and the pain you have goes away hopefully because of the medicine that you're given now let's dig a little deeper in that because what i want you to understand is that every pain that you have is like a pill and it is prescribed for a sickness that you have see here's what most of us don't understand about pain we think pain is a result of something we've done wrong or we think that pain is a result of who's in our lives or we think that that our pain is a result of who we dated and we shouldn't have dated and i'm trying to get you on the other side of that the reason why you dated somebody you shouldn't have dated is because of the sickness you had before you met him the reason why you dated who you dated is because of the trauma that you had see you had a void that was created by something that took place in your life and when you met that person they were a prescription and the reason why they don't fit anymore is because you're not sick where you used to be and and and when god heals you some of you all are right now your whole friendship circle is a set of prescriptions but but the more you grow the more you look back and say i don't need that kind of appeal anymore i don't i don't need that kind of you you think that you're getting rid of them but what you don't recognize is that you've grown and you've gotten over some things and when people become irrelevant in your life it's because you're not hurting where you used to hurt raise your hand if you think this is going to help you raise your hand online if you think i promise you this is this is going to help you god gave me this word to set us off on the new year you've got to understand that that when you heal when you heal you you no longer need that prescription but on the flip side the reason why god sent you the pain that he sent you is because pain is a prescription and so instead of being mad at the pain you should actually be mad at you because if you were not sick there he wouldn't have sent that pain [Music] so so if if how many how many people in the house uh have had problems with their children ever in your life just raise your hand okay i want you to think about it because you're looking at your child saying i can't believe that this child came from me i can't believe they doing this but what you don't recognize is that your mama was looking at you saying i can't believe that this child came for me and so sometimes the child that comes in your life is actually a reflection of the sicknesses that you have and the reason why you can't stand them is because you're looking at you huh how many how many men in here have spouses in your life raise your hand see you you're looking at that woman and you're saying stuff like you know she's she's always she's always nagging me and she's always asking me questions you know why god sent somebody like that because since you don't pay attention to details he sent somebody in your life to help you structure because here you are saying i'm the man of the house but you don't have a structure for the house [Applause] so she's asking and asking and asking and asking because you're not paying attention to the details how many women here got men who are always dominant and always got something to say and always you know why because you're out of control so god yep raise your hand you just ah now well now's your turn you don't want to say nothing i'm coming for all your neck today he sent you a man that always got something to say because you're out of control if you were in control he wouldn't always have something to say that's amazing i was telling they were talking about that amen uh i read preach i said get on out of this church today if you took care of the money y'all wouldn't always be arguing have you ever noticed this notice that they always say opposites attract why because there's a phenomenon in the bible let me get to this there's a phenomenon in the bible uh let's let's go to the to the word of god and i'm gonna going to show you a case genesis 2 and 24 says this therefore shall what a man leave his mother and father and do what cleave unto his and the two shall become uh let's go to matthew 19. matthew 19 verse 5. i want i want to show you something in the scripture matthew 19 verse 5. i can tell you what it says it says and he said for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife i'm guessing that's what it said and and and they sh the twain i think the twain that's that's two don't worry about it it's an angel word and twain that they cover their faces old school stuff and twain shall be one flesh let's let's look at mark chapter 10 verse eight it's it's it's a little different it's a little different uh matthew chapter 10 verse eight now when i read this one you're going to be shocked because it's a little different it says and the twain shall be one flesh and and then they are no more trained they are okay let's go to ephesians 5 and 31. let's go because this one is way different than the first three this was way different it's nothing like it i promise you when i say this one you're going to be like oh okay i get it now because ephesians 5 and 31 says for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and the two shall be joined unto his wife and they shall be one flesh help me holy ghost let's dig a little deeper in this because i want you to keep those four scriptures in your mind um as we identify with this because because when when two people come together uh they actually become what one i think that's that's what it says so the two becoming one suggests that initially you are not and there is another word that i need you to pay attention to it says and the two shall become in the hebrew it is becoming which means that you ain't one just because you're together no the oneness is of becoming it's any any sorority sisters in here you're not you're not a sore of another lady just because you pledge there's a process that you have to become now once you become you're in and even once you're in you still got to do some stuff help me holy ghost to stay in and the two are becoming one which means are y'all listening to me your spouse is actually your prescription [Music] they are what you are not but the problem with most people who are in relationship is that we ignore the message and kill the messenger the person god sent you is on assignment to help you not be out of control where you are [Applause] and it hurts it's frustrating it makes you angry why because getting well does not feel well well y'all cried as a church mouse god says i'm trying to make you one but you cannot put the pill in your mouth when i'm looking and then go in the bathroom spit it out and flush it down the toilet you got to take this cup oh god i'm a preacher here whether y'all like it or not but the reason why you acquired on me right now is because physical pain is easy to admit nobody wants to admit emotional trauma it's easy to say i broke my arm but it ain't easy to say you broke my heart and so emotional pain can be hidden because when i'm hurt in the flesh i can't hide the scar i can't hide the hemorrhaging i'm bleeding and you see me so it's easy to somebody you know i i cut myself hard i hurt myself or i got a bruise so we we we don't mind admitting that which can be seen but the problem is is that our emotional baggage can be hidden and we don't really want to talk about that hurt we don't we don't really want to talk about that hurt it it's easy to disguise trauma it's easy again like i said to say that my arm is broken as opposed to saying my heart is broken but pain listen to me pain doesn't care if you are rich it doesn't care if you pour it visits the house and it stays the night it doesn't need a key it can walk through the front door pain don't care if you're black or white pain doesn't care if you're famous or infamous pain doesn't care it's not prejudice it does not care if you have notoriety it doesn't care if you got a contract it doesn't care if everybody knows your name it goes to the white house and the trap house come on talk to me somebody payne does not care it walks with you it gets in the car with you it gets in the kitchen with you you can go on vacation and guess what when you get to mexico your pain is right there when you get to to harlem your pain is right there you can go to maine and your pain is right there it rains on the just as well as the unjust pain is tenacious it is relentless it doesn't quit it keeps coming and when you cry it seems to turn up the volume why is pain so relentless is because you're not looking at hurt as a healer and the moment you accept what you're going through as a messenger from god it teaches you the lesson and then it releases you i'm going to say something in here today that you're going to actually have to swallow you did not have to hurt that long it did not have to last three years it did not have to last five years it did not have to last 10 years it lasted that long because you refused to heal who am i talking to and if i'm not talking to you i am i don't care if you admit it or not i'm talking to you you ain't got to raise your hand keep your hand down i don't care about your attitude i'm talking to you pain doesn't care and it didn't have to last that long and instead of embracing the message we shoot the messenger anybody who tells you about yourself you don't want to hear it i'm the same way as you matter somebody come and tell you this is your issue but pain makes you say no well what about you come on y'all we are we in here together or is it just me your pain pain pain makes you get out of the hot seat as quick as you can to put somebody else in it and when you think you got him then you want to dig in the truth is all an argument is it's two hurting people and when somebody recognizes i'ma release it it's hard to argue alone it's hard to argue alone it's hard to do it by yourself it's hard to do it and and and really there are actually four arguments happening in every one there's the one that you have with each other the one you're both having with yourself and the one that's in the argument with what god said so there are four things going on at the same time we we are in pain not recognizing that the pain has been assigned to us not recognizing that the reason why that pain has been prescribed to us because it is a prescription designed to heal not recognizing that the only reason why we need that medicine is because we're sick in that area not admitting that we're sick in that area but we'll admit who we're sick of if you can't let's do this if you can't say man everybody just say ouch and payne doesn't care if you consider it a friend or relative it ain't leaving payne spends the night at your house without asking it go on vacation with you turns a duo to a trio no without even asking pain be at the check-in counter with you talking about we coming here okay we're gonna argue here we we spent ten thousand to come argue okay we'll do it pain is in the mall with you why are you spending money to get over pain pain at the register saying this ain't gonna help pain is at the table with you when you eat and think you're just gonna eat it away pain is like you're gonna be overweight and angry you're about to clog your arteries and have and stress that ain't good at least if you didn't have clogged arteries you might survive pain right there with the alcohol you trying to drink the pain away like man you're gonna be a drunk and angry pain's right there with the drug whatever you use pain is there with pornography whatever you use to medicate yourself pain waits until you finish and then says you ready i'm back come on talk to me if i'm talking to you in here today pain doesn't care listen pain is greedy and it won't leave until it's satisfied and the only thing that satisfies pain not your tears you ain't gonna cry this out pain don't care because you frustrated how many dollars i'm just tired pain but like me too hurry up pain don't care if you're fatigued pain doesn't care if you had enough pain don't care if you deserve more i work hard pain says i do too i don't deserve this pain's like me either it's not satisfied listen until you're made whole and when you are made whole lameness leaves your legs and you can pick up your bed and walk it wasn't until the moment that the man said i am tired of laying here it wasn't until the moment the man says i'm so tired of my hand not working god said stretch stretching pain said until you get tired of being blind and you walk your blind self over to dirty water and put it over your eyes notice that every time god did a miracle he asked them to do something god can you turn the water to wine yes if you go bring me the water parts there is something that you have to do in order to be made whole most of us want god to come to us and heal us god says i'll come to the vicinity but you got to walk the rest of the way how many of you will admit that one of the most difficult parts about your healing is the steps that you have to take god has done the whole work he defeated the devil he died on the cross he got out of the grave he's promised to come back again he said that it is my it is my fulfillment that you would enjoy the benefits of the kingdom he made you the lender not the bar the head and not the tail above only and never beneath but the problem is is when the answer shows up we're asleep oh this sermon ain't for everybody but somebody because most of us don't want to be made whole most of us want god to do it we want the issue of blood to disappear but god says it will take me 12 years i will watch you for 12 years if you keep trying to get the antidote from the wrong go to every doctor you want to but until you come to me you will bleed year after year after year after year and i will let you bleed until you have no energy until you come and touch the hem of his garment and i want to talk to somebody and say that it is 2022 aren't you tired of going to physicians and spending your money on things that mean you no good when are you going to push through the crowd and touch [Applause] the hymn of his garden ask your neighbor aren't you tired of bleeding aren't you tired of being stressed out somebody says i'm over it i'm just i don't want to walk around all day just have you ever seen people just walk around just look mad all day just a permanent wrinkle here just walk around you like what's wrong with you nothing why are you asked that what a joy of the lord i'm not saying you're gonna be happy all day and you know what there are some people who are so tainted inside your happiness frustrates them you got to be happy all the time why not you ain't got to be angry all the time and what happens is we get an original hurt and then we blame everything in the future and we go back to the original hurt because of something that happened 10 years later somebody does something you uh uh because when i was 12 when i was 12 my teacher called me dark skinned so i just i just don't you 90. you're 90 years old why are you still hurt about what miss missandra said when you was 13. you know why it's because hurt didn't have his perfect work that you might be whole lacking nothing count it all joy i got bible when you fall into divers temptation knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience let patience have a perfect work in you that you might be entire whole lacking nothing james chapter one verse two get to verse 12 and he says i will give you the crown of life god i wish i had a church i'll talk to you all online that word crown is the greek word stefanos which means that it is the kind of honor given in private who god that means that this that this medallion this trophy that god is about to give you he's about to give you a public promotion for a pain you suffer behind the curtain there's some stuff that you're going through back there god will let them see what happens the only thing he's going to let them see is when you step up on the stage of life in first place when you started out in last do i have at least 200 people in this room that will start shouting about the fact that this year the first shall be last and the last somebody shot i'm coming in first place it doesn't matter where i started it doesn't matter where it initiated i could have grown up in the ghettos the slums but when god finishes with me i'm going to come forth [Music] i ain't finished it out [Music] will thou be made whole pain is not leaving until you decide that you want to be whole whole ain't going to make you whole. did you hear what i said pain doesn't care that you were molested wholeness doesn't care about your trauma and i'm not being mean i'm telling you the devil does not care what you've been through his job is to put you through it again that's why you have to take the power from that joker and decide do he slay me yet will i trust in him do i have anybody that'll say you can take my children job you can take my cattle you can take my house but i'll let nothing separate me from the love of god but pastor hammond you know what i found out that the reason why people struggle with the scripture how let nothing separate me from the love of god is because they were never connected to him in the first place and so it's easy to be disconnected from something you were never connected to but if there's anybody in here that has ever been introduced to the lord and savior jesus christ and has ever had a relationship with him and ever confessed your sins to him there is something in me that holdeth the rain there is something in me that eases the pain and that something is called the holy ghost i'm preaching whether you like it or not your wholeness somebody say your wholeness your wholeness not your medicated but your whole you not gonna take an antidepressant and get over this this this ain't nothing to supplement can help take all your vitamins all you want to have a good immune system but it's still a bad attitude ain't nothing worse than a healthy mean person i can tolerate a sick one but you healthy how long are you going to be around here not i just learned to deal with it but whole because learning to deal with it is a deal-breaker a lot of you all in here watching me online and myself included you've done some things in your life you just said i just i just i'm too old to deal with it dexter i am getting older every day every it's something hap i know y'all told me this but i know it now when you get 40 you just be like you know what i'm telling you you better leave me alone you i'm just old now not medicated but whole not tolerant but whole not i'll deal with it but whole because pain knows tolerant pain knows i'll just deal with it pain knows i'll just buy and bid my time pain saying uh-uh you ain't whole you might be silent but you ain't whole you might not be speaking your opinion but you're not whole i ain't leaving until you're whole i'm not leaving why because you're not gonna blame me if your legs stop working in the future i'm not leaving until you're whole and where all of this happens in the garden of gethsemane in the place of pressure i've been to the garden of gethsemane steve i went to the garden of gethsemane and i got in there now watch what jesus tells them and y'all read the bible when you get home he tells the disciples to sit down y'all remember that he said sit your butt down you those sleepy jokers they sit down i've been in the garden of gethsemane that is a hard thing to do you know why because the olives fall from the trees and there are biting red ants that eat the olives on the ground so in order to sit down in the garden of gethsemane you have to be willing to be bitten because the ant is there for the oil and if you're sitting in oil the ant don't know the difference between the flesh of the olive and the flesh of the sitter so now that i'm sitting in the seat of the scornful good god y'all now because because sometimes god will ask you to sit in it oh god i don't feel comfortable sit in it oh god i want to get out of it sit in it why because you refuse to be made [Music] they are sitting in an environment at the behest of jesus only to be bitten by the thing that's there for the olive because sometimes healing is uncomfortable sometimes healing comes before apology and anybody here who needs an apology to heal you're going to be lame for 38 years when you say sorry i'll get over it no i'm gonna get over it if you never say sorry i'm already over it if you say sorry it'll increase the trust but i'm not gonna wait on you to make me whole this ought to be helping some married couples in here this ought to be helping this ought to be helping some parental to child relationships in here and perhaps the person that you need to be having this conversation is not in this room or online but you can be whole when you get there to them imagine what you would do for the situation if you were not crippled when you returned forget the fact i wish they was here you know what's worse than them not being here you being here and returning the same it amazes me how many church folk always talking about i went to church and and they didn't come and you think you better than them because you came but what you don't understand is there at home time about you went and you just like me you might as well stay home with me so we could have been crazy and not have to give ten percent will somebody put your name on it will be made whole or are you so in love with what hurts you you can't release it i'm just wondering how long do you want to walk around non-functional you want another year that way i couldn't i can't i i can't fathom that you will complain about a year and enter another one the same way who am i preaching to i feel like i'm on the isle of patmos by myself but i just need somebody to say rev this is tight but it's right i i i wouldn't ask you to pick this sermon but you helping me because i don't want to cry anymore i don't want to be frustrated i don't want to be angry i don't want to be lethargic i don't want to be lazy i i want god and i want this to be the best year of my life the niv says in verse 33 that jesus was distressed so i i don't want to be too hard on you because even jesus get tired she's like and i i told everybody i was my crew i got you off i hired you from bubba gump and and brought you over here in the kingdom and y'all sleep on the job and i'm out here telling everybody else come naughty and stay woke and and the people that represent me sleep what am i gonna do jesus says i'm distressed can you imagine this brother walker the creator of all things is distressed the creator of the whole world is distressed in fact the bible says that he fell to the ground so you mean to tell me god that you are so upset that you created the dirt and now you're falling in it he looked at the disciples and they were asleep and he was under so much pain he was hurt and let me tell you he was hurt to the point where luke says listen that he started to sweat drops of blood he was so stressed that blood came out of his pores by the way this is actually a condition he began to sweat blood that's how distressed jesus was he wasn't even this mad when lazarus died he wasn't even this mad when he was nailed to the cross and he was seeing his mother for the last time he just said john get your mama mama get john look at all the other stuff that god went through but when he gets here he's distressed i remember the oldest member of our church brother washington he passed away last year and pastor thomas and i went to hospice to see him and he was laying in the bed with hours left to live and he started singing hymns even brother washington was handling his death better than jesus was right here jesus is he is distressed and he is frustrated socrates said we must greet death as a friend and a liberator to a better life paul said in philippians 1 and 21 for me to live as christ but to die it's gained so god if you know all of that and you knew you were getting ready to die and you saw it coming and you actually came here to die why are you distressed about what you expected i know you already go but i ain't listen why are you distressed man born of a woman is of a few days and those few days are filled with trouble why did you anticipate it and you're still distressed i got the answer because he knew that he was going to be wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was going to be placed on him and by his stripes that means the cuts on his back we were going to be healed and why what does sin do sin separates man from god so what god had to do is put himself in flesh become the propitiation of sin why because we were separated from god so he stood in the gap to bring man and god back together but because he took sin upon himself when he took our sin and brought us back to god he actually took our place and momentarily he was separated from him and let me tell you what hurt is designed to do from the enemy it's designed to separate you from god and i am getting ready to preach now because what you have let stress rejection and frustration do it separates you that's what paul says i will let nothing separate me from the love of god i am talking to at least 500 people online and in this place i don't care what the devil throws at you this year refuse to allow it to separate you [Music] a lady dm me the other day and she said pastor thank you for your sermons christina she said thank you for your service she says i haven't been to church since my grandfather died god took my grandfather i just i just couldn't see myself going back do you see how the devil was able to take something that's going to happen to everybody and separate her from god you'll be surprised at how many things the devil is throwing at your life that just keeps you taken one step back further from god you are stepping away from the cure still crying about the problem what trouble should do is say father i stretch my hand to thee i'm leaning on this everlasting arm this is the year for you to get closer to god the more you struggle the more you ought to pray the more you hurt the more you are to holler i need somebody who's ever hurt to holler in this place tell somebody i don't care how bad it gets whenever you hurt you better learn to holler i don't care how hard it gets the harder it gets the louder you are to holler now i need anybody who's ever had a big hurt to give god [Music] [Applause] that sounds like common cold hurt that sounds like blue hurt but have you ever been shattered i need you to open up your mouth and holler and let the devil know you should have killed me in 2021 but now i know that my heart has come to heal me [Music] look at your neighbor and shout neighbor may have some scars but i'm healed disappointment but i'm healed circumstances but i'm healed shout yeah [Music] [Music] good god almighty tell your neighbor say neighbor if you don't know what to say i got a word for you romans come on i said say it say romans chapter 8 38 says for i am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor heights nor depths any creature shall be able to separate me from the love of god so devil do your best devil do what you came to do hurry up because i'm on my way to the cross and the thing about the cross is it always starts down but eventually [Music] and i if i be lifted from the earth i outrun all things unbelievable when you're hurt you become a magnet when you're hurt stuff starts finding you so devil do what you came to do and do it quickly go ahead and kill me but in three days i said in three days i shall rise again chill down this temple but in three days i'm coming back for everything that the devil stole somebody's shout i want it back [Music] somebody said i want it back give me back my joy give me back my peace give me back my happiness give me back my sanity i'm not going to another year under this condition this is my year of jubilee this is my year of resurrection power [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah reverend while you keep repeating yourself because hallelujah is the highest praise not your shout but hallelujah not your scream but [Music] hallelujah hallelujah anyhow bill stewart hallelujah anyhow sickness in my body hallelujah anyhow [Music] tell your neighbor god told me to tell you he's gonna give you beauty for ashes but you got a responsibility you got to put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness i dare you to shout until something happens i tell you shout shake it off shout [Music] can i tell you one more thing and i'm gonna let y'all alone do you remember in the book of john when lazarus had died jesus got there and the bible says that mary and martha was crying in other words they were doing what we're doing they were making noise but even though they were making noise lazarus was still dead [Music] i got a word for somebody but the bible says the more they cried even jesus started weeping but he didn't do anything the only time that god did something it's when he says to mary and marcus show me [Music] where you laid them [Music] can you imagine when judas is coming to the garden of gethsemane jesus was sitting there praying he looks up and he sees judas i imagine he said [Music] here comes my betrayer hey judas remember we was eating dinner the other day and i said he that sucks in the bowl with me is going to betray me i was talking about you but i'm not mad cause i expected this watch what it says whatever you came to do [Music] do it quickly i'm getting ready to show you something when jesus saw judas he pointed at him and said come do it when he got to the tomb of lazarus he said point to it and show me where you laid them god told me to tell you he ain't going to heal it until you point to it [Music] find out what you want god to heal and start point to it heal my heart heal my mind he'll leave where i hurt heal my back peel my knee somebody point to it point to it point to it point to it [Music] [Music] i need 47 people to step in the aisle and say you getting on my nerves i'm about to get loose my hurt has had me long enough it's time for my promised land are you ready open up your mouth and shout these words it's not my mother not my husband not my father not my boss but it's me oh lord that needs to heal it and i'm about to praise you in advance [Music] are you ready i said are you ready [Music] are you ready [Music] shout out shout out yeah shout yeah [Music] [Music] well well well [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] something's about to happen something's about to happen something's about to happen something's about to happen i said something's about to happen something's about to happen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hurt heels have you ever looked at somebody that was going through something and you said to yourself i wouldn't have been able to survive that and you're looking at them like man how they doing well cause you don't know that somehow he'll give you a piece that's a pass a dollar hurt actually heals if you let it if you don't let it drive you crazy one person can go through it and they walk right out of it somebody else get in it and it cripples them i i i can't imagine what it would feel like if i lived long enough to have to say the final words over my mother's body i couldn't imagine it all i know is it's possible because she lost her mother and she's still here that's all i know and i remember when she called me at five o'clock in the morning told me that her father my grandfather had died i i i don't know i didn't know at that time how that felt until i got the call that my father had died and i said oh that's what he gave her you start realizing there are people in here who have lost their spouses i'm looking at them and they they said when they originally called me they said pastor i ain't gonna be able to stay here and look at him now don't tell me what he can't do hurt hills if you'll let it if you let it now you can be mean and rigid if you want it will break you it will break you in places that you will not be able to take a pill and come back from don't be angry be not weary in your well-doing for in due season you will reap a harvest if you don't get tired of doing good and i'm not i'm talking about doing good the right way not appearing to do good but still got bad in you just because you spoke to me and walked past me and didn't look at me you don't get credit for that because you used your mouth but you didn't use your heart because you're just tolerating it you just dealing with it no that's not whole that's fake i want to be so whole that you can't do anything to me crystal that makes me react okay the bible says that god jesus looks at me says simon simon come but remember when he invited him up to the mountain he called him peter and when he went to take him off the boat he changed his name from simon and peter why is he calling him simon now he's saying basically you let this trauma take you back and you acting like the person i met so i'm going to refer to you as who you were don't mess around and make god reset your life and you have to live off of what you used to make because you won't become what he's calling you to be god says i'll reset your salary i'll reset your name i'll reset it i'll take you back to where nobody knew you where you couldn't have the money to pay your mortgage i'll take you back to before you are a manager at your job i'll take you back to a cashier you keep being like that simon the good lord giveth kirk and he takes away but what the bible says blessed be the name of the lord my brother as great as you are in a tough spot is when he's looking for more from you not when it's okay you hear me sir [Music] you've been wounded you've been broken into pieces battered by the angry sea but the master of the sea i swear to you he'll hear your despairing cry and from the waters [Music] he will lift you now save am i and why is it because i'm good no love lifted me loved lifted me when nothing else could help love [Music] his love lifted us [Music] [Music] when nothing else could help love lifted little me [Music] [Music] when hurt else [Music] it's by design that's all i want to tell you because see me and rhema we don't have the same problems because we were not broken in the same place so he has to deal with stuff i don't have to deal with and i have to deal with stuff he doesn't have to deal with why because our pain is subscribed to our brokenness designed to make us whole you you can't keep struggling in the same area i'm not saying you can't struggle but you need to find a new one [Music] you know none of us are the same but none of us are where we should be tara i know for a fact that you and your husband everybody looks and sees how great of a relationship you have brother lonnie and tanya everybody looks to see how rahmani look at you indeed it's what 28 some years behind all of that and nobody knows that you've seen the lightning flash and have you seen the thunder roar and you may see see the hammons who've been together 30 some years and almost 30 years and and nobody knows that you have to lay in the ants and get bit and that you were in gethsemane in the old press why because trauma is easy to hide it's easy to say my eyes don't work i can put glasses on that's fine but what about your vision it's not easy to say i don't have a vision it's easy to blame people nobody give me a chance no what about i don't have a vision because wherever there's vision there's also pro vision the greatest thing that i ever found out about me was where i was broken and it's the battle of a life time not to allow the brokenness to be in the driver's seat because if you let the broken you drive the greatest compliment you ever gave me shaunie is when you said when i hear people talk about who you were i don't know that man it's the best thing you ever said to me because it shows that before i asked for your hand in marriage i did some work to make sure she did not meet the broken me let me tell you when she met me i wasn't whole you know it's hard to hold somebody who ain't whole have you ever tried to hold it all it's easy to hold something that's in one piece but when you got a hole so i can i can pick this podium up back but i can't i can't i couldn't hold it all if it was in pieces some of us are difficult to hold because we're not whole and you're blaming the marriage it's not the marriage it's the people in it you're blaming the job it ain't the job is that you don't recognize that you shouldn't be there but you've never started what god put in your heart so you have to go there as a default because you're a man that don't work some of you all go to work only to eat and to drive and to live when you wake up in the morning you ought to be jumping out of the bed hoping to get wherever you're going wanting to do it [Music] the day you found your passion you will never work another day in your life i stopped working when i was 21. i've been pastoring since 21 years old i've been working at it but i don't work i will do this for free i will do this for nothing i will i did it for nothing i'll do it if they turn the screen off i'll do it if the room is full i'll do it in season and out of season why because it's what i've been called to do joseph it's what i was born to do i did it friday i did it today got to do it again tuesday and wednesday and thursday and friday you didn't know that did you i got to preach four times over the next five days and i'm gonna show up and do it again i'm gonna do it again i'm gonna do it again cause if i feel like i'm helping you that's all i care about that's all i care about i don't care about no followers most of them is robots anyway i don't care about no likes i don't care about that stuff i don't care nothing about no facebook i ain't even on tick tock and i'm always on her every time i look at it come up on the thing i hear my voice i ain't sent that in and they ain't gave me no credit for it either they'd be up there acting like they wrote the stuff and i'm good with it cause i gave it to them once i said it it's yours do what you want with it that's why i tell people to read books all the time you know why you should read books it's because when you read a book you read every book the author read because the only thing i can write is what i read so when you read my book you read stephen covey's book you read simon cynic's book why because all i know is what i read that word have i hidden in my heart you got to read to study and study to show yourself approved that you might be able to rightly divide the word of truth god sent me on assignment and i'ma start this series the whole story and when i say whole i'm not talking about i'm telling the beginning the middle and the end i want you to understand that there is a story that leads to you being whole when you said i'm not settling that when you settle it's because you're not whole destiny you have a whole story and and right now you're getting ready to walk into hole but you had to go through everything you went through to be prepared for this chapter of your story and guess what it's going to change again [Music] yeah it's gonna change again if you're in this place today i'm letting you go if you've ever struggled with being whole just raise your hand just raise your hand be honest be honest please i'm not judging you because even jesus was distressed have you ever struggled with like man am i enough code are you the best at what you do and you tell yourself i'm not enough you're you're the best at what you do and yet sometimes you look in the mirror and say what can i do josh is it true i mean you can play the bass like nobody else but the problem is is you don't hear the keys the way we hear the keys and the problem with most of us is we're the instrument and we don't always like the tune that comes out of us and while the world is listening to the symphony of your life and glad that you are alive you don't even see that you're worth anything because you have trauma and brokenness and it speaks louder than your gift and so here you are thinking i'm not enough and the world is saying give me yes more i can see the tears coming down your eyes that's how i know i'm talking to you i can see i know that posture i know that position i know what it means to be broken but hurt heals will thou be made lift your hands spirit of the living god i told him what you told me to tell him [Music] in my frailty and in my weakness in my brokenness i've availed myself to be your alabaster box to be broken that i might spill the fragrance of your word on your people whether they watched online or whether they were in this place our storage is empty and the truth is when we went to sleep friday we thought we were going to wake up on sunday full but it was the same the only thing that changed is the last number on the year i'm still broken i'm i'm still hurting but i decree and declare in the name of jesus that lack is over in your life not just money i'm not going to lack peace i'm not going to lack joy the joy of the lord is my strength [Music] i'm going to walk in the newness of life i'm going to lay aside every weight that easily does beset me i'm going to lay the anger down the the judgment the the animosity the grudge i'm done with it lord i'm available to you use me until you use me up and and i'm i understand that it's plausible and impossible to be upset jesus said if it is your will let this bitter cup pass me back but mary nevertheless even in the loss of your child never the less even in the loss of another child never the less there are people in here right now that if they lost two children they wouldn't know what to do and here you are standing with your hands lifted because god will give you the grace to handle it and god give us a double portion of that spirit financially physically we don't want to be angry this year we're not holding grudges this year we're clearing our mind up this year we're going to watch our mouth this year we're going to be givers and tithers this year we're going to be philanthropic we're going to open the business this year we're going to go on the nightstand we're going to open up that composition book and we're going to do what you gave us we're going to spend more time with our children this year we're going to appreciate our spouse this year we're going to love on our mothers and our fathers and our siblings this year we're going to rekindle all broken relationships this year we're going to forgive this year in the name of jesus we pray hallelujah amen i'm available to you [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] spirit of the living god dismiss us from this place but never from your presence let us get home and find everything in order and this is our year of power and authority in the name of jesus we pray everybody say man just speak to somebody on your way out tell them i love you what an amazing message we just heard right now wherever you are i needed to understand that one word one word is enough one word all you need to change your situation around is one word and this word you've heard i want you to keep hearing it all week because the entrance of god's word will bring life in your situation i'm going to pray you out but before i pray out i want you to understand that you can connect with us and maybe you you're like pastor emma what can i do right now with this word i just heard listen you can connect to us you can become a new member all the details you need is right at the bottom of your screen you can connect with us because of what we're doing the work we're doing in this part of the world right now and you can also give the bible says give and it shall be given back unto you good measure press down shaking together and running over and before you go i want to pray for you because there is power when we connect lord i speak and i decree and i declare that this is going to be the best week that you have ever had i decree miracles i decree signs and i decree wonders in the mighty name of jesus we pray amen god bless you i'll see you soon hey everybody what's going on this pk here and listen i want to tell you that i get so many dms so many messages of people saying pastor how can i connect with you i love your messages but going through youtube is kind of difficult where can i come to a centralized place we heard you and that's why we created lighthouse 2.0 lighthouse 2.0 is our tribe it's our village it's the place where all of the people who say i want pk to be my online pastor and pk says i want you to be my online member this is the place where we go the watering hole the ecosystem where we all come to grow together and it is exclusively for you they're getting ready to put a link up on the screen right now that shows you how you make that exclusive step and everybody can get in so you better take first movers advantage and get in while you can fit in i can't wait to see you inside of 2.0 may god bless you and let's do this thing for christ
Channel: Keion Henderson TV
Views: 420,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ghZcy-alTsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 10sec (5410 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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