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morning being mother's day I'm not going to speak to the mothers but I'm gonna have my wife come and speak this morning all our mothers and every mother is special my mother special your mother's special but a mother that is a wife of your children is very special and I love my wife very dearly and I've been praying with her and this week and I know she's been studying and praying for this and I believe that God even on this summer day or beginning summer time wants to move in here and have his way today and I believe God wants to speak to our hearts and when we leave here we're going to be closer to God than when we come that's the goal of coming to a Pentecostal service so I want my wife to come at this time and minister the word [Applause] [Music] well praise the Lord I first of all want to wish a very happy Mother's Day to the most important people on the face of this earth our mothers you are the most important and we honor you today we just want to thank you for all the sacrifices that you have made to ensure the importance of a life that's lived for God that is so important and we have a little gift for you this morning as our wonderful uh sure czar preparing but first of all I want to ask every mother in the sanctuary if you would please stand if you're a mother if you're a grandmother a great-grandmother would you please stand this morning let's give them a ham you're all so beautiful you're so beautiful and go ahead and keep standing I want to honor a very special lady among us you know ladies Sunday after Sunday you can look up here and see a beautiful young lady that represents us so well she loves she always is looking good up here on the platform come over here I want to honor sister Smith she's a licensed minister as well as a spiritual mother to many of us and we've got just a little something for you here this morning come on up sister Lydia got a little gift for you we love you [Applause] praise God just keep standing while they're passing out your roses and while they're passing these out the girls are gonna come right now and sing a song of tribute to the mothers who are passing on the legacy of truth into the lives of their children [Music] [Music] time and again that put something in me I don't want like helped me to church after smile Ricci let's see here be my light this is my heritage my Christian heritage [Music] right some tea [Music] [Music] my life in the ways of God son this is my Christian I have precious memories days passed and God taught by example in our godly home hot praise Jesus and disturbed him through Oh I'll never forget the truth that's been shown for God's Holy Scripture they will live on for I've got something to hold to this is my Christian hair [Music] me - [Music] - I was [Music] Dayton my ways this is my [Music] [Music] so hold on - really nothing laughing - I was [Music] in a way [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] praise God what a heritage we have and again this year I want to say it's such a deep honor to be able to approach this pulpit I don't take this lightly I respect this pulpit but I want to honor my pastor this morning and the pastoral staff we have the best believe me we have the best amen we have the best we're so blessed we are so blessed pastor Haney brother Lopez the pastoral staff we are blessed to have you [Music] praise God well I by no means am a seasoned speaker but I have found that there are times that a message from God will come to you at very strange times and very strange ways and sometimes when you're asked to speak a service or an event or whatever it is you seek after God for a message you know you pray and you try to find the mind of God and what he wants you to say but then there are those very rare times that a message seeks you and about four months ago I had this happen to me four or five months ago I was just in my time a prayer one morning where I go every morning and pray and I'm just out of the blue the heavens opened up and God began to speak something so deeply into my spirit I added just a direct visitation of the Holy Ghost and I was really not expecting it I keep a spiral notebook and a pin in the floor by my Bible where I pray each morning four times like this and I took that pin and I begin to write and I begin to ride as the tears were streaming down my cheeks trying to catch every word every thought that the Holy Ghost was speaking to me that morning I didn't know what it was for when it was for who was for or if every maybe it was just for me I didn't know but I knew God was speaking something into my spirit and ever since that day I have carried the burden of this message that I am going to speak to you this morning for months I have carried this burden in my spirit and I know that God has sent me here today with a message for this church this is not my normal but I I'm going to be obedient to the Holy Ghost and I want to speak to every woman every man every child every young person in this building today on the subject of when hatred is necessary when hatred is necessary and I want you to pray with me right now pray for your own heart pray for me that I can be released to speak as God has placed this burden I want you to pray with me right now that the Lord would speak to us in this place let's pray Lord Jesus I ask you God to release this burden that you have placed within me help me to communicate under the unction of the Holy Ghost Lord I cannot do this without you I cannot do this but I will be obedient to what you have told me to speak today and I pray Jesus that your spirit would move among us and I feel you right now Lord I feel your presence right now that you have walked into this place and you are walking among us now step out of the pages of this book and minister God to the people who are under the sound of my voice today with a divine visitation in the name of Jesus thank you lord praise God [Applause] I grew up in the home I grew up in Oklahoma first of all in the home I got a nokie out there somewhere I grew up in the home of a dad who loved to fish I mean he loved he had two or three boats and I mean I remember the excitement that this time of year brought into our home the weather was starting to warm up which meant that the lake water was starting to get warm and meant one thing the fish were starting to stir they were coming out of hibernation and they were starting to bite do we have any fishermen in here a few okay there we go you understand this feeling I see brother Joe down there you understand this feeling of excitement when the fish start getting ready to bite well this is this is what happened and I'm going to tell you I never have been a devoted Fisher woman I do not have the patience for that stuff I mean I give that fish good ten minutes to get with the program and bite my bait or the whole game is over I'm done I am done and I never understood how these men and some women can sit out in this boat for hours hours on end in the middle of the hot Sun waiting for one measly little fish to bite their hook I mean I have never understood it and that the hardest thing about that is you can't talk when you're out there I'm telling you it is serious business you do not say a peep even a little tiny question I mean they're ready to throw you overboard you do not talk and so that right there was out for me but um one thing that always fascinated me about fishing was my dad tackle box and you've got to thank a young girl that likes all that bling stuff okay first of all it's the neatest contraption because you open it up and inside the lid it's all these different departments and in little areas that these gorgeous beautiful bright colored lures and hooks are stored in and I mean it's the most amazing thing because they some of these are these bright beautiful pinks an orange and and lime-green some of these lures are some of the most fascinating colors they're just amazing some of them have these gorgeous metallic sparkling fish bodies for the sophisticated fish and some of them have these amazing colors that have these tails that are attached that are made out of mirrors so they just like sparkle like rhinestones in the water to catch that fish's attention and then there were some lures which were my favorites that had these big feathers attached to them now I have no clue what in the world would attract a fish to a feather I don't know but they would they would have these beautiful like seventh feathers and different colored pink feathers attached to them and I was always trying to figure out how I could snap that big hook off of there and wear it in my hair or wear it as a pin or glue em on my shoes or something because they were so pretty they were so pretty and then there were the ones who were so ugly that you knew they meant business I mean they were not there to look pretty but they were there just to get the job done and some of them took on the form of half-eaten fish or fish that were crippled or may I mean just ugly old things whatever it took to capture that specific type of fish there was a lure for them there was a lure for them an allure is effective in capturing its prey because it's deceptive it's not the same as a gun or a bow and arrow or another type of weapon that has to be concealed or hidden whenever they're on a hunt for their prey no no a lure is so different it doesn't want to be hidden it doesn't want to be hidden it floats out right into a huge body of water and wants to be seen by everything around as it begins to appeal to that certain fish's type of nature to bring them out of their covering or their deep water that they're hiding in or the debris or whatever it is that they're being protected from and they look so much like that fish is natural food that the fish can't even tell the difference can't even tell the difference and one of the hardest things in the world to fight is an enemy or a stalker or a hunter that knows you the best it's the hardest thing in the world to fight and I want you to turn with me this morning to numbers chapter 25 numbers chapter 25 and we're gonna start in verse 1 we're gonna breed versus one through five and Israel abode and shittim and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab and they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods and the people did eat and bow down to their gods and Israel joined himself unto bale pure and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel and the Lord said unto Moses I want you to take all the heads of the people and I want you to hang them up before the Lord against the son that the fierce anger of the Lord may be turned away from Israel and Moses said unto the judges of Israel slay everyone his men that were joined unto BHEL Puri now Satan of the lure for every generation every fish that swims in the lake of humanity he has a lure for them Satan knows how to get a sinner he knows he knows how to lure he knows how to hook a Muslim or an atheist he knows he knows how to get him but there's one special lure that has been used generation after generation after generation to appeal to God's carriers of truth the Moabites in our scripture today we're now neighbours to the Israelites and if you have to understand what's going on here that after almost 40 years the Israelites had been wandering they've been searching they've been claiming this land looking for this land this promised land that God had promised them I mean they had been through everything well right here they are only a few hundred feet from stepping foot into that land they are right on the border and it was Satan's last-ditch effort from war and rebellion to false prophets and witchcraft he had grabbed every single lure that he had in his satanic tackle box he had gone through them all he had tried everything the ugly ones he tried the feathered ones he tried the sparkling ones he tried every single one of them all but one all but one and tucked inside set aside from all the others under a glass case set the last lure it was the most beautiful and it was the most enticing lure that he had because it had never failed it had never failed and Ike imagined there was a sign that hung above it with an arrow pointing down just to remind him when all else fails use this use this the lure was different from the others because it didn't try to hide it didn't need to hide it didn't want to hide it paraded itself right down into the midst of God's people and it began its mission by allowing them to become familiar with their new neighbors it big they began to dub develop friendships it began by just accepting simple invitations of fellowship invitations to meals oh hey guys we're out you know we're making a big lamb dinner tonight why don't you come / and bring your kids and heat dinner with us oh yeah it began things like hey we're having a festival why don't you bring your family over and come have fun and just celebrate with us it began like this they begin to cultivate innocent relationships that seemed so harmless and everything started out harmless it started out harmless I mean hey we can agree to disagree on certain things but still associate we can worship our God you know what we were taught and trained to do and and you can worship your God I mean you can still believe the same way that you believe and and we can still believe the way that we were raised since little kids to believe but hey we're not gonna let those little differences come between our friendships and underneath sat the mask underneath the mask of innocent associations having dinner together oh hey are let your kids come over and play with our kids or what you know one of our teenagers go hang out together you know how it is everybody needs friends we go way back you know I mean just just innocent things once in a while they can come to our fellowship and our festivals we can go to theirs I mean hey why not they're not attacking our God they're not attacking who we are I'm strong I've known this since I've been a little kid I've been raised in this my mother put this in me we can handle this we can handle this but underneath the mask of innocent social connections and harmless relationships rose up the force of a brutal enemy that Israel could not fight with Spears or swords underneath Ezreal was getting ready to encounter something they would not know how to fight birthed out of these innocent relationships and social connections rose up the demon power that had only one objective to bring blindness to the people who were carriers of truth to bring blindness to the people who were the vehicles for truth and I want to tell you it wasn't about the people he did not care about the people but it was about what those Israelites carried inside of them that's what it was after it was the voice of the association that led Israel down a path that they never dreamed they would cross growing up I had a friend who basically became more like a sister to me and I never had a sister I just had a brother and God brought this wonderful friend into my life I mean we were so close we did we were either I was at her house or she was at my house all through junior high high school we were we were just like just bosom buddies we went to all these youth events together junior camp senior camp we like the same guys I mean you know it was just one of those relationships and we were just always together we hardly ever fought we just became so close and after we graduated from high school I came out here to Christian life college and she went on to some university and we still kept in contact you know we emailed and I don't think they had texting back then but but you know we kept in contact and she even came out my first year in college and came to visit with me and stayed with me in the dorms and I mean we were still just very close and you know I got married she got married couple years had gone by and one day I received an email from her and you know she was telling me about married life and how that you know things have changed a little bit and about halfway down in her email she said Kim I need to tell you something I no longer believe this way of life she said I still love God now and I still go to church she wanted to make sure that I knew that but I have been set free from the bondage that the oneness Pentecostal church taught me I no longer believe that all that stuff is necessary anymore I believe in a relationship commitment to God and I want you to know that I look different than what I used to look and I just wanted you to know when I read that email that day I felt like a thousand knives had stuck through my heart this was my body this was my friend and the tears began to stream down my face because I took a trip down memory lane just sitting there and I i remembered us back at oklahoma youth camp and that open-air tabernacle it was hot and we both said under the preached word of god and we'd cry and we travail at the altar together and we talked about our dreams and how much we loved God and and we we were connected well not just each other but to God it's not like we lived on the edge but we both loved this God that we served and it was sad to me but it was more than just a sad choice that she made because that choice for me meant the death of a friendship it was the death of a friendship for me because when you remove the God that gives life to any relationship all you have is a shell all you have is something that's empty I'm gonna tell you people when somebody walks away from this truth there is nothing left in common there is nothing left in common this truth this truth that God has given me to me is not just a way of life for me but it has become Who I am I cannot disconnect with what God has given to me what he has done my life this truth that I have is not just a part of my life it's not just a lifestyle that I have embraced or a biblical viewpoint that I believe but this has become Who I am I am I'm sorry I give it to me I love it so deeply now I'm gonna tell you when somebody offends it when someone attacks it when someone makes snide remarks about it you offend me you cannot separate the two you remain that more remark toward me you resent me and reject me and I know somebody's sitting here right now saying Oh sister Haney you're just hard you're being judgmental you know what that's okay that's okay my love for my god this love that I have for my god it burned a passion so fiercely inside of me so fiercely inside of me it causes me to stand it causes me to fight for it causes me to defend and to show forth my loyal [Applause] my life gosh I am icky I shot one email back to my friend in response to hers and it was the last time we communicated yes a lifetime friendship yes that's what I feel about it I said I am so sorry that you have made this choice I love you and I meant that and I still mean that I love you very much but I love this truth more than anything else and I have never contacted her since then I don't know maybe 15 16 17 years had gone by and I never had heard anything about her never contacted her until a couple of years ago I was back in Oklahoma visiting my family and a friend of mine who and I I had grown up together she just saw the blue said oh you know so and so yeah we connected on Facebook together and she said Kim she doesn't believe anything anymore she doesn't believe any she said she doesn't even go to any type of Church or anything she is so lost in confusion Facebook tells a lot about a person we won't get on that one I have a question what makes a person take this road what is so powerful that it can take a solid sincere Pentecostal young lady and cause her to walk away from something he never dreamed she would forsake she never dreamed she would forsake it it's not understanding that sometimes hatred is necessary sometimes hatred is necessary you see this is not some political viewpoint relationship okay I'm a Republican you're a Democrat we can agree to disagree and still be friends oh no this is not a political viewpoint relationship but it's a place that you come to where you fall so in love with this revelation that God has given to you so in love with this precious truth and the god of this truth that it goes beyond a surface relationship it goes beyond just a biblical viewpoint or a church tradition oh well this is how I was raised this is what my mom and dad taught me you know I was raised a Christian life sinners oh hell I guess that's what I believe it goes beyond that but it's the love for this truth that consumes you it consumes you and gets deep into your soul that birth that virtue of hatred it births a virtue of hatred did I hate my friend no it is not about the person I'm gonna tell you today if she was to call me up and say I want to come back to God I would fly across across the globe to meet her at an altar I'm telling you I still love her but it was that spirit that her choice connected her to it was that spirit her choice connected her to and someone right now is asking okay sister Haney is this biblical I mean a virtue of hatred I mean when hatred you gotta have hey I mean come on is this is this biblical I mean Jesus taught love love love love love I want you to follow me all throughout the scriptures you read the lives of godly men and women they love God but they wasn't just enough for them to love God they had to hate sin they had to hate evil you look at job chapter 1 God called job perfect because Joe not only loved God but he hated evil Psalms 97 10 says let those who love the Lord hate evil Ecclesiastes 3 8 says there is a time to love but there is also a time to hate and this virtue of hatred that I'm talking about it's something that a deep and devoted love for this God of truth birds inside of a person and it creates a passionate resistance a passion I'm going to tell you just a flat-out fight comes out of you when someone or something defies or attacks this God that you serve in your midst now do you see that man over there the one on the income he hates this but I'm gonna use him as an example what this man right here I'm gonna tell you what I love this man I left him wives we love our husbands don't we weird let's get another hand clap on that wives do we love our husbands I know it's kind of weak he said now if I you can just stay right here I love him now what if I what kind of wife would I be if let's say once a year I had some friends that in this church let's just say this is not doesn't happen but I'm just gonna use this as an example I have some friends in this church that maybe once a year we get together and we have dinner together okay and just out of the blue they say little snide remarks toward my husband and they're say old pastor Haney you know what he always looks so I don't know you could let your imagination go a melon but you know where he'll say something they'll say something you know his preaching is just I don't know if I believe all that know me well first of all mitai something they're not gonna go there with me because I'm on balm out of the water they're not gonna go there because I love my husband I mean I can fight with them but you can't then I love that man thank you pastor you can be seated [Applause] but you know what ladies let me tell you something it's the same way with God if we truly love this God if we truly say we love him but whenever people come into our midst that have walked away from this truth that have chose to forsake it and they try to bring things out and they say things about this church or they say things about our pastor or about our God or about the Scriptures where's our loyalty we've got to have a virtue of hatred rise up within us we've got to show God I'm lying to them I love you Jesus I'm gonna stand up and fight against that and I believe there is a group of people in this church that are loyal to their God if you're loyal I want you to raise your hands and I want you to tell Jesus how you feel right now I want you to tell him how you feel I want you to tell him are loyal God you see the times I've stood up for you o-tama hi that just makes him feel so good that makes Jesus just feel so good to hear you say that oh that pulls at his heart apples at his heart who you can be seated you see the choice that my friend made bonded her with a spirit and my choice bonded me with another spirit Amos 3:3 says him to walk together except they be agreed can they fellowship can they associate can they socialize that's what it means and Israel tried to do this they tried to do this they tried to walk together and build relationships with something that looked so innocent I mean yeah maybe they did love God but their love for God did not birth in them a virtue of hatred their love was not enough to demonstrate that love by the severing of relationships with those who were the channels for the enemy to work through and Satan's lure was working it was working as God became so angry with what was taken place and he commanded Moses he said I want you to take all the leaders and everybody that had anything to do with these Moabite people and I want you to execute them I want you to cut off their heads while Satan sat back and he just laughed with glee because God so people were executing themselves and in all these bodies as they were all being executed it heads were rolling and they were being hung out in the Sun at the same time God's sins a plague to Israel a sickness begin to sweep inside their camp and thousands upon thousands begin to die so you have to get a mental picture here what is going on I want you to go there with me in your mind think about the smells and the sights we were taking a walk the other day and out in the country and we smelt this horrible smell and we found out it was a dead animal I mean so I know what it did that smells like can you imagine what a dead head smells like yeah okay so you've got to get that picture the decaying these heads on display hanging out in the Sun these were leaders in their camp and at the same time there's thousands dying off little babies daddies or died and mamas are dying Lou children are dying off from this plague that nobody knows how to control and the Bible does something very strange right here it does something very strange it stops it stops in the middle of all this death and all this chaos and all this fear when it seems like it should have just gone on with the story and told us what happens in the end it stops and it calls out the name of one certain woman one certain woman who is involved in the seduction of God's people I want you to read with me verse 6 of chapter 25 and behold one of the children of Israel came and brought unto his brethren a Midianite ish woman in the sight of Moses and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and the name of the Midianite ish woman that was slain was cosby the daughter of zur he was head over a people this is verse 15 I'm sorry and of a chief house in Midian and the Lord spake unto Moses saying vex the Midianites and smite them for they vexed you with their Wiles wherewith they had beguiled you or deceived you in the Madol of peor and in the matter of cosby the daughter of a prince of Midian their sister which was slain and the day of the plague for pure sake now why out of all the hundreds of women that were involved in this prostitution there were hundreds of women involved in this this destruction why does God want us to know her name why was Cosby the only one that was specified the only one that was revealed the only one that was exposed to the writing of the scriptures why her because with the revealing of her name a spiritual curtain was drawn back and exposed behind it was the spirit from hell that had come to attack God's people that day it was the spirit of deception it was the spirit the last lure of sane Cosby is a Hebrew name that means lie or deception it's a Hebrew name that means a liar sliding away a liar sliding away and so God stops he stops the story stops in the middle of all the murders and the blood and all the the disease and the death that's going on he stops the narration and he sends out a cry to the carriers of truth throughout the centuries I want you to know what spirit it was that came into the camp that day I want you to know what spirit it was that they were associating with they didn't just up one day just decide hey you know what I think I'm gonna go um worship bail today they didn't just wake up one morning and decide that's what they want to do or hey you know what I think I'm just gonna try that church across the street I don't know I'm just kind of tired of this I think I'm just gonna go over there and start going to that church no it didn't start there it didn't start there the vehicle that deception was channeled through was in the form of people hear me today because I'm hitting out of spirit it's the form of people it was a person who was the carrier of this spirit kaya ma chatte I arias I Simon Simon Satan s desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat but I have prayed for you that your faith or your passion for this doctrine of truth would not fail I'm gonna tell you the prayer that jesus prayed over Peter that day it was not a prayer that he would have faith for miracles or faith for a healing it was not a faith for salvation that he prayed a prayer that he would not fall into apostasy he would hold fast to this faith these doctrines of truth because that's what the enemy is after that's what they that's the faith that the enemy is after in our lives you are not just ordinary people you are not just ordinary Christians you are not just ordinary Christians you bear the treasure of truth you bear the revelation to who God is you bear this treasure and he wants to annihilate what we have he wants to steal he wants to deceive any way he can to take what God has given us and I want to tell you young people today you college-aged I've such a burden for you you you young people that are under the age of thirty s and if you're married I'm gonna tell you that Devils out to trick you lap and he has lures he has lures and he sifts us and he tricks us and he deceives us by bringing voices into our lives by bringing boy there's into our lives it's the association of relationships little remarks on Facebook little remarks in online chat rooms online forums this is how he brings voices into our lives things people who have walked away from this truth this is how he brings it into our lives people the things that look so innocent be aware because I've come to tell you today it's a trap it's a trap it's a trap of the enemy he wants what you have he wants what you have and young people college I won't tell you if you don't get a hold of this virtue of hatred if you don't ever learn sometimes hatred is necessary sometimes hatred is necessary you know what you're gonna be roadkill for the enemy you're gonna be roadkill for the enemy because it's not enough to love God you've got to hate deception it's not enough to just love God I look across this congregation and I see elders in this building I look out there I say brother hug and different ones and I'm gonna tell you somewhere along their life they learn to hate deception they learn this virtue of hatred or they would not be sitting on these pews today I want to show you what happens to a young man or a young lady or an old man or an old lady who gets ahold of this hatred I want to show you how God responds to this virtue of hatred the spirit of deception was just wagging its tongue and flaunting itself shamelessly right down the center aisle of Israel's cane like some people have done in your lives Moses and other of the righteous people they were weeping they didn't like was what was going on they were crying out to God we're praying we're doing where we're trying to get a hold of you God we don't know what's happening have mercy on us people are dying left and right as this spirit of deception had caused God to turn a deaf ear to his own people but Al from the shadows out from this group that were wailing and crying and crying out to God stepped a young man first time we really hear about him he wasn't some great leader he wasn't some spotlight individual but it was a young man who loved this truth that God had given him so much somewhere a long life's path this love birthed a hatred inside of him somewhere a long life he went beyond just surface relationships but he he really fell in love with the God of truth he fell in love he went beyond just loving church he went beyond just loving the fellowship of the church or the friendships that the church brought he went beyond just enjoying it because it was tradition well this is how I was raised and so this is what I believe this is the church I belong to it went beyond all that it went beyond just living off of altar experiences it was a young man whose love for this God births something so great inside of him I want you to turn with me to Chet to verse 6 we're gonna read verse 6 through 8 and behold one of the children of Israel came and brought unto his brethren a Midianite ash woman in the sight of Moses in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and when phineas the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest saw it notice he didn't just ignore it or disregard it or just pray about it he rose up from among the congregation and took a javelin in his hand and he went after the man of Israel into the tent and thrust both of them through the man of Israel and the woman through her belly so the plague was stayed from the children of Israel the only thing that moved the hand of God was when someone stood up and displayed the virtue of hatred it's the only thing when Phineas got so angry and that loyalty that he had for God rose up inside of him he took physical action because let me tell you something sometimes it's not enough to just pray about things sometimes that praying just doesn't get the job done he rose up and he slammed shut the door that these influences were walking through I want you to read verse 10 with me and the Lord spake unto Moses saying phineas the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest has turned my wrath away from the children of Israel while he was zealous for my sake among them that I consume not the children of Israel in my jealousy wherefore say behold I give unto him my covenant of peace and he shall have it and his seed after him even the Covenant of an everlasting priesthood because he was zealous for his God and made an atonement for the children of Israel you see ladies gentlemen young men young women God not only stopped the plague but he placed a special covering upon Phineas you see God was watching above and he saw when that young man had had enough he saw that love just burst out of that young man's heart and he said Phineas come here boy I just want you to know that I saw what you did I just want you to know I watched you and boy that that tugged at my heartstrings when I saw how you stood up for me I want you to know that you that didn't go unnoticed but I saw when everybody else was just sitting down when everybody else had their voice silenced it never did a thing I saw that love that you had for me and Phineas I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna bless you I'm gonna place a special anointing upon your life I'm gonna have peace in your life you're gonna have a special touch in your life that the others aren't gonna have and you know what those little children that you love because you did this for me and you demonstrated this for me i'ma take your little children and I'm gonna bless your children and I'm gonna place an anointing upon the lives of your children and you know what I'm gonna call him into the ministry I'm gonna use them for my glory I saw what you did for me and it's not gone unnoticed his kids were called out by God because a parent displayed the virtue of hatred parents should better take note you better take note who you're having fellowship with whose presents you're entertaining because it's affecting your children it's Satan's last lure it's his most effective weapon and let me tell you it may not affect you you may not be deceived by it but I promise you he's gonna be after your kids that spirits gonna come after your kids and you know Satan will laugh and he'll talk about and he'll brag about and you'll tell others how he tricked up your Pentecostal kid he will how he outsmarted him how he deceived him how he led him away little by little from the fold that's why Peter said you better know the devices of the devil you better not be ignorant to the devices of the devil you gotta watch who you listen to you gotta watch who you hang out with you gotta be careful who you run with because that spirit is after our children I've told my kids this burns inside of me because I've seen so many so many casualties in the church kids I went to Bible School with I never dreamed they would leave this and they don't even go anywhere now it's a trick it's a deception of the enemy I tell my kids in the mornings you all know this but every morning before school there grip' sometimes they're fighting they're falling asleep on me I'm not saying they're angels but like every morning before school I gather them together in my living room and and we talk about the Word of God just a real short little Bible session but I'm planting seeds and my kids because i'ma tell you something it that spirit of deceptions not gonna get him after the fight of my life and I tell them they they they make fun of me because I get this going and they all they laugh but i'ma tell you I don't care but I tell a myth I promise you Kayla Joshua Gianna annalee I'm Mike Hill's not there cuz but she's had this happen to her too I tell him I promise you Satan's gonna bring people into your life that will cause you to question this doctrine he will bring and I give them examples that that people in my life people in their dad's life because I want this to become real to them he'll bring people into your life that will make you want to do things that are contrary to the Word of God he will he will bring voices and influences into your life that will get you to question separation from the world and I tell them these things or the things that the church stands against but because he knows you kids are carriers of truth he knows you have something that he wants and he's gonna be after you and it's not about you but it's what you have and then I get in there face and I tell them in the kitchen I tell them different places where we're at in the car if they say well so and so you know what about this I mean and I get in their face and I say Kayla Joshua whoever it is if those people have the boldness to come to you and attack who you serve and what you believe you better not be some little mouse in the corner you better go after them I tell my kids this yes I do and I tell them you know what you better never be named some undercover Christian that's afraid to stand up or afraid to to be loyal to or afraid to combat that spirit that's coming at you I tell them that you know why I'm teaching them how to hate I'm teaching them how to hate because that hatred and it's not the people I want to make that clear but that spirit is after them and if they don't have the spirit of hate inside of them they're not gonna have walls of defense when the enemy comes around and I tell them you better if they're bold enough to say things in front of you honey you better be double bold to stand up against it I want my kids to have this sale because in this culture in this world we live in I know they're not gonna make it if they don't have this they're not gonna make it they've got to have a fight inside of him they've got to be zealous for their God how many parents want their kids to be zealous how many parents did you want your kids now the fight for they're gone but are still amenity become Oh hallelujah you know generation after generation the Jews have understood this secret why do you think they are still alive today they have understood this secret and as soon as those Jewish babies pass through the birth canal and they're placed in their mother's arms those mothers start putting a love in their heart for truth they start right then putting a love Shema Israel here o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord they start building the walls of defense in their life because they know what Satan's last lure is they're aware of Satan's last lure and I was at a ladies conference a few months ago in Sacramento and I heard an amazing story that was relayed by the speaker that night and it was one of those stories that gets inside of your spirit I mean I have not been able to let this story go it just did something to me it did something to me and I want to share that story with you this morning and closing it was during world war two hundreds of Jewish parents gave their precious babies and their toddlers and their little children to Christian and Catholic orphanages and the reason for this is it was the last-ditch resource they had to provide safety for these children from the Nazis because the Holocaust was beginning during this time and they just believed that hey once the war is over we'll be fine we'll go back and we'll get them or we'll send someone to get them and we'll bring them back into our Jewish families but for most of these parents they're ending did not end the way that they had expected they never saw those babies again and those babies never heard the voice of their mothers again as they were brutally an i elated in the concentration camps by the german army so thousands of these Jewish babies and toddlers and little children who were taken in by these orphanages and Catholic convents had no parent or even a close relative they had no one in this world and and while these babies were in that these orphanages they began to teach them the Trinitarian doctrines they begin there to change their names to Christian names they took their Hebrew names and they changed them to Christian names they began to baptize them in the name of the triune belief and indoctrinate them in Trinitarian beliefs which was absolutely contrary to what the Jewish belief system was so when the war had ended there was a rabbi by the name of Eliezer silver and a couple more Jewish rabbis and they started a search for these Jewish children when they approached the priest in charge of one of these orphanages they explained the the Jewish children that you have well their parents were killed in the concentration camps and and those Jewish children are ours they belong to us and we've come to take them back and the orphanage authorities said there is absolutely no way that we have any records for any of these children there is no way there's no records there's no way to tell if they're Christian or if they're Jew no no you cannot prove that any of these children are Jewish children and so the rabbi said no no we have reports and we have documents that state you have our Jewish children in your orphanage we know this we have these documents and the rabbi began to plead for these Jewish babies they would not let up but they begin to plead for these children and with the pressure from the American authorities these Jewish rabbis were allowed into several of these orphanages to gather and to rescue and to bring back thousands of these Jewish children they recovered thousands of them but they still knew that some were missing how would they know how could they tell some of them had gone into these orphanages as little tiny incense they were just little babies but they could not prove it but they knew it but they couldn't prove it so they got together one more time and they came to these priests and they begged them the authorities please please give us one more chance to reclaim these Jewish children please and they were once again turned away absolutely not we have no Jewish children in this orphanage these are Christian children they became very angry and very adamant at these priests and by this time many of these babies were like toddlers and they were starting to speak the language of that country that they were in Poland Germany Russia wherever this was and so there was no way in the world to tell this Jewish rabbi was consistent and he came back and said please just give us one last request one thing please and we promise you we will not ever ask again we will not come back to you a second time one last request let us come at bedtime when these children are all going to sleep and they're getting ready for bed just let us come one last time whether getting ready for bed and and the orphanage said well wow that's a very strange request but with the pressure again from the American authorities they said okay we will grant this one last request so one evening I'm sure after-hours prayer seeking their God they these these the Sun was starting to sad and the sky was turning dark the stars were coming out it was just another night in the orphanage and all the little children we're all getting ready for bed the lights were being dimmed and it people there's several starting to fall asleep these Jewish rabbis very quietly slipped into the dormitory we're row upon row these little beds were arranged little cribs little beds they didn't say anything but as they begin to walk in between those aisles in their Hebrew tongue they cried out Shema yes right now here o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord hear o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and as they begin to recite the Shema little baby's heads begin to pop up all through that orphanage and they can't begin to cry out mama mama mama because when those little babies were tiny infants and they were held in the arms of their mothers those mothers were already putting the love in their heart for this truth they were already telling him when they didn't understand a word of English or Hebrew Shema yes right now the Lord our God is one Lord they were already building up a defense and their kids because they knew the history of the lure of Satan and mothers we've got to put a fight in our kids we've got to stand with what that man of God teaches us we've got to teach them de deception and to love this truth they've got to get a hold of it that's the only thing that's gonna keep up it's the only thing that's gonna keep up we have one purpose on this earth mother and that is to make sure that our kids love this truth because it's the only thing that's gonna get them to heaven it's the only thing that's gonna get them to heaven and I want to ask this morning every mother in this sanctuary to stand up if you're a mother here a grandmother if you're a great-grandmother I want to ask you to stand Oh does anybody in here fill a burden for your children today does anybody in here feel a burden for your children to give them a love for this truth to possess a deep desire for this God to deserve and at this time I want to ask every mother if you have a child in this sanctuary that's under the age of 30 and not married I want you to find that child or if you're a child I want you to go to your mother and I want you to meet me down here at this altar very quickly if you have a child here under the age of 30 that's not married I want you to come down here as a family unit of the mother and a child and I want you to meet me at this altar if you're a mother here and your child is not with you this morning come on down I want you to stand in the standard shylu's come on down let's make room let's come on down all the way up front because we got a lot of mothers here today a lot of children [Music] when we stumble and fall when the choices are hot yes yeah we're back to the beautiful theis car my children there's like and saucers were like it when we get even our find your mothers in Brussels in Jesus name we press on this truth is marching on take your gift and I want you to Oh children mothers wash it up like a bill I want you to cover them a lake [Music] [Music] fathers I want you to listen to me for just a minute I want us to pray a specific prayer for our children I want us to pray that the spirit of Phineas would reside I this is what I pray for my kids God I want you to possess my kids with a spirit of Phineas that spirit that he had in him I want my kids to be possessed with this spirit I want them to have a deep hatred for deception they had a love for this God that they've been taught to serve and so I want you to join with me and I want you to pray specifically we're gonna have our pastor to pray over us this morning Lord Jesus today I pray that you would give us a fresh baptism of the love for truth the heat [Music] for sin and deception that would come against it God that she would anoint every mother with a mother's anointing to be an Oracle of God to her children you would cause her to be a transfer of things of God into the hearts of these that have come from our womb there be a flow of your spirit God that would take away the world bring in the kingdom of heaven and God that she would cause his mother to have the wisdom of God the way that we would bring this teaching to our children it would cause us to be able to put this truth so deep that the world and the storms of life could never take it out a Precog that she would take us in your voice would speak through them to the children he koruba cetera Lama Haase Tyrell of Ahura a hot rock Lou Papa soccer Toyota or tire moto sahaja Lopaka Attilio da at Iowa so Toyota lava hot on so Massey coal yard are sakata you call your boss SATA lupus a total of eSATA I pray in the name of Jesus I pray in the name of Jesus God that this next generation would be like a rocker in this shifting sand of a world that we're living in granite in Jesus name granite in Jesus name [Music] [Music] we don't [Music] [Music] achieve [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay what I want you to do now I want the young people that are up here I want you to join with your friends we strengthen each other I tell you what our peers are some of the most influential people in our lives and I want you to find a person young person that's standing by you or if you want to find a friend I want you to pray for each other get in groups of three and four and I want you to begin to lay hands on each other I want you to pray and strengthen each other and mothers I want you to join with another mother here find a group of mothers and I want you to begin to pray for one another yes that Jesus would help us to strengthen us [Music] with strengthen one another we're passionate for this truth we're passionate God they're passionate for what you've given us treasure [Laughter] [Music] we press on in Jesus name we press on we press on the devotion [Music] [Music] we gotta have a passion [Music] would not let your fades without fail [Music] anyone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CLC Ladies
Views: 7,469
Rating: 4.9097743 out of 5
Id: 4tNmtIUy9hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 7sec (5647 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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