Nona Freeman: You CANNOT GRIEVE and BELIEVE at the same time

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it is my job you see I had six brothers and never had a sister until I got saved and I love my sisters in the Lord hallelujah you're very precious to be hallelujah and God has given me a message for you tonight and I want to give it by the grace of God how they did yeah it's found in the Torah the 11th chapter of the book of Matthew have a Jesus gave a tender invitation one day he said come unto me this is a twenty-first of the eleventh chapter come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me for her meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest to your souls and he adds for my yoke is easy and my burden is light how they look at of a shelter university I read this scripture passage of Scripture one night and I thought we are that busy generation and very few of us have rest rest comes only from Jesus you can't find it anywhere else however yeah I've seen people go on vacation to try to get some rest and they work so hard getting off and work so hard at having a good time till they got home half-dead that's not the place where wrist is found how they do how to do yet but I read the scripture one night and all of a sudden after went to bed a big big Bible appeared before me and somehow these three words were emphasized learns of me learn of me that's what he said learn lead and when I saw those words I heard an angel choir and they were seeing these words learn to me learn of me and it was so beautiful it reminded me of what happened when my husband and I first began preaching in 1939 my husband wanted to ride Lillian Lee's art horse that we had gone up on the mountain to have a service with her and so my husband asked her will she ride Willy ride double and she said yes my brother and I wrote him double to school on here and so he got on the horse and he took a turn or two around and then he came back and asked her that's when he asked her the question and she said yes yes he will ride double but when I got on that horse I mean he went crazy they say that wild horses that are imported from Colorado ever work back to the wild mustangs stage condition but that horse reverted back to a Mustang the rodeo started I mean he bucked any pissed and he bucked any and my husband bumped me on the head so I couldn't hear real good but he thought he said he told me to fall off but I thought he said hang on and so there I'm hanging on to that horse and he left that little group that was there on the mountainside where we'd had the beautiful service and he took out across the round side with me and and he's bucking and he's pitching and he's jumping it was terrible and he came to some bowl hanging limbs and raped me off and then he attacked me I thought to pray for my head Lord don't let him kick me in the head or in stomach but I forgot my back so he could be in my and broke my back when my husband came caught up with us and said honey are you alright I said I just need to straighten out my legs and when I tried to straighten out my legs I couldn't my back was broken I was completely paralyzed from the waist down and that little crowd we had gone to preach to they all festive prayed for me there was at least seven people this happened on Monday morning and these seven people fasted and prayed for me there was a street service I wasn't able to go so the widow lady they divided us put her daughter to take care of me and my baby is six months old baby and I couldn't get up and take care of because I couldn't do anything with my legs I couldn't stand up I couldn't sit down and so my husband was gone to the street service I begin to think about all these things and I heard an angel choir that's the first time I heard an angel choir they say faith without works as a dead faith without works is dead the basis they did and then the tenor would chime in was the faith for that works instead it was beautiful they it was so wonderful and I thought you know that is Scripture in the book of James that's what it says please what works is dead so I called a lady that stated helped me take care of my baby my baby was asleep so that was fine and so I said Bernice I want you to turn me around and put my feet on the floor and put my house shoes on me you see in April in the mountains of New Mexico spring headed from and so she says this food I don't want you to fall I said I'm not gonna fall and so when she said she had my slippers on my feet I started I said all right let's say together in Jesus name in Jesus name and pull me up while you're saying it and would she pull me up and when I got to my full height jesus healed [Applause] you see I was facing defeat heard that we should be where we wanted to go but faith without works is dead you've got to have some faith if you want to see God move he's a great big wonderful God and he could do anything if only his children would believe him I kind of a shutdown you know and that night when God was dealing with me I heard that angel choir sing again they've been many many many years since 1939 when I heard them the first time and it was just so wonderful to hear them sing and they say it's so beautiful and so tender it was so lovely that's what they kept singing learn of me learn of me and so I went to sleep there but when I woke up the next day I could not forget those angels voices singing I realized that Jesus was emphasizing to me it wasn't important that I needed to do was to learn about him I thought it was am I over the next few days I prayed earnestly Lord what is it that we must learn about you he said the first thing is love you see didn't Jesus say by this shall all men know that you're my disciples because you have love one to another government it's not human nature to love everybody but you see Jesus goes against you in the nature and he is love he spelled love or no look across so many years ago and you and I have today the privilege of salvation hallelujah we could know that our sins are forgiven by the blood of the Lamb kind of a shutdown and so we need to learn about love and after you learn about love the next thing you're supposed to do he gives us two examples that a very worthy example said but worth paying attention to there was that man in the New Testament it was appointed to be a deacon and the power of God was rested on him and the people got stirred up because he told him the truth and they got angry and said that they had heard him blaspheme against Moses and against the law and so jealous bunch of people started stoning Stephen and his face was transformed like an angel before them and but they killed him I'm calling on Jesus and say he saw Jesus standing on the right hand of God you see Stephen didn't say how could they do such a thing but he said Father forgive them they don't know what they're doing and then Jesus himself you know I don't think any of us have ever had the experience of big spikes being driven through our feet and hands but when they did it to Jesus he said Father forgive them they don't know what they're doing the same words that Stephen said so we must learn to forgive but forgiveness is not all it's got to be done in a certain kind of a way and God gave me a scripture in Ephesians the last verses of this chapter says be kind one to another be kind tender-hearted forgiving each other even as God has forgiven you for Christ's sake highly we've not only got to forgive but we've got to forgive with tenderness and kindness should be the mode of our lives we should live with the kindness God it's a great big wonderful God and he's a just God and he set a wonderful example for us he died for us because that was the first time that love had never been really spelled by the world so when Jesus died on the cross he spelled his love we're going to win this world while of our preaching and telling them the truth now my son his family and his grandsons and one of my daughters all came together last night in Sacramento and beyond but God had told me to preach to it and so I stood and I told him what happened to me a dinner and there's someone most honored it but when I stood up to preach that night in the river I felt the power of God and I felt good but after I'd about preached half of my message all of a sudden just like a river a weakness washed over me and I felt my legs twitching like they're not gonna stand me much longer well fortunately I had a friend sitting on the platform behind me he saw us going to fall so he grabbed two cushions off of two chairs and so I landed on two cushions and they said that I was my face wet see my eyes were glazed over and a lady in the congregation was a registered nurse so she came to dick take check my pulse there was no pulse and so she announced that there is no pulse so the preacher said all right pray everybody it was a big crowd and they really prayed and somewhere along there my life force came back and so then I said I want to finish my sermon that I started so they gave me the microphone and laying front of my back behind the pulpit I finished my sermon [Applause] a few years ago I visited this retreat also I remember it was very beautiful and but now I'm 92 and of irrigating with this car and I don't know how long I'm going to live brother how old for me and everybody falling when they heard about the river that he used went around the world visionaires wrote me about it but I just said life and death is in his hands in his hand and if he puts life in this body he means for me to preach the gospel grody [Applause] and when I asked him what must I preach tonight he said preach learn of me learn of me you see when we look at Jesus I thought we were supposed to be and I know in times past some of my actions didn't conform to his but I work for myself I've asked him to help me help me to do his will and to be what he wants me to be and just as long as he spares me I've learned to preach the gospel I'm gonna preach what he tells me to preach and he said learner made that's what he told me to tell you learn of me there's some lessons you need to learn if you'll read the word that word will tell you how you're supposed to act what you're supposed to do there's very good instructions there you see we live in a day and age when the Word of God is neglected there's most of our homes have Bibles all over them all over the house collecting dust but they don't we don't read it you know God spoke to me in Africa one year and he said I want you to read the Bible through every verse start with the first verse to the end of the last verse and I said Lord I'm just so busy I have so many prayer meetings and so many services I've got old and evangelistic services too and he said read my word leave off some of that stuff I don't know I want you to do it but if that's why you can't read my word read my word so I said that year.i prompt when the first day of January came I read first first verse in Genesis and when the last day when I got to the last they got down to the last verse in Revelation and I was so blessed by reading the word I got so many messages it was just the first one I got was on blessing people and I preached all over the country threefold quarter blessing bless Jesus first bless others may bless yourself that spells joy and that's what joy were joyful will come to you if you do God's will last years not this year but the last year I've read the Bible through twice I started in May I mean I started in January and I finished in May and so I thought well I've got time to read it again and I started again it's the first verse that read as well as verse you see there is a verse in John chapter 15 verse 7 it says abide in me and let my words abide in you you see if God's Word does not abide in you your prayers cannot be answered because he said that's what it takes to get prayers answered abide in him and that his word abide in you the word of god is life kind of a shutdown about stuck together [Applause] just like those those three words God spotlighted them for me and he said learn of me Sutherlands many lessons about God and I'm closer to him now then I have ever been but there's nothing to me I'm nothing I'm a zero and so are you without God but if I abide in him and his word abides in me I know one year I was reading the Bible through and I got to the Book of Jeremiah and I dreaded reading it because it's all doing judgment and when I started reading that book of jeremiah i got to the fifteenth chapter and this is what he says I found your word and did eat it hallelujah I got a dance on that III couldn't dance then and I got up and danced on that I found your word and did eat it and so I said god help me just eat your word I helped me to eat your word shut that you know about the Word of God is powerful and Jesus himself is is the body one color of a shutter hallelujah and if he abides of you and his words abide in you the scripture says your prayers will be answered it's a wonderful thing when God tells us what he wants us to do and God told me that night what he wanted me to do learn more about him and learning more about him I began to hide his word in my heart what you see in 1963 a blood clot went through my heart and I'd had a blood clot in my leg and then I got up and went to the bathroom and then I laid back down something happened and that blood shot moved from my leg and went through my heart and it wiped out my memory I had memorized so much of the Word of God but I lost it all I even lost the names of my grandkids in America and everything that I thought I knew I had forgotten my husband was so sweet he would say like this he said honey this is sister Brown remember when we prayed her through the only those well I knew that that's just a brown we pray through those and so I was glad and so that's why he introduced me to our sense in that church we passed it in Africa but I want to tell you something about the Word of God when we were applying to go to Africa the Michigan Board was not impressed with us we were just a young Louisiana couple they didn't have much smarts or experience either one and so they said go and come back in three years so week when we came back in three years we waited all afternoon at that time we had three children and we waited in a whole dirty hotel well they had their meeting in a room there and it's early they walked out and said we don't have time to talk to you now come back next year so we went back next year and waited again in a dirty hall with our three kids trying to keep them above the floor and and they were shot again 6:30 so sorry we didn't have time to talk to you today come back next year my husband looked at me we got on the bus to go back home and he said we're gonna have a prayer meeting at home we're gonna put the kids to bed and you and I are gonna pray the rest of the night he said we've got to get an answer and the answer we got now I hadn't even planned on reading this so give me a second here so I can find it it's in the 16th chapter of John but we prayed we prayed prayed and we prayed when we prayed and we prayed and we prayed how did ya and all of a sudden God gave me a scripture John 15 and 16 and so I opened the Bible and turn to it and I read but I have chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit but when I read that goal we both danced all around because then we knew were going to go to Africa on it yet and that your fruit and your fruit should remain then whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name he will do for you he will give it to you that's what I've got written by that person my father down our verse because I went back to Africa last year I had the privilege of spending three weeks over there and it was wonderful to see how the devil and hell and high water came against all the churches that we established but how many churches remained and how many people are still saved Oh God said you're frequently lame [Applause] I rejoice from the top of Africa to the bottom of it I want you to know because of that fruit that remained there was it was such a wonderful thing to see and what they really wanted me to come over there for was my mother Beth the mission aboard in 1956 and it was she asked him to send her Africa and well I'd come over 155 alone and she bought a new car and helped me over and she got fired up but she will do with Africa so the missionary boy asked her about my mother how old are you sister Eastridge and she said I'm 63 and they said we don't send missionaries at that age they could make us so many problems we can't send you and she said already young men trying to go she said no they said no not right now so she went home and she just bought a new car the year before and sold her car and bought a ticket to Africa she showed up over there when I found out her door and she joined her grandkids because I had most of them in Africa with me I had five over there and so that she said to my husband all right son I came to work for God it's just like I'm done in this faith give a job you be a job to do it doesn't matter what he said well there's a group of people largest group of people that we have has no church building and they're desperately poor they have nothing and after no means of making anything but you can pray and call chill out raise money and build a church and so she prayed and God did sure he showed her how to make a very appetizing dish called sloppy joes and she found out where she could get the meat and everything wholesale and she charged fifty cents the plate and she sold enough sloppy joes to build that church building one of her one of our service school people is the pastor of that church today and he's outgrowing the church he said they just didn't have the place with all the people that came and so they asked me to come over and dedicate the enlargement of the church that my mother built 50 years ago so that's what I went to do and that's what I did glory to God sister Nancy grandpa's said as if I ever would like to Africa that she wanted to go with me so I phoned her to say what I'm going can you go can you make it she said I'll be over there because we were taking about her grandson's on a safari and so she say I'll meet you in there and so she made us be in Durban and administer Durban and help me dedicate that church it was a wonderful experience there was no such thing as rain in December in Durban and no not-not-not December when did we go Sandra in July there's no such thing as rain in July that's a wetter month over there and there's no such thing as rain so they put white covers on every seat and man they had it decorated so beautiful not a ruin your roof on the building because the roof they gave the company the information and they'd they brought the wrong stuff but the three fun I believe the roof got all the months later here but anyway it was wonderful those services were just wonderful and it's too I got to preach in a church that my husband and I it started 61 years ago hallelujah they just finished a larger head and that day every seat was full everyone glory to God and and so God is a great big wonderful God I want to thank God for saving them now my daughter backslidden she she she's a teenager she never gave us any problems she says precious girl but after she got married someone's gonna have America had to get a job and a preacher offered you the job well I didn't really know this man but he gave him a job alright but he also did not treat them right and his church showed no love no no Spirit of God and so they both back slid and she was back slidden for 11 years I went through the book I mean I prayed I fasted I travailed and and cried buckets of Tears but one morning early I'll never forget early in the morning as I was in travail for my daughter because she was a babe I mean she she was 100% back said and as I pray for her travail / Jesus said would it be easier for me to just define me and let me save her and so I started thinking Jesus for saving it it took nine years I'll be fast say thanking him for saving when I do we were going on further during that time and I so I phoned her and said can you meet us at the bus station in Houston that's where she lived and I looked up and saw her coming pantsuits a lot of people her face jewelry and Jesus had also told me something you cannot grieve and believe it the same time you cannot grieve and believe it's a same time many precious children of God or grieving over there all children and lost loved ones but let me tell you something you cannot grieve and believe what you have to do is give God your grief well I had given God my grief I was thanking God for saving her but here she's coming to meet us at the bus station looking like the world the same flavour and the pain went through hard and I prayed I said that Jesus I gave you my grief and I haven't had any pain in a long time but I've seen her now the pain is so bad it helped me he said now you don't say this to her but you say to yourself this is the way you look now but this is nothing else gonna stay [Applause] [Music] this is a lesson I learned but I praise God for nine years and Jesus saved her and he did such a wonderful job of saving her until it was hard to believe that even happened because of how hard she you see the Pentecostal people helped her make her hard because they would say to her your mother and daddys over in Africa sacrificing and work in trying to save souls and look at you you've give up kind things that people said to her made her hard but God knows how to make hearts soft and when her daddy passed away God said you move in with your mother and take care of her make her last as long as possible she's doing a real good job don't you think [Applause] learn of me learn of me that was something else I had to learn how to thank him and praise Him when my prayers were answered but I think him and I praise Him Alleluia oh she went to church said Easter Sunday morning what year was that 1971 she went to a conference over there and they were we was having a conference under a tent they have very big tent and so there was hardly any seats so she she sat down on a little rickety bridge by large man he said well they end up the seat and every time the preacher would say something he'd say hallelujah glory to God he praised God well he was a policeman a traffic policeman and he had given her sisters all two tickets earlier so she didn't like this man and all of a sudden she just started crying she doesn't know what she's crying about but she was crying and when every time the man would say something start praising God little Benson shaking Brickley bitching she just cry harder and she said she don't why she was crying but she thought well now what I can do it was morning service Sunday morning service on Easter Sunday morning 1971 and she said I I'll just go up to the front and get my crying over with and but where God was with her to go to the front anyway and she said Satan met her there he said without your makeup you're the rich woman in the world she said I'll be the ugliest woman in the world Lord I won't but I won't be saved leave you because you won't be partying with him anymore but when she went home from that meeting the day that God had redeemed her she said Fred guess what I got the Holy Ghost again tonight he said I'm so glad he was glad she got told he goes he didn't want to serve the Lord but he was read that she was and she hasn't looked back she's going on and served on faithfully ever since holiday and she works very hard trying to take care of me old folks are hard to take care of she works very hard tried to take care of me but she does a good job [Applause] I sometimes wish that I could have it many hands I could clap them all out for her the way she takes care of me she does the aggravating things it has to be done like a washing and cooking and I can't do anything like that anymore and so she does it and she does it joyfully hallelu she gets the best ticket she can get fine and somebody wants to know what church do I go to in Fort Worth where I live now I don't go to any Church because I'm in a different church every Sunday hallelu two weeks ago now my service let this pass them was canceled the pastor thought it was a good idea to cancel because he's afraid ark was gonna come by and get there yeah so when you cancel my service but two weeks ago I was in Mississippi I preached Sunday morning Sunday night Monday night and Tuesday night to a packed house all service and God moved in a mighty way how did I want you to know we've got a god that's still in this room [Applause] I heard a fine black preacher preaching at the school of issues know it because of at times and at the Mangan's church and he said Jesus is large and he's in charge honey and I've been saying that ever since Jesus is large and he's been charged whatever your problem is Jesus is wrong he's in charge and he still answers prayer totally to God thank you Jesus glory to God honey I want to ask you to pray for a prayer request we but since we've been here down we've got here this afternoon and and Sandra got a phone call and my adopted grandson said that his friend's son was hit by a car seven years old he said I see you run over my truck I see you in a very critical condition that I don't really think he's going to live would you pray for that was a seven year old boy I'm praying for God to save his father's soul and so he knows that Jason did call me and asked me to pray and so if God answers that prayer it's gonna be in a heart that's softened towards me we've got a great big wonderful God I'm not afraid to ask him for anything honey even though I can't do the household duties like I used to do all I can do is write letters that's about the only thing I do but God is on the throne hallelujah his large and he's in charge [Music] [Applause] coming because I was just me all of us we have a great big wonderful God I tonight sister Haney was needing here and worshiping him and loving him I've thought about how much I do love in what a great big wonderful God he is how a lot of a shutdown away and let me tell you something else you know five my daughter and her daughter she her daughter was come and brought to me grandkids and they had gone to have their pictures made and I even do lunch with him and felt fine but 3:30 that afternoon and all of a sudden I got cold and the temperature was 105 outside and I put on a sweater and that didn't get me warm I wrapped up in a napkin and so finally I called senator I said Saturday I think maybe you better come home because I'm not feeling too well and am I having a hard time breathing and so she said mother it's the friends that live nearby I'll phone them and ask them to come and wait with you but she told the friends it gets worse what called 9-1-1 and as the paramedics was pushing me out of my front door I said Jesus is this end he said no you've got lots of evil so I knew I wasn't gonna die even though the doctor in charge of the hospital told Sandra that I would die that and pneumonia and eight liters of fluid on my chest and and so the the doctor of course he said no it couldn't live he sellsword congestive heart failure so he sent me to a cardiologist after that and he said you're a regular doctor will not know how to take care of you so the last time I went was in December Oh fine and I said sir when do I come back and he said to come back in May or six that doesn't sound good to me and when I went back he said your heart has corrected itself [Applause] it could be a mastectomy myself and it so I'm working on what he's got for me to do and that's why I'm here and my message for you is revealed you're not wasting time to learn about Jesus we think we know him but we don't really know him we do not really know him how that he could subject himself it was the will of God that he died for our sins and how he subjected himself on the cross wasn't his decision as a man but it's a man that God dwelt in he was anointed to die for us and so we need to learn about a little more about him god bless you I pray that something I've said has helped you and don't forget you cannot grieve and believe at the same time how do you give Jesus your grief I didn't believe I've got to give you a one testimony baby clears me so much you see everybody knows that the civil authorities in California hate the church and my grandson pastors in California for 17 years but the civil authorities did so gave him so many disappointments then he finally decided it wasn't worth and he walked off and went down a five Road five my beer detour that was dirty but God told me if I would praise him he would save him so I've been praising them a praising they were praising him and Mother's Day he called his mother and he said well mom I've gone back to church [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well I got specific with him I said Derrick have you got the Holy Ghost yet have you talked in tongues he said yes glory to God hallelujah so God has answered our prayers hallelujah God is on the throne he's a great big wonderful God and he could do anything [Applause] and that's my message for you tonight learning about to go learn about him he said learn about me and that was just magnified those were very big in my Bible and I heard the angel choir singing the same thing and it was so beautiful to hear them sing again after 419 since 1939 that's the second time I've heard them how many but jesus was overthrown he's large and he's in charge [Applause] can we stand here tonight thank you sister Freeman that was wonderful wonderful wonderful [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I really believe the Lord has spoken to us tonight and you glean so much from a woman of God that has walked with God through the years and the Lord is trying to tell us something so it's sitting over there I felt there's so many of you who have come and you are asked you've been asking god save my son save my daughter it's just different just different requests that you've had and needs that you've had in your life the Lord has given us direction that we are to lay down our grief and we are to begin to thank you believing that you receive it and then you shall have it and there's always a place that we start and so what I'm gonna do tonight is I'm gonna open these altars here and this is going to be your Bethel this is going to be the place where you come down that aisle and you're gonna carry your grief with you you're gonna carry your fear with you and you're gonna lay it on the altar and you're gonna give it to God and so if you want to cry if you want to release it however you choose to release that grief I know the Lord is here tonight to take it but when you get up from that altar you are going to begin to praise Him you are gonna thank him this is gonna be a dropping off point here tonight and that song that it was just coming over in my mind as I was sitting over there just to walk with him means everything to me and ladies that's what it's all about that's what it's all about is walking with Jesus through lies [Music] walking with Jesus through this journey we call life and so if that was you here tonight you have carried grief you've been praying for years about something the Lord has given you direction on how to get your prayers answered and I want you to make your way down to this altar and I want you to bring your grief and I want you to lay it down and not to pick it up again but to leave this place with Thanksgiving Lord from now on I'm gonna praise you before I see it I'm gonna believe before I receive it hallelujah Jesus [Music] every Lord you're showing me you know to answer my prayer more than I want you dance I bring you God the bees have grieved my spirit I can't carry it any longer I can't carry it anymore I really [Music] things that I could see in the natural I release it to you god no more no more will I be blue by what I see but I will hold to your word I will hold what you have promised that you are going to do Lord because I know that it must happen [Music] I give you my promise I'm gonna praise you before I receive it I'm gonna believe it I receive it and then I shall [Music] [Music] your hair I shall [Music] yellow bush [Music] I'm paying it down tonight Jesus I've been laying it I believe in it [Music] I've been swayed by the things that I've [Music] shoes to believe because your word must take place it must happen because you have spoken it [Music] [Music] you're way [Music] direction change in my direction tonight [Music] thank you [Music] okay what I want us to do here tonight I want you to find a prayer partner somebody that's near you if you don't know him it doesn't matter but I want each one of us to find one prayer partner and we are gonna pray for one another tonight this in this place and I want you to allow the spirit to begin to spray through you pray in the Holy Ghost I want you to release release what is inside of your spirit and I want you to begin to pray for one another you lay hands on one another and you anoint one another that you will be different after this night after this word has gone forth in the name of Jesus Christ his fellow qiyamah sigh yes touch my sister [Music] right now we're bearing one another's burden we're bearing and we're carrying one another's burdens carry the grief of your sister carry their birth tonight [Music] [Music] Carrie carry your sister Carrie Orser yeah yes release it release it release it to him he's here to take it [Music] [Music] carry irony the burden irony irony that cheese that can't cut here to take it from you take my yoke upon you cast all your cares upon him are you caring for you [Music] Oh your care [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] this is only the word of the Spirit there's in the word of the Holy Ghost and then in the work of the spirit but you got to release it you've got to give it you've got to trust him enough to know that he is [Music] he knows the pain [Music] I will come to me Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] ow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and I need you to take this happiness I need you to take this happiness [Music] [Music] [Music] your spirit has come for this purpose your spirit has come for this purpose you have come to take my grief you have come to take my grief only [Music] do [Music] Shyne [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you lord [Music] just [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to walk with him [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] dear [Music] a dear friend [Music] No [Music] nobody there's nobody like you [Music] [Music] lord [Music] [Music] so the latter half of what the spirit wants to do in this place is put on the garment of praise he's taken our grease [Music] and we're gonna run on the garment array and however you gotta praise him I want you to praise him because he's already done the work [Music] these degrees can be bondage screen can read out Bree grief can breed fear because you see what the natural but faith looks beyond that said I'm gonna praise Him because he's faithful because his word is true because it's gonna happen it must happen and so we're gonna put on the garment means a clothing [Music] and we're gonna praise them as we see are taking place [Music] [Music] [Music] my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] top [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with the voice of triumph [Music] boy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you know what I felt the Holy Ghost impressed upon me I want all the ladies 25 years and younger to come up to the front area please if you are 25 years of [Music] the Spirit if you're 25 years of age and younger want you to come up to the front just spread it out all across all across the front here all the way around 25 years and younger you guys just kind of spread it out you know these these young adults they race things in this world that in this generation that we didn't pay even in my generation and some of you they're older than I am can I feel like now we're hearing at church and I want you to join hands all the way around this group of young people and we are gonna pray for our youth for young adults they gotta get a hold of this because tradition isn't gonna care tradition isn't gonna satisfy many of you have been raised in church and this has just been a way of life for you you got to get some roots you got a good get to know God for yourself you've got to become your God he's got to become you're gone but we're gonna pray for them and I want you young people to take the one next to you take the hand of the one that's next to you because the Lord is gonna do something very very special [Music] and let me say this if your heart is not right with God the perfect time perfect time to cleanse your heart and to repent right now is the perfect time we're gonna pray and this spirit is gonna sweep through this place from the right to the left there's gonna be a mighty wind of the Spirit that's gonna sweep through this place and there's gonna be hard tonight stray gods power in your life tonight and so I feel like the first thing we need to do is we need to cleanse our hearts we need to cleanse our hearts and so all of us together I want us to pray a spirit prayer I'm sorry a prayer of repentance each one of us right now they're not right I've said they're not righteous this body has done things that it should have done [Music] I asked Jesus I opened my heart to you right now and I asked you to forgive me and then alter on this night but I repent of my sins I repeat dirty inside Oh me I don't want carry sin any longer I don't want to carry the heaviness the guilt my heart [Music] watch me tonight in your blood [Music] to be clean [Music] saying you're a liar Europe [Music] to live for you [Music] choices [Music] jeez [Music] young adults I want you to lift your hands right now and I want you to thank the Lord for what he's doing in your life Jesus I thank you for a change thank you for a stay [Music] from [Music] refused to be the enemy [Music] right now [Music] they will not be the same [Music] spirit of the Lord [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music]
Channel: CLC Ladies
Views: 14,486
Rating: 4.8608694 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 59sec (7199 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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