"A Door God Opens" - Pastor Raymond Woodward

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I worship you Jesus I worship you Jesus I worship you Jesus I worship you tease thank you Jesus if you would give Pastor a few moments of Liberty I know normally for prayer meeting on Saturday we're on a 1 hour and a bit 1 hour and 15 time schedule will be a little tiny bit longer than that but not very much we'll get you out of here as quickly as we can but without handicapping what God wants to say and do here because I come to you with a message that if all we had tonight they were talking on the planes today coming in from Pennsylvania they were talking about snow and New Brunswick and all of that business and and I just made up my mind you know what if nobody gets there but the staff I'm going to preach this to the staff so so it was going to happen I don't know if you believe in the power of prophetic words and I'm not a prophet nor the son of a prophet but I'm going to speak a prophetic word over this church family tonight in the opening night of this missions conference it became apparent earlier today that the Howells were not going to get here that really did not mess me up at all because I was talking with a couple of preacher friends last night in in Pennsylvania and York brother Huntley and brother kindness we were sitting around a table to talk to Wayne Huntley for more than like 30 seconds is just sermon thoughts poor nutty him and when he spoke this it just quickened and so I was very comfortable today when when Pastor Jack said the howls are going to get here I just figured well this is what's supposed to happen thirteen years and five months ago I stood in this pulpit preaching my first sermon as pastor of CCC on Sunday morning June the 3rd 2001 Pentecost Sunday and this is the opening verse that I read and I will read it tonight Revelation chapter 3 verse 7 and to the angel of the church in Philadelphia right these things saith he that is holy he that is true he that hath the key of David he that openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth I know thy works behold I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it for thou hast a little strength that has kept my word and has not denied my name would you lift up your hands and would you pray that God would speak to you he's going to speak to us collectively but but really this will help you if God speaks to you individually Lord Jesus I thank you for the privilege of being part of this great church thank you God for our missionaries that are here I thank you God that missionaries are in and out of here all the time we truly get the privilege of being hooked to missions and I thank you for that in God you know all the travel things that happen today and Jesus you know what your will is for this service for this weekend for these missionaries and for this church and so god I pray tonight that this would indeed be a prophetic word to somebody and and and collectively to this congregation I pray it I believe it I receive it in the name of Jesus I declare it I will have it I will hold it I will take it in the name of Jesus I refuse anything less I refuse anything but in the name of Jesus let divine destiny fall and run through this church out into the streets of this city and around this world in the name of Jesus in the name that is above every name somebody that is watching online right now I pray right now that you would speak to them a divine destiny into their life right now god I thank you for the people around the world that join us every service god I pray you'd speak to somebody right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus let us be about your kingdom let us be about your business and Hahnel ahead ahead of us messed up or ahead of Omaha Mandela Volusia suffer every day and also push the Shabbat about your lomasa in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus now I know we're on a little timeframe but we got time for this somebody lift up your praise your voice your heart your head your face your attention your hands Pocoyo ha ha Mashiach Allah has yo saw Moscow tell Abbas your Saba in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus so De La Hoya Shah Baba mondo Curatola sa showed a love oh yes ah yes he yes he as he has yes he has yes yes la boda Lamesa Baja motto Korea Osama Hayabusa in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus you can be seated tonight with purpose in the name of Jesus Philadelphia was located in a strategic place in the 1st century they were on a trade route and it was actually called the Gateway to the east because Philadelphia was located in a very narrow pass between two mountains and so it literally physically geographically was a door through the mountains and this congregation in this city that received this word from God they understood how just a little strength in a narrow Valley could actually hold back a large army because you can't push a large army through a little passageway that's protected by a determined group of people and so God uses that image of them controlling the access to that region of the world he uses that image and says spiritually Church in Philadelphia I have set before you an open door and nobody can shut it if I open the door no man can shut it and if I choose to shut the door no man can open it a door in scripture is like a door today it simply a means of access and in the Bible every time you see a door reference it represents opportunities doors provide not only an entrance into but an exit from God not only has a door that can get you into your destiny he has a door that can get you out of sin out of addiction out of circumstance out of bondage other problems God's got a door that works in both directions and so the psalmist writes these powerful words in Psalm 84 for a day in thy courts is better than a thousand I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my god than to dwell in the tents of wickedness we preach that all the time I'd rather be a humble servant in the house of God than to be a big shot out in the world and I hope you've got that spirit because that's the spirit of God's people but there's something a little more here adore represents access and a doorkeeper lets people in to the presence and the power of God and that was never more true than it was in the temple in first chronicles chapter 13 we're told the story of how David tried to bring the Ark of God back to Jerusalem David wanted the Ark the presence of God that tangible symbol in the Old Testament of God's anointing and power and presence he wanted that back in Jerusalem the Ark under King Saul had been ignored it was captured by the Philistines and and saw just ignored the fact that they were operating without power David wasn't King more than 15 seconds when he was saying we need the Ark let's go get the Ark we got to have the ark back because we can't operate without the Shekinah glory of Almighty God and I would say the same thing to us Lynn we need the ark back we need the Ark in every service we need the moving manifest liberating delivery presence of Almighty God in every church service we cannot just fake it until we make it we need God in our midst so he can deliver people and reveal truth to people and so David he's bringing the ark back in and and something tragic happens on the way as they're walking through the passageway a man named Musa he puts out his hand to steady the ark it's on a cart it shouldn't have been on a cart it should have been carried by the priests they were doing it wrong they were using man's method to try to move God's kingdom and that never works and so lose will put out his hand to steady the ark and God dropped him in his tracks and he died and so first chronicles 13 verse 12 David afraid of God that day and he said how shall I bring the Ark of God home to me David brought not the ark home to himself to the City of David but he carried it aside wherever they were there was a guy there whose name was Obon Edom and he had a house a farm there and so they carried the ark aside into the house of obed-edom the gittite and the Ark of God remained with the family of open Edom in his house for three solid months and the Lord blessed the house of obed-edom and all that he had why because the moving manifest liberating delivering presence of God was sitting in Obon enums living room that's why and when God goes home with you deliverance is going to happen in your house and when God goes home with you addictions are going to be broken in your house and when God goes home with you relationships are going to be healed in your house and so open Edom was living the good life he was blessed everything that he had and so just a few weeks later somebody came to King David and said hey David you know what did you know that opened Edom where we dropped off the ark temporarily he's being blessed his crops have never been better his animals have never been healthier his house is blessed his family's doing great and David said man we got to go get that Ark and so they went after the Ark again and this time they did it right and they brought it back to Jerusalem I want you to skip ahead to first chronicles 15 verse 24 and and here's a list of people that serve in the temple watch this and Shep and I there's a good name for somebody having a kid and Jehoshaphat and nathaniell and a masai and Zachariah and benaiah and Ellie a czar the priests they blue with the trumpets before the Ark of God watch this watch this and obed-edom and Jahi aware doorkeepers for the ark so david and the elders of israel and the captains over thousands went to bring up the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord out of the house of obed-edom and this time they did it with joy they danced all the way to Jerusalem every six paces David made a sacrifice and he danced before the Ark all the way to Jerusalem but I don't want to talk about David we all know about David I want to talk about obed-edom because Ovid Edom had a successful home and a successful farm and a successful family and a successful business and he lived in that little community that was a distance away from Jerusalem but when the ark that had been in his home for three months when they picked up the ark and they moved it to Jerusalem he said you know what no business opportunity is so good that I can stay this far away from the Ark no blessing that was here on my farm is so good that I can afford to live here while the Ark is over there so Oba didim picked up his whole family moved to Jerusalem gave up his business and started serving as a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord to let other people in to the presence of God like he had experienced for three months he had the same spirit as the psalmist in Psalm 84 I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my god than to dwell in the tents of wickedness and doors are significant in Scripture and God sets before his people open doors and God has blessed this local church to set before us open doors pastor Jack and I sit back in amazement sometimes at how God has blessed and used this local church and not only here but around the world it never happens that I go somewhere and somebody doesn't come up to me it happen in the last two days in Pennsylvania dozens of people we watch all your services we're preaching this series we were inspired we gave something online it happens all the time and God has privileged us that's a privilege that's a blessing that's a responsibility that's a holy obligation and thank you for rising to the challenge because when God opens a door no man can shut it but when God opens a door we better get ready to walk through it and here's the problem with the door I'm sitting with brother Huntley last night he said this and it just Wham a door works both ways under Old Testament law a Hebrew slave could only serve for six years and then in the seventh year the year of Jubilee he was to be given an opportunity to leave his master leave the house leave his duties and go out free and many slaves chose their freedom but others grew to love their master so much that even though it was their year of Jubilee and they could go out and it made sense to go out and many people probably talked to them and said you're stupid if you don't go out some grew to love their master so much when it came the year of Jubilee and the Masters obligation was to set them free they chose to stay forever in the Masters house as servants rather than demand their rights they wanted the door of the Masters house to remain open to them forever even though to arrange that it took discomfort and it even took a mark of distinction here it is in your Bible Exodus 21 verse 5 if you buy an Hebrew servant 6 years shall he serve and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing he could do it it didn't cost him anything there was no punishment nothing he could go out free if he came in by himself he shall go out by himself if he were married then his wife will go out with him if his master have given him a wife and she's borne him sons or daughters the wife and her children shall be her masters and he shall still go out by himself but if the servant shall plainly say wait a minute I love my master my wife and my children I will not go out free then his master shall bring him to the judges he will also bring him where to the to the door or under the doorpost and his master shall bore his ear through with an awl he'll take a sharp pin Herman and literally nail that servant to the house symbolically symbolizing that he shall serve him forever now here's the point a door in a church it works both ways you can come in by the door and your life can be blessed you can come in by the door and feel the anointing of God you can come in by the door and you can have truth revealed to you you can come in by the door and you can get eternal salvation you can come in by the door and God can heal more stuff than you even knew what was wrong with you that's the entrance door but every once in a while God takes his servants to the door and he shows us everything beyond the Masters house this has happened to some of you God allows it you think it's the devil all the time sometimes it's God allowing it he takes us to the door and instead of our eyes focused this way our eyes are focused that way and you look at all the things of the world and the world says hey we're having fun out here and the world says hey we're getting rich out here and the world says hey my business is doing good out here and the world says you know what if you just took a little time away from all that church attendance you could have a business that was growing too or you could have a better job too or you could have better opportunities too and every once in a while God will allow us to go to the door but this time we're looking out there and everything in the world is put before us but here's the heart of the people of God I love my master I will not go out free it's too good living here for my master it's too good being involved in the kingdom of God it's too good because here's the word that most people miss if he came in by himself he can choose to leave but he'll go out by himself see when you come to church you're forever scarred I apologize we pulled a fast one on you when you come into the middle of an Apostolic Church and your life is touched by the presence and the power of God and you have truth revealed to you and you come up born again child of God you're forever different you're forever change it is possible the devil will arrange it God will allow it that you can go to the door of the church and you can look out into the world and you can see all the temptations and all the quote-unquote freedom and God will allow that you know why he wants to know if you're here by obligation or if you're here by sonship he wants to know if you're just here because you're scared of Hell or if you're here because you love Jesus that's why he allows it and you'll look out there but here's what most people miss yes you can leave the church yes you can walk away from truth yes you can let other priorities crowd in on your schedule and make Church second or third or fourth or fifth or tenth you can do it but if you come in and the master touches you you can go out but you didn't bring anything in here you didn't bring anything that was valuable to God you didn't have enough intelligence to bless God you didn't have enough money to bless God you didn't have enough smarts or personality or charisma to bless God so when we came in and when we came to Jesus the best among us we brought nothing in our hands everything that we've got is because of Jesus the peace we have the joy we have the deliverance we have the holiness we have it's all because of Jesus so here's what you can't miss if you ever choose to go out you came in empty you won't take your peace you won't take your righteousness you won't take your joy you won't take all the deliverance you've experienced so I got a piece of advice for you you need to stay in the church you need to get your family locked into the church does this is the only place worth living on this plant you can go out but if you came in by yourself and you did if you came in with nothing and you did if you came in with sadness and sickness and bondage and addiction and many of us did when you go back out there you're not going to take all the good stuff that God gave you you can go out but what an empty life to go out there and forever remember the joy and the peace that's why so many backsliders are so angry at the church they call it atheism but it's just conviction they call it fun but really it's just a mask to hide their miserable as they call it all kinds of things they call it business and job and career opportunity and education but really it's just if I can just stay busy enough I don't have to think about God if I can just stay busy enough I don't have to think about Church and they can go out but they don't take anything that they got from Jesus that's why I'm staying here it's not because I'm a pastor it's because I love my master and I will not go out free and so if a slave had that attitude they brought him to the door of the house and they they literally nailed him to the door through his ear they they put a sharp instrument on his ear and they literally pounded his ear into the doorframe a permanent wound a permanent scar a permanent symbol that he was forever attached to his master's house and that is me and that is you and it's through his ear because you have to learn to hear the voice of the Spirit over and over again revelation says if any man hath an ear of course we have ears but he's talking about a spiritual ear if you have an ear let him hear what the Spirit is speaking to the churches I'm so thankful for our local assembly it's not the greatest the grant is the biggest the most beautiful building is not any of that probably but it's ours God's blessed us here God saved many of us here in this building families have been put back together here in this building people who have incredible odds against them and even their family may hate them they've got strength here in this building young people have been saved from years of addiction and heartache and terrible mistakes that would have wrecked their lives and they've been saved here in this building it is worth hearing what the master has to say lives have been delivered here in this building and we need to pause I'm so sorry I'm on a tight timeframe tonight and I'm aware of it but we need to pause and thank God for the lives that have been changed right here in this building right here in these altars right here in these services right here in our miss la Fidele Abajo Sabha I about the Lavasa it's a parade of victories it's shaking a fist at hell and saying there take that devil you didn't get this one and it all happens when we come in the door and we choose never to go back out sotell Abajo Abajo hey hey Saba sundale about yo Tara hey Saba oh yeah but Akash - ah shoosh - ah patella hotteok una parte hasta la bas easa Motoko della a total akitoshi Saba the teller has your sub ah ah ah yes yes yes yes yes and it's messy trying to deliver people and save people and teach people and disciple people and get people off of drugs and other alcohol and and out of all kinds of mess it's it's a it's terrible that the devil does so much havoc and heartache in the lives of people and that's what we're called to we are not called to be keepers of a little ecclesiastical Museum where we have little services and we comfort each other every week and we say we're going to heaven that's not why we're here we're here for God's mission in this world we're here to strategize how to reach this world we're here to be part of his harvest and part of his kingdom and part of sending and giving and going and praying and all of that and I thank God that we get that around here I thank God but God is opening up doors for us and because this church has sown globally God has begun to open up doors locally it has taken a while because it's a paradigm shift it's the paradigm shift between serve us to service that's a paradigm shift it's a paradigm shift from here to everywhere and out there and it's a paradigm shift and thank you for being loyal and following your pastors because there are so many opportunities to just not follow and not cooperate and and thank you for getting it it's for many people in New Brunswick even Pentecostals churches about entertainment its ecclesiastical entertainment but it's like sing me a few songs and that's why concerts are more full than prayer meetings in many Pentecostal churches in New Brunswick drives men of God crazy but it's the way that it is but thank you for getting it because if we have a prayer meeting on Saturday night here it's probably the largest I don't know of any other prayer meeting in this city that's any bigger than the prayer meeting that's held here on Saturday night and we're not doing that so we can keep ourselves safe we're already safe thank you very much bought the t-shirt been there done that we're praying because we got a world to reach and a mission to get involved in and we've got people to snatch out of the burning fires of hell and get them in the house and I understand I get it I I know all the other voices and all the other plans and whatever I thank God I just I was just so excited to just walk in tonight and thank you to all the worship team for leading us into the presence of God I pastor on to represent you in many different ways of I get to travel a bit the singers that we have here they're so anointed and they're so blessed and they're so talented and they're so capable and and I thank God for them and that is the music that you will hear everywhere in the world those same songs and those same arrangements and and all of that you go to Australia that's what you hear you go to Europe that's what you hear might be in French but you're going to hear it you go to all kinds of places and unless there's just a small little indigenous Church that's separated from the rest of the world you're going to hear the same songs that you hear here every week and I thank God that we don't just do this little well I'll just sit here and listen quietly while you sing and if I feel like singing I'll sing but other than that I'm just going to sit here and be entertained I thank God we don't do that I thank God that every time somebody stands up here to say they're challenging us to lift our hands and stand on our feet and push with our heart and push with passion and worship God I thank God for that I thank God that when Pastor jack stands here in the pulpit he hollers and spits and runs and does all of that kind of stuff because this is a mission that we're on this is not ecclesiastical entertainment and I thank you for getting that and it's messy getting people in the church and I'm almost done Cathy come on back it'll soothe nerves and calm fears and it's messy getting people in the church it really is but here's the deal I know you look around and I know I know I know this is what Pentecostals do til to the nth degree this is what Pentecostals do well it doesn't do much good because after they come in we got years of trying to get them to act like us and look like us and dress like us and talk like us and think like us yes we do but you know what if you can just get them in the door of the church and have them experience the new birth if the rapture happens next week they're going to go in the rapture so let's not confuse years of a disciplined disciple lifestyle with getting them in the house because here's the point if we can just get them in the house they may still have all kinds of issues and problems they may still look like the world smell like the world act like the world and talk like the world but if they've got the Holy Ghost in them God will work on all that stuff we just got to get them in the house we just got to get them in the door we just got to get them saved that's what we got to do I'm on record more than probably any other pastor DBZ it's in print it's online it's everywhere Tim Lee forever wrecked my life I taught a holiness seminar in Singapore and he put it on in ten minute segments people say I watched all 38 parts you know how long pastor preaches I watched all 38 parts of that series send notes help this bla bla bla he made more work for me than I could ever imagine so I am NOT talking about throwing out any of that or discarding any of that that's a lifelong discipleship process and we got enough time and patience and love to let people grow up at their own pace just like your kids walk at different ages and talk to different ages and we're we're good but if we can just get them to God they can go in the rapture and be saved so let's not mistake a lifelong process for reaching don't not reach because it takes too much effort don't not reach because it will take a lifetime of course it will take a lifetime it's taken a lifetime for all of us but we're here and we're going exodus 12 verse 23 i'm really almost up for the lord will pass through to smite the egyptians and when he sees the blood upon the lentil and upon the two side posts the lord will pass over the door and will not suffer the destroyer to come in under your houses to smite you can see there is a day of judgment coming there is a terrible time of tribulation coming on this earth the rapture is right around the corner every sign every event every it's just unbelievable what's happened but at the moment of the rapture all the sinners are going to be left behind and all the saints are going to rise and be forever with the lord listen to me listen to me if they're in the house I don't care if they've been in the house for five minutes they're going to go to heaven I don't care if they've still got issues and problems and need 48 years of counseling if they're in the house if they've had a new birth experience they're going to heaven so the mission of the church is not the sword out how they look fifty years from now the mission of the church is don't tell them don't talk to him go reach up go teach a Bible study to him go invite him just get in here and if we can get them in the house not this building in the kingdom of God covered by the blood God said when I see that blood on their life I'll pass over them the judgment won't hit them and you can take them in the Raps so our job as a church it's just get them in the door yes it starts with that door but get him in the door of salvation get him in the door of deliverance Oh somebody pray Mike grab that microphone and come up here we've said it many times I'm going to say it again because I'm speaking prophetically over our church this city said Ville deserves a church that preaches to french-speaking people maybe devilicus yo Devon eglise keep - often say village jean dousset long I don't care what other denomination doesn't put both Ladino Ladino Enis yankie the faux pas I don't care what other Apostolic Church does cement Agassi adult Wrigley's apostolic God has spoken to and over this church made you a ballet asset Iggy's and we have a responsibility angels of only responsibility have got a few dozen young people news of all CACO to sin dodging that are bilingual he's on belanger somewhere in this church think about those who think is a pastor of that French congregation AE and pastor clean future digging I don't care if they're male but BOCES are female Madeleine I don't care if they've been here for 15 years you saw that because Oh or 15 minutes hookans mean it God's got his call on somebody r+ on a vegetarian's french-speaking people in the capital city of new brunswick Fukien a ft by Minnetonka fund on a capital Janu who bungee and no you don't have to go somewhere else no no but ballet uh-uh we send that we do that oh no what is your idea and this man the friend whose overall said but you don't have to go somewhere else to do something for God if you never purpose Wendell a yeah poufy a girl's gotta raise somebody up right here jumper or fail video taken in you're gonna reach dozens of French people in your city use any app download it using the fun don't say to your church it over this sitting is gonna support that who's a nice it pay for that if all that be doing when that lien is gonna sound like this at first look don't mess though I mean it's just gonna sound like that only long deep even if I before said to dawn a burner Larson died in the city of Montreal Verner Larson in Missoula Veena Malik he preyed on people for his name in the province of Quebec in a Pierre Buki Alberta Giudice in that prayer he named all go pills I believe his prayer sloshed out of Montreal he was it both cacique like a river the hobbits of cabeza becoming flood and I believe the prayers of our pioneers are right here in our city it can if the elder dopey yes or not the dealer you know you don't go there's a French pastor in this shirt yeah pastor bundles that eglise he me or she and it may be a teenager right now hope that the doughnuts on but I'll speak up prophetically right now Nicholas please would yes you can do something for God when you're 17 we who professed if there's Pearson you said our God when you're 21 maybe that don't and so God's gonna make that gun to pass each of a bill for Nilsa seats of a second we're gonna rejoice all the way to it lose that illusion we also blur I will not be turned away from it Alma Buffalo with a duel either side I don't know what language they're gonna speak ship bug victim okay long you're not late Arlene and Greg have sowed enough seed into the Korean people in this city they surely need Greg easel sue me impeller door spamming it good there's gonna be an Asian pastor a pastor as you think though I don't know whether they'll speak Korean or Japanese or Chinese I'm not sure it's just look going airship a new sheet what is gonna happen semi-sphere ESL is the open door loss in your mother don't let octagons that I teach them English puh-leeze on saying it on but some of them are gonna end up teaching us Chinese they settle difficult is a bonus she knows so we can go over to their service book on peace elation others a little bit of what they're saying Columbus good earthy home he said that's hocus-pocus who did or said llamas Issa you say that's crazy oh say fusa go ahead but the yeah but God has said major I have set before you an open door amiibo who we talked to Val you believe that for 13 years and five months what's your question to be a believe it stronger right now if he plays always say more equipment than I did back then courage in the clay fo God has assembled a team here to do that Jameel somebody's Hall of God is on missions conference this year not been did you a steel like cool fielding is your set then we're gonna send missionaries of oceans conference genetical nautical feel we're gonna send missionaries from missions conference Mayo vocieover you debe tener a populace at go fill ax 1427 actor kettles Vincennes Paul says buddy Peter and annum Barnabas they rehearse all this Paul and Barnabas rehearse how God has opened the door of faith to the Gentiles Paul II they'll never see this kid to slap that I fess own dojo very both valets LT everybody else is sitting around wondering what's going on - nazo trousseau lace dumansky spaz fallen Barnabas said Polly Bell never look around look at the look of all the people at our humble tune a joke if you look at the different languages that are being spoken only Noguchi see god's open a door to the Gentile Julie both those donkey that's happening right here in Fredericton mmm yes president oh no decision Paul said in Colossians 3 4 verse 3 but dr.kailash yeah Catholic wha pray for us people new don't pray that I get out of prison nuclear buggers yourself do pray that life is easy the prepackaged over that my business is blessed nope Ibaka is just what do we have to believe it's you hey that God will open a door of utterance he could you even boats pray that God will anoint me while I go talk to be could you man your book but Leo Drey that God will anoint us while we go teach ESL could you member mawar públicas y'all same youngster go rater God will elect the anointing transfer from Downing Street to dunes Jessica good looks your surpass altar city Glee's a local to I pray that God will raise up seniors and teenagers to go into this city and do something great cuz if it's such a shame you couldn't send us also oh where you gonna show me some effort again Paul says in first Corinthians 16:9 but he'll go NTS says this a great door and effectual door is open to me in gulp often both if he cast into vast and there are many adversaries ya beaucoup defects and here's one in sham verses kadhi now think with me they both say our God said Judy if I open a new issue blink both no man can shut it that's on the pill if I shut the door he's your film that no man can open it a sudden Apanui the greatest adversaries paul had lately blue guns at their sale - Portland we're not the people out there the bunnies on Dalek still yeah they were the people in here silly Shulman tell you Peter gets put in prison giving off his own and the church goes to prayer in legalese compulsive PA Peter comes delivered by God from prison yeah adda GP so he knocks on the door got by the boat little Rona goes open the door input it feed the Nemean wrote that and who's Lilith box she comes running back and says and ya and leaders at the door yeah they light up bought they said no it's his ghost don't say so notion he's already dead you need is your mouth yeah they were praying they had more faith in the Roman government TPM ease of it blues discussions don't tell Peter the GP and they had in God to deliver Peter now there the coffee on soldier Platini leg you've got fake boobs a little F well it's just what your faith is in May butterfly a old cool tell me you have faith in bad news just thousands of it that I followed only move as you man some of you have faith in 30 centimeters of snow set Devils of it a cool feels MEMS yell cold something that the show me you have faith in all the bad things people say about Pentecost so thousands of airflow don't don't - skinny jean these who meet these are miracle faith in all the gossip that all the cynics have spoken over the last 50 some years set that brother who made difficult fuels don't talk lately massage the collision then I have logical jostle and I have faith in his word Oh son I have faith in his promises yes no support God said I'll open the door cured issue women can shut the door the best on the moon if God said I'll shut the vacancy judges your man can open a door son the bond will stand with me right now having to do some samba sorry for being so long since she's up it's Cologne pastor didn't mean to be annoying it she bossy buddy not don't so that guy wasn't even wanting to be the preacher she put him in back loop can he get them so so so sorry she doesn't like the call of God is in the show to the jury those that own the enabling power of the Holy Ghost is in this room tonight that's what God wants to raise up laborers yes yes I want it coming you're not all of them are going to friend but do some not all of them are going to Asia no but do so some of them are going to dooms tree there you want to some of them are going to the shelters some whatever go into the jail only please old some of them are going to the hospital don't be done some of them are going to the University you need us today God's raising up laborers just into VA ignore it if you want bring your eyes an eyelid if you want with a wooden doubt it if you want ad Gupta but God opened this door oh well said box as for some of us useful Sentinel interact for most of this model we're gonna walk through the little type of season box if you want to walk through that door it's going to fit a book more than you want life it shall first given to what I want you to come from where you're standing busting to know who I want you to pack into this altar got some people and I want you to let God touch you who do I want you to let God enable you give you all the resources we don't need one more good weeping season oh if it was less optimal do we need empowering government was when the piece of odd wants to raise up witnesses that's what these two little workers these people and teachers don't say yeah Bible study teacher Cavallo these are these coloboma showstopper there's a French pastor yeah pastor of this church started thinking I don't know whether they're here tonight she bossy so look we're here in our church already dish on its gonna raise them up to funny zombie it's gonna be a team of workers seventh Looney get it is gonna happen service fair let the Downers go home goodnight circular tool and let our believers rise up because secure move to grab holder somebody right down to kick away with them peels get a hold or somebody right now the other can gray with them peel stars are raising up worker yes just as you like calling labor abilities oubliette on the internet right now she was that that let down that been though God's got his anointing rested on you do us a piece off this one up to whatever you're feeling in front of your computer busca Palazzo a touch of God still a ple annoying of God now did you see wherever you are who can sway you lift your hands right and love people for God has an empowering for you give us a piece all I don't care if you're sitting in your living room use it though but shot has that empowering for you say you're awesome right now in the layout also decisions ahead Shabbos yellow Musa mess kochava aya baccarat hasta la ilaha shava a mess no shava bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-bah $10 get a Lavasa mess no sabaha in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Abba mesto shaba daba daba daba daba pastor Sabba band hola SEO sir in the name
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 30,409
Rating: 4.8268399 out of 5
Keywords: pastor, raymond, woodward, missions, conference, 2014, ccc, capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, apostolic, pentecostal, upc, upci, door, god, opens
Id: RMk4fEwinGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 30sec (2670 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 02 2014
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