When God Writes Your Love Story - How I Met My Husband & Knew He Was the ONE in 3 Months!

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i'm heather and i'm jerry and this is our story [Music] i remember before i met heather i had all this lingering feeling of not really having a purpose you know my whole life i've had these dreams about getting married and finding the woman that i'll spend the rest of my life with and it was just a constant battle of every day not knowing where she was and not knowing i was really ever going to meet her before i met jerry i had been through a lot of heartbreak and a lot of unhealthy relationships when my last relationship ended the last relationship i had before i met jerry i just remember feeling so incredibly crushed and it wasn't because i thought that person was the one for me in fact i knew he wasn't the one for me it was more of this just sense of another failure another build relationship and i just remember thinking what is wrong with me why can't i not seem to get this right and it was the first time in years that i realized i was a common denominator i was attracting these same type of guys and setting myself up for this continuous cycle of heartbreak and so i really used that time to do a lot of introspection and healing and really just kind of looking at these patterns in my life and doing everything i could to break them um i lived my life a lot in a sense of trying to find god's discernment in my everyday mission how i thought you know i wake up in the morning and i think god what do you have for me today who do you have for me to talk to what experiences do you have waiting for me and in that was fulfillment but at the same time i still just felt this sense of loneliness in this sense of incompleteness and it was a real struggle for me um i tried to do everything i could to live my life for god but at the same time i struggled internally every day with just feeling like i was meant for marriage and i was meant for having a partner that i could spend the rest of my life with and do life with and do ministry i finally got to this point where i was really just fully dependent on god and i was so in love with jesus and i enjoyed spending time with him every single morning i finally learned to actually love myself i had been spending all these years just seeking love from men and for so long i felt so unwanted and so unworthy and like something was wrong with me and so overlooked most of the time when i would go out with my friends the guys were always interested in my friend they never seemed to really be interested in me and when they were it just seemed like it was usually for the wrong reasons but i finally realized that what was missing was love for myself and really valuing who i was as a woman and who i was created by god to be and that i didn't need to find that love in someone else i honestly got to the place where i felt okay at the thought of never getting married it was still a desire i had in my heart that i knew would never go away i felt for the first time ever that i was gonna be okay if it never happened remember the first time i saw a hitter i was working at the coffee shop that i was at the time uh on the night shift and she had come in i was working on the front register helping out customers ringing up their drinks taking their orders so i had just gotten a job as an art teacher i had this part-time job online to help get a little extra money i was working on paying off a lot of debt at the time and every night i would go to starbucks and work on my part-time job after i got done teaching but the starbucks i had been going to closed at 10 and i really wanted to keep working later than that and there was this little coffee shop next door called white rock coffee and i noticed that they were open until 11 and so one night i went from starbucks over to white real coffee just to get a little bit more work time in before heading home and that's when i saw it and the first time our eyes met i just remember thinking those are the most lovely beautiful blue eyes i've ever seen and i just remember how bright her smile was the first thing i noticed about him was probably his biceps not gonna lie he was very muscular and i found him very attractive right from the get-go and then probably his smile was the next thing he had this just really great genuine smile he was just so tall and handsome and i wanted to order my coffee and he took my order and the next thing i noticed was his voice he just had this just very warm and comforting voice the first time that i actually asked heather on an official date you know i decided that i was just going to go to the coffee shop and hang out and study my bible and i'd actually up until that point never hung out at the coffee shop before and i just figured you know you know she shows up i'll take the opportunity to talk to her and get to know a little bit more and see if she's interested in getting to know me a little bit more and if she doesn't show up then i can at least sit there and study the word you know um and she did show up and i remember her walking in and sitting at the table in front of me and uh just thinking you know hey this is the moment you know i'm sitting here i'm going to think of what i'm saying and think of how i'm going to approach her uh and i'm just praying about this the whole time you know god don't let me mess this up don't let me mess this up so a couple of weeks went by and i kept going into the coffee shop hoping to see him and we would just kind of have small talk he he remembered the kind of coffee i liked and we would kind of talk here and there but one night i was in there doing some work with friend and he was sitting at the table behind me i remember telling my friend that's the cute barista guy that i've been telling you about but don't say anything so after heather sat down um i waited a little bit gave a little bit of time tried to figure out what i wanted to say and eventually she ended up getting up and going to the back of the cafe where i was sitting um and as she passed my table she recognized it was me and said hello and looked and saw that i was reading the bible and she was asking me hey you know is that is that a bible i was like yeah you know i'm just coming up here relaxing doing a little bit of study time while i can and then i remember getting up to go to the bathroom and he was sitting at the table and he just looked so handsome i still remember he was wearing cowboy boots and jeans and he was studying his bible and um after that we just started talking about you know what church she goes to what church i was going to and you know she actually invited me to go to church with her uh it was just this really cool moment of you know i had spent all this time um in the days leading up to this you know praying hey god you know if this is if this is something that you want for me like make it happen help help make it happen um and you know before you know it she's sitting there standing in front of me asking me to go to church with her i just remember thinking he's still in my heart i was literally what i had been waiting and hoping for and that was actually the night that he ended up asking me out i remember him kneeling down beside me and asking me if i would just like to get to know each other better get together for coffee and of course i said yes but he actually forgot to ask her my phone number i remember going down and sitting at the table and me looking back at her every now and then thinking man that was that was amazing that little conversation we had and i knew at that point in my end i had to take the chance and get to know this one we ended up meeting at the same coffee shop and sitting on the porch outside and we sat there and talked until like one in the morning we just talked and talked and we just realized we had so much in common and we were on the same page about so many things and it was just easy it didn't feel weird or strained i didn't feel like i had to play games i felt like i could just be myself in front of him i immediately knew that he was different than any other guy i had ever been with one of the things i was very intentional about with heather was the fact that i wanted her to understand that i wanted to enter into a courtship you know not a dating relationship according was something that has always been really important to me and something that i wanted to base my time with heather off of and so he ended up asking to court me which i had never had anyone say that to me before ever but it was something that i had wanted and that i had prayed for that i would meet someone who was intentional and would pursue me with the intention of marriage it was very important to me that she understood where i was coming from and my intentionality behind hey you know i think you're an amazing woman i want to get to know you more but at the same time i want to be respectful to you and i want to be respectful for me and i want to approach this period of time that we're going into with a lens that is biblical based and that has a greater purpose other than just us hanging out and spending some time together and he was just so intentional i had never met a man who was that intentional with me before there was no guessing there were no games i never had to wonder how he felt about me or whether he was pursuing me it was very clear the entire time and that was just so refreshing all of our dates were just so fun like we would just hang out and talk for hours and we had these intentional deep conversations about things we kind of just put everything out on the table and there was nothing that i had to wonder what his thoughts were on it and if i did i i felt comfortable asking him and i knew that he would be genuine and telling me i remember the day that i fell in love with heather that i knew she was the one that i wanted to go all in with in that this was something this relationship was an incredibly special something that i wanted to pursue and really give everything i had for when did i know jerry was the one well there were a lot of little confirmations and affirmations along the way that i had started to think could this be it could he be the one and the day was actually veterans day um i went over to heather's place and we were just going to hang out for the day we walked into the kitchen and she surprised me with this tray of you know handmade uh camouflage colored cheesecakes um and they were amazing and he had come over to make me dinner and he cooked the entire meal and then cleaned up did all the dishes and then he offered to rub my feet and i had never experienced anything like that before and everything he did was that way if he was just so servant-hearted anything he could do to make my life easier he did it but the real big thing that hit me was she gave me this car as well and it was just this handwritten note about how she had really treasured our time over the past couple of months just something that really hit home for me i saw the effort that she went through you know to make that trade desperate to go through and make this card and little decorations that she did and all the effort that she put into making this moment special for me um and that was something that not a lot of people have done for me in that degree and it was just it was just really cool i really felt her heart behind that moment and i really felt her intentionality to do something that would have been meaningful and impactful for me um and that was just the moment that i saw i saw i saw that connection i saw the chemistry click um and from that point on i was sold but what really solidified it was the night that i opened up and shared some of my deepest darkest secrets with him because i knew we were heading in this direction of possibly getting married and i knew if that was the case then we needed to have everything out on the table and i didn't want there to be any secrets kept and there was some stuff that i really didn't want to tell him but that night i had finally gotten up the courage that and opened up and shared all of these things with him and his response was i love you and i love you no matter what i love you no matter what you could ever tell me and nothing you could say could change that and that's when i really knew like this is this is really it this is what it's like to really be loved by someone and i didn't think that that existed before i wasn't sure if that was out there for me if anyone could ever love me that way the day that i actually proposed to heather was on christmas day uh and the story behind the build-up to that day was pretty funny we had gone out the night before to look at christmas lights in one of the local communities in dallas and during that night during that special night of going out and seeing all these big beautiful lights and these big beautiful houses uh we actually got into a little bit of an argument so we did have a pretty quick uh courtship we had been dating for three months when he proposed on christmas morning this is where it all started this is where we got engaged and the night before we had actually gotten in a huge argument i honestly don't even remember what the argument was about anymore and it was kind of funny because heather was sitting there thinking in this argument that you know i was going to leave and i was never going to come back at the end of it and that this argument was one of those things that was just going to be the deal breaker in our relationship and that was just kind of her thought process that was going on in her head at the time little did she know that the next day on christmas i had already planned out to propose to her but i remember getting so upset and telling him he was going to leave and and all of this stuff and the next morning he ends up proposing um and it was just this funny moment looking back on it how while she's sitting there stewing in her anger and you know being being scared about what's about to come in my mind it's a completely different world and i'm just thinking how do i get past this moment how do i get past this time where you know we have this frictionless point and settle back down and reconnect and understand that hey our relationship isn't based off this moment and actually in actuality our relationship is going to be based off of the moment that we're going to be experiencing tomorrow on christmas where i lay my whole life on the line for you and i tell you hey you are more than anything i could ever imagine to have and i want you i want you to be my wife and i want you to spend the rest of your life with me that morning it was just me and him and i had made breakfast and i had just opened up the last gift and i had kind of been hoping that he was going to propose on christmas but i wasn't really sure so i remember honestly feeling a little disappointed after i'd opened that last gift and we were just sitting there hanging out by the fireplace and he says hey i have something for you and he reaches why he's sitting on the couch and he reaches behind him and pulls a box out from behind the pillow and proposed and it was just very sweet it was intimate just the two of us and it was perfect so our wedding day came and i was beyond excited i'm helping setting up the last minute decorations getting some lights on getting some chandeliers hung in certain areas we ended up this beautiful barn at a church member's house that we had known and i just remember thinking this is the day this is the day i've been waiting for this is the day that i've been dreaming about my whole life and we had a very small wedding at a friend's place she had this beautiful property with a barn and we were getting all set up to have this outdoor wedding the day before the wedding it was like 80 degrees outside in texas and i just remember sweating trying to put up all this decor and just feeling stressed out about getting everything done and we woke up the next morning and it was like 30 degrees outside and misting and the weather was a little bit off the weather was you know basically freezing it was raining outside there was a light drizzle and um it was not damping my spirits at all and i wish i could say that i was one of those brides that was like no big deal you know it's my wedding day all that matters is love but that was not me i remember feeling so anxious and stressed out about the weather and just wanting everything to go smoothly perfectly but honestly it all worked out the way i think it was supposed to and it was something that in my in my mind there was nothing that was going to stop this day from being amazing i had the woman of my dreams the day that i had always dreamt of was here and i felt like god had ordered a dog and it was just perfect we were able to move the reception indoors and there was this fireplace in the kitchen that was so cozy and we had coffee and desserts and it kind of went perfectly with the cold weather so i think it worked out even better than it would have had the weather been perfect and we actually had our first kiss on our wedding day and we took communion and we had written out our own vows for each other in addition to doing the traditional vows and it was just very intimate we really tried to keep god at the center we didn't have a lot of money at the time for a big fancy wedding and so we just made the most of what we had and it was simple but beautiful and i realized and falling in love with him and marrying him that i had never actually been in love before i remember thinking that i was in love but it paled in comparison to what i experienced with jerry how do i know god brought us to you well me and heather's stories is very unique in the sense that the woman that i prayed for before i met heather uh was exactly who heather ended up being so how did i know that god brought us together honestly a lot of answered prayer there were characteristics i had prayed for for years that i had hoped for and has been there were qualities that i didn't even know i needed or wanted that i feel like god brought me in him and it was things that perfectly complemented me and there were strengths that he had that he has that balance out my weaknesses and there are strengths that i have that balance out his weaknesses and we complement each other in this beautiful way that i feel like was just designed by god i prayed for a woman that was focused on the things of heaven i pray for a woman that would love god more than she would love me i pray for somebody who was independent and really didn't need me in their lives but i just complimented their life and i pray for somebody who had dreams and goals and aspirations and that had a focus and a determination to meet those things and that was heather to a t and i finally realized why i had had to wait so long he is four years younger than me and he had spent five years in the military and he had only just gotten back to texas in the dallas area a few months before we met which was around the same time that i had started this new career path uh becoming a teacher and god had brought me to this area right down the street from a little coffee shop that he worked at and he had actually prayed about his purpose and where god was leading him and felt like god had led him to working at this coffee shop for a season and we both just came together at the exact right time in our lives everything that i prayed about for years and years and years and that very first conversation that very first date that me and other had outside that coffee shop the lord just kept on rolling all these things out of this is what you prayed for and these are the things that she's saying and then coincided perfectly and i remember at the time right before meeting him i had been seeing a counselor for a little bit and i remember her kind of prophesying over me that she felt like my husband was coming soon and that she had seen visions of me wearing a wedding dress and even though i had come to that place like i mentioned before where i think i would be okay if i never got married at the same time i was really holding on to that promise and believing that my husband was going to come into my life soon i had also gotten another word from a friend at a conference and he said he felt like my husband was going to be coming in around seven months well it was about six months from the time that i had gotten that word from my counselor and my friend to when i did actually meet my husband it was an amazing beautiful moment for me and i just i'll never forget that i'll never forget how every single word that rolled off her lips and it was just to me seemed like answers to a prayer that i've been praying for as long as i could imagine so i wanted to share this story in hopes that it might inspire you if you're in the season of waiting and hoping for a husband that this will give you hope and inspiration that if it can happen to me it can happen to you i'm not special i'm not more loved by god and i was 31 on my wedding day so if you're out there and you feel like you've been waiting a long time it can happen and i would just encourage you to use this season as a time to [Music] really enjoy i know it sounds so cliche and i remember getting so annoyed when i was in the season when people would tell me this but it really is true you can enjoy it as much as possible learn to love yourself love spending time with yourself do the things that you love doing and that's when it usually happens because other people are going to be drawn to your energy and see the value that you carry and it's really a beautiful thing when we allow god to bring us our spouse and i'm not saying that he'll just drop a spouse out of the sky i did some work on myself and i really think that helped prepare me to be ready to be the wife that i needed to be for my husband not that they're a perfect person but perfect for us and share a purpose in life and a path that we can go on together because marriage is not always easy it's not always rainbows and butterflies but when you have someone walking beside you who is fully committed to you and to god then you can get through anything
Channel: Heather Danielle
Views: 4,612
Rating: 4.9638009 out of 5
Keywords: when god writes your love story, christian couples, god wrote our love story, our christian love story, our love story, story time, godly marriage, christian marriage, christian dating advice, waiting on god, no sex before marriage, christian couple goals, christ centered marriage, worth the wait, no kissing before marriage, how to know if hes the one, married in six months, marriage goals, kingdom marriages, christ centered wedding, how I met my husband, first kiss on wed
Id: FLNnCH5Qjf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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