How We Met | STORYTIME | Our Journey to Marriage | Chapter 1 | Our Love Story | Christian Couple

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hi you guys and welcome back to my channel once again it has been a minute of course since you've seen my face let alone us together i know right if you have not already go ahead and subscribe to um this channel i don't want to knock his hat off but you know she hates my hat no i don't hate your hats i just like the great very full very bold very out there and i'm a very neutral girl very loud hats and stuff that's going to be my new thing going into 2020. [Music] hi you guys and welcome back to my channel once again it has been a minute since you've seen my face and let alone us together if you're new here this is my husband um it's been about four months right yeah four months that we have been 20 years well yeah on the 20th of this month it will be four months since we've been married yes the month of love we got married on september 20th 2020 um so yeah we'll talk more about that and go more into detail about that i hope you guys enjoyed that um wedding video as well however we thought it was a really good idea to go ahead and share the story um the story of how we met and so that's why this video is going to be a story time today if you have not already go ahead and subscribe to my wife's youtube channel she puts a lot of effort and time into this channel to ensure that her subscribers have something great to look at um you know like she said we apologize that we have not been as consistent with posting but you know when you're trying to get married and getting adjusted to that life it is like it's actually very it's not it's a good challenging when i say it's challenging it's a good channel a lot of things took place and not just that but i got a new job he got a new job so there's a lot of transition and having to take place so but um yes pause this video if you need to go ahead and click that red subscribe button give me a big thumbs up hopefully you guys enjoy this video and definitely you know i love communicating with you guys so please don't forget to leave a comment in the section um comment some of the things or some of the type of videos that y'all want to see um the channel's growing i you know i'm gaining more subscribers and i want to be able to give you guys what you desire to see so let me know what you're interested in and what you want to see more of and i can definitely do that for you so without further ado let's jump straight into the video so basically we um first met at a life group called express um we it was a time in a place where young adults got together to discuss um you know different things different topics and we would sit down and have open discussions well later on down the line eventually jasmine began to come to express so one evening she came and on this particular day she had on a ball cap a t-shirt and some light denim jeans but she had on these brown sandals but express was a place where young adults came together on wednesdays and but they would have open discussion about different topics and it didn't have to be church related it could be whatever you wanted to talk about and so um jazz and i you know we met each other there but it was not like a instant connection or just like a love at first sight like it wasn't even you know any of those different things but it was just us sitting there all having you know conversation and i just look at it as that and kind of didn't see anything from there but i would always like if i had a question or if i wanted to know a peculiar answer like what do you think you know just stuff like that to bring out different perspectives into the group um and so well we met there and then later on i saw her again i saw her maybe like twice or three times at express and then like she stopped coming because some stuff started beginning at her church and she wanted to attend that okay so my perspective of the first initial you know meeting him and everything um would be so during this particular season of my life um given that i had just gotten out of a relationship that didn't last very long but still whatever um i was in a place to where i think i was hurting so bad to where i got to a point where i'm like god you know what nothing else matters you i'm gonna make you my um my only focus and he was my focus but y'all know love can really or uh what's the word infatuation i guess i'll say that can really a lot of times get in the way and kind of shield you sometimes and you you may think god is your focus but at the end of the day he's not it had pushed me in a place to where i you know said you know what i want to make him my only focus i want to you know get involved in the ministry at my church i want to you know in my free time instead of doing meaningless things with my time why not you know give this express group a try and go and meet some new cool people who probably share my same values i was not looking for a relationship actually didn't want to be in relationship you know did not come into the session with you know the mindset of oh let me let me look around and see who's cute let me see who i can talk to let me see who can you know be a potential husband i remember going for the first time and um it was a wednesday night at seven o'clock thursday it was from six to seven yeah it was 7 30 i remember actually i was really nervous to go because if anybody knows me i don't really well in the past past jazz i wasn't really one to kind of i was a homebody a lot i didn't try new things i didn't go to unfamiliar places that just wasn't really my thing i have a whole lot of friends at the time either so you know i was always kicking it at the house however this one particular day i just said you know what why not try something different um we arrived me and my sister because like i said i was very nervous to go by myself oh yeah it was me and two of my sisters it was three joycelyn got inventions jesse and joyce was your name come the first time it was just me um jesse my older sister and joycelyn number four and um you know we went in together and i remember walking in and like that initial like when you walk into the door and like you know how you enter a room and everybody kind of just look at the look at the door we had a seat and we had a really bomb session i remember just walking away like this it was so dope and these are some bomb people and i am coming back next week so it was very captivating and um i got a lot from it i remember how every time we would come to the sessions hearts would really stand out um he was just you could see the the leadership that he possessed and um the wisdom that he possessed he was just like you know he just kind of really stuck out i do also remember how every um session we went to hearts would always be dressed up in a suit i was not just about a suit i was coming from work so i had to have on like a tie i had on a tie dress shirt i really thought obviously i didn't know he was coming from work and that was his attire i thought that he was just like you know this is how i carry myself like you know if now that you know me i love sweats absolutely but i mean that also added to the fact that he really stood out just kind of like who is this guy like i don't know who he is but i can tell that he's somebody he's somebody important like you know he just had like this global bath i'm not important at all i even went home telling my mom like this is so great it was i met some really bomb people um it was a really dope session and i can't wait you know i'm looking forward to the next week but um you know the interesting part was is that after that like for three or four sessions we you know didn't really see each other again because she went to a totally different church so at this point it's not like when i say i'm not gonna say i forgot about it but it was like uh out of sight out of mind kind of situation and so um then i leave um no not leave i was we went to the singles conference what was it called yeah they did come next that oh what was the name of it i think it was just called singles conference at faith church i was at fake chapel and so i went and they have it annually every year and i came out of the restaurant every summer and i had i was making a phone call i came out of the restroom and when i come out of the restroom i'm walking and i'm like texting look at my phone and i look up and that goes jasmine but this time i like i see jasmine like i see jasmine like whoa she's like yeah why you saw me because every time i go to the um express sessions i was always i was coming from work too and i retired we didn't have to dress up you know put a suit on and be skirts and dresses and heels um y'all was jeans yeah because i wasn't a kid so pretty and so i saw and i spoke to her sister because you and jesse right when y'all walking down the hallway um and i spoke to him and you know it was good to see him and then i went in yeah he came out and i was like hi like it was so good to see him you know he was so cool so obviously when i saw him i just lit up i was excited to see him sat down and stuff and i think no more but i never saw them actually again until um we were supposed to see each other at a um lock-in at their church they we got invited to participate so um because we wanted to collab right yeah we came and um kyle and uh pilar came and we um we did an open panel discussion yeah i had an open panel discussion for for teenagers and it was really really um inspiring it was really really good because you know they were asking questions that you don't normally see kids ask yeah you know and so um i remember this specific question came and it was about like looks and stuff like that and so um jazz was saying how you know like um i actually like dealing with some insecurities about like how i look and well dealt i i was telling well yeah the question basically had like this box that the kids were able to numb i always struggle with that word anonymously write their questions on and i have to attach their name put it into the little basket and then we were drawing the questions like that so the question that i had got um asked about how do i deal with being insecure so because i had personally um in the past dealt with my own personal insecurities i that really hit home for me and so i said you know what i'm going to take this one i'm going to go ahead and respond you know to this question and try to give some kind of encouragement based on what i had gone through so well um and so she says you know well i'm like you know surprisingly i am you know i have some insecurities about myself and i'm looking like jasmine yeah i'm talking about my weight yeah her weight and stuff i feel like i used to feel like i wouldn't be pretty and stuff i'm just looking like if y'all ever see that and i'm not saying that because jazz is the person i married but jazz is like and she has a very beautiful spirit and people like that are rare to find and so when you see people like that they actually have a beautiful personality they're beautiful like although it's not just looks it's like because you have some people with beautiful looks they got a bad attitude and then you find those some people that literally they have the loves they have the heart in the right place and they have you know just a very beautiful spirit and you know um that's why i was just kind of like baffled when she said it the first time i actually second time i actually saw that you know her coming down and i was like wow she really is pretty was when we were um sitting there and she was walking down like the center aisle towards the front of the uh like where the altar where we were standing and i remember looking up like whoa like this girl is really really pretty like it was like she's walking down the island i was like wow she is really pretty what's funny is the fact that i literally like felt like i had thrown on what i had on that day i mean it was a cute little summer drink it was just a black black yeah my hair was straight kind of like this and um it was i barely had makeup on really i just kind of was like oh it's a lock-in let me go comfortable and so um the crazy part was is you know eventually the panel discussion ended and stuff like that and so when it ended we walked out to the lobby when it was open i was like hey jazz i want to talk to you so i pulled her outside to the front of the church like probably maybe underneath right underneath the little what do you call that the look on it yeah and so we sat there and i was just like you know jess like i'm like you know i know i'm not hitting on you or anything which i really want to tell this part though um so yeah after we get done with the panel discussion i didn't realize okay well first of all me and harry sat next to each other the whole time and that was actually our first time doing that because even when we were you know going to his church um to the express sessions we would sit across from each other you know in the circle or he'd be over here i'd be over here minding my business or whatever but this particular night um we sat next well he came and sat next to me yeah he came and sat next to me on the stage and i remember walking out to go to the restroom and when i came out of the restroom and got ready to go back into the sanctuary so i walk into the room and from across the room i can see him like walking outward and he looks at me and he kind of mouth like hey can i talk to you real quick like out outside and so we go into the foyer initially he wanted to um tell me in private whatever it was so i was like okay like i was just very curious like what is it he got to talk to me about it was so serious that he like people can't hear so we walked outside he let me outside and oh it's all coming back to life how sweet um and so it was right there in front of the bush ship outside of my church so then that's when he was like okay [Music] you
Channel: My Life As Jazz
Views: 1,248
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, Love, month of love, February, Valentine’s Day, Black love, In love, Relationship, Marriage, Married, Union, One, Four months, Newlyweds, Newly married, Husband, Wife, Family, Daughter, Dogs, How we met, Story time, Love story, Chapter 1, Dating, Intentional dating, Jasmine, Horace, HDMI, My life as Jazz, Jasmine Renae, Jasmine Daniel, Blog, Vlog, Christian couple, Christian dating, Journey to marriage, The wait, Waiting til marriage, Celibacy, Jazz, Jazz Renae, Life as jazz
Id: QG9PiaZhT5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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