STORY TIME: How I Met My Husband | Engaged In 30 Days! | KickinItWithThai

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what like what what do you mean it's ending like i was so mad i was so bad y'all hi guys and welcome back to my channel my name is ty you are here with kicking it with ty and today today i am going to be talking to you guys about my relationship my husband my man my my significant other my sugar daddy my my honey do like i don't know where we're going with that but today we're going to be talking about how i met my husband and our relationship and just all the juicy stuff that has happened in this past year and a half if you are interested today's look is what we have here we're going to be doing this while we talk about my husband and how i met him and how our relationship started and where we you know how we've been kicking it and all that stuff for the past year and a half um but yeah if you're really interested in hearing that and you want to see how this look has come to pass stay in the channel watch the entire video and i'll see y'all when we're done at the end alright stay tuned go ahead and watch it [Music] all right so before i start um everything that i am going to be using is gonna be down in the description box so if you need um anything or you're inquiring about what it is that i use um i'm sorry because while i'm talking i it just takes too much time for me to save what i'm using at the same time so it'll be down in the description box so let's go ahead and talk about how i met my husband first and foremost okay so if you go back in my video log um this was a year ago a year and a half ago if you go back and look at my video log you'll see a trip of me me and my family visiting dr so that's where my life started with him but i want to go back a little bit like right before that and kind of give you guys a prefix of like where i was at that time and like really at that time like when my family went to dr it was honestly a trip that was like not a trip that i really actually wanted to go on i did not want to go on this trip at all i did not want to even consider being in anyone's vacation resort whatever the case may be like i was not trying to be on anybody's on anybody's trip but i definitely was not trying to be in dr as a haitian woman i just really felt like i had no business being a dr like dominican people and haitian people just never got along so it really wasn't like an interest or a desire of mine to go to dominican republic and spend any of my hard earned money on that part of that island so at this time i was just really not interested in going to dr i had also just not just but like probably like i would say eight months earlier like like in september of the year before i had just ended a really i had a really bad breakup and a lot of you guys that follow me on instagram like knew about my breakup i was engaged at the time to this specific person and we broke up if y'all want the story on that because it is it's a doozy but i'll tell you guys if you want it let me know we can do it for story time at the time i had just ended a really relationship i'm gonna let this sit for a little bit but i had just entered a relationship and i really was not trying to look for anybody wasn't checking for nobody i was like okay god like if there was any time that i needed to just chill this was that time for me to just chill i was not y'all when i tell y'all i was not trying to be with anybody and i really felt like at this point in my life like i had been through multiple relationships if i'm honest with you i have dated a lot of people and i just didn't know how to really be single you know i didn't know how to really just spend my time alone and they just understand who i was and if you watch another one of my videos there's a video that i have of like five five things that i've learned from failed relationships and in that video i really took the time to like understand i just my brush just fell jesus i took the time i really took the time to understand like why i was going through the same things and like why i kept meeting the same type of people and i really just wanted to like understand like what what was happening child because i was like god this ain't it this is not what life is about this is not what i signed up for and like i keep giving so much of my heart and so much of myself that like i like where they at god like why why do i keep meeting these trifling people and this last relationship particularly was like the most it was the most triflin it was literally the most translated relationship i've ever been in or not even the most attractive relationship but the most translated ending of a relationship that i have ever been in and i was really like god i am so done i don't want to talk to nobody i'm not interested in nobody i don't want to be dating nobody i don't even want to talk to i don't even want to get to know you know we can't be friends no i don't want to talk to you no i don't want to get to know you like i don't want none of that none of that just forget about it leave me alone i'm not interested like i'm just not i was not here for it at all in that season and i was just like god like leave me alone so fast forward to now may may of 2019 i was invited on this trip by my family to go to dominican republic now my cousin was getting married it was a cousin of mine who i had never met before one of them in particular was getting married and my mom was like you know we had missed the first family trip to dominican republic and my mom was like we're going we're going on this trip and i was like i'm not going on this trip like this this is dominican republic i'm not like you know how to catch me you're not about to catch me out there like i'm not doing it i'm not going i'm not going i'm not going i'm not going and she was like yes you are so i we fought back and forth and continued to fight back and forth about this trip to the point where she just literally went out and bought the tickets and didn't tell me so my mom ends up paying for the tickets and paying for the hotel she literally my mom just gifted me with the entire trip because she knew i was not about to go and i was like really ma'am like you ain't had to do all of that i told you i wasn't going and she was like but you really are so she gives me the trip and i'm like alright so if mom gifted me the trip now i feel really bad i can't like not go on this trip you know i mean like she spent her hard-earned money and you know really just you know wanted me to be on this trip so i was like all right if she's already gifted me with this with this trip then she really honestly really really wants me to go and i was like aye so we're gonna go on this trip so may comes and it's time for us to go on this trip so i had my family was scheduled to go on this trip and be on this trip for like a week and a half like eight days but the time of the trip i like when i told you i really was not trying to be on this trip i really was not going to go on this trip and the i was so serious that like i had a bride contact me and she contacted me about doing her wedding on may 4th so my family was going on this trip in april 28th or 20 yeah april 28th i think my family was leaving for the trip and they were going to stay until may like eighth or something like that don't quote me on the dates but it was it was like eight days now i was so gun hold on not going on this trip so i booked a bride in the middle of this time frame of when my family was supposed to be going on this trip so i was like all right well my mom paid for these tickets like i have to go on this trip now but i'm just gonna book my tickets to come back early and i'll just you know spend some time with my family the wedding for my cousin was on may 3rd so i was like all right i'm just going to do her makeup and then i'll fly home the following day on the 4th at like 6 8 they had some flights at six a.m i was gonna fly home at six a.m to be through customs by 8 a.m and be at this bride's wedding by 9 a.m so i had it all planned out i had my entire vacation like all right set i bought my tickets in advance and i was like all right i'm i am coming back at this specific time on this specific day you'll see like on that video you'll see all the time that we spent at this resort enjoying ourselves and you know having a grand old time and i think my vlog for that in the videos that you'll see on my channel my vlog for that ended the night before the wedding so we spend our time at the resort so my cousin comes not the one that's getting married but another cousin of mine comes and she picks us up from the resort and she's like we're going to the salon where you're going to do my other cousin who is getting married you're going to do her makeup and i'm like okay cool so we go to this location and i'm doing everybody's makeup you know the day has started but the day continues on and literally nothing is on time i didn't realize that like peop dominicans i love y'all i really do now but i thought haitians were bad like dominicans are like their timing is just like i don't even know how to describe dominican time like it's not cpt time it is so much worse than that dominican time is like it's like whatever you think cpt time is dominican time is probably like two hours or three hours after that like dominicans move like the world is in their hands they have no worries in the world when it comes to time and they not stressing you not about to stress them and and like just nothing nothing runs on time nothing so when i get to this hotel i'm into this um salon and i'm doing i i'm starting the bridesmaids makeup mind you the night before and i'm i'm mentioning this because this literally has to do with like how it has everything just has to do with how i met my husband so the night before at the like i guess bachelorette celebration like the night before the wedding my cousin comes to me and they all they're like you know originally my mom had asked me to do makeup for my cousin only the bride and i was like all right i'm gonna do makeup for the bride only and you know leave it at that i'm just gonna do it because my mom loves to volunteer me as a makeup artist to do people's makeup so i was like i'm just gonna do it for my mom because she offered and i can't turn this down and at this point these people don't even know me and now they're gonna think that i'm like this jerk that doesn't want to do like that doesn't want to do anybody's makeup or doesn't want to do a favor for the family so i'm doing the night before they all come to me and they're like we know that you have like your mom had offered to do makeup for the bride but we need makeup for the entire bridal party now i didn't know that this bridal party was gonna be the size that it was she had like i think 10 people in her bridal party and not only that i had only planned or scheduled or like brought product for people of my bride's complexion now the bride's complexion is like she's like she's darker than me so i brought my shade and i brought the bride shade but i brought like all of my concealers and like all of that stuff with me so i was like all right i brought all of that so when they asked me to do makeup for the entire product party i was like yo like how how am i supposed to do makeup for the entire entire bridal party like i don't even have the right product and if you're a makeup artist like you know we can make do with a lot of stuff but it doesn't mean that we want to make do with a lot of stuff like we can make do i can do a whole face of like i can do my whole face with concealers right or i can do you know if i will go to a client and i forget my brushes at home and i'll have to do the client's face with maybe like one brush or like i just i just gotta improvise but those type of moments happen out of like desperation not because i actually not because i actually want to do it so like when they asked me i was like yo like y'all really set me up and i can't say no because like this is the first time i'm meeting them this is like a gift from my mom to them or to her so like now i can't put limitations on this gift i can't say like yes or no or like yes but with this you know particular limitation on what it is that i'm giving to you like i don't i don't have a choice at this point so i was like okay so now in my mind i have to prepare for like 10 people in this bridal party and she told me that the wedding was supposed to start at 4 o'clock so now i have to prepare for 10 people and i have to start like super early in the morning in order for me to do all these people so i tell my cousin the night before and i'm like hey the one that was coming to pick me up i'm like okay i'm gonna do it but you have to come get me at like 8 a.m and we have to start at 8 in order for me to be able to finish in time especially because i'm the only person and she's like yeah yeah yeah yeah no problem no problem i'll come get you at 8 00 a.m and you know we'll we'll make sure that you're there on time so that you can start on time and you know and make sure the girls are there as well so that you can start on time and i'm like okay great i get there and literally nobody's there nobody's there and i'm like first of all she came to pick me up late so we started late second of all nobody was there and i'm like okay so y'all know that in order for me to get like that many people done by myself in this amount of time we need like people need to be here and i need to be getting y'all in and out of my chair they just didn't understand that concept so now i'm stuck trying to figure out how i'm gonna get all of these people done in a timely manner and like i'm the type of like makeup artist that like when i say i'm gonna have you done at this specific time i like to have my clients done at that specific time you're not about to say i'm the one that made you late for your wedding that's that's what we're not gonna do so i just like make it my business to make sure i'm done when i said i was gonna be done ciao i got there nobody was there and i'm like alright so now i'm waiting waiting i'm waiting for them to come i'm waiting for sis to show up so i can start some faces finally after like an hour somebody shows up and i start getting work so i'm like alright now i now i'm calculating in my mind and i'm like alright so i got to do this i got to do everybody's face in literally like 20 to 30 minutes max in order for me to have everybody done at this specific time so i'm working i'm working on working and finally i get done with the bridesmaids face and i get to start my bride's face so my cousin sits in my chair and as soon as she sits in my chair i start doing her makeup and as soon as i start doing her makeup this man walks through the door that's not how it was when i met him he comes in and he's like the man of the hour he's like oh my god like i didn't know what he said at that time because he only spoke spanish and he was talking to everybody and he's like oh my gosh all of these beautiful women and it's like you know there's so many beautiful women here such a charmer and all the you know all the people in there are like oh my god thank you you know i'm taking my picture you know he's a photographer so he walks in he has his camera in his hand and i'm like oh okay the photographer is here so you know all the girls are wanting him to take their pictures and all this stuff and he literally looks at directly at me and makes a straight dash to me and i you know at the time i was like oh he's making a dash to me because i'm doing the bride's makeup so i'm like cool like you know you need some pictures all right that's you know that's cool with me whatever we can we good we gucci so he makes a straight dash to me and he starts talking to me he says hi to my cousin who's the pride and then he starts talking to me and i have no idea what he says but all i remember is that he said pictures so i was like okay yeah obviously i'm not like i contact clues he's probably asking do i mind taking pictures of the bride to come to find out that's not what he asked he asked me if i like taking pictures and i was just like whatever yes so i said yes so he starts taking pictures of the both of both of us and me doing her makeup the pictures were horrible because i had a lower tota in the room that a low a total is a light that gives you that really really warm yellow golden undertone i looked a mess i wasn't trying to be in no pictures i look like a 12 year old my hair was a mess because i had not gotten ready and you know i'm just doing makeup at this time so at this point it's now like 4 30 ish almost 5 o'clock mind you everybody was running late girls more girls had started to become late so it just pushed the time frame back they weren't concerned so i was like okay well if y'all not pressed i'm not pressed so i'm thinking i'm about to go back to the hotel so i can get dressed and make it to this wedding again this wedding was supposed to start at four o'clock now i hate i if there's anything i hate i hate being a guest to a wedding that i have to work i hate it because i ain't got no time to get ready and i always end up being the person that just looks a doggone mess at the wedding because i couldn't get my makeup right i couldn't you know i couldn't get myself together the way everybody else had all the time in the world to get themselves together my sister who was there at the salon with me doing hair finished the hair and she went back to the hotel so i'm stuck you know sitting at the salon waiting for somebody to come get me so i can go back to the salon and go get ready so everybody else at this time is worried about themselves getting ready you know not worried about me so they're like oh you're gonna go with the bride go you know she's gonna go to her parents house to go get ready and you're gonna go with her and then the other cousin is gonna come pick you up from her house so i'm like that just sounds like a lot and we're already behind in the wedding so if i'm with the bride and like at this time she's getting ready then like what how i'm just calculating in my mind because the resort i have to go to the bride's house with her and then my cousin has to pick me up the resort is like 30 minutes away from where we are so now i have to drive 30 minutes from the resort and then from the resort then get dressed and then drive to the venue i was i was 82 hot oh so i was so mad because i just knew i just knew i was not about to be done or get done with this wedding i mean with getting ready in order for me to be at this wedding so i was just i was just annoyed i was angry i was mad i didn't even want to be on this trip in the first place now y'all got me on this trip and now i'm looking hot mess at this people's wedding like i'm on vacation i want to look cute too i want to be i want to be showing it up for the gram i want to be showing up and showing out like i finally make it to the hotel and i run like race to the hotel room to go get dressed and my cousin calls me as soon as i arrive at the hotel he calls me and he's like hey i'm on my way to pick you up and i'm like yo like i'm not even at the hotel yet like would you mean you on the way to come pick me up he's like yeah i'm on my way the ceremony is about to start i have to come get you so i'm like dang me so as soon as i get to the hotel i bum rush to the hotel room throw on my my makeup throw on my outfit i barely got i literally got to the setting powder and then he said i was outside and y'all are going to see in these pictures uh y'all are going to see that i've really just made it to this i made it to the setting powder and you can see all of the setting powder in my face so anyway i get to the setting powder and he says he's outside so i have to go so now he picks me up we go to the ceremony location and the wedding as i'm arriving this the wedding is ending the ceremony is ending wow what like what what do you mean it's ending like i was so bad i was so bad y'all oh my gosh i was so mad like what do you mean the ceremony is ending so now i'm just like okay i don't did all of this work i rushed to the hotel and got my i i barely got myself together i have setting powder on my face that i haven't even been able to wipe off and now i get to this venue and the wedding is over so i'm like you know what i'm i'm about to leave in a few hours anyway i'm not even stressing about it it is what it is i just was not meant to see this wedding i wasn't meant to be a part of it nothing so i'm walking in with my cousin tim and his fiancee and my as we're walking in i'm talking to my cousins and i'm walking in backwards obviously the photographer is in between them photographer from earlier it's in between them and he's walking backwards as well because he's taking their pictures so as he's walking out of the ceremony but he's walking out backwards and i'm walking into the ceremony but i'm walking in backwards and as we walk in and he walks out we literally bump into each other we bump into into each other and he turns around and he's like oh my gosh i'm so sorry and he realizes that it's me and his eyes i ain't gonna brag about my little boo my man but his eyes just lit up like oh my god like it's you like oh he thought he was never gonna see me again and now we get to this wedding and i'm the first person that he bumps into after the ceremony and my cousin has turns to me and he's like that's your husband and i was like wait no helena like first of all i definitely did not want to be going to dominican republic and now that i'm in dominican republic ain't no way i'm about to be dating a dominican man ain't no ain't no way i'm about to be dating or being with no dominican man and then i'm an american what like the only time i've ever heard of people like in the in the states dating somebody in the caribbean is if you like lived in the caribbean or you still like connected to the caribbean in some way or you gotta you know you got family in in haiti and they connect you to somebody and you just gotta you know i see a haitian puppy in haiti like i got all of that my family don't even con like we don't even we barely go back to haiti like what i would be doing with a demon again like you got me all the way messed up you got me all the way messed up like what what am i about to do what am i going to do with it again so fast forward you know homeboy has to return back to work because obviously they hired him to be the photographer and i continue on with being a guest at the wedding and like i'm like i cool so like i don't miss everything else i'm going to enjoy this reception i'm gonna enjoy this reception so i show up and i'm like all right well let me go ahead and get my little cute photo man let me go ahead you know if you know what cute photos is miami take it back but i was like let me go ahead and get my little cute photos in let me go ahead and take they take advantage of the opportunity and just go ahead and be cute for the gram real quick so i have my you know cousins take a couple of pictures of me he sees me photographer now sees me taking pictures with my cousin and literally calls me to the front of the or to the center of the reception to take photos just me me by myself not only does he take photos but he literally spends like i promise it felt like a whole hour but it was probably like five minutes he takes like uh like a good minute and starts taking pictures of me in the middle of the reception so now my entire family is watching him take pictures of me so now i'm like oh my god i'm so embarrassed and they're like yo who is this you know paying attention to my niece daughter cousin tran all the above he's just so he's so engulfed in taking these pictures that he doesn't even realize that my entire family is watching and my aunt my aunt screams out across the reception you better not leave here without getting his number ma'am girl no i'm not about to get this man i'm not gonna do that like i i told you i was not trying to be with nobody i was not trying to be dating anybody i was not trying to be in no relationship like no ma'am like i'm not i'm not about to do this with you like no i'm not i'm no no so i was like oh my god like i don't even know how to ask for this man's number so i was like do you you know number four telephone like because obviously remember this man don't speak english sounds like a phone number a telephone and he what's up he's like yeah so he understood me apparently and he takes my phone and he puts his number on my phone so i'm like i'm not about to use this like i'm really not about to use this y'all not about to suck me into talking to no dominican here in dominican republic because i don't want to be here i got suckered into being in on this trip and i'm here now and y'all trying to set me up for the okido pause for a second lo and behold my family had already been planning and scheming and and and and tricking me into going on this trip because they wanted to find me a man what like my aunt told me she was like yeah i had already talked to to uh your aunt who lives there in the dominican republic and i had already told her she needs to bring me some prospects for you to be dating for you to get to know because we need to find you a man like you're too good of a woman and you need to be with somebody and then i'm like y'all i don't need no help finding a man like i can find i can have a man like there are plenty of men out here trying to beat with your girl like i don't need no assistance child they wasn't trying to hear that they had a whole plan a whole scheme out here for your girl i get back to the hotel room and homeboy is still working the wedding because remember i had booked this wedding and i had to go fly back all the way back to the states in order for me to go and be um at this bride's wedding that i had booked so i'm like oh my god okay i gotta rush i gotta go back you know so i start rushing i go back to the hotel i pack up all my stuff super quickly and all of my uncles take me to the airport i get to the airport and i'm like oh my gosh like let me just text this man so i text him on whatsapp and i was like hey you know this is i don't know why i text him i really don't but something in me was like girl taste that boy tasty girl gracious see what he's saying so i text him i was like hey boy you know this is the girl that you met at the wedding tysha you know here's my number he and he didn't respond for a while and i was like like what did i did i just text the wrong person did i like is he like for real for even like about to respond to me like what is about to happen he responds and so from there to the following month he um responds and we spent the entire time talking to each other through message messenger right so through whatsapp and the first six months of our relationship was pretty much through whatsapp um and pretty much just talking to each other on a consistent basis through that app he's like why don't you come back to dr and we can find we can like actually get to know each other or like get to see each other in the daylight or like even get to speak to each other i book my ticket and i go to dr and i spend three weeks i messaged my friend and i was like friend i don't know why but i feel like i met my husband oh child she was like what you mean fred tell me and i'm like friend i don't know friend but i think i made him friend like at this time i'm like hun like i'm gun hold over this guy like i really like him i like our conversations and i'm like yo like we really like each other we like each other a little bit you know he shows up to my aunt's house my food comes out and he says hi and i'm like it's not man it's not food hey you know and i you know we get to spend time with each other and just really get a moment to ourselves and just hang out all in this time like he just keeps asking me like what my ring size is and i'm like sorry like uh it's a it's a size 7 okay just so you know for the future it's a size 7 because i wasn't like i really wasn't even thinking about like anything remotely close to even being engaged fast for a little bit and we spend the whole time together he takes me to meet his family his grandmother right before we went to go see his grandmother he comes to the house and when he comes to the house he's like you know are you um he comes to my cousin's house and he's like hey are you ready and i'm like yeah so he's like okay come here so he pulls me around the corner like to like a bedroom side of the the house and he literally he gets down on one knee and he proposes to me and i'm like like yes like what i don't underst i didn't know nothing that he said sir yes sir like i will marry you i just knew like i knew i really knew like since that first um like conversation that we had i was like this is my this is my man like this is my husband like i really really really really feel so adamant about that oh from there on we were together and our relationship was very very quiet for the whole year that we were a year and we were together a year and a half before i announced my engagement to him the day that i released my engagement photos was a day that we got married so we went to the um dominican courthouse and we got married as you can see in these photos and honestly like we had planned for a wedding in dominican republic and then covet happened and it was just so devastating because obviously anybody that wants you know like anybody that loves somebody or like wants to have a wedding like you plan for this your whole life and then you're like you know covet happens and now you're you don't get the opportunity to have that wedding anymore and you're like yo like you know i dropped this my whole life and i wanted to do it and now you know this this virus is here and i can't even get you know get the the wedding of my dreams but what really told me that this was my like this this was the right thing that i was doing is that i had all my life envisioned a wedding before i envisioned the person that i was going to be with and for the first time ever i envisioned my marriage to him before i even envisioned my wedding or my ceremony so i didn't even know what my wedding or my ceremony was going to look like but i knew that that was the person that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with and chad we then got married and now i am making the official move to dominican republic to live there and be with him full time in the dr and i could not be happier like we everything about our relationship has literally been lined up by god and i'm just so blessed and lucky and you know i don't i don't know any other words to say other than i'm just honored to be his wife and be able to spend my life with this man and love on him and have future babies together and just you know you know what i'm saying just love on this man real quick you know just getting you know the goodies every day you know i just i just i'm really happy that i get to do that and i'm just so excited i'm really really really really really excited about being his wife and spending my life with him and enjoying that aspect and you know i'm just i'm just real happy so i'll be right back i'm going to do my liner real quick and then i'll come back on and close out all right y'all so this is the final look you know what i can tell i like today's story because my makeup turned out right like i like telling today's story because my makeup turned out good and i'm happy with the finished look but thank you guys for spending time with me for kicking it with me for talking with me like i got some really really good um feedback from my first video and how people were saying that you guys like that i do my makeup and talk at the same time like how do y'all feel about that let me know down in the comment section if you guys like these types of videos do you want me to do more of like do my makeup and shut up or do you guys want me to do videos without makeup without doing makeup or like how are you guys feeling about these let me know down in the comment section so i can kind of get an idea of what y'all liking which i'm not liking but i did get a lot of feedback about people talking about how much they liked me talking and doing my makeup at the same time so i'll continue to do that until i hear otherwise if you guys like hearing about the story about me and my husband let a girl know let a girl know i'll be sure to share more with you guys along our journey honestly i really really really want to feature him on my channel but side note my husband only speaks spanish so um i forgot to mention that in the video before but like our relationship is still only spanish based so i know that a lot of my audience doesn't speak spanish so i'm trying to figure out how to feature him on my channel how to have him here or like do you know husband wife q a's or like marriage q as and stuff like that but i gotta figure out how to get smart about it because i don't really know and i'm not about to sit here and translate this entire time so and y'all are not about to hear my spanish because it's good but it ain't good good you know so we'll figure it out along the way if you guys have any suggestions for that on how i could um incorporate him in my channel and like the spanish aspect about it let me know down in the comment section as well thank you guys so much i appreciate you from the hallways of my soul and i just i really enjoy being here so i hope you enjoyed this video um and don't forget to like comment and subscribe i appreciate every single person that take the time out to comment to like to message me to dm me to inbox me um to comment under the pope like thank you guys so much i really really really appreciate it continue to do that for me continue to watch my videos because the views matter not only just watch them but like stay on the video like stay watch the whole thing so that i could get the counts of the views because like you know all of that matters and these girls trying to get a check trying to transition but um thank you guys again i appreciate it so much i can't say that enough and until next time thanks for kicking it with ty i'll see you guys later mwah bye
Channel: Kickin it with Thai
Views: 5,058
Rating: 4.9788361 out of 5
Keywords: Love story, god story, Love, Makeup tutorials, Get ready with me, Story time and makeup, Story time, 90 Day Fiancé, Ninety day fiancé, Tlc, K1- Visa, Dominican Love, Haitian Love, Caribbean Love, Story, Caribbean, Dominican Republic, Haiti
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 39sec (2499 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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