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okay go hello you know you're annoying let's go [Music] welcome back i'm [Music] okay welcome back to our youtube channel and we are the nand deities [Music] um we're back with another video today we hope you've watched our video so far yes um and the one we did before this one was really fun so make sure you watch all our videos and then come back and watch this one or just stay and watch this one and then go watch the rest okay but before you watch the video make sure you're like and subscribe and share and share yes and share share share share share please do with all everybody that you know and yeah make sure you're subscribed so the video that we're doing today that was requested okay say it okay so the video that we're doing today is a how i'm how we met video um [Music] do you want to start or do should i start so we have two different ways of telling stories yeah my husband gets straight to the point and i kind of build it up and i'm very drama yeah i'm very detailed about my story your girlfriend i'll correct you if you're missing okay wait when did you meet do you want to say when you met me [Music] the chick-fil-a days i didn't know about sexy first of all i didn't know you then oh so you're making two visits to chick-fil-a that you reveal a couple of years ago be honest i didn't know you i was making visits to chick-fil-a because i like food you know i think you have a little crush on me ew no yeah i think you do you said something else you said who is this no no first of all nope that is funny okay start from the be truthful no sexy i didn't meet you then meet is when we both know that we're meeting but anyway go for it we met in 20 wait when did you come here 14. yeah we met in 2014. i'm his first love his only love i guess we'll never know i'm kidding go for it go for it so we met in 2014 officially officially i can't really we we don't really remember the month that we met because we had always seen each other yeah like in passing yeah so basically the build up is before so his first job when he first came to the school that we used to go to he worked at your first month right your first two months no i think worked there for four months but i'm saying it was right after you came right after yeah so the first time he came his very first job here or her very first job in general here you never worked in india so his first job here was at chick-fil-a um which was at the time located like in camp near yeah but it was like near a girl's dorm well it was between a girl's dorm and a boy's dorm and the dorm that it was closest to for me at the time was my friend's dorm so i lived like way further out in another dorm but i would always like visit her and stuff and whenever we'd be studying and stuff we would want to get food so we'd go down to chick-fil-a and get food so honestly honestly legit i didn't know him okay let's go i didn't know him or notice him until i mean yeah like not notice i was like oh that's a tall indian guy i mean you don't see tall indians all the time which is why like his height is one of my favorite things about him talented brilliant incredible amazing show stop but yeah i was like oh that's a tall indian guy who's that tall indian guy but i didn't really like you know so we would always go get food there my friend and i and then after that he only worked there for like two months three three four months about three months and then he moved to another job and that other job happened to also kind of be my in the same office that i worked at as well yeah so we were in the same office but we had different supervisors and we were both student workers but obviously he was he was in masters and i was doing my undergrad and so they called me grad assistant i think right yeah you were his job paid more and it was more official i think and mine was more like just student work but like also yeah i was official kinda you are official too because you're a supervisor but his supervisor was like nicer like if i had a choice to pick let's not talk about this but anyway we love his supervisor we still do um so we had always just seen each other in passing he had they had given him this desk like he had his own designated space and then us like as undergrad student workers we had to come in and basically said any way that there was a space or that there was a chair but he always had his designated spot and his spot happened to be always near like where all the girls would sit he was very popular with the girls and yes you were so he would always greet like he was just that kind well-mannered always he but he mostly all the girls would go greet him not me i wasn't one of those girls oh you know a guy came for the hugs eh we're building up the story okay fast forward like that so wait are you gonna when are you gonna start no that's that's good i will tell you i'll correct you if i if you're me okay so yeah so all the girls would always go greet him not just girls everyone used to come greet me because i i'm like right there so it's no okay keep going yeah all the girls will go greet him i'm sticking with my story okay that's how i saw it all the time and then like he would also greet he'll just be like oh hi how are you how's work today you know greet everybody he was like that with everybody nothing special and then it's true in the beginning it was nothing special and then like as time went by we were just seeing each other and passing for months right yeah for months and then kinda started becoming friends well he had his own click of friends that also worked in the office acquaintances acquaintances well not necessarily friends so he had his own click of friends and then we also started becoming friends we would just like talk more like all housework today joke around oh where are you from and stuff like that so we kind of started getting to know each other but still on just like a platonic acquaintance level right and then tell the story and then you went summer for the night oh then i went on fall break sound very good fall break no i think fall break yeah i think it was fall break so and during the summer because there's no school and we're still working so you like are kind of there all day and you see oh and i didn't really have a phone i think at the time no you carried a knife background yeah so i didn't have like it wasn't a working phone because the physical phone yeah i had the ipad the ipad only worked in wi-fi you know when we had work everywhere so then i went on fall break to north carolina for a visit and then i guess like because we didn't know each other that well i didn't tell him anything and apparently he had been asking everyone where is she where is she is she okay and stuff and so when i came back and all i was using to communicate at the time was my ipad so when i came back like a couple of my friends or like work co-workers were like oh seth was asking about you and so i saw him when i was coming to work one day and he was like oh welcome back where have you been and stuff and i was like oh i heard you were asking about me you were worried about me is that true and he got it and i denied it he denied it but he was like all shy and blushing and stuff yeah you were and then we became more friends over time and like that sorta and he would take me out to eat a lot sure like a lot like i gained so much weight in our first few months right together yeah i gained like a lot of weight in our first few months together because he would always take me out to eat and stuff and then yeah and i paid it's not even official at the time i was paying out of my pocket i'm generous like that because you liked me you're generous because you liked me but they still don't pay here unless you're like dating dating and stuff yeah well we're not for we're not americans we're south african and indian but still we're in america so we're supposed to follow your rules but anyway so and she wouldn't take her card out ever no because he would be like do you want to go here do you want to go eat and if i if you ask me then pay so after when he moved to the house then like i i started it more more that's her school every day come in and give her attendance every day you're there almost every day well he wanted me there and then after that yeah then after that life happened we ended up together life happened happily ever after that is how we met we knew each other i mean we we were in passing for months we became friends we grew up on fell in love right big time sexy you can look a little more enthusiastic when you say that but yes that's how we met yeah um so yeah that's fine and now it's almost seven years no you're serious yeah almost seven years wow are you serious dude we made it this week at seven huh yeah i mean not seven years mary's almost seven seven years knowing each other oh okay so six years remember yeah six years marriage and our anniversary this year so yeah that is the end of the video that's the end of the video um if you got this far yes thank you for watching please don't forget to subscribe anyway um don't forget to like don't forget to comment don't forget to subscribe and don't forget to share and um if you do have video requests we have more content coming up soon if you have suggestions drop it in the comment box um comment and let us know how you met your spouse we'd love to know thank you for watching
Views: 3,790
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Id: TQ6oJ3rlMP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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