Our Love Story & The Importance of God's Timing in Relationships

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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to my channel today I am here with my husband again yup we're gonna be sharing our love story with you guys and how we met so I think I want you to start off with the first time that you saw me and then oh man I wanted to lead up to that part part I'm building anticipation is gonna start there okay as far as the timeline is concerned yes we like to tell various aspects - okay you're the boss so um if you guys have seen my testimony video you know that within a month of hearing the Lord he opened up doors and allowed me to move to Tucson so I packed up u-haul I sold the majority of my things we brought our dog it was my dog at the time but now it's our dog which I know you love and I left for Doosan I showed up on a Saturday night I impact some of my things and I was in church on Sunday morning I'm just hungry for more fun guys so about two weeks after I arrived in Tucson I was in service and I was watching our announcements and without question the most aesthetically stunning woman appeared on the big screen and she started giving the announcements telling about the upcoming events at church and my heart began to beat pretty quickly and I was just my mouth I had to bring up off the floor as my jaw was way down there so I was like keep it together I'm enjoying all that being said I saw Brittany for the first time now I heard a still small voice which again I was right in the midst of cultivating my intimacy basically starting again so I didn't really know if it was me or God that I heard but I heard specifically a voice in my head saying that is gonna be your wife that is your wife and I didn't really know how to take it I'm kinda like what did I just hear so I went home after church and I told my mom what I heard in my mom being a great mother you know found it in her faith very grounded in her faith was like okay that's that's great that's wonderful you might need to cop just just calm down a little bit I would continue to press into that pray into that I was like no I know what I heard mom I definitely heard from God and that's gonna be my wife and I was and so I did what every other normal person would do once you hear from God and you're absolutely confident again I'm a new at that time to all of this so I rushed over to one of our pastors who I was working with on our satellite campus and I kind of inquire about Brittany and I don't inquire about her probably for two or three weeks after she was on announcements by the way within that timeframe when I saw her that day on announcements she was never on announcements again I had never seen her in church I had never seen her aside from that one time and I never saw her again for about four or five months after that but so I acquired about her and I said do you remember that girl that was on announcements like two or three weeks ago as casually as I possibly could of course not wanting you know to reveal what had been revealed to me in my own opinion um and so I kind of inquired and he was trying to go through his mind out of all the people and that or not and I was describing her magnificent green eyes and darker hair and and then he finally clicked he's like oh yeah yeah yeah her name is Brittany yeah bro unfortunately she's pretty taken and I was like really and he was like yeah I dunno I'm so sorry and I'm like oh no it's fine no I just I just thought that she was you know incredibly attractive looked like someone you know that maybe was available I'm not and so you know I kind of had meandered my way out of that conversation and I remember thinking I'm like shoot I guess that wasn't God that was just you know that was just me you know saying like oh like that could be your life and to be honest guys that now all of that during this time period if you guys recall I am the Lord was really asking me to press into him and to seek him with the passion and the fervor and the time and effort that I had put into being a part of this world he wanted to put me to take all of that and put that into our relationship really cultivate that intimacy back with him that relationship back with our Heavenly Father so I put what I heard on the Shelf and I continued to be obedient and walk forward with that intimacy in that relationship and being called to singleness for that period I am so incredibly thankful that I did Android I think you can kind of interject at this point yeah so when Dave moved to Tucson I didn't really see him much and I don't really know him um I don't know how long after you moved here that I actually saw him at church but eventually I did know of him and had seen him around but I didn't really know him personally and we never had an introduction until how long have you lived here before we like had finally been introduced it would be a year a year in four months y'all a year in four months since I moved I heard that voice so that was our first official conversation so I wasn't really even the conversation was it I like Dave said the pastor he had asked said that I was taken I had dated someone and at the time that he was inquiring about me and then it ended and I had been single for a year before Dave and I had been introduced or I guess he introduced himself I got a super smooth by the way some let the records clearly state yeah I was incredibly on my approach in my execution and regardless of what she makes it half in this I want everyone to know so we have finally met a conference a marriage conference at our church in January no February it was in February of last year so 2018 so that was the first time that we ever officially like interacted one-on-one we it was interesting because I was having a conversation with the pastor that he is friends with my first inquired with about Brittany yeah so him and his wife were standing there I was having a conversation with them and Dave had sat with them at the conference and had kind of like walked up with them I guess you could say yes but it was kind of weird because of we were talking and like they didn't introduce him and so like we had this like maybe five to ten minute conversation with Dave just standing there because they an introduced and I guess he could have introduced himself in the middle of a conversation in the middle but he waited politely with decorum and propriety to consider I waited my time and then he came up to me as I'm like walking away and he shook my hand and he introduced himself and I'll let you say what did you say to me so before I tell exactly what I said to Brett I just want to preface by saying you know again guys the Lord had really called me to a period of singleness and it was absolutely fundamentally necessary that I remain steadfast and seek out my father in wait for his time because I think a lot of times we hear from God and we're like okay that's his will but a lot of times I think we forget that there's his way that accompanies his will so there are these moments where we hear from God we know we've heard from God we've confirmed with other believers hey the what I'm hearing can you pray about it they confirm it in affirm it and then we kind of say okay it must be right now but there I've noticed that his timing is not our timing typically and he has a very specific reasoning behind us waiting to execute his will his plan his way guys so I was in this period for about a year and a half where again there were multiple times when I had an opportunity to go up in to talk to Brittany but when I would feel the impulse to go I would hear Holy Spirit literally pull me back and say it's not time it's not time and that must have happened three or four times randomly as we were interacting when I would see her on one day on Wednesday nights yes I can hardly speak right now that's okay I'm so on Wednesday nights I would see her occasionally and then I feel that impulse Holy Spirit would pull me back now when I ignore the Lord which you can very well do because we have free will it is a gift sometimes a curse but at times I'm like no no Lord I got this I'm just gonna go really quick and say something I'd like them to know exactly how you responded today so the year that I was single before I actually officially met Dave and he had introduced me in somewhere and there maybe midway through the pastor's wife that he is friends with still and hadn't been talking to at the time so his wife had texted me and just asked me if I was open to dating at the time or where I was at with with everything and she had said that there was someone at the specific campus they were pastors over that was interested in me and at the time I also kind of felt like I wasn't ready and I was working through a lot personally my life so I just really responded honestly I didn't even ask who it was because I knew in my heart that if it was of God that whoever it was would wait for me and that's just like the that was just the Holy Spirit in my heart and kind of what I decided so anyway so I didn't ask her who it was and I just told her that you know I'm really working through some stuff right now and so I just kind of left it at that and told her that I really wasn't ready so over the course of that time he says the Holy Spirit would stop him from approaching me and any time I saw him again I didn't really know him personally but I just got this feeling like that I needed to run away hey no yeah okay let me correct him just really quickly anytime that she would see me and I'd be ignoring Holy Spirit like maybe just a brief interaction Lord that's all I'm asking for I would be on approach and I promised you that we would lock eyes just for a moment and then our eyes would be really big we run the opposite you always already fish it Oh rapid they would exit the scene let's just let's plus biggest thing again so I didn't know who had inquired about me I also didn't know him I just whenever I ever if I ever saw him like I don't know like like he said those butters were saying let me talk whenever we would like make eye contact it's like you know how if a guy's interested like they gave you the look and he just look you talking about you would totally give me the look and I would run away because I'm like I'm not ready for that yet like so that was what I would do he would listen to the prompting of noise fear and just put some brakes on it or I would run away yeah so I know because we weren't ready to meet yeah like it's really worth it's true and I think that is such an incredible point about this is that there is I believe an ideal timing to the way that the Lord works you know again we are given the promise that he can turn all things and make them good he can make everything again even a very negative scenario he can transition into something you know that ends up being very positive and beneficial however you know I do believe that there is an ideal will of the Lord than if we continue to press in that even if we've again heard from him we say all right Lord what does this look like how should I enact this what's the time in here because it's really hard I know that like whenever you've been praying about something it could be a relationship it could be so many different things but I feel like it's so easy whenever that opportunity presents itself to just jump on it and then like take that timing into your own hands because you can see it and it's within my reach but it doesn't mean that that's just because the Lord reveals something to you doesn't mean that it's his timing for you to grab it yeah so then I think that that really in a previous season of mine before I met Dave that really brought destruction in my life because like I said I was I was going through some things personally in my life that I had to work through and it was all caused from a situation where I had taken something out of the timing of God and if it's not God's timing then that then it's not God so like that thing that the Lord may have showed you or revealed to you if it's not his timing then what you're gonna experience is not what God has for you it has to be God's will but it also has to be his timing and I that's just so important and so that being said we finally have that introduction yeah yeah so again I know it's taken us like I don't know eight or nine minutes to say exactly what I said but here you go so I wanted to be a very mysterious I wanted to build that intrigue y'all know what I'm talking about so I wanted to come up real smooth give a brief introduction to myself and then fade away you know so it's just what he did but I you know plan something out in your head like five hundred times then it doesn't go how he planned still I thought it went I thought that was one of the best introductions I've ever had in my entire life it was snow like oh yeah that it was smooth like he was there and he was gone but you don't know someone like if someone introduces themselves normally they don't just like introduce themselves and have like like very short sentence and then peace out like normally they'll introduce themselves maybe show interest maybe yeah like talk to you for a second like he literally came up hi I'm David Madrigal I've seen you around just wanted to introduce myself and I'm sure that I'll see you around again yeah he's gone online and then I just sat there like what just happened my boyo Oh anyway so I ended up telling my friend the pastor's wife that I keep referring to in this story how awkward I thought that David so rather than being super smooth I found out I'm incredibly awkward jabra and then but I it wasn't so bad to the point where I just kind of crossed him out in my mind was it cringe-worthy no so we still have a chance we like would see each other in passing on Sunday at church or whatever and so I talked to him a couple of times and then maybe like a month later ish I inquired and I said okay like so interactions have been short and brief so let's just start very casually texting if it's awkward via text the most in my opinion the easiest form of communication it's not happening so I ended up asking the pastor who's been again integral and us meeting along with his wife end up asking him if they could ask her if it'd be okay if I gave her my number through that so I ended up doing that and I sent a text was it on a Monday yeah I don't even remember murder I just remember cuz it was hard because like we would briefly see each other at Sun on Sunday but we had no way of contacting each other that was another thing we both were off of all social media so it wasn't like we could like like hey like he could ask me for my number unless he wanted to wait another week to see me on Sunday which he didn't so um he inquired and I gave them permission to give him my phone number and I think it was on a Sunday that that happened because I remember that it was I remember it was a Sunday because I remember that I didn't see him at service that day and I was sad because I was waiting all week to see see him at service and when I didn't see him and I was like oh that sucked um but then I remember getting the text that he had asked her right number so anyway so he gets my number and he waits a day to text me so at this point like I I had an open mind as it relates to David but I again I didn't really know a lot about him we had very brief interaction so it wasn't like I I was like oh I'm gonna start dating this person after only having these brief interactions like we texted for like a couple of days back and forth and had some phone conversations a beautiful phone conversation yeah we really connected really well and so he asked me out to lunch on Wednesday of that week and so my headspace going into this was okay so I'm getting to know this guy like I didn't in my head think of it as a date I just thought of it as I'm getting to know this person and I'm having lunch with him and little did I know that we would go on that lunch time and end up having five other dates in that same day back to back to back and then by the end of that night meet looking back saying yep that was that was actually not only one date that was five dates because we just connected on a level that I've never really experienced before like if you would have told me that Dave and I would have met and from the day of our first date get married four months later I would have called you crazy and I would have also called you crazy if you would have told that to me yeah so this isn't something that I know a lot of people can't necessarily relate to you because not everyone has that time frame in their courtship and dating and all of that typically there are people but you know everyone's different everyone has different experiences so and I definitely hadn't really heard of that before so I would have even said that's crazy but when you experience it it's a completely different things so and for me so just to give you guys a little backstories that I was working from home invited on a Wednesday and that was at 12 o'clock and I had planned to take her to a park following that lunch if it went really well obviously it was incredible sparks were flying for me because that day that she's talking about we went from getting something to eat to going to the park and then we ran over to a movie and then after the movie we had some ice cream and we had these little intervals in between all of this y'all so what was supposed to be an hour lunch then we ended up ending the night as just a beautiful end to it we went to the park in the community that I was living at and I had this incredible encounter with God and I it's all just a wonderful dream to me so but that was really I think that's when I really got the confirmation that I really like to share yeah so whether it was on the same day or the very next day what should be noted is we did not spend more than 24 hours apart from that Wednesday through our marriage and then for three to four months after our marriage so almost a solid seven months of not spending more than 24 hours apart so it was every single day and every single day and it still is an absolute dream to be with you but so we ended up going on a walk and one thing that was really amazing about our relationship is that I think again the Lord has just prepared each other Britt in myself for each other he's prepared us in a very unique way because there we share a ton of commonalities obviously not only spiritually we share a lot of common interests we can talk about that in other videos think it's absolutely crucial definitely have differences but for the most part like on the important things yeah we do agree on a lot and I think that we just even in our differences we can really understand and like relate to each other I don't even like we can only explain so much like how it felt because it really felt like a dream like I felt like I was literally living out a fairy tale like and it's still incredible but it's just it's almost like one of those out-of-body experiences like I kept having to like pinch myself like am I is this real life right now like that's what it felt like that whole time like through planning our wedding and house hunting and actually getting married and it just it's just exceeded like all expectations that I've ever had for who I would marry and I remember the Lord telling me before I met Dave to put down my pen and why he said that to me is because I was trying to write my own love story and I was trying to be the author myself but God is the only true author and I think that that really put things into perspective for me that I was taking everything in my own hands instead of letting him write it and so once I really surrendered and let go of some of the things that I had gone through and that I was working through like the Lord literally redeemed so much in my life that I had seen previously as a lot of pain and it's just so incredible how the Lord in an instant can change everything because that's what happened it was like it felt like it was like a day and it was it was just like I had a new life and on a new level like I guess I'm hoping that makes sense but no but in that that makes a lot of sense and I think that that is a perfect segue I mean for what I really experienced at the park and what that was was one of the most explicit confirmations I've ever had from the Lord in regards to anything that I've ever set out to do in his name you know or try to be obedient in and we were walking through the park and we really just came to this point where there was a small awning and we stopped to really talk and it was a very emotional moment because brick was sharing a lot of what transpired in her life and I was sharing a lot of what transpired in my life and one of the things about Brittany that I've never encountered with anyone else is in acceptance of not who I was seeing me through the eyes of our Father and seeing me for what Jesus is transforming me into it has transformed me into so she didn't look even though she had every opportunity to hear my baggage and I had the same opportunity with her to hear everything that I was but not everything that I am she never really focused on that which was before Jesus she focused on Who I am in Hawaiian becoming in Jesus and I've never had anyone look at me or evaluate me from that lens and that really was one of the many many things that I'll talk about that really confirmed to me that this was the one that before the beginning of time the Lord had ordained and orchestrated for me to meet and to fall in love with and to be with where to have become one one unit unified together with Jesus in the center so I'm baring my soul she's baring her soul and we're crying together because you know again what's coming out of us is love despite what the world would say you know are these negative aspects of that which has transpired in our past and one of the things that I'm that night that the Lord just reminded me thank you god that's incredible is that we show each other our scars and we didn't look at them as something we didn't see them for the pain that was inflicted during that time but for rather the fact we viewed them from a perspective by which they were completely healed and we were able to remember the grace of God that brought us from those moments of pain into these moments of glory together and Britain really shared that perspective with me not really blew me away and I remember I went in for a hug and I hugged Brittany and guys I don't know how to describe it a sign aside from I felt ensconced by God there this warm sensation completely came around me and us at this one time and I've never felt the impact of another humans embrace in this way and I felt like God completely enveloped us in his love in that moment in a tangible way and guys I felt a hand on my shoulder as I was her and I heard the Lord whisper to me and he said son this is what happens when you are obedient and you wait on me I am in the waiting and this is me and this is my well good things come to those who wait on the Lord and I waited y'all for a long time and I waited thirty years actually it was 29 years at that time to meet the love of my life and it was so worth the wait and to feel that reassurance on my shoulder and to hear it articulated to me it was beyond words guys it was beyond words because the father really affirmed to me that this was of him and it was a blessing that he had that I only had to persist in with faith and then once the timing was right he brought it and manifested it before my very eyes the Lord is so good like I get into these moments where I like don't have words and this is definitely one of them because God is so good and he takes care of us so well and especially when we actually allow him to do that instead of taking the reins and oh and giving him the Rings in our lives because we do have a pretty moral well but when we really put everything that we have in our faith and our trust in him he he is so faithful and goes above and beyond anything then that I could ever imagine like that our whole short season of dating before we were engaged before we were married it was it was a dream and it's still so incredible to see the Lord working in our marriage and it's our marriage is different definitely different than dating and definitely different than being engaged but I still I still feel like at times I have to pinch myself because I'm like this is my husband this is my wife but I yeah so from that point on like so we had the bunch of first dates on that first day the second day being up we hung out after I got off work and we went to that park and that happened that night and then it was like we went on a double date on Friday and like her young on Friday Saturday so we're really oh I think it was Saturday because Friday was the day that the first day that David told me that he loved me so I know on earth can you possibly know that and guys again what Britt said earlier is that I'm trying to articulate the supernatural with a natural language it doesn't too many individuals cynics skeptics are kind of like how would you possibly know well let me tell you something and the Lord just gave this to me I had known everything that love wasn't at this period in my life due to my own personal action due to my own free moral will walking down those shallow relationships knowing what love wasn't and I said it in our vows and I'll say it again the love that I experienced with you that I experienced with my wife and only my wife she has redefined what love is my concept of love to all of you out there and be like I know what love is for sure unless and I'm sorry to say this but I believe it with everything that I see with everything within me that until you are engaged in a relationship until you are married under a covenant of being a servant to each other and simultaneously engaging in a continual progressive relationship with your heavenly Father those two things together you end up redefining your very conception of love and your definition of love so what I would articulate previously before I met my wife as to love what sounds similar to what the love I'm experiencing now but every single day I wake up and I love my wife more so my conception expands in my capacity for it expands in my definition she's redefined everything I thought love was love is not just a feeling guys it is an action and it again is incapable of being fully articulated in two words our love is ineffable and that really what it is that's really what it is and so all that being said is that Brittany has redefined what love is to me for me and I get to experience it every day it's her in combination with my relationship with Jesus that is redefined what love is for me sincerely and so long story short I know this isn't gonna be the shortest video I think that's just gonna be I blame me well I don't always help either I guess the point that I one last point that I want to say is that that whole season so that whole time from meeting him on our first date that I didn't know was the date until the end the first day I guess yes yeah so from that first day up until our wedding day four months it was so effortless and it felt like we say this very frequently when we're trying to describe what what it felt like this that we're on a highway of green lights and it was like even if something like we had a question of okay how we're gonna how are we gonna do this it was like another door would open another door would open another door would open and something that I didn't mention before is I remember I was on YouTube before I had been introduced to Dave so I was sitting in my car on my lunch break and I was watching a wedding video and I remember it and I remember the Lord telling me to start planning my wedding to which I to which I responded with kind of a chuckle like um Lord you know I'm single right so why on earth when I start playing a wedding right now for myself like and I am like okay either I'm losing my mind or the Lord's gonna do something crazy I don't know so I kind of just left that on the shelf I'm like okay and then I need David me get married four months later so yeah and I think that's that was another confirmation for me so how he was talking about all these confirmations like he had so many different confirmations and so did I and that's what we really just made away in every area that needed so although our timeline wasn't necessarily what you would most would consider to be traditional even if it may not be traditional it doesn't mean that it's not God so I just want to encourage everyone to just really in any and every season regardless of the topic leaning on God is what gets you through everything and his ways are not our ways his ways are higher and I'm so glad that I dropped that pin and let him write my love story instead of trying to do it on my own amen well we will see you guys next time and thank you again for watching bye everyone bye [Music]
Channel: The Mendrygals
Views: 276,508
Rating: 4.9504509 out of 5
Keywords: Our Love Story, Gods Timing in Relationships, Gods Timing, How to find who you will marry, Godly Relationships, Godly Marriage, Christ Centered Relationships, Relationships, Love, Marriage, Our Story, The Mendrygals, David Mendrygal, Brittani Mendrygal
Id: cRQjpSJHsuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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