Krieg the Psycho Plays Baldur's Gate 3

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tactician difficulty no armor ridiculous strategies Creek the psycho salami this video has it all because my first playthrough is a role play of how Krieg the psycho would play Baldur's Gate 3. Krieg is a character from Borderlands 2 but don't worry if you aren't familiar with Krieg because he's going to both show and tell you exactly who he is for example over here my sweet meats you're a prince of justice and genocide has something to say gone are the days of the tentacle and the age of the Gods and mercy is far away we are fighters of the middle the second act in a three-part meet play and I will win best supporting actor so yeah what I heard is that Krieg wants to beat his enemies to death with salami throughout the video I'm going to play krieg's voice lines to add a little flavor to my character I'm gonna kill you all I'm gonna kill your friends and your family but real quick let's go over some Basics first nobody in my party will be wearing chest armor because effects for weapons I'll only be equipping salami uh once I find enough I'll also be throwing things directly out of my inventory any improvised weapons I can find and it wouldn't be Krieg without some fire and explosions explode Krieg is going to be the dark urge but just like in Borderlands Creek desperately wants to control his impulses because he doesn't want to harm innocence so I'll never give in to an urge that will obviously result in the death of an innocent but otherwise I'll give in to pretty much as many impulses as I can for dialogue options I'm going to lean heavily towards the most inappropriate or absurd thing my character can say in the moment ah your liver is a hood ornament for information about spoilers check the pinned comment and if you're comfortable with that then sit back relax and strap into your meat bicycle because just kidding there's no seat belts on meat bicycles character creation for Krieg was pretty simple Barbarian and I tried to model his Guardian after somebody that was important to him in the Borderlands Universe we woke up on a strange ship and we have been infected with a mind flayer parasite which is going to turn us into a mind flare if we can't find a way to get rid of it but more importantly we gotta ditch these clothes they're too scratchy they're restricting my movement and I just can't have it and I'm not gonna need this weapon either Krieg wanted his party members to be just like him so they're also going to ditch their armor and weapons for Craig this isn't too big of a deal because as a barbarian he has unarmored defense but for everybody else they're gonna be getting hit quite a lot with the ship completely out of control all we had time to do was yell you didn't make me vomit before getting conked on the head and waking up on the beach the first thing I did is go look for some friends and the first friend we found is Shadow heart shadowheart got ready for combat and we headed off to fight some intellect devourers and look for more friends without any weapons it actually took a while and we took a lot of damage but we managed to take care of them and get to level two I'm going to respect my characters later but for now I'm going to keep all of them in their starting class and just so you know shadowheart isn't allowed to use any offense based magic anything that does direct damage to enemies a little further down the road we came across a Starion who's going to be our third party member and he is a rogue he took one look at our outfits and he could tell something special is happening here so he stripped down and we're ready to move to the next party member our final party member was in a bit of a bind but we shouted something crazy and managed to get her captors to leave nipple salads level salads nipple salads he's right let's go after throwing various objects at the bottom of the cage I managed to break it and free lasell which completed our party of psychos we have a barbarian a cleric a rogue and a fighter now we might have a full party of psychos but we haven't actually found any weapons to use yet without any actual weapons we started the fight off by pushing goblins off of The High Ground so we could take it for ourselves Krieg is pretty capable of fighting with just his fists but a Starion on the other hand doesn't have a lot of options so he's just hucking barrels and crates from up on The High Ground trying to get as much blood and damage as he can uh lazelle's pretty strong and she can also go and do some punching as well not as well as a barbarian but it's definitely no joke shadowheart tried to use some magic to command the big boss guy to drop his weapon but that was a total fail but thankfully we are able to take the fight out without too many casualties from the Druid Grove and it's not our fault that they're dying um just because we refuse to use weapons doesn't mean they need to be in incompetent in combat as well after barraging our foes with barrels from above we finally managed to clear out the fight pretty much just by surrounding the boss and slugging it out while chatting with NPCs in the Druid Grove I started to have some invasive thoughts best to fill your belly now pounds of flash see how you feel when your pack is empty maybe I can control my urges better if I talk to a sweet old lady instead ah fish isn't the talk of the camp I've got a spot for you in my liver [Music] there's someone else but I know what no you boys need a bit of love and care take care now sweetie oh she was such a nice lady I hope I see more of her later I met one more NPC before heading out [Music] um this is my favorite song dance to the drum beat of the ballistic fetishistic sadistic pistick but for some reason all I wanted to do was smash or Loot on the ground but I was a little too slow the little part of me that was still sane was thinking dude what are you doing what are you doing all right so hanging out with civilized folk didn't really work so I might as well go take my anger out on some grave robbers I started by chucking a chest at that concrete and just smashing the first two of them to death instantly then I headed over to try and shove this guy off of his box but I was still fantasizing about smashing that loot and I got distracted and failed to shove him off the Box lucky for me lizelle saw what I was going for and she finished the job for me now our enemy is in the perfect position to barrage by throwing any manner of thing down on him that I can possibly find I finished him off by throwing a short bow at him and conking him on the head before running around and getting behind the other one and shoving them down too so we could give them the same treatment the fight was wrapped up but I was still pretty heated so I decided to see if I could find some more grave robbers everything all right out there I'm gonna kill you all I'm gonna kill your friends and your family I'm gonna track down your grandparents and turn them inside out there's got plenty more friends coming here and you can meet him such a friendly invitation but he left the door locked so I had to find my own way in when I got there he was true to his word and he let me meet all of his friends all blocking the only doorway out of the room I had jumped into I was definitely in a bit more of a precarious situation than I was expecting here I pulled out a void bulb which I'd collected on the Mind flare ship and it pulls everybody in unless they make a strength saving throw and the only one that made the saving throw was the one with the torch which is kind of unfortunate because I was hoping he would blow up the oil but that's okay because that's what candles are for now that I've got everybody lit on fire I decided I would throw a spiked bulb and make them bleed as well then I headed back into the room threw a chest in front of the doorway shut the door and just let them roast for a while my enemies couldn't get into the room I was in because the chest was blocking the doorway and I opened the door every so often to throw some more grease on the fire so I could keep them all roasting eventually I got them low enough that I was able to start taking them down stop screaming but one of them got clever and actually managed to find a way into the room so we went ahead and surrounded him and just beat on him over and over again until he was down but he definitely got a lot of good hits in on a Starion we finished the fight up and got back on the road during our travels we came across this mysterious looking portal thing so I decided to go and check it out and surprisingly a hand shot out of it and a voice was asking for help a hand anyone grind the cartilage the front of flesh is begging to be pruned my mistress eyelids stop cease you lose so I have this in my inventory now Creek doesn't like to see innocent people get hurt so when he saw a bug bear assassin sneaking up on one of the NPCs of the Druid Grove he couldn't help but step in and protect them that's just the kind of guy that Krieg is he always wants to make sure that innocent people aren't harmed and that everything is going well for them and that's the person he's going to continue to be no matter what happens everybody has dark thoughts sometimes but Krieg isn't going to let those dark thoughts Define him and he's proud to say that even when his thoughts get out of control he never acts on them they just live inside him as a memory of something that he could have done they're simply dark urges that he resists at every turn which is why Krieg knew exactly how to handle the situation when he saw a child in danger I a single drop of it could kill that child in a heartbeat should the child struggle it is poised to strike the death of a child a Timeless tragedy that never grows old If the child moves Krieg knows that she'll die and this gives krieg's saner side the ability to act let's check his backstory if you ever kill an innocent person I will destroy us shut up no no that's the deal you can kill as many of the deserving as you like but the second your ax touches the Flesh of an innocent I'll end this her life matters more than satiating your dark fantasies Focus and they're gone murder for my little one now you should be scared and just like that kriegs saved the life of a child I very well back on the road I came across some true Souls that were tending to their wounded friend I actually just told them the truth that I was a survivor of the crash and they did not like that and tried to attack and kill me but it turned out this was the best possible thing that could have happened right now after I was done smashing them on the head with boxes and my fists stranger danger I looted their bodies and I finally found what I've been looking for a golden Mallet for the meat pounding who wants the First Slice get over here and smell my meat don't make this weird I headed into a town but there were some goblins preparing an ambush for me so I am bushed them instead I still only have one salami Club so I had everybody head up to the rooftop so we could have a height Advantage I shoved the Goblins off the top of the roof so that we could have it all to ourselves and then got right back to the usual pucking boxes barrels weapons anything I could find a Starion has a pretty good dagger collection going at this point so he's mostly been throwing daggers but shadowheart and LaSalle are still just chucking crates and barrels I tried throwing a shield with Shadow heart and it actually seemed kind of great it got like stuck over the top of the goblin and it I don't know if it did more Crush damage than something else would but it felt like it did down in the cellar of one of the houses there were all these crates that I you know just had to open and inside the first crate there was a Undead skeleton who went and freed another undead skeleton who went and freed another undead skeleton pretty soon there was a whole skeleton army those chasing me but it wasn't too much trouble because I just LED them back to this bookcase door and I just hit the lever to close the bookcase and anytime I wanted to I could let in one or two and fight them or I could open the bookcase and throw out a couple attacks and then shut it again and there's nothing that they could do about it shadowheart's spiritual weapon was actually even able to get some hits in from the corner once the fight was pretty much under control we headed out to finish off the rest of them and it is time for a long rest I'm so glad I found wait it's me it's all Sarah from the groove oh we met in the Grove I heard what you did how much you helped us you've well inspired me I want to stand on my own two feet you open your eyes with a lurch you are not in your bed you stand above a body which is in a state of Gore nearly beyond recognition the body of that brave girl who earnestly swore to devote her life to your cause her blood covers you and its warmth feels like the Embrace of an old friend if I harm an innocent person kill me I can't see her anymore she was so clear and bright the blood is in my eyes and now I can only watch the ocean of blood its waves crash against my forehead again and again and I just need to learn how to surf hello Peter you'll have to stop by my house just at the edge of the forest that apple is such a nice lady but on my way to find her house I came across a couple of ogres they looked pretty strong but I decided to just walk in there be your friend or food I barely managed to convince them that I'm not meat although I sure do enjoy it not food convince them that I was very dangerous and that they should join me foreign with my family name I kind of forgot about Ethel and just explored around and heard weird noises in a barn and I found a bug bear getting intimate with an ogre what the hell is that you're doing Creek doesn't really have a problem with this but the intrusive thoughts won and I had to say something inappropriate little man you're in my spot [Laughter] fluent smash oh smash you but to no surprise I ended up being the one doing the Smashing because my party members were just throwing things off the roof we took a little bit of Smashing back and not gonna lie about that one but in the end they weren't able to handle the power of throwing random crap off the roof and after you say something that inappropriate and kill an ogre smash piece there's not really any way to cool down the situation so for their own good we had to put them down it's for the best you understand at least the ogre got one last meat pounding before her tragic ends [Music] it was looking like we were going to be pretty outnumbered at this windmill fight so I had Shadow heart cast Sanctuary on Creek before sending him into the fight alone I've already been slaughtering goblins all over the village so I don't think they were interested in chatting with me but because I cast Sanctuary on Krieg and they didn't have any other targets there is nothing that they could do on their turns I guess they didn't have any area of effect spells or anything like that but they really just stood there yelling things at me so it made it extremely easy for me to prep the battlefield in my favor that being said Krieg did start to get a little frustrated with the lack of actions in someone's eye sockets right now why are my fingers in someone's eye sockets right now why aren't my fingers in someone's eye sockets right now why are my fingers in someone's eye sockets right now my heart my fingers in someone's eye sockets right now barbecue which was now the barbecue was not he says there's a barbecue now and so we threw an oil barrel onto this group over here and pretty much wiped out the entire fight in one beautiful giant explosive turn since there was a barbecue I cooked up my salami and it was a treat for the last surviving Goblin I'm not sure why but I decided to go back into the room where I met those ogres and recruited them and I was searching all the barrels and I found in the corner salami the bloody gluttons won't feed on you today so I decided to send this one over to Lazelle so that she has a weapon and can actually use her paddle maneuver abilities now beautiful she can actually trip people and push them I saw Ethel getting accosted by two mean men how dare they come after a poor sweet old lady however Cree actually noticed that she was lying and she was in the wrong in this situation thank goodness you're here sweetie I know what's come over these boys aren't here full space creases with false concern gotcha but before I can go deal with her there was this fight that I took with a bunch of mud me fits and it was kind of a mess so I'm just gonna have my cheese dragon go and shoot a fireball at it and we're gonna say that that's the fight and when the dust clears we're gonna open the loot up because I got a twisting branch and it has the exact same stats as salami so I decided to give it to Shadow heart as a placeholder until we find more salami but yeah this fight was just a mess and it was kind of boring so it's really not much of a lost to skip after that fight I took a long rest and I had a visitor in my sleep who gave me this cloak that makes it so that after getting a kill you turn invisible for two turns which is really cool I decided to give it to a Starion and he also has these boots that make it so when he dashes he gets lightning charges that do extra lightning damage on his attacks and as luck would have it I have found my third salami now we are really pushing forward in salami all of a sudden so I had Shadow heart dual wield twisting branches and then I gave the third salami to Krieg so he can do a wield in a chest I also on these lightning gloves which make it so unarmed attacks give you lightning charges and with that I was finally ready to take on the hag best have one Hells of an apology for me young man shut up how shocking another Barbarian with all Brawn and no brains you want to play the hero so badly fine let's make this interesting a bunch of red caps showed up to help the hag and she turned invisible so I couldn't really try and fight her anyways I tried to have Shadow heart use command drop to make them drop their weapon on the ground but I failed a Starion is throwing daggers and they're doing a little bit of lightning damage now which is really cool Lazelle can actually use her superiority dice now so I tried to use disarming attack and missed that as well two attempts to disarm this guy and unfortunately both failed and it instantly got Shadow heart downed so as much as I wanted a Starion to be throwing daggers he actually just ended up throwing health potions for almost the entire fight Creek was doing some pretty sweet damage with his salami build and I went for another command and I decided to upcast it as a level two spell this time so I used command Halt and failed on both counts which got Shadow heart instantly killed a Starion just kept chucking potions because that was really all he could do to help us stay in the fight shadowheart's spiritual weapon actually was pretty helpful and we finally managed to get down to just one Goblin and surrounded him and we finally took him out with a slapping of meat and wood I found a game changer in the shop I found a ring of flinging which makes Throne weapons do 1d4 more damage so I gave it to a Starion so he can use it for his dagger throwing we also hit Level 4 at this point so I gave the athlete feat to Krieg so he can jump really far I gave Tavern brawler to liezel so that she can throw javelins now is what I'm thinking but what happened is I saw how much damage it did when I threw the javelins and I decided that I needed to make a little bit more of a shift in my character's builds but I decided I would wait until after the hag fight I gave shadowheart the magic initiate Druid feet so that she could get this shillela spell and enchant her weapon and with that we headed in to go after the hag the javelins were doing a ton of damage and asterion's Dagger throws were no joke either it's just that he doesn't have strength so throwing weapons isn't really the best way to go but honestly until this point I was kind of just scrambling and just doing whatever I could possibly do I hadn't really put a ton of thought into builds so now I'm going to actually after the hag do a little bit of adjustments so that my characters make more sense also I slapped lizelle with my meat so I could get the curse off of Creek because he was taking psychic damage every turn until he dealt damage I made the mistake of throwing a candle into these noxious fumes because apparently when you do that they just keep exploding forever so I'm hitting f8 on that one to get down to the hag I used a scroll of feather fall that I had and put us in all into turn mode and jumped everybody down individually when the fight started I just started like normal I started chucking Shields and it actually was great because they did bludgeoning damage even if I missed the attack so it dispelled the illusion when the hag tried to hide as Marina I just looked at the examine and it had all of her abilities and features right there so you know exactly which one it is and if that wasn't enough she also just came up and punched me right after saying oh help me please so it's she's not very good at pretending I didn't actually notice this until I was editing the video but the real Marina is visibly pregnant and Ethel is not which is really cool it's a really fun detail in the examine page my salami clubs have the concussive smash ability and I came in with a big one I got a critical hit and dazed her as is tradition we surrounded her and just beat on her from all sides as much as possible I had Shadow heart using VOC duplicity so we had advantage on all of our attacks and I tried to take her down as quickly as possible hopefully before she could make any more obnoxious clones but I wasn't quite fast enough and she did manage to make a whole slew of more clones and she turned invisible but when she turned invisible the camera moved to right where she was and you could see her just cackling just laughing right there so again not very sneaky I threw a caustic Bowl but her new location to cover it in acid and reveal her then I pulled a great ax out of my inventory and chucked it straight out of my inventory at her face and it knocked her prone which is perfect because then all my attacks have Advantage so I had Lazelle hit her with some flaming salami which killed her and also exploded Lazelle just a little bit Marina had agreed to give her baby it to the hag in exchange for resurrecting her husband but but her husband being resurrected ended up being like full zombie version of him so I went ahead and took the summoning wand so I have a zombie friend now that I can summon in in combat if I want to spoiler alert I forget for the rest of the video I was wandering around just looting stuff and I managed to stumble right into an ambush this guy was ready to shoot a fireball at me and there was still a couple of explosive barrels nearby so it wouldn't be in my best interest so confusion I shouted confusion at him and that seemed to do the trick he was wondering what was gonna happen next so I told him my ax is thirsty I'm taking you with me oh say I'd rather not fight then so he let me into their secret base and then I had to convince the boss lady honestly and maybe we'll kill you clean I'm here to shank and smile big words still take steel to Swagger in here unfortunately for her she's part of an organization that has no problem with hurting innocence so Krieg was pretty interested in slaughtering all of them and let me go ahead and clear something up about krieg's motivation it's not so much that he is trying to rid the world of anybody that's willing to hurt the innocent The Psychotic side of Krieg pretty much just wants to kill anybody but the same side of Krieg wants to fight as hard as he can to make sure that they don't hurt anybody who doesn't deserve to be hurt with that cleared up I'm gonna go ahead and continue missing an absolutely outrageous amounts of attempts to have Lazelle push this guy off the cliff three different attempts all failed love it the fight wasn't particularly hard though shadowheart finished one of them off Lazelle finally got a successful push to finish another and Krieg shoved the last one off to finish the fight I went ahead and took my prize which was an absolutely insane amount of smoke powder barrels and I'm gonna be able to put all of those two extremely good use trust me it's finally time to respect my characters and get them some builds that actually make sense I don't want to completely butcher the origin characters builds so I'm going to keep them all based on their original but for shadow heart I switched her from trickery domain over to war domain so she can make multiple swings for Lazelle I don't really want to talk about it because I'm actually taking her out of the party soon for um a Starion I added a single multi-class point into monk because now that makes it so that salami count as monk weapons so they use his dexterity instead of his strength I continued adventuring and I came across Carlock Carlock is a barbarian who actually just seems really cool and I like her more than lizelle I don't know if that gets me hate or love or both I'll take both I didn't feel like going back and respeking at this exact moment so I decided to go take on one more fight before bringing karlik into the party I found a bunch of nulls that were ambushing some humans and I I didn't really care that much about the humans necessarily but look at how nicely packed all of these nulls are it looks like all it would take is a single void bulb to pull them all together and guess who just came into a whole bunch of spark powder barrels I did I just found a whole bunch of spark powder barrels so I had a Starion just slowly move them right into the middle of the clump and then move back for safety before throwing some Alchemist fire beautiful I only used two barrels but it really did the job more than enough and leaving an enemy alive gave Liesel a chance to actually participate in her final fight so we're saying goodbye to lizelle and we're bringing Carlock into the party and Carlock is going to be an eagle heart Barbarian which allows her to both use the diving strike to jump from a high place down to a low place and do a ton of damage I gave her Tavern brawler so that she can throw javelins and when she's in Rage she can actually use a bonus action to use Dash which means that those boots of electricity are perfect for her so I switched her fully over to the person that throws things because a Starion is now a salami Monk and we got to try our powers out right away because I threw some poop right in this Goblin's face he completely deserved it too Carlock shoved some guy off of her High ground location because she's always going to want High ground with her build I had a Starion work his way into a flanking position now let's check out carlak's first spear throw and see how it goes that did 20 damage that's amazing a starion's job is pretty much to try and find low enemies and use his attacks to take them out and turn invisible and obviously Krieg is just slapping everybody with his meat as much as he possibly can a Starion can technically strike five times in a turn by using his Flurry of Blows twice because he has two bonus actions because he's three points in a rogue so he has the thief subclass which gives him which gives him an extra bonus action now that Carlock actually has some lightning charges built up she's going to be able to do even more damage with her spear throws she just hundred to zero that guy 33 damage in a single throw while a Starion continues to just work his way around finishing off anything that's low it's honestly going so well that Krieg couldn't help himself he had to play a little ditty on the drums to celebrate and honestly the intrusive thoughts are always going to win I had to absolutely play and I got guidance for it so I could make sure that my performance would be incredible box cover box cover I'm the one who eats the stardom I'm the hero of all the villains you can't swallow my morality like a lollipop bill I'll run around your mind and set the world record with my meat sleeps a bunch of goblins showed up and apparently they weren't here to listen to my performance which was messed up so I guess I'm gonna have to kill all of them it's their own fault they didn't want to listen to my amazing music this guy was straight up suicidal though instead of trying to run away he just needed the whole Bridge down and killed himself I don't know what the play was there but I guess he did some damage so good job I finally decided to use some of the lithid worms that I have to give myself more accuracy on each first hit and the ability to turn a hit into a Critical Strike and I found a game changer for Carlock which is a throwable pike that returns automatically I bought it from a goblin Merchant and now I'm going to use it to slaughter all of the Goblins including that Merchant I destroyed these ladders first so that they would have no way to get up to me and since my Pike is going to come back every time I'm not going to ever run out of throwable weapons so it's perfect on my first throw they didn't even know what hit them like like actually it one shot the guy and they were just like I don't know where anything is on my second throw they did manage to figure out that there was a fight on their hands but again there's no way for them to get up to me because I destroyed the two ladders I guess they could try to go super roundabout but I just don't think the AI is smart enough to do that and this Pike is so strong it does a ton of damage however it does actually put it back into carlock's hands when it returns so I do need to unequip it every time because I'm not allowed to use any weapons other than throwing them salami or a salami equivalent also something pretty fun about throwing weapons is that for some reason the game counts it as an unarmed strike which means that every single time I throw on I get two lightning charges from the gloves because I moved the entire lightning build over to Carlock when I switched her to the full thrown weapons specialist it took a while for the whole Camp to get into the fight but they finally realized I was over here murdering all of their friends and they got into the fight as well well so I got my friends involved too estarian was just sneaking around invisible most of the time I had Krieg just kind of standing on the balcony so that he would be bait because the enemies otherwise didn't really know where to go because they couldn't get to Carlock and something that's one of the big biggest things that makes carlock's throwing build so strong is the percent chance to hit it's almost always 95 and then even when I miss if I have high ground the weapon still does bludgeoning damage because it's just falling I thought that a Starion would be safe as long as he could get a kill every single turn but I guess they made some improvements to NPC's ability to detect people that are in stealth but we'll have to get back to that right after Krieg throws this smoke powder bomb and absolutely annihilates all of their reinforcements amazing so good I love these bombs it's so good this game is so good I love it but this big guy is apparently has a sense hidden presence thing that can find you if you're invisible which seems kind of dumb a little bit but that's fine it's better than them having no idea what to do when you stealth I think I guess I would prefer them to have at least some ability to fight back but since he didn't kill a stereo and I was able to get another killing glow and this time I used cunning action Dash to get more movement speed and just ran really really far away so hopefully he won't find me okay I want to talk some numbers for just a sec because the way that the damage is adding up on these throwables is not correct hope we don't pop a blood vessel like this the piercing damage calculation looks fine it has my d10 it has my strength it has rage all good the lightning has a 1d4 added to it and I think it's because of the throwing ring that I have but I don't think it's supposed to do a D4 and I especially don't think the 1d8 is supposed to add an extra 1d4 I think that my ring that increases my throwing damage is increasing the damage of every single lightning proc to far more than it's supposed to be I don't know for sure but I think it's doing it I think it's doing way too much and it's kind of it's like maybe a bug see the numbers taste the violence because remember Carlock is wearing the boots that allow her to get lightning charges on dash she's wearing the gloves that give her lightning charges on unarmed attacks which is counting for throws and she's wearing the ring which increases her throwing damage she's literally just butchering people and it's not going to stop it's she just this build is by far the strongest of all of the character builds that I've put together let's it's not even close the amount of damage that she pumps out I cleaned up the rest of the goblins with a javelin throw and by having Krieg go up into the tower and just throw this guy out of it which I thought was kind of fun to do and then I had carlak's skewer him with her Pike throw but the camera got all weird so I I didn't see it happen who knows who did it what's your business kill the little man your family is next you what you freaky bastards well I thought we could maybe deny it but Krieg gave it all away so we might as well blow our way into the goblin camp okay there's a little bit of collateral damage on that one but it was worth it I really like having the eagle heart raged because Car Lot can just heat herself into combat anytime she wants from her High ground location and it can knock enemy's prone which makes it easier for my party members to follow up with more attacks I went for a long rest before taking on the rest of the camp and we have extra salami at this point so we are all decked out with salami and this guy came into my camp and if you don't like blades near eyeballs you maybe will skip forward 30 seconds now my friend how do you feel time to make some head wounds Willow slowly brings the ice pick closer to your eye now why aren't you stabbing me don't move do you feel that I feel it all huh we have the flight her on the run I like this bite your eye plops down into the mud take this a far superior Relic to that old jelly you were trained to I'm so happy I could kill you my new Magic Eye can see invisible things so I call that a win so we headed into the rest of the goblin camp and started by throwing some stuff up at the chandelier to knock it down and we came for one more Chandelier on the back end as well it didn't actually do as much damage as I was hoping it was going to do but it still seemed like it was a pretty fun start to the fight so I'm good with it a Starion stuck with the usual sneaking around killing enemies and getting his invisibility so he wasn't targetable Carlock was just dropping bombs on people with javelins shadowheart was approaching trying to use shillela so she could get some extra damage from her meat but this is my first run of the game and I didn't actually know that the enemy could just eat these statues down on top of me I did have resistance to bludgeoning damage when it happened so I didn't take too much but it was pretty awesome to see the NPCs interacting with the environment like that despite their good plays I still took them down without too much trouble the next Goblin enemy I just went ahead and shoved into this spider pit and he did a pretty good job of fighting off the spiders but with me able to just throw things at him from up above while he was trying to deal with them it made the fight pretty easy I wanted to throw a javelin but the trajectory for the throw wasn't right so I did a hand ax instead which is kind of cool there's different trajectories for different weapons because of the lightning stacks and my ability to use Dash to get even more of them Carlock can still do a ton of damage with her spear throws even if she doesn't have high ground the damage calculation has to be wrong I I really feel like it's got to be wrong I thought this was just funny I went up and attacked this guy's cage and then just insta died and I I still don't know why if you know why you should tell me and then the cage was all glitchy I don't I don't know what's going on I showed up to save house in but he kind of Saved himself by just heeding the cage door down and then absolutely slaughtering his captors and with that we are now at level 5 which means Krieg gets an extra attack so he can hit people with three times with salami we we have Shadow heart gaining access to some third level cleric spells which hopefully will be helpful I was able to bring a Starion up to level 4 in Rogue and I took the mobile feat so that he would just be a highly mobile attacker who just goes everywhere he needs to go trying to finish off low targets and Carlock as a barbarian also got access to the extra attack feat which with those spear throws is that's really just insane she's just cranking out damage I can't emphasize that enough it really really feels satisfying to play but a word of warning I noticed that sometimes the spear throws for some reason didn't give me experience when they got the kill I don't know exactly what caused it so I kind of got in the habit of just quick saving before throwing a spear I think it happens when the bludgeoning damage from the spear falling gets the hit rather than the actual spear damage but since I had already fought the fight fairly and won and I didn't want to do it again I just exploded the phase fighter on my re- attempt so that I I would just have to so it would just be way easier and I did get experience on the spear throw this time so I don't know exactly what it is but um I guess just watch out for that it really didn't happen very often though the face fighter was the only enemy I noticed it happening on I went back and looked at a lot of the footage of the spear throw kills I think I just got a little paranoid after it happened on the face fighter maybe it was just because the face fighter was so big maybe when the spear tried to return back to me it did damage that it wasn't supposed to do and so it didn't count I don't know but most of the time I've gotten experience for the pros so I I don't think I'm behind or anything like that I was kind of just casually exploring the underdark and then I got an auto save that came in and I was like oh what's this gonna be I have no idea oh no just needed straight off the cliff I didn't I didn't even know what to do with myself I was like that's great that's that's amazing so that's the first revive advice scroll that I had to use in the underdark and now it's time for a long rest on your you might still be out there I promised I'd be back don't worry I have things under control you must discover the source of the magic that controls the parasites go our freedom depends on it I probably should have learned my lesson the first time I was casually exploring the underdark but I did not and I was just throwing weapons at all these mushrooms to destroy them and I clicked to throw one there but my character didn't have line of sight and took off running and before I even reacted it was it was done this was fresh after arrest all my characters were at full health perfectly topped off and this happens boom amazing the shadow heart just yeeded straight off the cliff by that explosive mushroom and she was very dramatic about her revive too she really show body about it if you ask me you know I really should have learned my lesson about just casually exploring the underdark but for some reason I decided to have Krieg just kind of wander off on his own somewhere that nobody else could jump to no no no no no no no no no distract your face from my fingernails let me hear those screams so Creek found himself in a 1V spectator fight in which he started the first round as surprised so it really wasn't looking good for him there was no way for me to get my party there on short notice because they just can't jump the Gap Krieg has the athlete feet so he can jump way further than they can but the darkness spell that they cast on me probably saved my life because the spectator ended up wasting a turn trying to work its way around the darkness while I was trying to work my party members around I found this treasure again and had to fight him off with the three of them before we could actually get to The Spectator fight lucky for me there is a little bit of High Ground I can use so Carlock is going to get some extra damage from her Javelin throws and I had Shadow heart use shalayla before entering the fight so that hopefully she would have all of her actions when she got there but I guess I didn't wait long enough because she didn't have her bonus action I dipped my dual wielded salami in Fire and went for some swings and didn't really really come out very well so I went for a couple of unarmed attacks and I am just not doing very much to this thing with a Starion but karlak on the other hand is still hitting like a truck she did 50 damage in a single turn and that's without even getting critical strikes or anything that's just raw damage that she has a 95 chance of Landing because her chance to hit is so high I had Shadow Heart come in with a command Halt and wouldn't you know it I actually managed to get one to land finally finally command halt hasn't just been a waste of a turn in a spell slot it did have a 65 chance against this guy versus the 45 to 55 against a lot of other attempts but it gave us a chance to try and take this thing down in a single turn if possible and realistically it's just Carlock trying to take it out in a single turn because carlock's two throws did 63 damage this time so I just needed Shadow heart and a Starion to do 36 damage between the two of them which wasn't really possible unless I brought some more smoke powder bombs into the mix so I had Shadow heart throw a smoke powder bomb to get some good damage down and then because she's a war clerk now I could use my bonus action for a shalayla hit and I got a Critical Strike which is huge I went for a Flurry of Blows with a Starion but it brought it down to seven and I was kind of skeptical about whether seven would be able to finish it I'd went for a vampire bite to see if that would help and I only got it down to five so I decided to just go for the smoke powder bomb to finish it off because I don't want this thing to take a turn I don't know what it can do but I now still don't know what it can do because it never got to try other than when it heated Creek straight off the cliff but now we're all in position to go after this spectator ah slice your eyelids so you can watch the end Creek has a ring now that gives his attacks two bonus acid damage every time he gets a hit which is really nice especially since he can hit three times per turn so that is potentially extra six damage a turn shadowheart was inspired from that last command and upcasted as a level 2 spell and she got one but failed on The Spectator carlak just dropping bombs from up on the Cliffside I used this candle to cook up my salami so I could give The Spectator a unique culinary experience with some acid and some fire all in one beautiful meaty strike I asked Krieg if I needed to add anything to my salami recipe and he said salt good God bless myself all right let me know if you guys see any salt because I don't know where it is and Krieg definitely doesn't know where it is The Spectator had 39 Health left and I went for a really big spear throw and managed to hit for 34 on my first attack so I went with my second attack and finished off The Spectator this fight wasn't super exciting but it was funny I got a critical Miss on the spear throw but it still knocked Bernard off the edge and did 39 damage from falling I headed down to the lake and I cast Sanctuary on Creek before throwing him into the fight so none of the enemies could do anything I was surprised and lost a turn but it didn't matter I opened up with a smoke powder bomb from Shadow heart which destroyed the latter that went up to us and I destroyed the ladder manually with Krieg on the other side so all of these zombies can't really get up to us they can't jump so there's nothing they could do carlak shoved that guy into the drink so he's gone all the zombies climbed up that ladder that was on fire and the ladder broke all after that turn so they all ended up stranded on the middle floor which I just thought was really funny so once we finished everybody else off we all went onto the middle floor and beat them down as well I saw something shiny in this mushroom field and I went after it but there's a torch over in the corner there so if you set off the field it makes the whole thing explode which I just thought was cool I just I just think this game is cool I just really like a lot of the things they put in it Flames not fast enough this goofy mushroom guy thought that he could betray his uh Squad but he he provoked all the opportunity attacks from my party members at once let's go ahead and see that again and then we finished him I've been saving something special for the last encounter of this video what easy prey you make why shouldn't I run you through this instant meat you are a waste of the flag my flesh is forever [Music] it's my ogre family from earlier in the video I blew the horn and called them into battle to help me take out this Patrol now I'm gonna be honest with you I didn't expect to get butchered as much as I did with the ogres here helping me I didn't really take this fight that seriously because I hadn't been having a hard time with very much but this one's a definitely quite a bit more difficult than the rest I can't even feel a knife in my spine and it's especially hard without any armor because most of my characters get hit by everything by default but even Krieg who has an armored defense was getting hit pretty consistently by almost every attack I don't know if that's unlucky or if these guys just have a really high chance to hit I would have needed to play the fight completely differently if I wanted to take it out without the help from these ogres I also didn't really want to let the ogres die I don't know I just felt like if they died that was not good so I played a little bit more aggressively than I think I should have in this situation if I had known that my enemies were going to be this strong my enemies were also pretty ruthless too they did not hesitate to absolutely finish off any of my down party members I don't really know why but I kind of just ran a Starion up here even though he had no actions or bonus actions and just let him die basically but if there's one theme from this video that has been very very locked in it's that this is the Carlock show and I will win best supporting actor because this spear throwing build is insane so even with everybody down as long as Carlock is still up the fight is very winnable thankfully the ogres managed to just barely survive with enough health and a Starion got absolutely slaughtered by this guy but it's okay because there's definitely revenge on the way Carlock went and cleaned up the rest of the fight for my squad and when she was done killing all the enemies she even was kind enough to has a health potion all the way from the top down to Krieg say thank you close enough foreign I really hope you enjoyed this video I worked really really hard on it and I don't know if this is a general video concept that people are interested in so we'll see I'm also planning on making some balder's 3 content that's more focused on ridiculous strategies and cheesing the game and less focused on role play but um if people really like this concept then I'll do both and if you made it all the way to here in the video then I just have one last thing to say to you it's strengthen time no that's not it it's the other one insurance fraud no it Creek it's the other one love you there we go by the way I think you'll enjoy this video next but the YouTube algorithm thinks you'll enjoy this one next so I guess you have to watch both to figure out who's right
Channel: Fracture
Views: 481,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 Barbarian, Baldur's Gate 3 Psycho, Baldur's Gate 3 Act 1, Baldur's Gate 3 Dark Urge
Id: Nmal1GmyiKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 46sec (2986 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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