when a NOOB is secretly a PRO.... (Bloons TD Battles)

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what is up guys welcome back in the video not today we're going to be doing some speed bonanza ceramic crucible and that was actually really quick and this is actually opponent who won't like destroy me so that's actually good as well see I'm going to be doing this beep announcer ceramic crucible I don't really know what house to use obviously we're not gonna play that map although I do like that map but he skipped at Space Station and no thank you please be a good map ok temple I can live with temple this is a good map so you want to go late game wait why do we have these powers oh my god no I want big balloon buster I do I want lightning I think and I don't know what I want for this I guess because we're not really gonna rush him I don't think but I'm just gonna keep that because we need to pick our towers speed Manhasset so we need a slowdown and why don't we bring a double slow so this means I should know because we really need the super-monkey don't we or you really ain't this super monkey why don't we go for heli pilot and just see what we get for awful tower that's that's ok we can have the monkey for I guess I really don't know if this is like a good loadout or not but we are going to be using it anyway let's go up moving on us let's put off farmer down hopefully we can get nice wins and a goal fairly late game I'm not gonna brush him with anything I was about to send some rice but we're just gonna go late game um I'm I don't know why I have this like I'm not gonna rush him so I don't really need that but also I wanted to pick my towels and have time for that otherwise like I would have not had good towers it could have like if you don't pick them in time I just randomizes everything and that's definitely not what I wanted so let's keep on getting these farms we can just leak it doesn't really matter he's actually using a lightning bolt and how come he has so few farms up how come he only has two okay three now but like I'm so far ahead in farms and we literally like did the same thing apart from I yeah I'm saving my lightning bolt for now so I leek less lies but yeah if you have make sure to subscribe and also like the video also I believe I posted a video on my second channel a few days ago while I'm pre recording this but like go check it out the link will be in the description maybe some of you didn't even know I had a second channel but yes I do have a second channel it's not like it's kind of more for like a voice voice cracks and stuff like that I don't take it seriously but I'm thinking in the future I might play some other games on it so go subscribe link will be in the description and yeah make sure to LIKE the video and subscribe to this channel too yes so we're doing a pretty well farming we got a factory almost a full factory I'm around fire but only like 2,000 off but we'll get it this round um he's not doing I mean look at his father's look at his father's why is he farming like that why do the people farm like that he just spammed it so many like zero zero farms but why okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna try and get lots of lives oh so did that normally fit that is weather didn't fit that like that that's kind of correctly so we're gonna go for a downdraft on this one dude he's gonna die he's going to die he's going to oh my god he just almost why you could have died he could have died to that okay so at least he's got a factory up we should have brought fertile soil although actually I don't think this account has it because I'm using my friends account and he grinded a lot but like in the past with the other powers but I don't think he was around when the Eco powers were out as much so I don't think we even have first of so he's using better soil wow what a noob turns it like he was so newbie with that farming but now he's like actually okay at the game man if I lose to it like this person that will be that'll be an interesting experience let's try not to definitely let's try not to I'm just going to spam a lot of wait wait wait I could go for a reach every brush I could go for a regional brush I really want to go for a region rainbow rush to kill him but I also want to go late-game so I'm gonna go lay game it's very very tempting he could go from Rush against me right now and I would be caught off guard so let's just go for this let's just get a boost for as wow we have got so much money right now so we can afford to do this let's keep on going get all of these be is I've got a ton of money he is literally gonna die he this guy confuses me because like he's he seems good at the game like with this farming and like using better soil having ninja I wouldn't be some if you had super funky Zwolle but then his farming at the start was atrocious that was seriously bad seriously bad but it's okay we're getting a ton of eco up from at these farms which is great we do need all the eco we can get there we got one thousand four and forty car the end of that round that is so many like wait that is so many doesn't can I can I even English anyway I could definitely kill him but I feel like he's getting up a sub oh he could probably slow down in time yeah if I'm talking a bit like softer it's probably because I have to record three videos tomorrow because I'm going away and I do not want to destroy my voice I mean I don't want to destroy my voice anyway but normally like I have time to recover but today I really don't so losing my voice would be a very very bad I swear you can fit stuff better all of a sudden on this map and that hasn't even been an update so it's just me but like I swear that's different like you couldn't normally fit it like that anyway we probably have 20k in so many of these ok maybe not all of them but we have 20k and actually most of them wow we have a lot of money oh he's gonna is he gonna die you really need to spam at your defense my dude a player he has such a bad or she could be a she but probably not I think mostly like 9 out of 10 people will play bTW do you probably guys I mean that's the same with my YouTube statistics it's like 90 something percent male which like I I'm really no surprise actually maybe it's like 80 something some but it's definitely it's definitely close anyway we have so much money right now we have 10,000 eco we do not need any of this so let's get rid of all of that and let's start spamming like so much stuff what we're gonna do is actually you can we spam the other upgrade I think that's what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna spam the downdraft like upgrade path and then I'm going to get a bunch of lives and it will be great let's use all of those abilities there we go nice money don't need you but I mean it's nice to have the money oh of course of course he has super monkey of course he does of course he does so this guy actually isn't bad at the okay he is kind of bad oh he's so bad but like you don't need to sacrifice that much stuff that is a literal waste of money but it's okay let's just keep on swimming these and then we're gonna get a couple of lives from this which is nice let's also get a bunch of Apaches up as well so you don't have to do that in the future but yes so he's going for a temper he doesn't have any sacrifices on it apart from like the regular ones like just like the super monkey sacrifice which doesn't make it that good but I mean he still has temples and I don't so it's gonna be interesting to see who indeed wins this now I seriously I didn't realize you could fit heli piles in there but you can you can fit hell you pilots in there can I put another one no sadly I cannot let's go for another Apache we're getting these abilities back very very soon and we'll get a nice couple of lives we definitely get our lives back look we got like 50 lines for each one yeah 200 okay 71 for that one that's actually quite a lot I didn't expect it to be that much but very very nice we'll get to sell them soon because we do need to get like our regular defense up but for now for now we can just relax and use all of these abilities for our lives there we go yesyes 600 ladies let's go let's get to like a thousand lives I mean it's speed bonanza so week on it's not that easy it really isn't we need to like get up our defense pretty damn quickly let's put that right there I just want to fit as many as we can can we really not fit and done okay we can kind of we can kind of a belly I don't know why that fit oh of course because there's one below it but yes let's use that ability some another no that's money is sad well so we have an upgraded one somewhere where is the unupgraded wanna oh it's this one okay there we go Apache so these next crates are just gonna be money but the ones after are gonna be the lives and that's great so he's actually playing like wow I did not expect this I did not expect him to be actually doing good we're gonna have to sell all of these Apaches sorry these are what are the ones that give us lives I can't remember the name but we're gonna have to sell them fairly soon I just want to get one more round of crates get up to a thousand lives it doesn't really mean much it's just cool I guess and obviously we really don't need that money it like we have fine for money the only thing we need is like we need to space our villages correctly we need to get one of our sellers up in fact I will do this now because you really really need those these these aces are getting in the way aces dude can I even English can I even like a BTD anymore let's wait coming up I don't think we can play Holi pilot that I think we tested up yeah these are all gonna be Szabo's there we go we got a nice okay that's fifty I don't know why that's late though but yeah let's go for all of our subs there are a bit happy cuz Italy placed but it's okay let's go fall of these there we go now upgrade the other parts later but there we go so he got a bunch of lives right there we've got a thousand knives I've just waited for these ones and then I would sell them all because it's gonna get hard really really fast but this guy is actually seeming to be good at the game which really surprises me because he did not seem good without a win-loss like man and he did not seem good at the game is who won but that's all of those now still it sell sell sell just as quick as we can there we go we got one more left where is that last one where is that last one where is that last one there we go so now we just need to buy buy buy as quick as we can and then we'll be fine right it's no rush really it's just it's round 33 and things are gonna get difficult pretty damn quickly now I don't know if the Holly pilot was the best thing to bring I really don't it probably wasn't but I brought it anyway because I wanted to use it I really did it so can we put that right why can we put that I guess that uh we are gonna struggle with the placement so bellas just keep on going you can see things are getting a bit more hectic sooner let's put that one right there and upgrade every single one of these hopefully we can fit a village in where I don't have to sell a heli pilot to fit it I don't know if that's gonna be the case but let's keep on going yeah what a noob turns out to be like a pro I'm exactly a pro but like good at the game wow this this is way more than I was expecting a lot more uh so we can put one um right there nice no that's really good and then I put another one down it here I'll just I'll just place a bunch of round the place and then we can spam blue Jitsu ninjas as well but we can't put on there I believe we can put one there though can we come on it fits it's so close to fitting I'm gonna I'm just gonna sell this cuz like I don't really need it and it makes it so much easier so we have a lot of Apaches this map is actually very good for fitting Apaches we're doing really really well let's just put another one over there and then we'll get one more and then we're done it actually you know we're not quite done because we can still get some more stuff we really need to get Blue Jays who ninjas I think Blue Jays two ninjas is what we need so I'll just quickly spam a bunch of stuff he's got sniper he's got sniper Wow okay it seems like he's gonna die though first because he hasn't got stuff up quicker than me like he's been pretty slow with getting his defense up as you can see I basically got the main majority of my defensive he's still got four temples which isn't bad but it's not enough but he does have the sub although he does have the sub or and he does have the sniper store if he was good at this he should aware that he really should win with that strategy was still he is way better than I was ever expecting so props to you like I am genuinely impressed by how good you are even cuz I I mean a ceramic crucible but like considering that win-loss record I thought you'd be so much worse Oshie i keep assuming genders I mean it's hard not to but yes let's get one more sabor up right here wow you can fit them down there I am surprised that they actually fit there but I guess I guess they can but yeah let's keep on getting all these ninjas up I'll do one more game after this because this is going to end a pretty quickly everything is gonna get a lot harder and a faster of course let's just keep on getting these punches who's keep on getting these punches whose day they don't do much but with all of them together they will do quite a lot but yeah I hopefully I don't lose my voice remember to like and subscribe let's try to hit 3,000 likes on this video again I don't know if that's good if that's possible we can we can at least try it we can try it let's use our sub a'right valas keep on getting blue jisoo's up this is gonna be great can i really not fit oh wow they're getting really far on his side they are getting very very far on his side but it looks like he is okay but we're keeping on going we food up I know it's kind of messy but it is speed bonanza and to be fair we have done a decent job the slowed everything down the one bad thing about the Apaches are is that we'll set to pursuits and that's kind of risky because like the targeting is all the best and I really hope it doesn't screw me over I don't think it will because I have the Szabo to like deal with everything are we gonna be ok that is the question can we defend against this dmg and I think the answer is yes I'm just gonna use two of those Wow I think that really increases the popping power that definitely increases the popping power by quite a bit look at that Wow okay so note to self that is a really really good ability paired with the heli pants he's using his terrible he's using his boost I think he's gonna be able to defend but I think he's lost us I think he's lost us and if he goes from Russia to me I will rush him back straightaway let's just Sabo things are going very very well for essentially and this guy has turned out to be a lot better oh god you really you need to use your sub Oh use your Sam oh okay he's dead he's dead he's not using a sub oh you were so dead Wow okay that is how this game is gonna end really you're not using your sub Oh big balloon Buster let's use this not another sub oh and it looks like I have won this one he's using his tower Bruce he's really strolling out a lot he's strolling us so much but I think it's game over for player and he is not gonna be able to defend Adam he almost defended that that really looked like you must have defended that but I got milena I want to give him a rematch that was a really fun game do you want to give me a rematch no he doesn't okay let's do one more game and let's try it not to let it go like him let's try not to get let it look go late game I'm gonna try and brush his things really Ollie I'm also uh why don't we try and win or with random towel wait no cuz we need farmer we really do need fun but yeah I will see you guys in the next game okay well doc was I'm probably not even gonna edit that because that was ridiculously fast we are against honourable again not the best player in the world but like it's still good okey Swan Lake no thank you area 52 or why not apparently not apparently that's why not ice floe interesting okay so we need like probably you know let's go for we need we need the ninja though we do need the ninja so I guess we're gonna go for this he is going to dye it to my rush there is no way he is defending and we're gonna get the winner although farming is kind of bad on this map because like it's it's this map and this map is really bad for farming to claim and fitteth on No can you not fit farms on this map are you kidding me are you kidding me I I am Wow I'm most specialist how can you not fit farms on this map are you kidding me dude okay you can you can can i please fit this farm oh my god I I never remember it being this harder Wow that that is strange I thought it was so much easier than that to fit a farm on this map it's okay but we can only fit Juana which is really really sad but let's mix Tico I mean it doesn't I think we got eco FASTA cuz its speed so that's nice we can make a lot of money let's put our farmer down I completely forgot about that but yes so we're gonna do fine we're gonna rush him he's going to die because he has both any has dots and of both of those towers are not gonna be able to deal with that I'm just gonna use a lightning against this just to prevent too many leaks and that's gonna be absolutely fine let's go for this as soon as we can there we go we may not be able to afford a factory but it's okay we're gonna go for a massive rush and hopefully he's going to die and I'll get a more two here because obviously if he does go for a rush we can just get a big one and we can get the reactor and then we're literally gonna be okay against everything oh wow I probably need to get some more defense off Wow uh-huh there we go we're gonna be fine against it now um actually this needs to be it this needs to be this though this needs to be the reactor spots this definitely yeah there we go reactor this is gonna be a big boon buster eventually in the big water if I use my lightnings hopefully I should be okay against any rush he sends me obviously I'm gonna be like he's going to die he is definitely gonna die to my rush I don't think he can defend unless he has like an amazing boost I don't think he's gonna defend this rush I really don't so let's see what happens obviously it's gonna Ford the big one let's see if he rushes us first and if he doesn't go for a rush then like I be fine then I'm gonna rush him but let's just get a sub up just in case um it looks like he's stopping echoing is he heading defense up what is he doing what is he doing I bet he's plastic no he's gonna eat really is is he really eat going right now okay well it looks like you sadly Honorable are going to go down goodbye this rush is going to go past your defense quick shots look at that right posture defense there is no way you were defending that's I like how the skin is by as well I don't think I've seen that skin very much oh yeah thank you guys very much for watching I hopefully you enjoyed it soo Bonanza is always like a really fun arenas player I think like all three stupid answers to best BM hopefully you guys enjoyed the video and I will see you in the next video
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 483,005
Rating: 4.876543 out of 5
Keywords: hacker, hacker versus hacker, hacks, hack, pro player, bananza, lategame, bananza lategame, lategame bananza, bloons td battles, bloons, btd battles, btd, btd 6, bloons td 6, world record, temple, temples, ssundee, ssundee btd, ssundee bloons, ssundee battles, ssundee btd6, ssundee minecraft, minecraft
Id: kR-EzorNQEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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