What's Your Most Embarrassing "Dad's P***" Moment?

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what's your most embarrassing dad's p moment not my dad but awkward my friend in high school was one of five kids and they lived in a big old farmhouse he and his brother a year younger than us were the only boys so they got the two bedrooms up on the third floor when we were juniors in hs they two of them decided to share a bedroom so they could have a lounge in the other room i.e make out room drinking room one day while cleaning their mom found a pee tape in the lounge she approached the little brother who did what every single one of us would have done and blamed his older brother and his friends to his credit he apparently spent the rest of the night trying to find us and give us a heads up but this was the mid-90s so before cell phones were everywhere my buddy and i got back to his place around 12 30 or something i basically lived there in high school and his dad was still awake this wasn't all the unusual he was often sitting and drinking and reading till late at night this time though he was sitting by the back door just looking at it obviously waiting hello boys do you like movies we had no idea where this was going but it obviously wasn't good we tried to demur and just go to bed but he made us sit on either end of the couch with him in the middle he grabbed the remote and fired up the vcr after about 45 seconds it was obvious what was happening and we both tried to bolt he locked onto our knees he was is a coroner and i'm not sure if it's a coroner thing or just him but he had the strongest hands of anyone i've ever met every time we got in trouble ended with him shaking our hand and slowly crushing it until we apologized and confessed to everything just to get our hand back this time it was our knees we sat there with his hands on one of these each and watched about 90 minutes of pee silently that was a nice movie her boys afterwards all kinds of awkward and all kinds of bruising on my knee oh oh i actually have a story for once familiar scene high school summer evening group of five or six of us teenage boys were wandering the town board as freaking looking for crap to do or otherwise mess with frick where can we get some buoys guys derp hey my dad's got tons of beer at my place but i gotta see if he's awake so i can sneak in and out all right so we get to derp's house and all the lights are out looks good wait there's a dim light from the side window no prob let's check it out we stealthily creep down derp's driveway crouching under the windowsills then we get to the window blinds drawn wait there's a small crack at the bottom the light is obviously the blue flicker of the tv peering through the slit it's dark but there appears to be something yes wait what's that on the tv boobies oh crap eyes immediately flick to the couch where mr derp is spread eagled pants around ankles tugging at his half mastered bratwurst our watch i'll never forget the look of shame on dirk's downcast face as we hightailed it out of there this didn't happen to me it happened to my dad back in the mid 70s when i was but a young on we lived in a large block of apartments on the seventh floor this block faced a couple of other similar apartment blocks one night when my mom was out and the kids were in bed my dad and a couple of buddies decided they were going to watch a dutch movie they had acquired now this was back in the days before vcrs and dvds so they set up the projector not having a wall large enough to project the movie onto they hung a large white bed sheet in front of the balcony windows then they grabbed a few cold beers and sat down to watch an hour or so later when the movie was finishing they heard a light mattering of applause they took down the sheet to reveal a significant number of people on the balconies of the other apartment blocks applauding their nighttime show tl dr dad inadvertently projected porno onto a makeshift screen for the entire neighborhood your dad is a hero i have two stories to share both involving my son i came home early from work one day as i climbed the three steps to the front porch i heard the sound of someone running through the house and a door slamming i opened the door to find a dvd from the first season of the l word playing on the dvd player my 13 year old son had decided to have himself some happy time and as soon as his happy time um came to an end he heard me on the stairs so he ran pants around his ankles and his cloth in hand to the bathroom and the other he was maybe 12 and asked me to look at the computer because he couldn't print a school paper i go to the computer room and see a print job hung in the print queue i looked at the job and it's a screen print from the victoria secrets website i asked him if he had been looking at the website and he said no so i assumed my wife was maybe shopping for a present for herself me i deleted the job and my son said that it was me i looked at him and he said i was you know and he makes the jerking off motion with his hand i could tell he was absolutely mortified so i said i understand i'm not mad just please don't beat off when you're on the computer because knowing you're doing that is gonna make me feel real weird when i'm beating off on the computer well played dad well played my dad kept his pee on the top shelf in his closet every time they would leave the house i would have to get a chair or a stool or frick a laundry basket anything to stand on to reach that pee one time they hadn't left me alone for weeks my dad had just come home from work and was helping my mom cook i sensed an opportunity i ran upstairs quickly decided there was no time for the chair or stool i was going to have to jump for it first jump not enough height second jump just a bit more third jump my angle was just enough off that i accidentally grabbed the shelf itself in one terrifying moment the entire shelf ripped itself from the wall six or seven penthouses and playboys came tumbling down and the hole in the wall was enormous i sat there too shocked to do anything i quietly left the scene my father said nothing to me of this ever it wasn't until recently i realized he must have been just as embarrassed as me i was terrified for months over this one though my mom and dad have been married many many years when i was in my teens i would climb on my roof to smoke cigarettes from there i could see into the living room where one night my father was watching gay p i have seen gay p stuff in his browser history from time to time he continues to watch kp to this day my sister is aware of it too we generally don't talk about it also my dad used a work laptop to look at gay p he is a public important figure in his field when the laptop crashed it got a hold of it and gave it to the police full of gay p my father had me take the fall for it i went into the police station and was accused of all sorts of things child pee among them nothing came of it i was just the pervy sun scapegoat my friend's dad was setting up for a family night watching a slideshow of the big once in a lifetime family four-week holiday to the us i'm english during set up in front of the family peace starts flashing up on the projector the dad panics start cycling through more and more mum's going crazy daughter's crying my friend tries to settle the mood by saying it's a work laptop sometimes other people leave their stuff on it by mistake alt f4 back to desktop dad tries again and succeeds my mate and his dad give each other knowing looks and carry on with the evening wish i'd been there that is awesome when i played this out in my head your friend's dad was chevy chase for some reason dad on amben with his nose touching the p filled screen i asked him what the frick he was doing and he says who the frick are you maybe not all that embarrassing but funny as heck mine was when my dad tried to give me a bunch of his old adult manga comics a few years ago not to mention there was a bunch of playboy stuff in his room too he didn't seem to want to part with of course now later that he's moved to another state he gave me a bunch of random stuff in the box those comics were in there i'm his daughter by the way try having your mom's new boyfriend tell you that you can have her new vibrator since she doesn't like it found my dad's p stash eight is british p for the win in a cabinet in his room stole the lot and for many a month i was the happiest 15 year old in scotland then one day my dad decides to make me clean my room he attempts to help out by lifting the mattress from my bed only to expose the whole stash poker face this is all pre-internet and pre-dvd when my parents were out of the house i'd always check the drawers in their bedroom for vhsp my dad rented them pretty regularly one day i found what looked like a blank vhs tape in the same spot i assumed my dad had copied some p onto it via vhs to vhs or something what a great idea dad so i get everything set up pop the tape in the vcr raging hard on in my hand and what comes up on the tv yeah it was my parents going at it apparently they have a camcorder i didn't know about they must have watched their video at some point and stopped the tape somewhere in the middle of the action so when i started it i immediately saw my dad plowing my mom no warning no chance to turn it off before it got weird it was instant dad dong and mom puss on the tv so of course i finished like a boss not really i died a little inside that day and found it very difficult to look either of my parents in the eye for a while i walked into my parents bedroom when i was a little they were still in bed so i probably wanted to go in there to annoy them or whatever kids do i don't remember the only thing i remember all too clearly is that i walked through the door and picked up this bizarre red object that was foreign to my young and innocent eyes i questioned my dad about it and he insisted that it was just a toy for the dog he then hid it behind his pillow years later it finally dawned on me that i walked into my parents bedroom and picked up my mother's dildo and pretty much shoved it in my dad's face ah well once i came home unexpected and my dad ran out and was very relieved to see me he thought i was my mom so he brings me into the computer room and tells me to make the p go away because the computer froze up from so much p that's not that bad but when i started exiling out of all the stuff it was all kinds of really dirty hardcore crap midgets rape fantasies ones where the girls act dead i didn't say anything just got rid of it throw away because the shame still haunts me i am 18 years old two years ago i was frantically searching through dad's stash of pictures and magazines in a shoebox when i heard him come through the door he must have known something was up as 15 minutes later he walks in my room with a look which i can only describe as contain jibbilation dad you went through my crap out me yeah dad you took some pictures from me i need one of them back you can have the rest me i am sorry hand stack of pictures to dad dad go through pictures takes one hour hands rest back don't be just ask instead of going through my crap i had so much pee when i was your age me why did you need that picture back dad as he walks out the door it is a picture of your mother he really saved your butt there at the end mine's more unfair than embarrassing back when i was around 16 we all shared one computer which was in my parents bedroom out of nowhere my mom comes in my room and yells at me about a pee program that's on the desktop i thought i might have accidentally left something there but when i went to the computer i realized it was something that required a credit card which i didn't have at the time she was yelling at me about it still even though there was no way it could have came from me even when i explained how in order to have had that program downloaded onto the desktop it needed a credit card so it couldn't have been mine she still said it was my fault dad strapping got me a lecture well this kind of pee is much much worse my dad was a photojournalist and when times were tough when i was really young he took on all and any assignments we had a huge extra room in our la apartment that worked like a studio well as i'm sure most of you have guessed i eventually found out just what kind of assignments he took on years later i was rifling through all these storage boxes and i came across a lot of his old photos most of it was mundane journalist stuff but then i came across a set where my dad and my uncle joe he was really just a very close family friend were taking pics of this nude model the reason i knew my uncle joe was there because it ended up with both of them taking turns fingering her and i was still young enough that seeing naked crap was a big deal also my dad didn't go around talking about sex or anything so it was extra shocking and she was on one of those 70s fake polar bear rugs that just popped into my head i actually kind of blocked it out until reading this post truly wish even at that time it was something i could unsee tl dr found pics of my dad and his best friend finger banging some w on a faux animal rug every time you see a polar bear uncle joe i see him giving the camera a thumbs up worse than dad p a few years ago when i bought a new laptop i gave my grandpa my old desktop computer he wasn't very tech savvy so my boyfriend at the time and myself went to his house to help him get his files off his old computer and onto the one i was giving him most of his files were unorganized and weren't named in any particular way that made sense they led to us clicking on a lot of individual files to see if they were important enough to put onto the new computer well we clicked some obscurely named picture file and it definitely was not a family photo it was some skinny girl with massive i mean covering her stomach massive boobs with suspenders and a construction hat on there might have been some kind of construction site in the background of the pic too instead of pretending we didn't see it my ex decides to say so uh do you want to keep this my grandpa sees it gets a little red but just laughs it off tl dr my grandpa likes construction yeah i had a bag of goods hidden in a vent in my bedroom for a solid two years sealed in a zip bag to prevent dust from the vents from damaging anything in it it was a collection including a single magazine several pieces of images i had printed out 95 were in black and white don't remember my age at a time but i'm thinking 14 ish me and my friends had a small trade thing we'd do we'd find abandoned stuff in some woods near where we lived we'd find stuff on the internet go go 28k and occasionally find things from our families we were pretty good at hiding it as no one busted us for it some of the stuff i'd get a hold of was particularly raunchy i guess the word is for it to top it off my family reid mother is also pretty racist and i had a pretty big fetish for light-skinned asians latinos and black women back then after a fight between my mother and her boyfriend she decided it was a good time to move the first thing she does when she decides this is to hand me a dark plastic bag look me straight in the eye and say to me go back upstairs and get your stash before we start packing i still don't know how long she knew i wasn't even sure if she knew exactly what it was i had until she made an off comment about not wanting to see any more mexicans dirty n-words doing the business my dad used to religiously record late-night german tv broadcasts on our satellite tv this was the late 80s early 90s and internet p was pretty much unheard of it was usually the lamest soft core stuff but to my 11 year old self it was like finding excalibur there's something slightly unsettling about knowing that you're fapping to the same stuff as your dad but i was never deterred remember p was a rarity save for the random magazine is often found in park bushes i've lost track of the number of times i would be mid-fap when his car would pull up at outside and it would then be a mad dash involving me pulling up my pants switching the vhs tapes changing the channel and assuming a nonchalant pose on the sofa somehow this reminds me of that scene in the big lebowski where the one p producer invites the dude to his home at one point the guy leaves and the dude is doing the pencil trick to see what he last wrote on a pad of paper it was a guy with a boner and when he heard the guy coming back he ripped the paper out and made a mad dash to pose nonchalantly on the couch my mom told me about my step that vhsp collection so naturally i went snooping around i found buster nut in grandma's butt and hairy chicks need love too i felt a sense of relief that at least he wasn't into barely legal pee i was his teenage stepdaughter after all later when my mom found out i had stolen one of the tapes not hairy grandma p but something innocuous like amateur hot is for she was like you do know that's nearly 15 years old right why don't you just use the internet i'm a girl i discovered my dad's stash of mags when i was about eight i used them for many years until he died and mom tossed them in the same drawer where they were kept was an old purse of my mom's and one day i looked in it by chance it had a few old polaroids of a naked man posing for the camera i was maybe 12 or 13 and most of what i'd seen at that point was sexy naked women few men so i snatched the pictures and used them for a while thinking they wouldn't be missed well about a week later my mom came and asked me if i had any pictures of hers that i wanted to tell her about i sheepishly told her yes and returned them then she proceeded to lecture me and say that was only natural for girls to be attracted to their father at first i didn't understand what she was babbling about but very slowly it dawned on me the man was my father oh my god i had no freaking idea i really never even considered the possibility in the picture so old tl dr accidentally beat off to pics of my dad got caught and lectured by my mom paging doctor freud you're needed in this thread when i was a kid my friend found a stash of his dad's pee in the garage and invited a few of us around for reviewing all was going fine until he popped in the third video it featured an ugly lady with a very hairy vag spread eagled on a bed then my friend's father appeared on screen naked and sporting a handsome boner i can't stop laughing at the term handsome boner 2002 i'm 19. i'm home on break from school and my gf at the time is with me she just turned 18 and for her 18th birthday she wanted to go to vip very intimate pleasures which was this new swanky pea store that had opened recently having the relationship that i do with my dad i tell him what we're doing as i walk out the door he says to me hey can you pick me up some anime p i'm curious a few days later i got his review of it it was really graphic he was right i love my dad up vote for your relationship with your dad [Music] 35 m throwaway account here i always knew my dad he'd be beta max tapes and a few vhs one day i found p on the unlocked safe some of it was good but it didn't get shocking until i started searching for p on his pc he had a hidden p folder in there there were lots of pictures of mature women wearing stockings not shocking and not my taste still under that there was another folder i sneaked and to my horror i found the same pictures photoshopped with the faces of my mom's sisters to this day i haven't told him that i know but every time i see him by a photoshop how to book i shudder dad walks into my room son we need to talk follow me we walk over to the family computer which i had routinely used to look at p and my dad shows me the history i see a long list of p sites nastywives.com being one of the names he pointed out which is different than it was 10 years ago and he asks me what this is doing there i have learned over the years to always deny everything if you're caught you're caught but if there is a seed of doubt try to milk it for what it's worth i was quiet for a little while then told him i wasn't sure my dad then continued saying when your friends come over and use the computer make sure you supervise them so they don't start doing anything that could get you in trouble lucky me my baseball team had come over for a team dinner the day before and had used the computer when i wasn't around they definitely didn't look at peace since their parents were there too but my dad saw them on it and that was enough to prove i hadn't done it still the most awkward moment i've ever had followed by the most relieving i learned how to delete my history after that he knew but he gave you an out and made sure you knew to cover your tracks i was lucky enough to masturbate on dial up though it's left me getting slightly aroused if i hear the old connecting sounds pavlov's frisky 14 year old i remember sitting with my best friends at night while their parents were sleeping hearing the dongdong ksssh hhh ping ping kss sssshhh and being like please don't wake up please don't wake up my father was a professional cartoonist his work is prolific i have stacks upon stacks of his work sitting in my room his apartment was cluttered with clipboards and boxes full of loose sketches you would never know what you'd find every time you started looking through his stuff one weekend while he was at work my siblings and i were feeling particularly nosy at the time my father spent quite a bit of time on the computer mid to late 90s chatting with folks in icq poking around the desk we found a stack of unint cartoons in the bottom drawer under a stack of files the pictures we found were as follows one a caricature of my father and children's pajamas and his butt hanging out they were the old shule kind of pjs with fieties and a buttoned butt flap he was looking cockettishly over his shoulder while the butt flap fell down exposing a bear shining butt his caricature was strikingly realistic beard gray eyebrows wrinkles and all too this is where it got weirder the cartoon was of a computer sitting on a desk with a hand reaching out from within the screen there was a woman standing before the desk with her blouse open and her breasts bed ready for the hand to grab being about 10 at a time boobs were a pretty foreign thing to me still and it was even weirder seeing them drawn in my dad's style three this one i honestly wouldn't doubt if people don't believe me on this one but bear with me i swear on my life it's real and i wouldn't be admitting this sort of thing if it wasn't it was on some serious rule 34 crap before rule 34 technically was given a name it was another cartoon a room full of muppets performing bukkak on miss piggy in big bubble letters she was screaming oh kermi fricked up but kermit wasn't in the picture from what i remember there was beaker bunsen honodu gonzo and rolf there must have been more it was a pretty crowded picture and my brother being a bit overprotective in it and almost threatened to rip it up for the record my father was the best dad i could ever ask for turns out he just happened to be a bit of a closeted furry tl dr my dad drew muppet p if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 3,567
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: parents, parenting, parenting fails funny, trouble, not my fault, dad, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Id: hRHWb9h3UJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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