Found Duffel Bag Underwater, You Won't Believe What's Inside! (Scuba Diving)

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what's up guys Jake here today I'm hanging up my buddy Tristan and today we're gonna be scuba diving to see what we could find underneath this bridge so Tristan invited me up to his house and he said he's been scoping this place out and he thinks that we could potentially find that one not two but five so I've been in Florida searching for guns I haven't found any man I really want to find one and this is a lot of pressure this is a lot of pressure on me but I think this is a busy road a really nice waterway that people could try to ditch a weapon or anything that they've been stolen so I think we're gonna find something again also I've been watching the show called Outer Banks and I'm inspired to go search for real treasure and I think I have two connections to be able to make that happen if you want to see that happen chop a thumbs up I'll make a deal with you guys if we could break a hundred thousand likes in this video Tristan and I will team up to look for real treasure gold also they put you break 200,000 likes Tristan will cut his hair to look like Tiger King and we'll make a video like that it's giving hundred thousand like them that happens jump in the water Tristan's underwater right now I've got all my scuba stuff ready to go let's hop underneath there and see what we can find [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh shut it inside and I got potentially at Mario's myself sorry it's probably a farmer's tool but could be a potential murder weapon it looks really weird then put this right here is the banker five hey there's a duffel bag and there's stuff inside and we're gonna open it up found that like 30 feet down I have no idea what's inside of it but I'm gonna wait until Tristan gets up here and we're gonna open it up together there could be all types of cool stuff like guns or she's sniffing over and I'm wore out man whatever's in here weighs so much I barely got it up we're gonna open up here in a second I got a fishing rod but I got something they don't know if we should be holding yeah like I don't know what it is really waiting for you know here we were talking about earlier who all the things that we wanted to find I don't know I don't know I found nothing but I don't know oh my gosh she's so doc do you think it could be so I don't know I don't know if it's under but it looks like a torpedo that could be like a mortar holding a border I was holding it like this going across the ground and I was like this is probably not that smart all right let's see you so we just saw this thing I was just really gave you a warning this could be like a borders I don't know it looks like it may be 100 I don't know it could be sent from a boat if you guys know let us know we've been playing with a ball Joe all right let me show you my pocket already yep no that is what it's a log roller no this is a D they killed someone oh yeah is that it that's why you got in a duffel bag you got something else and a duffel bag yeah you got some of those no it's really like a uh obviously it's most likely not a potential murder weapon but it could but it could I don't like that's perfect I'm telling you you could have if I was a professional log roller I mean this is my school all right I got a duffel bag let's open it up real quick the back cuts could be Bank guns money gold tools and gold all right here we go open it up [Music] that's a lot of money probably a fool oh yeah check it out [Music] whoa that like that is a ton of please I mean that's probably a thousand bucks the tools where you need to go through this so there might be a gun in there you think how does this get over the bridge where did you find this hat over the deep section so they were getting rid of it for some reason yeah I mean it dump it out these are here hard to chop the people's toes Oh God obviously we haven't found a gun yet but it was probably $1,000 for the tool Emily so Trish and I we found some great stuff all scuba diving I hope you enjoyed today's youtube video I had to say my personal favorite find and I found is all these tools check it out and then we found like $1,000 worth of tools we're got to clean them all off we're not gonna throw them away but yeah pretty cool fine had to say Justin's best find was the weed eater the new and my personal favorite is golden ring check that out I don't know how I got so lucky he just did it man all right so with that said Tristan's gonna hop off the bridge I can't do it I got a shoulder but I'm so excited seated it looks way taller than I think okay I hope you guys enjoyed today's YouTube video if you guys did make sure you guys leave this video a big thumbs up also don't forget to subscribe if you guys are new I might put Tristan's YouTube channel in description box below 100,000 likes just tonight we're gonna be teaming up to see if it could find real treasure and if we get 200,000 likes Tristan will actually cut his hair to look like they got from Tiger Joe it'd be hilarious right D Oh alright cool hey you get da song [Music]
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 5,250,712
Rating: 4.9014649 out of 5
Keywords: found duffle bag, found jewelry, scuba diving, duffle bag underwater, found stolen jewelry, river treasure, duffle bag found underwater, duffle bag, scuba diving for treasure, found possible weapon underwater, stolen jewelry, we found a duffel bag, found jewelry in river, best river treasure finds, found mortar underwater, found bomb underwater, found gold ring underwater, found underwater, jewelry, real treasure hunt, scuba diving for lost valuables, scuba jake, vlog, fish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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