What's your biggest insecurity?

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okay so my basin security I usually don't tell people this a lot but when I was younger I was really shy and my like biological dad was kind of abusive and so there's a lot of times where he would do stuff to like my family or my mom and stuff and I always just felt like like the feeling that I remember feeling the earliest was like that I was kind of like a coward and so now anytime that I'm like that I want to stand up to my for my friends or something I always get like a bit nervous because I feel like that's like one of the emotions that I associated with myself the earliest but just like sucks to be like four years old and feel like you can't do anything but I know that I should have done something but it's just kind of like I was just kind of stuck so I always like deal with like stage fright or like when I know I'm supposed to stand up for something but I feel like I can't those feelings just like come back say yeah well it's like growing up I always felt like really pretty older sister um and I was always like really insecure that like I wasn't gonna like to be as good as her and I felt like everyone compared us like all the time and so I think I just like was always scared that like people would like choose like hurl for me I guess it's like kind of reoccurring with like friends and stuff I felt like they liked her better because like she was older she was prettier like stuff like that um so I guess that was the reduce insecurity I guess yeah [Music] when I was younger I didn't really like I couldn't talk very well and so I had like no one could understand I was saying and I had to have like all of my friends and my siblings like tell people what I was trying to say because no one knew words that were coming out so I think that kind of affected me and made me not want to talk in front of people so I think it's still in the back of my mind when I talk in front of people after like do things where it's if you were watching but I think I've kind of my friends and family hoping getting over it so yeah my biggest insecurity is probably my weight I never had to worry about it all my life and I never really thought about it until I put on a few pounds after having five kids and as a mom it's hard to take care of yourself and I put everybody else first and so yeah it's weird to think that just putting on a few pounds would make me feel completely different about Who I am and not be confident in my other giftings but that's what I'm doing is right now it's just like how could this how could this stop me doing things that I love or being in pictures with my beautiful wonderful children and and then I get sad because I miss memories because I don't want to see a picture of myself and that's sad because my kids will they don't care they just want to know that I love them and I do and I want to love myself enough to not care that I look not my best in pictures I'm a little like naive to things you know like it's easy for some people to like take advantage of me a lot for example and maybe like maybe like when they're like selling something they're like pressuring me to do them like oh okay so like it's hard for me to just like say no I I've actually been thinking about it a lot recently I don't really know myself like I don't know who I am I've been trying to figure it out and it's it's something that I kind of stay up at night thinking about I don't know like I pour all my energy and time into like other people and other going on around me but I never focus on myself so I guess like I'm my biggest insecurity if that makes sense I think yeah that's weird saying that out loud oh my gosh that's crazy maybe my height absolutely sometimes I can't see above me or anything like that it's hard being sure and I feel like a lot of people literally look down on me I'm definitely my height just because like being a girl or being a woman and being like significantly taller than the other guys could be intimidating at first it was really really difficult like being so different than everyone else but now I like oh man by my weight my biggest insecurity I guess the fact that I'm skinny I can do about it I'd probably say my hair it doesn't behave sometimes it does my biggest insecurity is actually my feet yeah I had eczema on my left foot and I don't really like showing off my toes because I mean you look around people have beautiful feet maybe that wear sandals and stuff and me I I gotta like put like layers of lotion on and stuff like that just to even have my foot looking normal so yeah that's one of my biggest insecurity my skin actually so it's really weird I have eczema all over I feel like every time I look in the mirror I see all the time it's all I can see why I look at myself my shyness I guess we're like um yeah the way I act when I'm like nervous I said I don't know I get weird and I feel like it like it stops them from being like my personality I guess so yeah I think my biggest insecurity is probably the way that I like project myself towards other people like first impression wise like sometimes I feel like I can come off like way too strong or like sometimes I feel like people tend to think that I'm weird or like people tend to think that like I look weird or I talk weird I act learned you know so I'm very cautious about like the things that I do on like a daily basis I'm constantly like thinking about like if I'm doing something wrong or if I'm saying something wrong but if I like if I annoyed someone or something like that so I would say that like my personality there we go is probably what I'm most insecure about that I'm not enough for people like like I want them to want me to be around and like I just feel like I'm never like good enough yeah I try not to feel like that but sometimes I just feel like I'm like a burden to people I think my biggest insecurity is how quiet I am like I get confused I'm like should I be saying something but no I don't so it's fine [Music] I'm insecure about my ability to make myself seem vulnerable or in any situation where I can be perceived as sensitive or weak I guess I become really insecure about that type of thing because I'm hard-headed probably and I'm stubborn and I I like to have people believe that I am more resilient and like tougher than I am because it helps me it protects me I don't know probably just people kind of very just brushing me off to the side like trying to make sure that people like you notice me I guess I have a brother who's two years older than me and so a lot of the times in like school I would get called by my brother's name and so I think a big thing was like trying to make sure that I had my own identity growing up and not just being my older brothers younger brother my biggest insecurity are my feelings I don't like how other people can perceive my feelings even though I know I feel like deep inside but like to someone else it could be something completely different and so like it just gives me anxiety about oh my god they don't understand what I'm saying or how I'm feeling so like everything just like comes off wrong and then like just leads to bad situation you know growing up I really haven't like I wasn't really able to like express myself like how I feel or anything because especially like in Chicago like feelings like don't exist so if you feel something just have to like keep that inside for yourself and you just have to like deal with it on your own my lease because I got made fun of a lot when I was younger about it and kind of just I went to care about it even as an adult oh gosh well I mean as you can see I've struggled with acne since like early childhood and I guess like when I get my like for my anxiety acts up I start to like compete again my skin's thinking about like whatever things when they look at me or like even when I'm around family and they make a comment or something like that it just kind of really gets to me I feel like my body image like as long as I can remember has always been like my biggest like my weight my mom is like super skinny and she's always like talking about how she's like that so then growing up she's always kind of made comments not like mean to me at all but just kind of like about herself and then that kind of like has trickled down to me and how I feel about myself and yeah I don't really think I haven't insecurity because I'm just a really perfect person and it's just really hard being me so I guess my biggest insecurity is that people think I'm just better than them no no I think my biggest insecurity is probably I think being unliked by people and people judging me which is common but yeah my biggest insecurity is that I wouldn't be loved I'll be lonely I'm getting in love that first when I don't feel the other person knocks me to not be have love reciprocated maybe like never finding love my parents didn't so I'm scared to Iowa you know I find myself being scared of being alone and unhappy being alone perhaps because I think people need people hi everyone thanks for watching another episode basically I just want to say welcome to the new subscribers and to the subscribers who have been with me for a while I want to thank you for constantly supporting my channel and to the new viewers who haven't subscribed to my channel yet I hope you get to the point where you want to hit the subscribe button and possibly the Bell next to it so you get notified every time I put up a new episode I don't know if you guys have noticed but a lot of my recent episodes have been suggestions from you guys so I want to thank you for that as well I have noticed that you guys love suggesting questions for my strangers answer series which I love but I do want to let you know that you could literally suggest anything you want it doesn't just have to be a question it could be like a whole new project idea I'm always open to trying new things as long as it lines up with what my channel is about which is doing things with strangers and sharing good stories I think that's pretty much it thank you guys again for everything and I'll see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Thoraya
Views: 1,734,591
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Id: z2W2DuinQ5A
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Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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