How to Live Life Without Major Regrets

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what if you knew when you were going to die do you think you would live your life differently than how you are now I probably would try and I think I want too much I'll definitely go back and change a couple of things I woke up in the middle of the night and went oh my God if I died today would I be happy and the answer came up no from the moment that we are born time is ticking our existence is what a brief moment in history and yet despite the fact that we all know this we spend the majority of our time above ground taking life for granted we work in jobs that we hate we save our money for retirement and more often than not we're okay with being unhappy but what if we knew the exact moment of which we were going to die would you start living differently what if you knew when you were gonna die oh you would live differently than how you live now yeah absolutely absolutely I think I would have jumped off a few more Clips in life a few more Mountains and not been so afraid I've lived away from a family for like eight years and I haven't seen them as much as I'd like to when you live far away from a family you don't see them once a year you go back and then you realize aging is like real my bucket list you know do all the things that I've wanted to do that I've put off doing and what's stopped you from taking down that bucket list work to a large extent you know work in making money and paying a mortgage and all that kind of stuff I wouldn't live differently but I would make sure there are things I do and on the top of the list to just make sure everybody knows I love them [Music] next week is my birthday I turned 24 years old and for some people that might seem young but for me it feels very old for the last three and a half months I've been living abroad in Japan basically traveling throughout Asia and fulfilling a bucket list goal that has been on my list for over five years yet the thing is as I have been living here I've also made it a point to prioritize work all of us assume that the end is going to be in their 80s according to whatever the life expectancy is in your country but any of our Lives could end very quickly I'm very big on journaling and this year I've decided to ask myself what would I do if I knew when I was going to die [Music] thank you the more I say here the more I realize how simple the answer is but the answer is not what I thought it would be the only two things that I could think about that I should do if I had a week to live is number one give back and leave a mark in the world and number two spend time with people that I love and that's it nothing else matters does death scare you yes it does because I enjoy living yeah yeah I think it scares everybody to some extent yeah did it always yeah as you get closer and you experience like you know my parents have died you're as the dying scare you no not at all because I've had a full life I've traveled around the world married a great lady well life has been good and life is what you make it one second to hear and then you're just gone and I think about it all the time and some people are like nothing to worry about because you're just gone you don't have to worry about it but how can you just be here for one second and then what is nothing would you guys say that life is real to you yeah sometimes as real as my body is right now yes absolutely without a doubt when did that happen 33 years ago when my brother had a an accident which has changed all our lives forever so that's that's when you really reflect on what's important in life when your parents die especially it's like you never think that will happen right like when you're a kid you don't even imagine that when my grandfather died actually that was like when okay death is real life is real that's when I realized like okay like we have a lifespan and we gotta make them more time here of everything everybody tries to build this perfect life and as soon as I was as low as I feel like I can go that's when life was real [Music] Chelsea tell us what we're doing right now we are going to volunteer at a school because why not it's a good way to give back to a community and uh teach them maybe something new so it's gonna be fun yeah all right ladies and gentlemen [Applause] [Music] [Music] basketball [Music] [Applause] oh baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what advice could you give to someone who's younger in terms of you know living a more present life think about what you want out of life because I don't think we ever kind of stop to do that I think people again they just need to put themselves out there volunteer with some senior centers find out more be inquisitive learn more about your community learn more about the people in your community I think that you know makes for a better informed individual don't sit and about things do something about it stop giving a stop giving a about how other people make you feel try to be proactive just do your thing right and I think that's the most important thing and especially if you have a good heart if you're a good person you can see yourself in the mirror saying that hey you know what at the end of the day I did what I did and I actually contributed a little bit in this world today and that's all that matters I thought back to when I was a little kid of like what I enjoy doing every day and a lot of it had to do with like imagination and play and I actually quit my corporate job to become an actor because I was like what would small Kira want to do when she's young and I think if you think back to when you were a little kid and so free and living in the moment thinking of your mindset then and what you did then that's like super important to get back to birthday king that's the man right there him [Music] we're all six going in there yeah okay also to bring your daughter to work days first activity taking a boat for the whole day we're going island hopping in the Philippines there's a bunch of other people on this boat look they look Filipino so we'll be making friends with locals [Music] pilot number one it is just Santa so my friends have organized an entire day to celebrate my birthday I realized that when you think of the things you want to do with your life when time is finite I mean really the only things that matter is just spending time with the people that you care about and feeling loved and appreciated and that's been a big thing on my birthday that I haven't felt since I started my business because I've been traveling around so much and haven't been around my friends and so being able to have friends who take the time out of their days and to plan this entire day for me is really important so I'm trying to enjoy as much of this as I can and so far it's pretty amazing we're the old one [Music] for the Final Act of my birthday will and Connor are DJing at a club here in the Philippines I don't know how they pulled it up but they managed to get a DJ Gig so we're going out getting free drinks we'll see where the night takes us [Music] do you think most people take life for granted yes yes younger you do and I think as you get older and you see happenings this is tragedies you begin to appreciate it more and more the thing for really got me was when my first kid hit 30 years old and then I went I have a 30 year old child for me that was the hitting home point where I went oh yeah time isn't moving on yeah everybody thinks they're gonna live forever everybody thinks sickness isn't going to affect them mental health isn't going to affect them grief isn't going to affect them but it affects us all so how do you live differently than most people like if you could describe things you do versus things people either don't do or don't present yourself who you are and surround yourself by people that accept that you don't need someone to get to know you if it's not the real you I have no idea what you guys are doing it's very frustrating not what I'm used to spread around all right let's go school ready to go wait you guys stay here we're gonna pray the music he's gonna pop this and we've lost something big okay all right let's go [Music] I feel like I'm being dragged to my death is everyone naked in there you don't do anything seriously don't do anything your pants it's just gonna come in and then Will's gonna come in with me okay [Music] happy birthday give me a big old smile hey to the face [Music] I think it's not in our room I guess if I knew I was going to die I would definitely stop prioritizing work and making money and start focusing a lot more on doing things that genuinely just make me happy the problem is for most of us that's not the case you know we God willing hope that we're going to be living for a very long time and if we don't focus on making money then we can't have the experiences over time that we'll want to have but imagine I live this life imagine I chose to live like I've lived the last week I think my life would be a lot better there's a lot of things that I'm not doing that I love doing that I've been able to do only because I gave myself this challenge so this video is not designed to tell you to quit everything and just live like you're gonna die tomorrow but more so to see the two lives this is your normal life this is the life you would live if you knew you were gonna die how can we Bridge those two together as close as possible in order to make your life happier and better nobody ever when they're on their deathbed thinks about the amount of hours that they worked always always will be thinking about the decisions they made if they are happy with that and if they did it with people that they loved I think we all owe it to ourselves to get to that point one day and not have any regrets thank you so much for watching this video if you liked it then you're definitely going to like this video right here if you haven't already subscribed please make sure to do that now I'm will and as always it's a mindset
Channel: Sprouht
Views: 113,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sprouht, age, advice, life advice, death, what if you knew when you were going to die, are you afraid of death, street interviews, vancouver, philippines, personal development
Id: ojyxHiJeEOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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