What's The Worst Thing You Overheard A Parent Say To Their Kids?

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my son's girlfriend's mom just said something unspeakable what is the worst thing you have heard parents say to their children my mum yelled at my brother and blamed him for her miscarriage really hurt hearing her say that your sister was a disappointment you are too now that she is gone I can't take over and fix you my sister just died in an accident two days before my mum said this have not talked to her in years now I I have no words I'm so sorry for your loss and happy that you've removed that cancer from your life I had a patient whose father kept on asking the doctor how much weight he needed to lose in the middle of a crowded waiting room the doctor tried to take him to the back but made the mistake of saying he's following his curve the father flipped out and said I know he's a little fatty I coach soccer and I'm absolutely disgusted by him when I see the other kids out there 20 to 30 pounds lighter than him he said this in a crowded waiting room in front of his 11-year-old son the doctor finally gets him to the back the waiting room is deathly silent I take the Sun to finish his physical and another patient's mother approached him and said I know it hurts right now I know you feel so terrible but you don't deserve to be treated like that no one does and I want you to realize that one day very soon you are going to realize that you are not the problem and I hope when that day happens his words stop hurting you because I know he's your dad and you're supposed to listen to him but sweetie adults can be very very wrong sometimes freaking heck I want to grow up to be like that lady I bet that kid remembers that for the rest of his life my grandmother once said to me in front of my entire family I wish I could love you as much as I love all my other grandchildren it was horrible my mother once told me remember my tears touched every inch of your body that's actually kind of hilarious I can imagine a parent saying this to their child in a funny way maybe when they're a little older as a joke maybe wasn't in your case but I guess it's all about context and delivery delivery boom my grandmother tried to sell me when I was a baby the only thing that stopped her was my great aunt shoving a shotgun in her face you didn't have a great aunt she was a freaking amazing aunt dated a girl in high school for a bit her parents loved me unfortunately after a few months she decided I was a piece of crap whatever the first time I went over to her house her stepdad watched her go inside then looked at me and said yeah too bad she's a butterface right he had to explain that to me or as we call it in Australia a prawn the body is good to go but you have to remove the head first my dad's always called my sister his accident and me his mistake I think I'd rather be the accident my dad said something in a similar vein to me recently my brother and his wife just had a kid my parents first grandbaby my dad told me a few weeks ago I love the baby the way I just couldn't love you and your brother my feels man one year on Mother's Day my mother looked at me and my brother and said I wish I never had kids on Mother's Day the previous year she tried to kill herself I overheard my ex-boyfriend's father tell him to take me out to the middle of the lake in the boat and tell me to give it up or swim to shore oh and that I had to go lay Bitties classy dude if I swim we both swim then tip the boat my mom to me while she was in the hospital awaiting the results of a lung scan I would rather be dead from cancer than see my only son grow up to be gay that's when you cross your fingers and say well then let's hope for some cancer my cousin's stepdad told him during an argument over the phone why don't you just go kill yourself if you are so depressed two hours later my cousin committed suicide by a gunshot to the head he was 15. my mother once gave me a razor told me to go kill myself but to go do it in the bathroom so it would be easier to clean as I walked away she said and shut the door I don't want your younger sisters to see it I was 14. okay I've got another one I was 18 or 19 and she was slapping me around on day I'm yelling I am now an adult this is assault I'm going to call the police and you will finally go to jail and my mom the psycho is like paraphrased a bit go on call the police but then I will get some acid and a knife and mess you up so bad that it will be worth the jail time to see you messed up beyond recognition so then I hightailed it out of their quick smart I was at my friend's house when I was little I was in his room when he went to get something I heard his argument with his mother downstairs mother you're the reason we are in this debt go go kill yourself my friend died at the age of 14 due to Suicide with his father's revolver my dad straight up told me that he never wanted a child but my mom did the doctor made a mistake and told them they were having a boy and when I came out a girl my Dad cried and walked out of the hospital he legit didn't want me because I have a tea I was also 10 when he told me this your dad sucks having a daughter would be cool because then you could legitimately play with ponies and no one could mock you I wanted to abort you but no one would drive me to the clinic looks like someone's not getting a Christmas card stepfather to 12 year old me you better not have gotten me a Father's Day present cause I'm not your father and I hate your guts I'd reply of course not the thought didn't even cross my mind sucker my mom recently told me I was the perfect child until I was violated when I was 11. thanks Mom that's always good to hear sorry but your mum's horrible she isn't concerned with you as a human being but only how good you make her look and how little effort she has to put into your success whatever social and personal issues arose as a result of your trauma only presented an obstacle to her she is just a plain selfish person and you shouldn't concern yourself with her damaging opinions I have several friends whose stepfathers apparently have no qualms about picking huge fights with them while there's company over to the point that I'm not sure I know anyone who actually gets along with their stepfather in my own family when I was nine my grandmother told me if you eat a slice of pie you'll weigh 300 pounds in high school and other really nasty things about my weight to the point that when I started high school and didn't weigh anywhere close to 300 pounds it felt like a major accomplishment one time I walked into a Toys R Us as a mother was walking out with her very young daughter the little girl trips hits her head on the ground with a massive thud and starts crying the mom yells at her for falling dot I really hate it when crap like that happens I was 12 years old a new girl arrived at our school she was unpopular quiet wore a lot of makeup and seemed to have no self-respect I was a bit of a loner myself so I befriended her for a while she told me about all the different guys she'd freak about smoking herb and drinking I was shocked and a bit put off but continued to hang out with her I went to her house a few times she lived in government-funded housing ugly low income depressing her house was a mess her mother reminded me of Mrs Crabtree from South Park with a pack a day habit yelled at her a lot this girl would sometimes be busy after school she would say she has stuff she has to do but wouldn't elaborate eventually she ended up telling me that she freaking men for money that her mom sets up they would come over and Frick her in her bed this was a couple times a week then her mom would take her to the mall and buy her a pair of bell bottoms or whatever and keep the rest for herself I was disgusted we were were in her bedroom one day her mom came in and told her that I had to go home because someone was coming over my friend went into her mom's room to argue with her and I stuck my head in the hallway to try and listen I don't remember everything they said but the last line always stuck with me he just wants a BJ and remember to swallow or we don't get all the money that is absolutely horrible that poor girl less than a week after my father-in-law died of cancer my wife was understandably having a very hard time coping she and her dad were really close her mother however decided for no particular reason to come into the room sit down and say you know your father wouldn't have died if you would have moved back in with us like I'd asked you too it's your fault he died and I'm glad he can't see you because he'd be extremely disappointed in you tldr my Mill is Satan's butthole my wife was 23 when her dad died and we were already married moving in with her parents was not gonna happen perhaps your father-in-law decided to digest to get away from his be of a wife not only is she hilarious the first thing she said was a compliment about your house though I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt here if she's really that trashy to think that's how you keep someone out and gain Financial stability shame on her but the girlfriend isn't necessarily anything like the mother no big deal I was suspecting something flat out abusive not just awkward I'm in line at the grocery store and this lady and her kid are in front of me the kid said Mama I'm hungry and the mother corrected him and said it's I be hungry yup the kid doesn't have much of a future with that kind of Parental Guidance my mom was in Boston and she saw a mother and small child walking by the child pointed to parked car and said car to which the mother replied no it's Kerr sad story I was a Costco shopping and getting samples and I see this Brad kid running about she was not listening to her stressed out mom and grabbing everything to look at it and wandering around for samples the dad comes to the cart with a couple items sees the little fart running around and Bellows get your butt over here you freaking brat she didn't even listen until he came and grabbed her and jammed her in the cart comma by son's girlfriend do you have a cold Chandler to Monica I think you're sick because that points to the ground used to be in your nose I'm gonna grab you some tissue Monica I don't need a tissue I'm findy Ross when you put a d at the end of fine you're not fine episode 6.13 the one with Rachel's sister as a teen dating a white girl her mom said to me yeah I know I ain't much for n but you're all right the [ __ ] obviously it was because you were green I'd rather have you kill yourself than be with some f worked on a checkout and a woman came through with her tenure son who was quite fat kid was eating a large serve of chips and gravy he had bought from the deli and looked kind of sad he turned to his mum and said mum you sure this is food won't make me fat mum didn't even turn around just said of course not just eat it sad face this just moves something inside of me it made me feel extremely sad for the kid but at the same time extremely angry at such a parent I was at a movie theater with one of my black friends there was a few open spots by us a child and his father were looking for seats and the child pointed to the ones next to us the father proceeds to say no there is a black person in that row we left I was walking in front a woman and her approximately 12 year old daughter and I heard the girl comment on how pretty she thought my dress was this is what her mother said that's what w wear is that what you want to be when you grow up a short-haired ass like her are you gonna get pregnant next year are you gonna drop out of school and start drinking and doing drugs start whoring around cause that's what dresses like that do sometimes I don't know what I did do the good Lord to deserve a filthy devil worshiping daughter like you I should mention that the dress I was wearing hit just above the knees and wasn't even tight or revealing not that it would have mattered anyway her mom was just a sea my dad has called me all sorts of colorful names and was never kind to me bits at one point he told me the reason he left when I was younger was because he could tell I was going to be ugly a loser and a disappointment to him and he didn't want the shame of telling people I was his child I was 14 when he said this self-esteem non-existent if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] thank you [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: UE Stories
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Keywords: parents, reddit parents, parenting, parenting styles, parenting reddit, parenting advice, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2023, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: gYS7W1oRAZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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