What Popular Trends Did You Think Would Never Catch On?

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what is something you thought would never catch on but it became huge Google as a search engine we already have Yahoo it'll never be bigger than Yahoo me 2001. Frick Yahoo Alta Vista was the crap Minecraft I thought it would maybe appeal to a couple hundred thousand people Max but nope over 100 million registered users I remember when it started so much as change I don't know how to play anymore it's so complicated now two things one McDonough I saw her rolling around the stage singing like a virgin at the first annual MTV Music Video Awards in 1984 and thought there's a flash in the pan if I ever saw one two I was invited as a test audience to see three new TV shows they were shopping in a room with 100 other people I watched and reviewed them all and one I truly disliked I didn't think it was funny and didn't think the characters were likable gave it my lowest rating it was Frasier came to network TV The Following fall and ran for 11 years TL DR don't trust my opinion on pop culture Facebook why would anyone bother when we have Myspace same here most of my friends were on MySpace since you needed a college email address for Facebook I also loved how you could customize your page ah good times cameras and cell phones the resolution was crap compared to proper cameras who would need this except spies I should have said who would need this except spies I used to wonder I use mine all the time now the best camera in the world is the one you have on you if I needed to take a picture I'd sure as heck settle for a .3 MP camera thank God cell phone camera Tech evolved steam when it first came out everyone went nuts we have to log into this to play 1.6 pfft when 1.6 die steam will die with it it's 2014 now and steam is the biggest gaming platform for the out there not only that but 1.6 is still alive Twitter for me limited to 140 characters ha this will never work Snapchat for me the first time I experienced it someone got one laughed at it and when I asked to see the picture they said it was gone they then explained to me the marvels of Snapchat to which my response was why not just take a normal picture that way you can keep it and continue to laugh at it and show it to other people I get that the point of it sometimes is pictures you don't want to have kept around but most of the time it is just silly or normal pictures that would have every reason to be kept I remember reading about pocket monsters in Nintendo power and lamenting that this awesome seaming game would never come to America boy was I wrong I see you took to it quite well iPads so it's a giant phone you can't use to call or text with what's the point get a laptop if you want to browse the internet from anywhere also the iPad Mini bigger than your smartphone but smaller than your iPad too big for your pocket with a tiny screen to look at touch screen keyboardless smartphones I mean who would want to type on anything that is so small and has no keyboard boy I was wrong if I could get a bulky iPhone with a slide out keyboard I would in a heartbeat girls wearing Spandex as pants in public don't get me wrong I'm not complaining I just can't believe it's happening we live in marvelous times Dancing with the Stars nobody is going to watch realist celebrities dance b-list If Only They were that famous a TV show with Dragons magic and dwarfs Game of Thrones is everything that got me made fun of in high school and now everyone freaking loves it because it has tea and blood in it that's why bottled water seriously I remember comedians cracking jokes about it there will be Isles of water at the grocery store Crowd Goes I only buy bottled water for the bottles Vine didn't think that six seconds would really do anything turns out people are pretty creative the only one that truly made me crack up was one they showed on Tosh zero it was a couple guys wondering if Staples really sold Staples then when they found out they did they said you know what this means the next shot was them running into dongs while screaming had a friend who showed me Gangnam Style about a month before it blew up I said heck no it's too weird it will be a small novelty at best later he sent me a link to the what Does the Fox Say video again way before it got big again I said no too annoying next time I'm gonna freaking listen I was the same way with got eyes song Somebody That I Used to Know I think I saw it through our distant at this post when it only had a few thousand hits and didn't really think much of it a few months later the radio was playing it to death texting first off I'm relatively old I remember when texting first came out and I thought that's the single stupidest thing I've ever heard of if you need to say something quickly it would take less time to just call the person this was way back when in a long long ago before T9 and swipe and all that fancy Jazz so typing a text was relatively tedious the days before the full keyboard I hated texting so tedious I remember my first text was m from my personal experience living in a suburb but being country by wearing Carhart and getting a lift kit on your truck this happened in high school for me graduated in 08 I remember one or two kids started dressing that way and chewing tobacco and whatnot around freshman year in high school I thought it was kind of goofy because we live in a pleasant suburb and only one or two kids actually grew up on a farm or on a lot of land next thing I know by senior year all the cool kids were countryed out trucks were the cool car chewing tobacco was all over the place people put away their polo shirts for camo shirts and orange Etc Rihanna back when Panda replay was her big hit and she had that long golden wave I just didn't find her that interesting or different from anything else out there Panda replay is still her best song Call Me Maybe seriously thought the song was a joke turned out to be a joke that everyone got stuck in their head and sang constantly this is a really good pop song pretty much every person that heard it ever had it pegged as an absolute Smash Hit being a nerd I remember being told as a kid that the Nerds will eventually take over the world but I figured that was just stuff adults said to make us feel better reality TV seriously I thought it would be a short-lived fad it is just so Dirt Cheap to produce relative to other types of shows that I don't see it going anywhere anytime soon as sad as that is I was offered an Insider's price on Under Armor stock when it went public I thought enh the market is saturated with Athletic Apparel didn't buy it would have made a mint here is an important thing to remember you can break into a saturated Market either with quality or advertising if you can do both well you are golden single speed Fixie Bikes living an area with a lot of Hills I was surprised to see them everywhere this ain't no velodrome MC Hammer pants and overalls which are unfortunately making their way back beanie babies their marketing director must be a genius Bitcoin seriously I thought it was a passing fad same but I still mind them from about 2010 because I thought it was kind of cool then I sold them late 2012 when I realized it was freaking stupid then came the bubble to this day no matter how many pillows you put on my bed testing still appear the movie Frozen when I first saw the trailer I thought it was going to be some dumb kid movie that was pushed out to make money during the holiday season that's pretty much what everyone thought it was poorly advertised with what I called snowman spam eventually it got around to actually being really good through word of mouth and as a result they made huge money off the thing for months Bitcoin I mine for months accruing a hefty son I sold a decent chunk off for 30 dollars when they peaked and more at 13 and even more at 3.14 when I thought it was dying let's just say I would never have to work again had I kept my original amount of coins it did give me a couple of years to Tool around without worry though Snuggies Furbies what the frick people don't feed them after midnight Gangnam Style I'm from Korea so I appreciated the mocking of the affluent Gangnam District people and I thought the song was catchy and the dance was funny but I never thought for a moment that it had catch on worldwide I thought it would be another popular Korean thing that remained only in Korea Blu-rays I thought we just converted to DVDs picture and audio can't get much better than that but nobody will ever convert boy was I wrong I just hope we can all collectively ignore whatever comes next I really don't want to replace my collection again the press the first time I saw one I thought to myself my God that's the worst looking car I've ever seen I think you forgot about the Pontiac Aztec email my brother was a scientist at the time I remember him showing me around their research facilities and bragging that they could send messages to American scientists and get a reply the same day and I remember thinking typical scientist Gadget what use is that really Flappy Bird I saw it and thought it was this dumb little game that was the same as every other one yet a week later every human on the planet as even a few dogs were playing it I wonder how much money he made from all the ads Google Plus oh wait Internet seriously I remember when TV commercials started adding CS abc.com for more info I remember thinking WTF does that mean why would anyone bother doing that well I'll say it hipsters how the heck can a culture about Counter Culture become mainstream and remain counterculture the logic hurts but they knew that before I did there seems to be a misconception here that I dislike the Hipster movement and I'm being accused of confusing hipsters and poses and collectively applying labels to both I wasn't specific enough let me re-explain I can't believe that what was a largely faceless non-collective just a continental quantity of same thinkers who stood against popular culture refusing to follow social norms just because they were told to and instead seek against that current what best expresses their own individuality could possibly become a stereotyped marketed cookie cutter fad I didn't think it was possible for something like that to catch on due to the disillusionment required to believe that one represents a movement while at the same time completely betraying it I was wrong apparently people as a collective really can be that stupid make more sense what I hate is the ignorant hypocrisy of the poses not the Intrepid seeking of individuality how the heck can a culture about counterculture become mainstream a good deal popular culture follows this path being against popular culture is cool Industries know that and try to keep one step ahead of the curve there's a really good documentary about exactly this but I forget what it's called fanny packs and Crocs I get it people you like your handy dandy fanny packs and drop dead gorgeous Crocs I don't give two shoots just like you don't if you wear them now leave me be do what you want to people go and work that helpful fanny pack and strut around in those Crocs like you are a dang runway model if that's what makes you happy if you like them well more power to you but I don't need a hundred-dang messages about how wonderful fanny packs and Crocs are going to the store to get fanny packs and Crocs be back later Twilight read it in 2005 thought it was a half decent teenage romance I quickly moved to better fiction I did not even think there would be a sequel text messaging I remember saying why would you text when you can just call somebody I can tell you why calling requires both people being available texting allows for storage and time Corrections this is why I knew texting would be bigger than calling Windows Explorer I thought it would flop because it looks and works nothing like program manager did oh man program manager nostalgia Myspace I didn't actually use it but I thought that people would see it was useless because you could already talk to your friends on MSN Messenger guess not I'm going to date myself here but DVDs I worked in a video store when they came out and we all scoffed who cares about bonus features people just want the movie the picture can't be that much better nobody is going to want to buy a whole new system bro we were so wrong to be fair I never thought Blu-ray would catch on either also iPhones I couldn't figure out why anyone would want a phone MP3 player and Camera all in one now I can barely live without mine if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video foreign [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 5,242
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Keywords: dumbest trends, popular trends, trends we shouldn't have, dumb trends, stupid trends, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2023, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: KuAlw43QDPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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