What Well Known Phrases Make No Sense?

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do any of you hear common phrases use almost universally that make absolutely no sense and frustrate you to no end I get sort of annoyed when people use the word literally for emphasis he literally put his foot in his mouth there did he really give it 110 percent from The Simpsons hypnotist you are all very good players team we are all very good players hypnotist you will beat Shelbyville team we will beat Shelbyville hypnotist you will give 110 team that's impossible no one can give more than 100 by definition that's the most anyone can give 99 of the time 99 of the time when people say 99 of the time they really mean most of the time worse they actually mean to say most of the time in my opinion and limited experience but I actually don't have a sufficient data sample to back up my claim I'm not gonna lie what say you're bullshitting me the rest of the time corollary can we speak frankly no please continue bullshitting me as per normal variant I honestly felt that XXX was Yaya really have you ever dishonestly felt anything sadly due to the pervasive nature of telling White Lies put a fitting around issues and evading harsh reality it can be necessary to clarify that either you don't do that or you are at least not doing that right now I had a computer engineering teacher that used to say essentially and effectively about things especially when simplifying equations for example 2A equals 2B means essentially that t is effectively B he said it every single time it's infuriating basically is the other one I have a mate who basically uses it every sentence when he's talking about it related stuff these threads always make me afraid to speak I start imagining people raging their heads over an innocent phrase I've just uttered and there I am completely oblivious to their growing hatred for me head over heels slept like a baby has to do with sleeping worry-free it means you slept through all of your problems I.E owing 10K to the government your house in foreclosure your impotence and your boldness aren't affecting the stress and your sleep I could care less if you could care less that means you do care even if only slightly isn't the point of the phrase to indicate that you don't care so shouldn't it be I couldn't care less that's the way I say it and it bugs me to hear the other version it is I couldn't care less at least where I come from UK it is irregardless irrelevant I know right this exploded fairly recently I've even slipped and said it a couple times because it's so ubiquitous but every time someone says it I want to stab things also when talking via I am or text I get IKR a lot rage same difference the exception that proves the rule of ajad kafzilk comma the exception that proves the rule this uses a less common variation of the verb prove which can also mean test that's also the origin of the phrase Proving Grounds so the meaning is this is a potential exception that puts the rule to the test two bad people use it to mean this exception proves that the rule is correct because that's just stupid no offense means I'm about to offend you I think it's more of a way of saying while I have no desire to purposefully offend you I feel this needs to be said though it may very well offend you it's like when you have to lay a harsh truth on a friend usually you'd say your great friend but for all intents and purposes gets botched for all intensive purposes so often I want to hit something awesome I don't know why I started saying this those many many years ago but it has taken over my life and it is hard to describe anything good anymore as anything other than awesome I think I need a support group I am little p and I am also an awesome addict it has been four words since I last said awesome dang it liberal scatterings of the word like throughout any sentence pretty much ubiquitous around Liverpool but very unique come on it's either unique or it's not and similar phrases I literally died laughing holy crap a message from Beyond the Grave or any other incorrect use of literally a whole host of redundant phrases such as pin number ATM machine Etc people who actually say LOL antique used as a verb oh god there are thousands I could rant all day in fact almost anything anyone says is likely to annoy me sooner or later I'm beginning to accept the possibility that I may be a sociopath we'd like to begin pre-boarding of the aircraft what does that mean to get on before you get on R.I.P George Carlin it's not really a phrase but like it's still like a noise the like crap out of like me overuse of the word like is annoying but that certainly doesn't make it a word not worth using occasionally wash instead of wash there's no freaking R in wash or in Washington this is because of the migratory nature of the letter R bostonians pack Deckers Texans wash their car or whatever it's always the last place you look of course it is what are you going to do keep looking after you find it I think this phrase is meant to be taken tongue-in-cheek salad it's a lot damn it note the space in between the two words let's just be friends comma at the end of the day is a phrase that is hugely overused and doesn't even mean anything godam I hate it so much I suppose at the end of the day there isn't anything I can do to prohibit its use though its use no apostrophe required much less I couldn't eat a hamburger much less a grape is used about as often as I couldn't eat a grape much less a hamburger only one is right but most of the time people use the first case drives me nuts whatever as in Frick you to be fair if this annoys you all the better for whomever says it to you when I came to the US and Australia been here for three years now I noticed that in nearly all cases that someone asks how are you as a greeting the response is how are you as though the words have lost their meaning and they're just saying G-Day to each other doesn't bother me when a store Clark asks it to me as I just respond but when I ask someone and they just parrot back it feels freaking weird I like to respond with high and then amuse myself with their lack of reacting to the improper response any cliche phrase where the wrong word is used it was a mute point I could care less literally for all intensive purposes if you are going to say something cliche at least say it right you can't have your cake and eat it too Frick you I'll do whatever I want to my cake because I'm a rebel you can't preserve your mint condition and opened Luke Skywalker toy and play with it too 10 a.m in the morning and also 11 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds pm to mean midnight orange corollary 1201 am to mean midnight is it so freaking hard for people to understand that a day both begins and ends at midnight I'm just saying like everything is okay because a person identified the fact that they were just saying it WTF this is actually used as a shortened version of I'm just saying this to be clear fwiw could have biggest sign of an ignorant person I've ever seen almost as bad as people who say a ignorant person instead of an ignorant person this post is turning very George Cullen very quickly immediate seating area water-based Landing if there's anything I can do anything at all please don't hesitate to let me know Etc Dart you know what I'm saying no I don't but please feel free to tell me you know I'm not a mind reader I use this as a question because I'm not a mind reader either if you don't know what I'm saying maybe you could give me a little feedback about what's unclear instead of Simply pointing out my poor communication skills I could care less yeah I could stab you in the freaking eye with a rusty spoon it gets to me sometimes not for nothing can I ask you a question smack I sometimes use this with my supervisor at work to mean I have a problem that might take some time to resolve so I wanted to make sure you're not in the middle of doing something right now it just seems kind of rude to walk up to someone who's working and immediately blast them in the face with a problem I hate when people use the phrase that begs the question when they are trying to say that raises the question edit do you have the correct time number but I've got three watches on my wrist with the incorrect time you're welcome to see them never had this one I love this one but it makes no sense but over tea kettle my Irish grandmother was a veritable Fountain of ridiculous phrases my favorite was it's cold enough to skin a brass monkey we'll have to agree to disagree no Frick you you're wrong ignoring your blatant ignorance doesn't make it go away I've actually heard arp's complaint as sort of a two-part joke you're going to sleep like a baby tonight after that yeah cry all night and crap your pants idea this might just be local though all the hours that got dropped in other words get tacked onto idea a VP at the company I work for mispronounces the word Etc as Etc and he uses it a lot also pronounces fiscal as physical makes me crazy overuse of the word awkward maybe it's just from the college age girls I'm around but I hear it to describe situations which are much more applicable to uncomfortable boring or strange it's as if most other people overusing it do it with the air of superiority for their acute social sense which recognizes awkward situations where no one else does I once heard someone describing a man who's starting having a violent stroke in the middle of a movie theater and a girl replies who that's awkward that's not awkward it's horrifying I only use this to pee off my friends saying well this is awkward in a lalan conversation makes the lulls like Kyle awkward and makes them all get at me because it really wasn't awkward but it is now thus prompting further conversation works like a dream if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video thank you [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 3,826
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Keywords: weirdest sayings, weird sayings, makes no sense, no sense, what does that even mean, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2023, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: aFvoO2aN0Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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