Is It Possible To Live Alone On Minimum Wage???

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is it possible to live alone on 11 xxhr I'm a single mom with one daughter and I make 12.50 HR no child support no government assistance and paying back student loans bit by bit we get by fine not a lot of spare money but bills are always paid food in the cupboard as a taxpayer I have absolutely no problem with tax welfare money going to help single parents there is no shame in that I have lived off eleven dollars auditorally for two years before I joined the Navy here are my observations you will need to live somewhere where cost of living is low this usually means in the middle of freaking nowhere a big city of any sort is pretty much out of the question in my case it was in North Central Idaho working at a nursery as a landscaper and at a gas station during the winter months I lived in a small bedroom that I rented out of a nice old couple's house for 350 a month as long as I was clean I can use their kitchen Etc and kept good relations with them as some months I was stretched to make rent on time but they trusted me to be able to pay them as long as work was steady and sometimes it wasn't I was usually fine after things like Auto Insurance phone and food I usually had a couple hundred dollars left over for whatever if you're smart you put that money away four times you're short I made enough to get by and live however that's about all you you can afford to do you spend too much time working to actually be able to make reasonable effort at other interests like school not to mention find a way to reasonably afford them without going into ridiculous amount of debt I lived too far away 70 miles from any school that had any respectable accredited programs I was interested in so that created its own issues in short living off eleven dollars are is possible with proper budgeting and a decent living Arrangement but don't go into thinking that it's somehow an acceptable long-term lifestyle I did it because I felt it was better than being homeless so I worked my butt off do what you got to do bid make plans for the future Financial Security is something that helps reduce stress and makes your life better all around so do what you can to try and make self-improvements if you can go to school or find a business you could see yourself building a career and move up in that would be what I would focus on don't try and get by for the rest of your life if you know how to do it I live on one thousand one hundred dollars a month house payment is 460. electric seventy dollars internet sixty dollars car ins forty dollars I usually spend one hundred dollars a month for food in Saint Louis MO I rent a two-bedroom apartment for 575 a month so I pay 287. I make 9.50 an hour and live very comfortably I eat out too much drink out bars and I'm fine money wise the only thing I don't have to worry about is car payments my parents gave me my car everything else I cover on my own this is a great City if you want to get by on not very much money goddamn 575 a month for it California I'm looking to rent a two-bedroom apartment next school year for 1 200 a month just depends on where you live what lifestyle you're comfortable with and how good you are with money I made ten dollars and fifty cents an hour and about five hundred dollars to six hundred dollars every two weeks not going to school or anything we managed to get the landlord to let us have three people in a two-person apartment while two of us share a room rent was 900 and we all paid about 300 a piece for internet and power it was about 100 more water and trash included in rent then at my job we got free meals every shift so we milked them for what we could I was within walking distance of work grocery store movie theater bus stop Transit Center everything I really needed times got tough sometimes and we had to live off of cup of noodles and Top Ramen but it was a great experience for a teenager trying to grow up hope this helps I make fifteen dollars an hour I share a house with two other people renters 1 350 or 450 dollars per person plus bills at those amounts I get by all right and I'm pretty comfortable but there isn't really a margin for safety net if something goes wrong 11 HR will be tough in my opinion what do you spend all your money on I also make 15 an hour with my rent and utilities being about four hundred and fifty dollars a month and I make you buy very easily one of my two monthly paychecks covers my rent food gas and insurance the other nine hundred dollars also is extra yes provided you follow the prime directive always strive to attain three dollars of value for every one dollar you spend better used good quality physical Goods than cheap brand new ones fast and Convenient Food is expensive and holds less nutritional value cheaper to wear a sweater than turning up the heat you don't need to impress anybody by spending more than you should Montana here we have had a stable economy this whole time along with the housing market we have high paying jobs with wind turbines and trains you can also get a job like I have doing tech support and make almost 11 bucks an hour and live just fine I have a two-bedroom house I pay 500 a month for I always have plenty of cash in my pocket and can afford car payments on a pretty nice ride we've got beautiful scenery snowboarding you should try it weed is medicinal and easy to get no state tax and if you move somewhere like Billings or Missoula a pretty good culture scene I was actually considering Montana as well so good info to have also I think one of the jobs I was applying to had openings and Billings so I will definitely give it a closer look it depends where you live you can buy a house on 11 an hour and live pretty comfortably in the middle of nowhere my mom lives on 8.25 and I'm living off 9.50 you'll be fine in what city it wouldn't give you much wiggle room for sure but you could survive in a post-industrial city like Buffalo buffalonian here I make make about twenty dollars an hour and find it tough I make a little over twelve dollars an hour and I support myself entirely with an apartment in a major city it's absolutely feasible budget your food well though don't eat out it's not that hard and actually it's pretty okay I'm in a newly remodeled two-bedroom apartment by myself I can afford to keep my AC at 78 degrees shower twice a day eat healthy and screw around on the internet on ten dollars an hour and 40 hours a week with that stable 40 hours I have plenty of time to invest inside projects such as websites those side projects are what fun my fun and other side projects move to Australia our minimum wage is 15 HR I think that's required considering every freaking thing that can kill you in a Split Second you could probably do it but I honestly don't think you'd be enjoying yourself very much you'll be working a lot because you'd need pretty much all the money you could get and then you wouldn't have leftovers to spend having fun the question isn't it is possible but should be what kind of life would I have if you're living on your own I don't know what kind of government assistance would be available to you especially if you have a job I'd say your best bet would be to find some roommates Not only would they keep you company but your general cost of living would go down since the bills will be split it depends where you live did I make twenty one thousand dollars Which is less than 11 HR a year salary and then maybe an extra 150 a month at my part-time job I live alone and do totally fine no debt Beyond student loans and my standard of living is fairly High I have a car a nice apartment and no problem affording food or anything else I need plus I am able to save a good amount as well I can't help but be amazed every time I see one of these threads I live in Greece and I am a 33 yo woman with a PhD in applied informatics I am one of the very lucky people that has a stable job which took me years to find and I am currently getting paid 1 100 euros a month my rent for a crappy apartment is 450 euros I do not have a car since I cannot afford it if I had one I would need approximately 75 Euros a week to fill the tank if I get something to eat at McDonald's let's say two hamburgers small fries and small Coke I'll need 10 euros if I want to eat at a crappy restaurant I'll probably need 15-20 Euros a beer cost 6 euros and a drink eight those are average prices at a normal bar not fancy hotel prices my internet costs 20 euros a month 35 Euros my cell phone I download all my music movies TV series and games I cannot afford smoking anymore cause it's four Euros packet I buy one new pair of shoes every two years 2-3 new shirts every year and once a year I allow myself to buy something that I consider a luxury such as an external hard drive or a new wallet or something for the house like a microwave I still haven't said a word about electricity water heat and groceries I do not have a child to support it's just me living in my one-room apartment I live in a European country and I have a PhD I am one of the lucky ones because I do not work for basic salary and I have moved out of my parents house short answer yes you can live with eleven dollar sign hour next time you think FML I have to wait until next month to buy the new iPhone that just came out remember me I make 10.25 an hour and supported my boyfriend while he was unemployed we were comfortable we ate pretty cheap but we still had extra money to buy video games and extra stuff we probably spent about 200-275 on food a month our rent was pretty cheap too 650 plus 50 dollars in Hydro our expenses were 80 a month for net 20 a month for home phone and 90 for ourselves no car and I bike to work so I didn't have to worry about public transit very often and we had three cats at the time I lived in southern Coastal California for a year on eight dollars and fifty cents an hour I had roommates shopped only at Mexican and Asian grocery stores had Bare Bones car insurance lived with roommates biking distance and my work and had no health insurance but it was fine I even had money to occasionally do fun things like go out to eat or to concerts I think you'll be fine but you won't have much of a safety net if something goes wrong yes eleven dollars an hour you should have no problem making 600 every two weeks after taxes that is about 14 000 a year which is only three thousand less than starting airline pilots make very livable heck I work with people who make ten dollars an hour tax free and make it just fine I would also suggest using chachar and Amazon Mechanical Turk to supplement income for saving or personal use unemployed girlfriend is signing up for the Amazon thing now had never heard of that but used to do KGB myself have an upvote for promise of a little extra income if you can live on Wonder Bread generic peanut butter and jelly and Tang you should be okay yes if you live in a van down by the river rent is the biggest expense haven't read everything but most people are missing the biggest issue op will face it cost a Frick ton to relocate you're going to need your first month's rent and last up front if you want electric and internet you're going to need a couple hundred to get that if you're bringing a car that's gas and tolls if you don't have all your own stuff to furnish the place that's a huge cost I just relocated for a job and I had 1 800 from my tax return and that was probably only two stroke 3s of my final cost and that's with having family in the area to stay with while looking for a place I've thought about this luckily I do have some money saved up though not enough that I feel comfortable dipping into it on a monthly basis I'm prepared to live without furniture for a couple months unless I find some real cheap stuff on Craigslist haha minimum wage is a death sentence it seems quite possible to live alone on this match although I'm not quite sure about the economy out west I have a few friends that live on that much although I'm still in college yeah I was gonna give you good advice but then I compared my income to my expenses and realized I should have a slowed more money than I do assuming you don't have a huge car payment and are fine with living in an okay but not Stellar area you should do fine on 11 good luck that's why financial counselors have you list out all your expenses and add them up because for some people actually having a physical representation in front of them of what they're spending is the only thing that can get them to change it all depends on your expenses and how comfortable you are with savings which largely depend on where you live and your lifestyle I know guys who live at home with no expenses and go pay check to pay check on 15 HR because they are always spending their money on booze food and Leisure on 11 HR you can probably live in a small basement or bachelor apartment but it won't be a very nice place depending on how much you drive you may be able to fuel up although car insurance is quite variable depending on a number of factors having a roommate effectively splits your living costs in half rent utilities Etc a great roommate can make life a lot better what a bad run mate can make life a living heck when I lived on my own I was making 19 HR and I lived quite comfortably with a roommate while saving a lot of money although I didn't have a car I feel like 11 HR is doable but you might be cutting it close unless you're living very frugal it is very difficult without a car in a big city where you don't need one and with a car in any circumstance it may not be possible when my roommate ditched me a few years back and left me with a 875 dollar two bed upped for the duration of the lease I couldn't find a replacement roommate and had to foot it alone on about 11 an hour until the lease ended and I could move to a cheaper place I got very very tight with my money itemizing every single dime I spent right down to cups of coffee spending a maximum of 30 a week on food and not spending a dime on anything else outside of rent and bills I did not go out at all outside of going out for a cup of drip coffee on the weekends and going to work I would not recommend seeking out this sort of scenario especially if you need a car I did not own a car and bust into work and was barely able to make it as in I finished each month with maybe a few bucks extra absolutely especially out there even in my previous eggs outside of Chicago not the cheapest place in the world if I wanted to live somewhere a bit smaller drive an older car and eat out less I could have goating by on that much with a bit left over disclaimer not that I actually did my first job out there was salary equivalent to 15.50 HR the most important thing to consider is that unexpected crap does happen and you need to keep some money in store to deal with it and on a small income you're going to have to put aside a pretty big portion of your paycheck to keep that fund healthy you're going to resent how much it cuts into your disposable income but it has to be done or else the very first little emergency you have will put you into a dead spiral that you won't get out of short of bankruptcy I lived alone on 8.25 and saved quite a bit of money I lived in a crappy basement Suite in a large city I make 10 HR with a full-time job granted I do live with a roommate in our one-bedroom apartment and I don't have a car but right now I'm living off of it in Los Angeles while putting 50 into savings it's definitely possible just depends on what kind of Lifestyle you choose to live and how closely you monitor your spending as for the help I get I am still on my parents family phone plan so that's a little help also my father's health insurance still covers me until I'm 25 so I don't have to worry about that as a just in case otherwise though I do it on my own I live in Boise Idaho while I am lucky enough to pay very little for my living expenses via owning a home my buddy makes dollar sign 10-11 hour part-time I don't know exactly he just started renting a new place apartment actually a three-story Victorian home partitioned into three apartments in one of the nicer middle class neighborhoods in Boise for about 450 a month which includes everything but electricity and internet cable phone I don't know his financial status other than he makes it paycheck to paycheck I do know his cell phone is still through his parents family plan Billy bought his car insurance and all that it would be kinda tough depending on your standard of living I'm going to go out on a limb and guess he gets bile about 1 000 a month I live in Boise too and I make just under 2K a month I rent a cheap place off Warm Springs and do most of my grocery shopping at Winco Idaho is very doable on a low income I'm living by myself making 10 an hour my rent is 570 a month if you buy your own groceries and commit to not eating out much it's really easy I can save probably half my paycheck each month easily it just depends on where and how you live I've seen people do fine unless just out of curiosity what kind of work are you looking to do depending on your job you might be able to save in certain areas for example I work in an office so if the apartment I was living didn't have internet I probably wouldn't bother to get it since I got just surf the web after work if you work for a restaurant then you can probably get one or two free meals off of them sometimes yes it is but it's going to be hard keeping all those other people out from under your Bridge I don't know if you'll get to this one make sure you have something to do entertainment wise if that means setting aside 30 a month to go see a movie in a theater or something of the sort this could also mean not having cable but having a console or computer game I personally love rock band 2. pay attention to your bills turn off lights when you're not in the room and develop good habits related to these same with water regardless of whether you're paying the bill it's still a good habit three make sure you don't lose out on your diet don't skimp and do McDonald's the cost is lower in the short run higher in the long run medical bills lack of energy Etc get some good protein in your diet no matter how chintzy you're gonna be four you can do it for sure it's just not a sustainable thing if you want to move up in the world save for vacations retirement an engagement wedding Etc good luck I live in Utah and yes you can live for 11 an hour here I make 15 currently and have a wife and kids I have lived for less but not fun my friend I'm 23 years old I make 11.68 an hour working 44 hours a week and going to University full time I own my own 105 000 duplex and rent out the upstairs to help pay my mortgage and utilities I walk to school and bus to work life's hard right now but in a few years it'll all pay off TL DR you can Thrive off of 11 an hour just be Savvy if you solely hold the lease to an apt and can charge roommates whatever rent the market will bear think of it this way at 400 a month in the course of a year that's like five dollars K in tax-free income short answer number long answer the long denied necessity of the discussion about Real Cost of Living versus a living wage in a society that necessitates starting your adulthood with college debt you tie on 11 an hour is doable but you will live in a basement apartment and work 30 50 hours a week the Unabomber had his own private cabin out in Montana living on less I first moved out when I was 20 making 10 an hour and working about 23 30 hours a week I had two roommates in a 900 a month apartment and our bills were generally around 100 per person I was able to pull that off but just barely and my parents were paying for my car insurance at that point they no longer do I had to move back home when I was 22 because my roommates moved to California I was there for about eight months saving money in the meantime I was promoted at work and now I'm making slightly more hourly than I was before still under 15 and I've graduated so I'm able to work full time I'm 24 now and still have a roommate but our rent is super super cheap here 610 a month and we're actually in a decent neighborhood including bills we're paying a shade under 400 a month I'm not struggling at all I've paid off my student loans and have no outstanding debt I'm able to save money even if you have been visited by the wisdom Papa type study well Papa or you will fail your next text at school like And subscribe you magnificent person thank you
Channel: UE Stories
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Keywords: live on minimal wage, minimal wage, fair pay, fair contracts, work contract, wages, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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