Worst Adult Temper Tantrum Moments

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what is the worst adult temper tantrum you have seen i was driving down the street in portland following about five car lengths behind a small pickup truck the driver of that pickup started slamming his brakes on for no apparent reason he kept doing until he actually slammed them so hard that he slid to a complete stop in the middle of traffic i was forced to stop behind him and was sitting there wondering if he had something wrong with his truck when he got out in a fury and ran back to my truck red-faced and screaming at me that i was tailgating him i was completely baffled by this guy i never tailgate people and i was a generous five car lengths behind him on the road he completely lost his mind and was screaming so high-pitched and senseless that i could no longer understand anything that was coming out of his mouth i really thought there was something mentally wrong with him so i rolled my window down and said take a deep breath man you're going to have a heart attack that just made him go more crazy i've never heard a human voice make such crazy sounds i wish i had a video camera so after a minute or so i just pulled over on a side street to try to make sense of everything and let traffic go he stood right there in the street and screamed the wailed his arms all over for four more minutes as cars went around him as i was sitting there a car pulled over in front of me and a guy got out walked over to my car and said did that guy slam the brakes on in front of you i said yeah i have no idea what's wrong with him the guy says he's done it to me twice and i've called the police on him both times i just called them right now so both of us sat there until the police arrived about two more minutes with the guy screaming and throwing a temper tantrum the entire time the cops had to tase the guy to get him to stop his tantrum he got arrested and his truck got towed it was a bizarre and terrible experience one of the cops told me they had received over 50 calls on the guy and they had arrested him five times already i was at my local comic book store a few months ago i was browsing and picking up some new books while i was browsing a middle-aged woman and a senior gentleman were shopping there together the senior man presumably her father kept saying the comic books were expensive here and that she can only pick a certain number the middle-aged woman started to tantrum in the middle of the store saying i warned you this was going to be an expensive week i need all the issues so i don't fall behind i told you to save money for this i need them the man kept saying no they are expensive pick a couple and we're leaving and the woman kept sobbing screaming and stomping her feet saying i told you to save money i need them all i told you they were expensive over and over i couldn't believe my eyes i worked at a grocery store on boylston saint during the boston marathon bombings store was closed for an entire week as the street was considered a crime scene the day before we reopened we were then and only finally then allowed to enter the store to get rid of the thousands and thousands of dollars of spoiled food due to the store being shut and the power being cut we had hardly any perishable food we got some things from another store i believe because you know crime scene q woman freaking out for far too long about us not having the salad she wanted the pre-made crap butt salad yelling about us having poor customer service about how we can't do our jobs that we're obviously being overpaid for our lack of effort at our jobs she told someone to go back to school cue my manager basically saying there were bombings a week ago people died your salad is irrelevant woman goes red obviously forgetting she was on the street of the crime scene and we had a more than reasonable excuse for lack of products a shamefully woman leaves customers cheer many years ago when my sister and i were in high school our dad was driving us home from the mall and stopped at subway to get our mama sandwich it was a really nice day out so my sister and i rolled down the windows and chatted while we waited for dad to come out all of a sudden the subway door flies open and this lady comes storming out with her boyfriend in tow ranting about they can't treat you like that and generally acting unhinged while her boyfriend tried to calm her down i really wanted to make a snide comment about it to my sister but they were standing like five feet from our car the windows were rolled down and i was afraid this lady would attack me if she heard me say it a couple of minutes later dad comes out with mom's sandwich i ask him what that was all about and he says that the cashier had politely asked the boyfriend to stop swearing as there were children in the room and the lady had flipped out and started screaming and breaking things when i worked at panera breda's lady kept trying to get her food for free by saying that she was given the wrong order the night before but didn't have any evidence to back it up after a co-worker explains that we need evidence she proceeds to call him a monkey but n-word even though she was black and repeats it over and over again until we kick her out this happened on my first day safe to say i was given a pretty good impression of the place i loved when crap happens ugh we had a lady just like that at pizza hut except she would try to return the pizza half eating and expect a refund we finally blacklisted that b work retail for a month and you'll see some great ones had a guy bring back a printer after having it for a year no receipt of course it stopped working i get a printer suck i'll talk to my manager and maybe we can at least get you store credit not good enough full refund can't do it he briskly walks out of the store leaving the printer on the counter and me thinking well that was easy wrong he's charging back into the store automatic doors don't even have time to open fully his shoulder busts it off its hinge with a hammer in hand and knuckles bulging white from his death grip he stops in front of the printer and with a look that says really nothing you can do just begin to smash it to bits end of story epilogue i worked at that store for three years and one day a few months before i quit he strolled in to buy a new printer some ink and the warranty only took him a few years but he finally got a new printer the fact that he had a hammer readily accessible tells me that his behavior was premeditated fitness center our lifeguard it has a huge aquatic area with a slide when the pool is busy we rove and one of the stations is just under the stairs to the top of the slide you have to be like four feet tall to ride because the kids don't often realize it's actually pretty deep in the splash well and when they can't touch the bottom they just stand there and drown anyways i turned some five-year-old away because he isn't tall enough simple those are the rules his mom comes over and screams at me for not letting her kid ride the slide i apologize and say rules are rules that they are implemented for her child safety she huffs off and drags her kid with her sometime later i'm at the final station on our rotation the kid somehow snuck up and goes down the slide not surprisingly he can't walk on the bottom and the current from the slide keeps him from paddling over to the wall so he's underwater and flailing and slowly dying of course i jump in and make the save when i bring him to his mother and i'm filling out the incident report she starts berating me on how i'll let her kid drown and that she can't believe the guards are so irresponsible when i ask her to sign the incident report she goes ballistic had to get the pool manager to come over and she had to leave the pool with her kid who obviously wanted to stay to call my self-control not to smack that hypocritical bee with my guard tube i was at gamestop looking around when a guy probably between 40 and 50 came in wanting a refund on a game he had the employees told him they couldn't take it back since it was scratched up and cracked the guy proceeded to yell at them and how they are failures in life and he demands a refund and they must give it to him he even threw the case of the game at them he was quickly kicked out oh man the things you see working at a pharmacy people are entitled to their time i understand but when i tell you we ran your prescription through the insurance and it saved you money so your co-pay is 11 please do not rage at me for the price that's not my fault and if i had five other customers in line before you don't rant that you waited five whole minutes at the drive through and waste even more time i apologize and empathetically respond but that's just not enough sometimes people make me question why they live so angrily i've witnessed a number of parents having meltdowns at disney world and yelling at their children for being gasp children if your toddler is a bit cranky at 10 pm from you dragging them around a park for 12 hours for the fifth day in a row to the point where you as the adult can't keep yourself together you're vacationing wrong throwing a tantrum at your three years old who is up way past their bedtime is not going to turn their behavior into that of a well-rested mature adult not seen but heard of my boyfriend's brother is getting a free ride through university since their grandparents had paid for my bf's education and would do the same for his brother he screamed and threw a tantrum about not having enough money for residency since he wanted to leave their mom's house how he wanted his independence h.a and that he needed the money order he was going to quit school his grandparents caved since it seemed super important that he had the money he was asking for and his selfish brother spent it on a 5 000 trip to the dominican paid for his girlfriend's ticket and expenses blew all of the money he had been given turns out he lied that he needed to money wasn't even remotely considering moving out of his mom's house and only wanted money he could spend on his own terms now he's slowly stirring up the pot again complaining about how apparently broke he is and the new lie is how he's in jeopardy of not paying for his tuition education is seen as a must in their family his grandparents are sticklers and think if you don't have a degree you're worth nothing so they fall into this trap repeatedly because they think he'll become a homeless m head if they let him fail and learn the valuable lesson of not taking advantage of people sounds like he is going to become a homeless m head anyway your grandparents should save themselves a few thousand dollars long term i work at a golf shop that also has a large driving range for customers to try out products and hit balls we sell tokens or punch carder for the range the punch cards are sold for 25 or 50 tokens so we have a guy that comes in with his son somewhere between 10 and 12 with his half used 50 token punch card this is a synopsis of what i overheard between the customer see and one of our assistant managers b c hi so moving out of town and i was wondering if we could get our money back for the rest of these tokens b wheel i'm sorry sir but the punch cards are non-refundable you could give them to a friend or family member see what do you mean i can't return this i bought it can't you give me store credit or something b repeats earlier statement if it weren't used i would gladly return it see this is freaking ridiculous i've already given you guys the money so why can't you just put it on my account b can you relate to anything that i'm saying c no i don't understand b it's like if you bought an airline ticket and you missed your flight the airline isn't going to refund your ticket when it was your mistake basically my co-worker repeated the same things for like 10 minutes to this guy while he's setting a terrible example for his kid and being obnoxiously loud literally the whole store was watching eventually one of the guys in corporate made my co-worker give him the store credit what's the point of store policies if we don't enforce them tl dr a customer got mad because people who work in corporate are generally tools who have never actually worked on the front lines and if that customer was shouting at them would act like a complete b not standing up for your workers is crap management and a great way to lose talented employees my boss lost her crap on a waitress because she ordered wine and it came in one of those new trendy stainless glasses refused to drink wine out of a glass without a stem the restaurant had only one kind of wine glass we left without eating sounds like a nice person to work for i was working at a really nice restaurant one valentine's day waitressing and this couple came in saying it was their anniversary the woman was really nice and telling me all about how they had their first date at this restaurant and they come every year on valentine's day and order the exact same thing they had on their first date they had some wine and cocktails and when they went to order their special meal i went to go put in their order and chef told me we were out of the porterhouse steak it was later into the night and they'd all been ordered already i went back to the table to tell them i was sorry we were out of the state but if they'd like to order something else i'd give them each a free dessert all the sudden this woman went from being so sweet to total meltdown mode she started crying like sobbing and she was shaking and stomping her feet then she stood up and started literally screaming saying that we ruined her anniversary and how could we do this to her on her special day blah blah then she started in on her husband calling him a piece of crap butthole for being late and started degrading him saying she wished she'd never married him anyway and what a terrible husband he was we finally got her to calm down and order something else and ice where the whole rest of her meal she was just getting drunk and was switching between either crying with her head down on the table or snarling at her husband it was the worst temper tantrum i've ever seen by a woman old enough to be my mom over a porterhouse steak lol and i felt so bad for her husband he seemed totally abused and miserable the whole thing was just bizarre i used to work at logan airport during the whole liquid ban i told some guy he couldn't bring his soda through security he proceeds to go on a giants tirade against government interference and that i was somehow personally responsible for taking all his freedoms away he then proceeded to yell that he had a bomb he was swiftly tackled well that was a wrong answer his chances of getting on the plane dive bombed my wife and i were on our way back from our honeymoon in hawaii when we saw a double tantrum at the airport an older 60s man threw a tantrum grumbling arguing etc when sir had the audacity to make him take off his shoes and patted him down after getting through security his wife was so traumatized that she broke down sobbing and said you're ruining the whole vacation then continued to cry for the next 15 minutes while her husband sat next to her with a kill me expression on his face of course my wife and i say you're ruining the hole to this day humorously of course witnessing other people's tantrums and using them as an inside joke afterwards is one of my favorite pastimes a girl i used to work with got a surprise gift from her mom which was a brand new vehicle she went outside to look at it and came stomping back in because she bought a standard she ended up swearing and brutally cutting down her mom in front of everyone i was in hong kong and late for a flight to thailand there was a guy at the gate desk banging on the desk and demanding that he get on a flight to thailand or else me and my travel friend were also late but didn't care we ended up on a flight to thailand through emirates airlines and sweet asset first class and a 90 empty airplane dick face yellow mcbang the desk didn't make the cut i remember because it was one of the only times i cried in front of my dad in my town you had to be 13 to referee young u8 and u9 breck soccer but since my brother had done it for so long they allowed me to take the referee class at 12 and i passed it after a 24-hour class on my second day on the job i was rafing a u8 red game the girls in this game had no coordination and the purpose was to get them accustomed to the rules and play style of soccer anyway i apparently made a call a father of one of the girls disagreed with and he started pestering me for the entirety of the game after the game he kept berating me all the way into the parking lot while i 12 years old tried to be professional and keep my head down until i reached my dad's car when i got into my car he kind of stopped and went to get his daughter my dad who happened to be the chief investigator for the department of criminal justice in new jersey so i was visibly shaken up and he asked me what was wrong i just broke down completely terrified over how a grown man just treated me my dad got out of the car and chased him down i couldn't see what happened from where i was in the passenger seat but i heard my dad yell then the jerk-off parent then my dad again and then i heard silence my dad walked back to the car and said he'd never bother me again and was proud i was willing to take on a paying job so early in my life my tears cleared up immediately i've never been so happy to have such a badass as a dad and i also learned a lesson on how to deal with narcissistic jerk-offs i continued to ref another seven years and worked my way up to where i was earning over 100 per game roofing tournaments with college scouts i'm glad i stuck with it but there are some parents out there who go on serious power trips over their children's sports i'm glad my dad stood up for me that day or i'd have never learned how to stand up for myself later on i work hotel front desk i have a ton of stories but here's a few of the more memorable ones a guest committed suicide in one of our rooms and for various reasons we cancelled the managers reception we usually held that evening it was disrespectful the managers were otherwise occupied etc anyway one special snowflake guest came down to the desk the next morning absolutely livid she was upset her children had to witness police activity at the hotel she was upset the manager's reception aka freebier and wine had been cancelled and demanded a refund for a free amenity she also was upset that we would not comp her entire stay for everything she endured frankly we were all shaken by the guest suicide and refused to give the snowflake anything q stomping her feet and throwing a water bottle at the front desk age and trying to help her she did all this in front of her children mid-level manager for a large healthcare company demanded an upgrade to a suite because don't you know who i am in front of the beach boys who were checking in during their tour and had reserved the sweet in question dance convention had a dance mom upset we wouldn't give her a late check out on the last day of the convention checkout is noon she wanted 5 p.m we were like we can do 12 30 she had her daughter come to the desk and beg us with tears in her eyes for a late check out when that didn't work she screamed yalama the [ __ ] racist in the middle of our crowded lobby full of children the agent helping her was hispanic and the manager was black my freshman chem 101 prof threw a temperature tantrum at the beginning of class once we had just taken the last exam before the final and a lot of people bombed it because he put a lot of information on there that wasn't covered in lecture or the textbook since it was near the end of the year this was also the time all the profs were reminding everyone to review them on rate my professor many students myself included rated him badly because he tested us on info from physics and organic shame in a 101 class he also liked to make derogatory remarks and individually mock students in front of 300 other people he was a major butthole the first class after yes grades were released he just lost it calling us all entitled lazy whiny etc said none of us deserve to be in the university one of the best in the state we were worthless people who would amount to nothing in life and that he would even try to contest some students enrollment he had a pretty loud voice and never used a mic so he was screaming at the top of his lungs then we found out why he was so mad his mom regularly checked his rate my professor paige and called him the night before and asked what are you doing to those poor kids to make them say those things why do they hate you so much he was mad because his mom called him out on being a total crap bag and he definitely to take it out on us by the end of the year he had said enough crap specifically about disabled and mentally ill students that many of us were thinking about reporting him and trying to get him fired he ended up getting seriously reprimanded he's only allowed to teach one class now sucks to be you doc collins you were a little whiny little b god so many stories from my retail days i got to watch a former nfl player one who was actually fairly well known in the late 90s freak out and throw a tantrum in the middle of best buy when he didn't want to wait in line which was two people long yelled for a manager until one came up screamed at the manager about how his time was too valuable to be wasted waiting in line pulled the do you know who i am card and started screaming again when the manager told him that we weren't going to do anything to compensate him for the problem the incident ended with him gathering up his posse of children screaming that we'd be hearing from his lawyer and leaving all so that he could go around two people then a couple years later he was arrested for snorting sea off of a toilet in a nightclub so that explains a lot worked at a very small niche magazine publishing company as an editorial assistant during college my editor was the sweetest most polite middle-aged gentleman i'd ever met we all got along great and he really was a joy to work for he reminded me of mr rogers with a southern drawl once the day before an issue was headed to press our publisher changed the entire focus of the issue requiring a significant rework and an all-nighter by this editor and a few others he tried to stay quiet and just sit there brooding but old mr rogers lost it he stood up and kicked his plastic trash bin across the office and then swearing the whole time walked up to the publisher's desk he didn't have an office we were all in his same room and used his hands to knock every single thing off his desk no one even said anything we all just watched some horror amusement he ended up taking a walk to cool off and everything blew over but we never let him forget about it hey most other retail work is probably just as bad as pharmacy once had a do try to return an electric beard trimmer through the pharmacy drive through during peak business hours like excuse me sir this is not burger king you cannot have it your way i was about 11 or 12 when gas prices were higher than two dollars gal and saw two women almost exchanged fisticuffs over who could get to the gas pump first when prices were low at one gas station i had never seen anyone do more than complain that prices went up yeah i know first world problem maybe it was a flashback to the gas shortage of the 1970s because they were definitely old enough to have experienced it and definitely old enough to know they should just take turns a guy his wife and a baby come into the restaurant i was working in they ordered two don julio margaritas okay no problem boss they order two more their server has to leave for the day so they transfer the table to another server and at that point they order the one dollar special margaritas sure check time comes and they say they never ordered the don julio once their server informed me before she left for the day that they kind of rubbed her the wrong way and to keep an eye on them that service speak for this guy's gonna be a problem giving you a heads up i call her and ask her how he ordered the margaritas she confirmed he specified etc so i told the guy he had to pay for them i was the bartender and the mod he didn't like that so he threw down a 100 bill and i walked away to get his change when i came back he was cussing me out called me a bee yelled to the entire restaurant that we were ripping him off his wife picked up the baby and called me a bee he called me a prison guard and i told them to please leave the premises he called back later and said i was rude cursed him out that he was a doctor and that he was going to sue me still waiting to get called into court on that one tl dr grown but man gets ousted by a 5 foot tall bartender but with calm composure instead of fisticuffs this happened to a friend she had cut someone off while driving to work in the morning didn't think twice about it about 10 minutes later when waiting to make a left turn onto a busy street off a side street she noticed in her rear-view mirror that the car she had cut off had followed her and stopped behind her while she was stuck waiting for traffic to let her turn beefy tatted guy got out of his car with a knife shaking his head in anger he sliced both her back tires got back in his car and drove off i really want a big near sign in the back of my car that says sorry connected to a button on my dash that might just pee people off even more though this is pretty minor compared to what i've read here but i want to share this story anyway was flying to washington dc from tampa florida and the line through security was unusually long i had left the house late so i figured this was my punishment and didn't think much of it when my flight left while i was still in line when i strolled over to the gate there was an oldish woman and her husband there and she was pretty p that they got left behind because security took so long the attendants were as kind as possible and tried to put them on the next flight but this lady was just livid that the security line was what made her late i eventually lost my patience with her and reminded her that they weren't going to turn the plane around to pick up a handful of people who should have planned better and the only thing we could do was relax and wait for the next flight when i got to the attendance i admitted i should have left sooner and it would be nice to be on the next flight but if there was no room i was okay with being on the one after that i ended up in first class and the look on the old lady's face when she boarded the plane to see me sipping some soda in a row by myself was absolutely priceless and yes i did rub it in a little by saying it pays to be nice to people was vacationing in banff while there were us forest fires happening this unfortunately caused smoke to obscure a lot of the view lady was yelling at the girl working the motel desk about why this was happening absolutely unreal she seemed to have no control over herself yet expected the worker to control the weather i was working the graveyard at a gas station and two guys walk in well one decided to try and be slick and grab a pack of smokes and run unbeknownst to him one door was locked and he runs straight into it which obviously alerted me to what was going on i come out to find him out cold on the floor his buddy meanwhile decides to berate me for not leaving the other door unlocked goes completely batshit throws ice all over the place proceeds to throw icy cups full of pepsi freeze all over the floor and smashes two of my bottles of gray goose finally he pauses and asks you're not gonna call the cops are you to which i said of course not look outside we were a substation and his face just drops two county cruisers rolled in mid tantrum after i hit the panic button his tantrum cost us several thousand in property and damaged goods but seeing him and his buddy get cuffed and the satisfaction i felt at night priceless if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 94,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adult temper tantrums, temper tantrum, temper tantrum in store, temper tantrum walmart, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: Bofy6rcnJtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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