What's the Saddest Thing You've Witnessed Someone Do to Impress Someone Else?

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what's the saddest thing you've witnessed someone do to impress someone else this guy tried to show off his strength by trying to pick the girl up from behind princess carrie style she wasn't expecting it and he only picked up her legs without supporting her head causing her to hit her head hard on the tile floor whole room went silent i think she got a concussion from that dude just spend his entire 15-day paycheck just to impress this one girl after that he asked to borrow money from me because he blew it all on his date trying to pretend he's some kind of big shot this should be top of the list it's sad it's stupid it happens a lot and more guys need to read this i tried to walk as fast as possible but also seeming normal so that the girl could see how amazing of a walker i was fifth grade ffs i used to have a fake walk which i thought would impress people especially boys i would sort of lean back and as i walked i would swing each shoulder forward taking it in turns with each shoulder i looked like i was imitating someone from wwe when i was younger i had luscious long golden hair to impress a girl at a party i stuck it into a spinning fan to show her how brave i was i got trapped and had to be rescued by the host's mother with a pair of scissors afterwards the mother said to her daughter that was very sweet of you to invite that autistic boy that made me hurt lying about suicide attempts to impress the extremely depressed girl in our group how do i know it was a lie the bastard admitted it later when she wasn't around i also knew someone who took up cutting to impress the depressed mexican here maybe you've heard about the serenity where a guy brings a mariachi band to the balcony of the woman she loves and sings romantic songs to her thing is only couples in love do that a guy once attempted that to a girl he had a crush on the girl was not interested in him at all and she had clearly told him before that he was in the friend zone he did the serenity anyway on her birthday and it was one of the saddest moments ever witnessed by humanity i was not aware this was a thing people still do i thought it was just for movies fascinating i jumped out of a moving car because i thought it would be really funny and the girls in the back seat were saying you wouldn't do that i was 16 the car was only moving at about 25 miles per hour inside a neighborhood a block away from my house i hit the ground rolled a few times broke the scaphoid bone in my right wrist and skinned my left knee so bad that i have permanent nerve damage there it was a stupid idea only 25 mph at a party in the uk in the 80s this guy william very trendy and good-looking had spent time in the states all of which had all the girls swooning after him despite this he was desperately insecure and covered that insecurity with arrogance i was walking down the stairs and he was hiding next to them he didn't see me and as i continued down the stairs i could see what he was doing under his jacket he was decanting a can of heineken into a butt visor bottle to maintain his american mystique it was just a little thing but i found it absurdly tragic funny i had to do the same thing at thanksgiving today except it was vodka into a water bottle i went to high school in a pretty affluent area so the popular girls were the pretty types decked out in designer clothes and driving a luxury car at 16 once i was waiting for someone to pick me up just inside the doors as it was raining two girls come by one the popular type described above the other hand not rich but still pretty and trying to fit in with that crowd lackey the rich girl starts bitching about how her expensive shoes will be ruined in the rain the other girl offers to go grab rich girl's car pick her up at the door she refused because she didn't want the girl to freak up her fancy car so rich girl takes off her shoes and puts them under her coat and tells the girl to piggyback her to her car so she won't mess up her jeans or something the girl obliged and ran in the rain with this preppy spoiled jerk on her back it was pretty pathetic swung on monaco is on playground in elementary school in front of girl i had crush on wanted to swing forward really high let go and land on feet all cool and crap legs flew out in front of me landed on my back knocked myself out awoke with the gym coach and a few others around me with a bit of pee on my crotch area holy crap it knocked the pee right out of him my friend found a girl on okcupid who said she loved guys who could cook so he invited her over to his place for a home-cooked meal but he can't actually cook so before she arrived he got some italian take out and put it in a pot on the stove to make it look like he was cooking except he didn't get good italian he went to fazley's a crappy fast food place and he didn't take out the trash so when she went to throw away a gum wrapper she saw everything yeah she wasn't very impressed it's like this guy watched the first half of a sitcom for his dating advice go as far to adjust everything that he liked to match with everything she liked football teams music preferences films psy there are few things in life that are as sad as losing your own identity just to make someone else happy but that's not a relationship anymore it's a cry for help hey cameron you should do a front flip with your clothes on into the pool heck no haha frick that dude i thought you were hardcore what the frick dude i am hardcore dude check this crap out front flips into pool with clothes on forgot about the phone in his pocket sometime in the early aughts it no longer became funny to laugh at somebody who fell in water as they had likely lost several hundred dollars worth of electronics a guy i went to high school with wanted to impress some girls so he literally jumped off a bridge he is now paralyzed from the waist down that's really upsetting the act wasn't as sad as the outcome i female was a teaching assistant at a community college so pretty close in age to my students the class was for students exploring exercise sciences this guy clearly had a thing for me the guy purposely missed the group's hit ups test so he could reschedule it with me individually when he came in to make up the test i had to hold his feet and he jammed out rapid fire sit-ups a pretty impressive until he farted you were his teaching assistant but he was a private tutor buying a very expensive concert ticket to a band the guy didn't know just because a girl he liked was going to be there but then watching her make out with someone else from a distance while crying on the inside the guy is me i wasn't very bright what band a friend back in high school had a crush on a girl in grade nine he was in grade 11. he never spoke to her or did anything else for her to notice him but he thought he had a fantastic idea during the halloween dance he went to the dj he requested a song and asked him if he could call jenny to the middle of the gym the dj does and she goes in the middle thinking she won something there was a raffle you are automatically entered by going to the dance the dj puts on a slow song the dance floor clears out except for her then my friend walks into the middle has a white box opens it and it's a rose she is embarrassed af right now and then they proceed to slow dance she was very reluctant and the entire time as they were slow dancing she was mouthing the words to her friends help another time same friend but this was in college he meets a girl they talk for a week and he asks her to hang out she said yes he thought it was a date she didn't she barely knew him he keeps it a secret to the girl on what he has planned for the day so he calls a friend and i up to drive to this house where an old lady is selling fireworks from her garage he says he wants to put on a fireworks display for the girl at the end of the date he gets a call from the girl while we are looking through fireworks she asks him to tell her what he has planned so she can dress accordingly his reply just wear something comfortable it's going to end in a bang at the time and probably still does the slang version of bang is to have sex the girl calls him back about half an hour later after purchasing the fireworks and cancels her reason was she didn't feel comfortable the friend and i got free fireworks went to our old elementary school climbed to the roof and fired them off tl dr first incident friend awkwardly dances with his crush at high school dance second incident same friend implied he wanted sex but he really meant fireworks premature romantic i've posted this story before but it's a good fit for this thread too this story is about a friend of mine from when he was around 18 who i'll refer to as dave dave had this girl he was pining after but had never really talked with her that much or tried to ask her out he's kind of a shy guy so it wasn't too surprising anyway he told me that one night after smoking some weed he remembered a street sign that was the same name of this girl he was interested in so it occurred to him that it would be the best thing ever if he stole it and gave it to her as a symbol of his affections so dave and a friend drive over to this street sign and start trying to dig it up but it proves to be very difficult as well as time consuming and attracted the attention of some neighbors who end up calling the police so the police roll up and catch them red-handed as they're futilely trying to dig up this sign but so as the cops are talking with dispatch his friend is kind of freaking out what are we going to do man we are so freaked as if i'm going to have a record for this then dave realized the perfect plan i'm guessing at some point he had done some reflecting to realize his goal of stealing the sign wasn't as smooth as he originally thought will tell them the complete truth dave's friend what dave yeah man i'll tell them everything they'll think it's so pathetic that they'll let us go sure enough after he told the cops about liking this girl and wanting to steal the sign for her they did some head shaking told them to never do something like that again and then let them go i mean if it's stupid but it works it's not stupid me was dating a guy who was into outdoor survival at a party with my friends while talking about finding protein in nature the topic came to bugs being high in protein i ate two cockroaches to impress him he turned out to be a schmuck and my friends will never let me live it down in fairness i would be really impressed if i watched someone eat to live cockroaches guys getting into bar fights over a girl because someone looked at her seriously get over that crap be glad you have a date that's nice to look at when other men eyeball my girlfriend or buy her drinks we both find it quite funny because at the end of the night i get to go home with her a friend of mine is super awkward when it comes to girls he really likes a girl i work with who's a musician he met her only a few times and every time he was again very awkward about it i went to one of her concerts with him and a few of our friends and he just stood alone and didn't try to make any effort to have a chat with her before or after the show he also went to another one of her concerts all alone and he couldn't find the courage to go talk to her so he left she put up a crowdfunding page for her upcoming album and he donated the highest prize value of 500 which includes a private concert it's just so cringe-worthy and i'm embarrassed because she's a friend of mine and he's being weird about his feelings towards her he now realizes he messed up bad and that you shouldn't try to buy a girlfriend with money smoke breakout call center job there was a hot girl that bummed a cigarette from a geek even though there were several others there the geek thought the girl owed him her attention he insisted on lighting her cigarette and dominating the conversation his way it was cringe-worthy to witness cigarette over and she attempts to snuff out her cigarette in the garbage can and drop it in the side however one side was locked geek said let me help before she could stop him or even use the other side he kicks the locked door with the might of a 90-pound pencil neck taking a few weeks of strip mall tequin do lessons can muster the garbage can exploded the butt tray was full of wet sand and butts and that went all over the hot girl old lunches went everywhere the geek just stood stiffly not moving knowing he is in the middle of one of the worst moments in his life the girl yells at him to get him to help the others pick up his mess and he just stood there we all head back to work and he is still standing there not moving my cousin is constantly doing things just so people will be impressed to adjust for attention when she got her hair cut really short she was super focused on how people were going to react my cousin is from my mom's side of the family but my dad's mother was having a party and i brought her one time she was really focused on how shocked they would all be since her hair was short now she's met them all like once or twice before and they barely know her when we got there my family talked to her asking her about her trip she had recently written her first plane and visited her dad a few states over my cousin answered their questions but was noticeably to me at least annoyed she tried on several occasions to change the conversation back to her hair saying things like the trip was fun i got my hair cut while i was there but no one said anything about her drastic haircut after a while she gave up and walked away from the group the second she did my aunt whisper to my mom wow i barely recognized her my cousin would have killed to hear that i didn't tell her about it because i was hoping she would learn that you shouldn't change your appearance to impress others she did not and every decision she makes is based on who's watching my buddy fell in love with a stripper back when we were in college and it was progressively the saddest thing i've ever seen it was a strip club that was just down the street from our college so we went there to have beers and wings a couple times a week my friend at the time we were 1920 had never had a girlfriend as far as i knew he wasn't ugly or anything just a super awkward guy who cared more about hanging out than putting effort into getting girls it started out normal we would go there and he would always get lap dances from the same girl can't remember her name so let's call her april after a couple times it started becoming private lap dances and vip room visits it got to a point that he would sell out plans with the rest of us because april is on stage tonight i have to go see her she was really freaking good at making him think she was into him she would tell him she was never allowed to see her clients outside of work and she needed the job to support her kid but she told him to come to the club every shift she had and they would always hang out in the club it started getting real bad when he started buying her things clothes jewelry etc we tried to tell him what was going on so many times but he never listened he told us we didn't understand he sold his car to support his relationship with her one day me and a couple other guys went to go talk to her and tell her to stop but she had us thrown out of the club and banned for a year i honestly think the guy would have lost everything he owned on her if we didn't see her out at a bar with another guy she was kissing him and being affectionate and my buddy stormed over to her she still tried to stick to her story the nerve of that woman saying that was a special client that her boss had told her to go out with for once my friend was smart enough to realize the truth i can't even put a number on how much he spent on her but this relationship went on for three four months and he went to visit her three four times a week always while she was working when i was six i tried to impress my friends by doing the splits on skates at a roller rink and my pants ripped right down the crotch scene so there is that that's not sad that's freaking dope good on you for trying some crazy crap kids need bold friends like you to become awesome friends brother fat socially awkward chain smoker yellow teeth was obsessed with hot girl way out of his league she rejected him and moved to another country but the guy stayed friends with her and found out about a trip she was taking he bought a freaking flight from europe to the middle east just so he'd be in the airport where he knew she would be spending a few hours on her layover so he could intercept her bath now that is a whole other level of creepy and no in 1999 i was working in a large convenience store where we had at least two people working at all times only one of us was single and she had a young admirer 19 or 20 who just got his first real job working in trucking he was over the moon for her but she was only interested in someone with money he had trouble with flirting and she wouldn't just tell him she wasn't entrusted so one day hoping to scare him off she told him she wanted a diamond ring and a brand new chevy silverado truck this poor bastard went out and bought this stuff and brought it to her while we were at work together you can imagine the emotional carnage that followed when she wasn't thrilled and told him she was kidding and not interested last i heard his buddies at work hooked him up with a nice girl and he was okay but holy crap that was rough that young man hopefully learned a very important lesson from someone without malicious intent as their end game he's lucky he learned that and should probably be thankful guys like that meet women like that miners are just kidding and usually adding i want a joint bank account too i didn't directly witness this but close enough my mom and dad met while both working at my maternal great aunt and uncle's restaurant a guy had taken a girl out on a date there and kept sending everything back eventually my great-aunt they were both the chefs there came out to see what was wrong the man kept insulting her food her cooking is incredible and they've both worked in four-star restaurants eventually she began to cry the girl he brought to the restaurant got up disgusted with him and apologized he'd just been trying to act like a food snob to impress the girl he paid for the food and didn't go home with a girl mocking someone close to them who had trusted them with some pretty personal information to get a laugh out of the person who they were keen to be best buds with back in high school a male friend of mine named h was a little socially awkward and really into a girl named b h made a joke that got chuckle out of b and he was trying his best to continue making her laugh it got to a point where he was rubbing his eyebrows the wrong way just so it'll look odd she was just giving pitiful hair yes at this point goddamn that was awkward as frick more wtf than sad she stole one of those giant cardboard standing movie displays from a theater after he said that's cool just grabbed the thing and took off holding it over her head and dragging the end on the ground it was so big it wouldn't fit in his car and they had to hold it on the roof as more security chased them to the end of the parking lot i think they had to ditch it on the side of the road because of the size petty theft of something you can't even keep is always impressive on a first date right must have worked since last i heard they were still together i don't know i would have thought it was hilarious probably depends on the person a girl that i'm friends with always post snapchat stories of this kid doing the dumbest things just to make her laugh so far i've seen him jump into bushes swan dive into a nasty puddle draw penises on himself etc he loves humiliating himself this seems like it should work out drink too much no you will not impress anybody by drinking a lot of alcohol if you do somehow manage to drink a lot and survive without vomiting and still having a good time you'll be that guy and people might make some one-off comments about how crazy that was you know what's more likely puke and pain and sadness and a night ruined for all your friends that have to get your dumbass home while making a serious effort not to get puke on their shoes my husband plays bass in a country band back in 2012 the lead singer makes a facebook post threatening to shoot president obama while he speaks at a local university this empty threat led to him becoming a convicted felon all because he wanted to look like a hardcore southern conservative it's pitiful remember it is very ridiculously totally illegal to say i am going to kill the president of the united states when i lived in japan a complete stranger tried to convince his friends that i was an american model he had dated that wouldn't have been so bad i can take a compliment but this was at my college's cafeteria i was in a couple classes with his friends they knew exactly who i was no matter how many times they told him this he never backed down from his claims he eventually accused me of lying to his friends about who i was it wasn't even funny at that point it was just sad a hot girl dropped her phone in an outhouse a guy volunteered to suit up and stick his arm down to grab it for her when he retrieved the smelly phone the girl turned around to another guy in the crowd squealing babe i got my phone back poor guy i had a friend group of about 13 guys and we always hung out all the time when one of our friends got his first girlfriend she was very controlling and wouldn't let him hang out with us so for a month he wouldn't hang out or talk with us it is really sad because it was a hard hit for our group he also deleted his female friends off facebook because she was jealous of him so yo she is quite a bee she's pretty clearly a controlling abusive bee i really hope your friend got out before it was too late guys don't get told the signs of abuse enough and fall into crap pro tip change the sexism the scenario and if it would be abusive it probably is abusive i guy made a video had his mother record him horribly singing a love song about losing someone adding some text that made it seem like the girl died the girl had come a few days for a tournament after it finished she went back to her hometown the video he made had some scenes obviously recorded from behind some tree and secret really creepy but at some point he walked out former church and lifted his arms to the sky and other stuff like that the video is still somewhere on youtube i was in grade 7 hanging outside one night with my friend and a group of guys she met from another school they were cool kids spiked tips echo clothing the coolest this kid who lived in her plaza saw us and walked over to us he was a year older than us and always really weird he asks the one guy with beached blonde tipped hair for a smoke the dude responds with what will you do for it the weird guys looks at all of us and says whatever i'll do anything but i also want to hang with you guys for a bit so dude gets a smoke out and starts doing that growth inhaling to build up spit and snot he lodges onto the ground and tells the kid to lick it up the kid does it without hesitation all of it he got his smoke but the guys didn't hang out with him my friend and i bailed asap definitely not a group of guys we wanted to be around i always think it's sad when i see a guy honk at a girl that is walking jogging down the street because they think she is hot this would also apply to cat calling or whistling i guess too like what did you think would happen you honk and she would yell stop and run after you and say thank god i caught up to you your horn was so sexy what are you doing this weekend i'm pretty sure this is usually something they do to impress their friends not the girl i doubt it's ever worked to get a girl my buddy wanted to join the military these marines are at the bar and he's chatting with them then one tells him to get down and give him 20. he drops down immediately and starts doing push-ups to validate himself it was pretty sad i love you kelly and i'm not afraid to say it in front of all of reddit upvote our love please don't actually upvote i don't know what to do freak you buddy you get an upvote if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 10,983
Rating: 4.8654432 out of 5
Keywords: saddest things, trying to impress your crush, trying to impress girls, trying to impress your crush fails, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: WPuWs_9Ce04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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