What's the RAREST Thing in Minecraft?

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did you know there's a 1 in 600 chance for a pink sheep to spawn naturally and if the sheep is a baby the chance is lowered to 1 in 12 000. minecraft is a game built on randomness where every world is entirely different this allows for some extremely rare things to happen so today we'll be taking a look at some of the rarest occurrences minecraft has to offer alright so you might already know that when you throw an egg there's a one in eight chance for a baby chicken to spawn but did you know that there's a one in 256 chance for one egg to spawn four baby chickens does mojang know how eggs work but those odds don't even compare to one of these things everyone's found themselves running through a fortress trying to get the dreaded three wither skulls and we all know how rare just one of these things are but what if you were lucky enough to get all three back to back well good luck because the odds of this happening are a whopping 1 in 64 000. that would be like flipping heads 16 times in a row all right let's hop back into the overworld for a sec and take a look around what do you notice about this world anything unusual well what if i told you that this is the rarest biome in the game kind of disappointing right this is a modified jungle edge which can only be generated when a swamp and a jungle are touching this biome is so rare that it only covers one millionth of a minecraft world to put this into perspective the mooshroom fields cover one one thousandth of the world making the jungle edge one thousand times more rare okay so far we've talked about items mobs and even biomes but what about something that's already pretty rare in minecraft diamonds what's the biggest vein of diamonds you've ever found you probably said eight or maybe even ten well what if i told you that this is the biggest diamond vein that can actually spawn in vanilla minecraft normally in minecraft each chunk can only spawn a maximum of eight diamonds but if two veins spawn on the edge of a chunk right next to each other it ends up looking like one giant vein repeat this process eight times in the corner of eight different chunks and this will result in a vein of 64 diamonds well that is if you get lucky enough the odds of this occurring are 1 in 17 million which sounds absolutely ridiculous but trust me we're only just getting started so for some weird reason in minecraft if a turtle dies it typically drops seagrass alright normal so far but if it gets struck by lightning it drops a bowl what bro what are you talking about man okay aside from that being really weird let's work out the odds of this actually happening first off it has to be thunderstorming which only takes up about 1.4 of minecraft's weather patterns then you have to take into account that turtles only spawn on beach biomes which only cover about 2 percent of a minecraft world and finally the chance of lightning striking any random block is about 1 in 80 million so if we multiply all of this together the chance of randomly stumbling across a bowl because a turtle died to lightning is 1 in 276 billion or you could just use a trident alright so far we've beat the wither found a record-breaking amount of diamonds and killed a turtle with lightning for some reason but i think it's time to beat the ender dragon so all we gotta do is throw some isa vendor locate the stronghold and huh the end portal is already full yes this can technically happen this is because each piece of the end portal has a 1 in 10 chance of spawning with an i already in the slot so if you put this probability to the power of 12 the odds of stumbling across a randomly completed end portal is 1 in 1 trillion alright these numbers are getting so ridiculous what could possibly be more rare at this point well the answer is an egg or rather 16 eggs remember earlier in the video when i said that eggs have a 1 in 8 chance to spawn a baby chicken well that got me thinking what if you threw an entire stack of eggs and every single one spawned a baby chicken although it might not seem like it and trust me i double checked the math like 50 times the odds of this very simple task are one in 3.5 quadrillion you are literally more likely to get struck by lightning three times in real life than you are to hatch a bunch of chickens in minecraft alright surely that's the end right that's the rarest thing in the game well not quite let's say you load up a brand new minecraft world you take a little look around and you decide you don't really like where you spawned so you back out you load up another new world and huh everything looks the same actually everything is the exact same so you take a look at the seeds and they're a perfect match you have just randomly generated the same seed two times in a row you better go buy some lottery tickets cause the odds of this happening are one in 18 quintillion this number is so big i had to make the font smaller just to fit it on the screen alright enough messing around it's finally time to reveal what this whole video has been building up to the rarest thing in minecraft is this mob at first glance this might look pretty rare but is it really just a zombie writing a chicken no to find this mob you would first have to find a village but not just any village it must be an abandoned village the village also has to be partially inside of a jungle this allows jungle zombie villagers to spawn but we're not looking for an adult villager it has to be a baby but not just any baby a baby riding a chicken if the zombie is cured by a player given enough time it will grow up resulting in an adult villager on a chicken which looks kind of funny if converted into an armorer with all trades unlocked there is an exponentially rare possibility that it will have these specific trades with these specific in chance at these specific price points then when the villager is converted back into a zombie there is a ton of possible outcomes such as a 5 chance for it to become a leader zombie an extremely rare possibility for it to have up to 100 hp a maximum player detection range a one percent chance that it can break doors a 45 chance that it can pick up items with an additional 5 chance for it to be left handed if the zombie has all of these stats it's already rarer than anything we've talked about so far but we're not done yet after being converted it can also spawn with armor this can be any type of armor but of course diamond being the rarest this diamond armor can spawn with any enchantment but these specific enchantments make this mob unimaginably rare now you might be asking why doesn't it have a helmet well we're not done yet if it is halloween in real life there is a 22 chance for it to spawn with a carved pumpkin on its head but you know what that's still not good enough because there's a 1.5 chance for it to be a jack-o'-lantern instead now if we multiply every single thing i just mentioned the probability of this mob is one in one google and no i didn't spell this wrong a google is a one with 100 zeros behind it for comparison one million only has six zeros this number is so big that if you were to fill the entire observable universe with grains of sand the number of grains would only have 80 zeros that's right there isn't enough space in the entire universe to fit this number and yet somehow someway there is something in minecraft that has this insane probability now before you click off the video i kinda lied there is actually one thing that's bigger than this number and it's your mom
Channel: Penney
Views: 923,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M71lYldIb-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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