Public Service Workers, What’s Your Most Bizarre Interaction With a Customer?

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creditors who work with the public what's your most bizarre interaction with the customer when i worked at starbucks i was cleaning the restrooms and i went to open the door to one of them i didn't usually knock at that point because there's locks on the door and what weirdo doesn't lock the door when they go to the bathroom in public and swung it open and was astounded the door opened into what looked like a situation where someone puts way too much soap in the washing machine there's the soap and bubbles floating around everywhere and a naked woman who just stared at me she was probably homeless and washing herself but the amount of soap and bubbles in there turned the situation from looking like real life into a fricked up dream i've seen many crazy people in the short amount of time my work required human interaction i really don't know how people do it the one time this woman came into the place where i was working behind me on the wall were some abstract black and white photos that were not showing anything special one was maybe just showing a really blurred female face although it's more my interpretation of the shape rather than the source image the others were just artsy stains she was normal at first then she noticed the photos and started to get really upset she asked me what the heck that was and why would we put something like that up then she went on to say the images were depicting abuse and terrorism apparently the face one she saw as some beating up abuse victim and the stains looked like terrorism to her she went on and on about it they really traumatized her maybe she failed her raw shark test former retail manager here i have a million but the one that stuck out to me as the most was this weird guy who never spoke all and would always come in late tonight one night about an hour after we closed i was getting ready to leave when i start walking towards the alarm and there's the dude standing in the middle of the aisle staring me dead in the eyes i froze for a good 10 seconds then asked him if he was okay and that we were closed in response he frowned pulled up his shirt and rubbed his belly i repeated that we we closed walked over to him and started to walk him towards the entrance when he realized what i was doing he turned and ran deeper into the store i was debating calling the cops but i had been there for 11 hours already and didn't want to spend another hour dealing with them so i decided to follow him and try again i caught up for him in the bulk candy nut section he was standing staring at banana chips i told him we were closed and he started to wailing on the big making some high-pitched whining sound i broke and gave him so banana chips he smiled and was passive enough for me to walk him to the door when we got through the first set of doors i spun around and locked them when i turned around he was inches away from me and gave me a big hug shocked and weirded out i sorta just stood there then he pulled his face right into my face whispered you big good and gave me a peck on the cheek i took a step back into the door he ran his wet fingers through my beard and skipped out into the darkness you fell for the classic kentucky banana chip blitz i work in optical sales this is about the strangest customer my manager and i had ever dealt with so i walk into work and my manager is working with a patient and there is another one seated at another desk waiting to be helped i clock in and introduce myself to the man hi there my name is low speed how can i help you today he points at my manager and says actually she was helping me oh okay i turned to my manager manager would you like for me to pull up his insurance so that you can just run him through real quick when you're available she replies yes absolutely sir low speed is just going to pull up your insurance and then i'll help you i turn back and smile to him and ask so what's your dub so i can look you up here's where things start to go downhill the guy leans in inches away from my face and whispers can you not take no for a freaking answer so i noped out and just stood up and went in the back until he left fast forward three weeks and this guy ordered his glasses with my manager and has received them loved them according to her he calls the store and gets me yeah so i bought these glasses and i think i want to upgrade to transitions how much would that cost oh no problem sir what's your dope so i can look your profile up is manager available no sir just me today i think i'd like to talk to manager she and i quote sounds nicer than you on the phone click he eventually gets a hold of her and orders the transitional lenses loves him according to her again fast forward another three weeks he calls and get manager on the line immediately starts telling her about how he doesn't like the glasses and wants to return she's tired of his shenanigans so she just says that's fine and he can bring them back whenever he feels like it he then says excuse me i paid for the glasses over the phone why can't i return over the phone he's sounding very upset at this point my manager just looks confused sir you still have the glasses moreover i couldn't process a return over the phone if i wanted to our system literally will not allow it well this is just ridiculous what if i just mail you the glasses then sir we still can't process a card return over the phone okay then what if i mail you my card excuse me mail us your credit card really no my debit card at this point my manager was just flawed by this guy and finally broke character so you want to mail us your debit card yes dang it sir i'm sorry but that's the worst idea you've ever had click comma we'd need your pin to properly process it sir and your mother's maiden name i was working at a cookie shop and a guy who seemed tweaked out of his mind came up i did my welcome we're doing a spiel and he looked at my display and said dude why are you making the cookies freak out in public like that i was like wtf again he was like that's perverse and started to throw his coat over the display needless to say he was escorted out by security what a prude free the chocolate chips i'm a nurse practitioner i have hundreds of stories my favorite is the old man who we prepped for an endoscopy procedure and part of the bowel prep was giving him apple juice mixed with a laxative he was old and starting to show signs of dementia but later on he calmly and lucidly said mom if you ever make my butt ribble like that again i will find out where you live and whatever heck juice you gave me and pour it down your throat too deadpan no grin no humor to this day i don't know if he was mad or kidding i think i'm insane cause i laughed at butterball more than i should have once worked at a store and an old man bought a huge bag of carrots and looked at me and said these little guys make me real happy a w w wholesome unless he was putting them in his butt then they're wholesome i'm a bus driver once had someone sprint like usain bolt to catch my bus then proceed to tell me he has no way of paying the fed but needs to get the bus to the hospital as he has broken his leg needless to say he didn't get a free bus ride from me i work at wawa a convenience store but better and i asked this guy if he wanted a plastic bag because he had quite a few items as well as a drink and he says yes i start to bag his stuff and he tells me not to worry about it he'll do it he then proceeds to put his cup of coffee in the plastic bag and carry everything else comma convenient store but better how have i never come up with this simple description for huawei in all my years i usually wax poetic for like six sentences and then i start on the subs when i worked at home depot a customer tried to return a door that had been installed in their house for 20 years literally 20 years i was only four years older than their door back then i was flawed by the situation they had the receipt but the receipt showed they bought it at some mom and pop store that store had since gone out of business and the customer argued well i'm gonna buy the new door here this place has enough money to refund me and i have the receipt he kept screaming that he had the receipt and did not understand why that receipt being from another store made his point invalid i was flawed by the situation he used to work as a the manager of a residential property didn't have many problems most tenants were cool but we had this one older lady who'd call the office every month like clockwork to complain about how high her phone bill was she'd launch right into some spiel about her long distance charges which i guess are still a thing as soon as i answered the phone first time or two i figured hey she's got the numbers transposed just calmly tried to talk her through the fact that i wasn't the phone company third fourth fifth etc time it got a little harder to keep a straight face she was eventually moved to an assisted living facility i think i had a lady hit me in the head with a plastic spoon because i told her i couldn't order the mcdonald's square spoons for her shake because we were in fact arby's i work at a paint store there was a woman who came in several times and was a massive pain in the butt every time the first time she kept asking for a color called linen it went something like my son had his house painted in linen and it looks so beautiful he's got it under the chair rail through the whole house and a darker color on top and okay mom do you want a sample of that color yes i want linen i try to pull up the color okay so sherwin williams doesn't have a color called linen but i have the formula from a ben more linen porter paint and another competitor do you know which one it was it's linen i understand mom but these are all different colors and to make sure you get the right one i need to know which company he got the paint from i want linen which linen i want linen seeing that this conversation is going absolutely nowhere i pick one at random and send her away a week or two later i was working late on a friday which meant i was the only one working i have a line out the door and i pick up the phone while trying to juggle mixing orders and taking care of other customers surprise it's linen lady she wants an estimate for how much pain she needs easy enough i try to get her to give me some rough measurements of the area to be painted she starts in on this long rambling diatribe about her two-tone color scheme and the chair rail through the house while i try to interject every few minutes with a yes but the measurements after 15 minutes i simply cannot stay on the phone any longer because i can't do my job with her yapping in my ear i tell her to consult her painter and hang up the first and only time i've ever had to hang up on a customer a couple weeks later and she's back in the store she's unhappy with one of the colors she selected to contrast the linen but she can't remember which color it is i look through her order history and find nothing she then tells me she got it at another store okay fine i go into the online system to pull her orders from the other store meanwhile she calls the other store to pester them about it 30 seconds into the call i find the information but she cannot be stopped the other store finds the color eventually and she picks a color chip off the wall and brings it to me it says this is a color and she doesn't like it i ask if she wants me to adjust the color or something else but no she just wanted to show me the color she didn't like and when to pick out a completely different color i still cannot figure out what the frick is going through her head probably nothing at all had a regular come in and repeatedly ask which shampoo and conditioner to use for her hair i once had to read out the chemical ingredients on the back and improvise their effectiveness at hair maintenance lol nothing wrong with worrying about your hair but she was asking a dude who used to use shower gel as shampoo this is kind of morbid but once i had a drunk guy at the drive-through window when i worked at mcdonald's trying to place an order on foot i opened the window and explained that we can't take orders from pedestrians at the window and asked him to come into the restaurant he became hostile so i told him to pee off and close the window fast forward an hour and the police are at the front counter asking for cctv footage in relation to a collision just up the road turns out the guy i told to pee off was hit by a car and killed on impact just minutes after he left the window it still troubles me that if i met his confrontation with kindness instead of dismissing him he wouldn't maybe come into the restaurant and would still be alive today i found his name in the local paper and tried to find him on facebook kinda hoping to find that he was a really crappy person or something but i never found anything i came across the expression recently better to light a candle than curse the darkness i try to live by that always now hey i hope you don't blame yourself for anything you weren't out of turn and it sounds like he was in a rough place that put him in risky situations but i think the things you've picked up from it are beautiful i used to work at mcdonald's a very well-dressed and well groomed man asked for a cheeseburger without onions and we gave him one he came back up a moment later ranting about how the person who made his burger was trying to kill him i started to take it back to the grill area to be remade but noticed that there weren't actually any onions on it i gently mentioned that i didn't see any onions but could he point out anything on the burger that he didn't like and i would get him a new one he snaps up to his full height and announces of course there aren't any more i hadn't taken the burger out of his site he told me in detail how the cia was after him because of his top secret research they had operatives all over the city to compromise his food and they had probably just switched it back when i wasn't looking he certainly didn't blame me for the onions i got him a new burger and every time he came in after that he waited for me specifically because he knew i wasn't a plant i have so many i've done retail food service and call center work the weirdest one was probably the happy meal guy from when i worked in rental car billing that job i did both taking customer calls and responding to customer emails i am so grateful this guy was an email because i probably would have laughed in his face if he'd called so this guy rented a car from the phoenix az airport in july for anyone who isn't familiar this is a desert in the western part of the u.s and it gets ungodly hot in the summer cook an egg on the pavement hot anyway when he gets to the car he goes to put the contract in the glove box but when he opens it he finds a half-eaten mcdonald's happy meal cheeseburger in case anyone cares at this point i'm thinking that's disgusting and the dude wants compensation for us not cleaning out the glove box properly but no that's not his issue he goes on to write that he naturally assumed this was a benefit of being one of our gold members ate it and got sick he wanted compensation for his medical bills distress and i crap you not false advertisement i gave him a coupon for a discount on his next rental and told him we apologized for him properly cleaning his vehicle i work for starbucks and three weeks into my time with the company this drunk homeless man threw a chair through one of our store's windows he got upset because he was asked to get up and leave after being found sleeping outside of our store a shard of glass from the window he broke lodge into the back of one of our chairs barely missing the back of a customer that was sitting in the chair it was wild and for a good while after that incident i hated hearing the sound of glass breaking got all sorts of perverts back when i was in the dry cleaning biz had a guy just take off all of his clothes on underwear in front of me and asked me to dry clean all that walked out in his skivvies pants pressed while you hide in the late 90s i was working at a small dial up i spurs tech support a customer called in there's smoke coming out of my modem is there a fire rat i spy managed to finish the call before collapsing in laughter i work in the biggest grocery store in my city so there is a lot of customers all the time and it's usually hard to hear if someone calls for you and i was putting up carrots in the shelf i noticed that there was a lady in a wheelchair in the middle of the fruit section but it looked like she had a helper with her so i didn't think about it later she randomly came up to me and started to scream so hard at me in a different language for no reason and then hit my box with carrots and left i still don't know what that was about sorry if my grammar is crap i'm not english your grammar is very good the only thing that sticks out is there is a lot of customers since there is more than one customer it should be there are a lot of customers this is something that gets a lot of people learning english including native speakers eight i work at a hotel once an asian top company that was going to stay for two months rented a supreme room for their noodles yes their noodles the living room bathroom balcony every part of the hotel room was filled with noodles from the floor to the roof it was even noodles in the trash can i think that's the most bizarre things i've experienced in my job you have been touched by his nudely appended jar men couple weeks before halloween at the disney store sizes were starting to sell out policy was no holds past close family wanted a sleeping beauty dress we were out of it in the little girl size but a nearby store had about 10 left i called and got one put on hold for them let them know that 10 would probably last at least a day mum was like okay cool and headed out with kids dad was not happy some nasty looks and grumbling about hold policy but leaves with family comes back about five minutes later still mad about the hold policy reiterate there's not much i can do we don't have any but other store probably has 24 hours supply he loses his crap yelling at me comes at me with fist raised i yelled for someone to call security he left but i almost got punched over a sleeping beauty costume i quit before christmas i worry for his family yikes me answering the phone thank you for calling name of law office caller do you serve breakfast me this is a law office caller so no worked at pc world as a tech guy came in kicking and screaming his two-year-old laptop had screwed up the dong would not move from the shop till he got a new laptop and the manager being the spineless t he was swapped his laptop for a newer more expensive model to top it all he wanted all his data transferred so being the helpful employee i was i started the data transfer and told him to return later halfway through the transfer a few file names looked very suspect my mate had a look and yes it was indeed child p cops were called and they waited for the guy to return he was arrested in front of his wife and kids moral is don't be a dong to the text they know all your darkest secrets so him being a tea was a good thing once had a woman walk up to my counter with her nipple hanging out it took every ounce of strength young me had not to stare i had to grab one of my female co-workers to point it out to her since i was too much of a wasp i work at a gas station and a woman asked if we take american express i told her we didn't she went on a tirade that she has no money on her normal card and that it's absurd we won't take her card so i advised her to maybe ask a friend to transfer money to her normal account she went to make a phone call and started filling her tank for 25 euroses i thought she took my advice and she got the money then she strutted to me and stated that she can't pay for her gas and but no worries she will transfer the money to the gas company and she started to walk away i called her back and told her very firmly that that is impossible and she has to pay or i can save her receipt with a copy of her identification and she could come back tomorrow to pay she started screaming she was always screaming that she doesn't live around here and that she is a consultant and how could i treat her this way and that she wouldn't leave her at information with me cause she didn't trust me so i not very calm told her that i assumed this as a confession cause she just flat out refused to pay and that i will call the police for this well after a lot of cursing and yelling and aggressively calling someone while calling me names she paid but then she stayed outside in her car right next to my window talking on the phone and giving me dirty looks for half a freaking hour bit late to the party but a few years ago i was working night shift at a convenience store a cop comes in and as i'm ringing him up we make small talk about how annoying drunk people can be as both of our jobs involve frequent dealings with them a few hours later some lady comes in practically hysterical and asks me if i can call the police for her i ask what's up and she tells me she's an uber driver and the dude she's driving is blackout drunk won't tell her where he needs to go and threw up all over her minivan so i call the cops and who should come in but the exact same one from earlier we exchanged no words it gave each other an exasperated look then he and his guys went out and dragged a very slizzard man out of the poor ladies van i'm a retail pharmacist so in my time of practice i've had some real doozies but the thing that really sticks with me was something it took me the rest of the day to shake off i'm standing there doing my thing when a woman in her i'd guess mid 40s comes up to the consultation window i ask if she has a question and she responds she does about her teenage son i stop what i'm doing to give her my full attention she proceeds to ask me what can be done over the counter about her son not being able to get an erection i just blink at her because it wasn't at all what i was expecting she must have thought i was waiting on more information because she then told me it wasn't a problem for him in the mornings only when he was trying to do anything sexual at this point i've got all kinds of alarm bells going off in my head but i can't think of a nice way to say you're too far into your son's business for it to be good for him so i just stumbled through the suggestion that maybe he seeks some kind of counselling as soon as she walked away i turned around and looked at one of my technicians who had the same wtf expression i had been sporting the whole time at my current job i work at city hall phone rings i answer caller is this downtown me not sure how to respond uh well yes this is city hall and we're located downtown caller okay thanks hangs up from a previous job when i was an admin assistant for a housing association i once took a call from someone who wanted to complain about his neighbor's tree me so what's the problem with the tree them well it just got done blooming and now it's dropping petals everywhere me aha and what's the problem them well the petals are all over my path and they are very slippery and i fear i might fall over and hurt myself me so what do you expect us to do them well can you chop the tree down me no sir we can't just hop down trees especially when we don't own the land they're on them so can you send someone round with a broom to sweep the petals away until it's done i work at a very well-known coffee shop i was pregnant and i had a customer ask me if i was with the father of my unborn child in a shameful sort of way sounds religious would be tempted to say i don't know who the father is i became pregnant after trying out a demon summoning ritual i am a social worker and i work in retail my customer made me help her put her bra on like boob scooping and all she took hours and i had to leave because my shift was long over and i had to go to my second job she yelled at me and told me they could wait she spent less than 100 and didn't let me help any other customers so she beyond screwed me over back at mcdonald's days my co-worker friend told about a scruffy looking customer that came in one morning friend hi how may i help you customer hey can i get some food i'm pretty hungry friend what can i get for you customer some type of breakfast sandwich friend okay your total is some amount customer i can't pay can't you see i'm homeless i deserve a free meal give it to me friend who was not ready for this bs at 8am in the morning let me grab a manager manager sir this is a place of business we cannot give away free food products if it would help i can offer you one small cup of coffee for free but then you need to leave a customer don't talk to me that way customer jumps up on the counter pulls down his pants and lemonade gets sprayed over the counter the manager was not sprayed neither was my friend the cops were called and arrested the former customer down the road the funny part is that they literally caught him with his pants down as he was fleeing the restaurant was a supervisor at a call center couple years ago got all the angry customers escalated through one guy called me an idiot i made a comment along the lines of let's keep it civil and he went on around saying he was totally polite i reminded him he had just called me an idiot and he denied it within five minutes he wanted to make a complaint about me claiming i'd called him an idiot he literally went full circle in the space of a few minutes bizarre man probably not the most dramatic but here's one i remember tl dr entitled lady emails my boss to say i discriminated against her as a disabled person and wouldn't let her participate in a demo i work in an art store and we frequently run casual little product demos just a table with a display and stuff to try guided by an employee they're super low key and basically just to get people to buy stuff for these demos we don't have chairs because again it's meant to encourage people to shop i keep one on hand just in case this one particular demo i was running was really popular so my attention is divided between several people meanwhile a co-worker is nearby taking pictures for our instagram or whatever she's not really involved in the actual demo at all so things are rolling when these two ladies walk up i give them the rundown of the technique being demoed and invite them both to choose a product to try out and join in one lady has sort of relate questions and i start answering when the second interrupts to ask why there are no chairs i politely tell her and gesture to the one i have and tell her she's welcome to use it then i go back to answering the first lady's questions and giving some recommendations before giving attention to other people who've come up to join the demo eventually they both leave and i say thanks for coming and whatever and think nothing of it till my next shift a few days later as soon as i get in my boss calls me to the office he has my co-worker on the phone and asks if we had anything weird happen during the demo i think we both forgot about the lady because we both said no he reads us her email to corporate basically saying we were rude ignored her wouldn't let her touch the product and refuse to give her a chair even though she is obviously disabled he asked our side and after a moment we remembered her and i said that i had offered her a chair and all but shoved product to try into her hands he said he knew that because he'd talk to the assistant manager who was around that day and they'd already corroborated what i said we joked about weird entitled old ladies and he said not to worry about it because he's chill and a really great boss but it was still weird and i have no idea why she'd try to twist things that badly when it would be so easy to deny if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: UE Studios
Views: 12,426
Rating: 4.9194632 out of 5
Keywords: weirdest customers, worst customers, worst customers compilation, worst customers storytime, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: j4hMkq_Be44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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