Lawyers, What Detail Did Your Client Not Share That Lost The Case? (r/AskReddit Top Stories)

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lawyers of Reddit what is a detail that your client failed to bring up to you that completely lost you the case opposing counsel isn't it true you hit victim in the face with a brick client no markers hit him with the brick I hit him in the back with a piece of wood head sent a photo of his wife's beat and face to his wife with a message saying something along the lines of this do you want this to happen again he came across very well in court up to that point but his mask slipped when that came out he sounds like someone I know he can keep the mask on for a while but it starts to slip when his perceived world ice and reality a buddy of mine cases a public defender a gal was busted on drug charges and told him she didn't have any drugs on her when they arrested her he thought okay well use that turns out she didn't have any drugs on her when they arrested her because she just sold them to an undercover cop little late to the party but here goes and obligatory not my client company I worked for at the time was doing due diligence before requiring a small tech startup the CEO of the tech startup was a well liked guy in the company friendly and outgoing though we had heard rumblings that the CEO was rather hands-on with the work and with female employees apparently there was a walkaway package proposed to the CEO that would let him keep a sizable portion of his post acquisition bonus because a young woman who worked in their sales department had filleted for complaints against the CEO and obtained counsel i sat in on the meeting with the CEO and the company's retained lawyers while they grilled him about his contacts with the young woman the CEO denied ever having contact with her within the company without multiple other people present those people said his behavior to water and the meetings didn't raise any flags the CEO emphatically denied having any contact with her outside of work the lawyers asked the question a half dozen different ways and each time the CEO denied any out of work contact later we meet with the woman and her lawyer with the CEO o not present her lawyer gives us a rather graphic card that came with a bouquet of flowers addressed from the CEO the guy had an account with a florist linked to his credit card when the company retained lawyers confronted him he said that I never had contact with her it's not like I delivered the flowers myself CEO have got terminated for cause so no walk away package at her request the woman was given pto until after the acquisition then moved to another one of the companies under our umbrella custody case client failed to tell me he was previously convicted of felony child abuse for breaking 16 bones in an infant's body my house was robbed in addition to all the stuff the thief took he also stole a bunch of my suits and all of my neck sites I had a big collection like 100 or so however the thief left fingerprints on a hard plastic box that I kept spare changing fast forward three months the thief is caught in the act of robbing another house in the same neighborhood same detectives on my case on this new theft they fingerprint the guy and the fingerprints match the ones from my house at the feasts arraignment I see him stroll in wearing my suit and my tie I tell the district attorney he says there's really no way to prove it however the tae-hee chose to wear was a one-of-kind street map of San Francisco and I still had all the documentation to prove it the district attorney's eyes widen and he informs the judge the judge has the thief placed under arrest again for possession of stolen property the thief's lawyer was dumbfounded it was a nice end to a rough situation lawyer in the UK I acted for a member of a famous pedophile hunting group my client was charged with various offences relating to his vigilantism most seriously causing grievous bodily harm with intent he wanted me to fight the case on a Public Interest defense point that is not available to him in statute or at common law contrary to my advice I followed his instructions as inbound to do if the state won't punish pedophiles properly then it's left to men like my client to take the law into their own hands a horse suit argument for a whole host of reasons his laptop was seized by police and submitted for forensic examination he had a staggeringly huge database of child pornography on it he himself was a massive pedo edit spelling edit to spelling again minor traffic cases can be the worst for this believe it or not because they are short and simple and oftentimes the clients I sit there so if you get blindsided by something critical there's often their chance to consult with them to turn things around I had a simple speeding case 70 miles per hour in a 55 no big deal if she does a driving improvement course they caught will usually dismiss or reduce those since her driving record wasn't bad when I showed up for her I found out that she had been driving 70 up an unclothed snow Lane to get around all the others cars traveling in the lane that had been plowed because they were driving too slow I didn't know it was even possible to drive 70 on fresh snow the officer stated had already cut her a break by not writing the ticket for reckless driving and the judge politely agreed he didn't feel comfortable reducing it under those circumstances when I called her up after court to confirm she did claimed she'd just forgotten to mention it now maybe I've lived too much of my life in the south but there just boggles my mind as a detailee out forget when hiring a lawyer for that incident I would have told her in advance that hiring us was a waste of money not to mention the hassle of taking an eight-hour class and she should probably just go ahead and pay this one I legitimately do that all the time during consults give my honest assessment if the case is even worth doing and so by omitting that detail she harmed herself for no reason at least she took it well and didn't get defensive friend of mine is a defense attorney he was representing a guy with the lengthy record for assault basically this guy took an account unit and threw it at his girlfriend my buddy tells me he was able to get a plea deal for one year probation no jail time the judge is already to accept the deal when he asks the defendant if he had anything he would like to say the defendant responds yeah I don't know why they charging me with assault I never touched her I just through and account at her this is [ __ ] judge rescinded plea deal because of defendants attitude slash lack of remorse went to trial and got a year in jail that he filmed his offenses for his YouTube channel the cops didn't even know a witness brought it up on day three of a trial it was a nice quick change of plea that afternoon client said his ex owed him a lot of money and that she was trying to get out of paying him back by getting a protective order against him seemed reasonable so I took his case at the hearing it came out that they were never a couple that he was sending six toys to her residence on a weekly basis and that she never asked for the thousands of dollars he gave her over the years stripper we lost he got laughed out of court and he learned a valuable lesson tell your lawyer the good and the bad stuff before trial guy in prison hired me to request a modification of his sentence because he was doing very well completing a lot of optional programs no rule violations etc he had his family come in and pay and everything to get started I asked the family and the client if he had requested modification before because the law said that for his conviction he could only request modification twice for any one sentence regardless of if they were granted or denied swore up and down had never filed before you can see where this is going after spending a few hours going over records and preparing documents a copy of the CCS the case record basically finally arrived had personally filed for modification six times since he was sentenced with handwritten pleadings that were all denied so the one he hired me for was a waste of time and would never be considered at all there's so many my dude in a custody battle where the opposing party claims he has a drinking problem and he denies it 1,000% even after the real talk I have with him asking him to not hide shoes from me and to be honest we go into court and at cross-examination the opposing party provides video evidence of him finishing work driving to an abandoned parking lot to drink a few tall boys and then going to pick up his kid from school every single access visit he not only didn't tell me that he forgot to mention that his ex's brother owns a private investigator firm f king idiot in a court appointed attorney for qualifying individuals in family matters termination of parental rights case have been fighting to argue that parent is table working lawfully as a suitable apartment doesn't need psychotropic meds anymore ready to be a parent etc after a few months of negotiating with all the parties and Department of Children Court Services we have a pre-trial to try and convince guardians I meet with my client before the hearing to see if anything changed nope all good let's get my kids great that's not happening today but let's try we get going in court my client who is super hot headed and quick to anger gets riled up and goes off on the guardians screaming an open court it doesn't end there but reveals one that no longer is working to no longer in apartment three doesn't want to have a relationship with guardians despite her kids loving them for won't send her kids pictures of the toys they miss and can't have five plans on moving out of state six thinks they can live as a family off of state aid when she gets them back and is four months pregnant all in the matter of fifteen seconds I was too shocked to even react speechless not the image of stability and parental fitness I've been trying to paint since last July edit to clarify client was working really hard to get everything right and legitimately had everything going for prior to this hearing I was not making false representations or trying to get a monster reinstated this was a true bombshell as I did my due diligence to make sure things were on the up-and-up and statutory requirements were met things feel part very fast apparently this was a very atypical situation parents typically do a really good job working hard to meet their requirements not my client but the son of the opposing party in presumably the party himself lied about being blind to make himself seem more sympathetic as a witness we didn't know either until he took the witness box there counsel asked him to take the oath and he picked the card up and read it that was the cherry on top of a series of ridiculous events the judge dismissed the whole thing in our clients favor shortly after i was the trainee at the time but my boss who was in her late sixties n said it was the most ridiculous case she'd ever handled I wasn't a lawyer in this role but was a law clerk this was a typical divorce case this particular jury trial was about splitting assets and who would get what it was a long drawn-out case that took about five days right before the closing arguments the attorneys wanted to talk to the judge it seems as though a couple of days pry the couple decided to get back together and instead of telling the judge in their lawyers they just kept it a secret we heard four days of evidence arguments brought in experts such as land Assessors financial planning people and the like and they were back together one of the attorneys asked to be dismissed from the case immediately and walked out the courtroom the judge had to dismiss the jury and the couple was adamant that they didn't think that them getting back together was a detail any of their attorneys needed to know edit yes in some states there are jury trials for divorces however this particular case wasn't for the divorce but for a cause of action stemming from the divorce marital property it was a jury trial in a public defender in an area with lots of meth use meth makes most people talk as so I can't tell you how many clients forget to mention that they got to the jail still high and called their mom / girlfriend / buddy on the recorded jail phone and not only confessed to the crime but also brainstormed whatever alibi or version of events in relying on to defend them edit emceeing this question a lot so allowed some info here this it's not legal advice just explaining things a bit more calls to a lawyer are privileged and generally go through dedicated lines that aren't recorded depending on the facility calls to family friends et Cie through the normal firms are not privileged are generally recorded and can be used in court there are usually printed signs near the phones and a recorded warning before each call that this is the case employment case we got to the deposition of my client and all set up the first question is please state your name the client looks at me and says can we take a break we do and she pulls me out in the hall to tell me she's lied to me about her identity it's apparently a serial through odd star and has changed identities seven times since the 90s she apparently thought the other returners had somehow figured it out and that's why they asked the question I heard of a guy trying to appeal his disability benefit being revoked he was supposedly a paraplegic but the opposition had over ten minutes of video footage of him walking running and even jumping over a fence after the one-minute mark the judge said okay I've seen enough please leave I'm actually a lawyer but I was only watching this trial not participating so the case was that woman they had hid woman be in the head with a heavy beer pint at a bar and woman B got pretty serious injuries the defense claimed that woman they had not hit anyone with the pint but instead had just thrown the pint into a random direction and it happened to hit me in the head thus it was an accident and not a battery well the prosecution had a CCTV tape from the bar and it was shown at the trial and the tape clearly showed in HD as they walked behind B and smashed the pint to her head so hard that the pine shattered on impact I looked at the defense lawyer and his jaw literally almost hit the table the prosecutor also noticed this and asked something along thrown a and the defense lawyer said that's due to technical difficulties he cold and get the CCTV tape open on his computer when he was reviewing the evidence woman--a was found guilty so yeah I was completely dumbfounded there's a rule er supposed to follow when questioning trial witnesses and that rule is to never ask a question you don't know the answer to it despite this rule lawyers often ask small apparently inconsequential questions which are necessary to set the scene but are so inconsequential or obvious that their answers are fairly presumed this case was an exception to that general presumption the defendant was arrested on a warrant and transported to jail after booking him into jail the officer returned to his vechicle and discovered a bag of drugs sitting right in the middle of the back seat the defendant was charged with possession at trial the officer explained that he routinely searches his vehicle before his shift starts and after any time he transports someone in the back seat the defense attorney tried to poke holes in the story but the officers testimony was remarkably cool consistent the officer was fastidious about checking his vehicle the appearance of the drugs coincided with the defendants presence in the vehicle then as the defense attorney was running out of questions he threw out the question was there anyone else in the back seat of the vehicle it was a Hail Mary even when there are multiple arrests police tend not to transport more than one aresty at a time if they can help it there was no reason to believe anyone else could have feasibly been in the backseat with the defendant though it's no surprise to you the defense attorney and prosecutor were stunned when the answer came back as yes turns out the defendant was with his girlfriend when he was arrested and the officer courteously agreed to drive her to her apartment before taking her boyfriend to jail this fact was not included in the police report the officer never told the prosecutor and shockingly the defendant never told his attorney there was a palpable pause as this fact sung Kian since there was another person in the back seat there was more than enough reasonable doubt proofs were concluded and the prosecutor threw out a half-hearted closing the not guilty verdict was a doof because of this case I learned to never assume a fact no matter how obvious it may seems my father is a judge I remember him talking about a case where a woman was suing for a severe back injury that she said was preventing her from working and taking care of her kids and so on in the middle of the trial a pen rolled off the table and she is bending over trying to reach it from her chair but pen was too far away so she stands up and bends over and picks it up and goes back to her seat as if nothing is out of the ordinary my dad is just looking at her and she snaps at my dad and goes what are you staring at my dad asked her if she was okay and her response was that she was fine her attorney leaned over and said something to her and she then loudly started complaining about her back and how much her back hurt but no one believed her law this one ended my marriage well it was the start of the end of marriage my husband lost his job in the title / mortgage business applied for unemployment got denied I decide to help him with his appeal hearing I asked him multiple times before the hearing is there anything you did that caused them fire you he says no absolutely not they fired him out of nowhere hearing day comes he testifies under oath that he did nothing wrong was a good employee no issues upon cross-examination the other attorney pulls out documents from one of his real estate closings documents he forged and back dated had to admit he perjured himself needless to say he didn't get unemployment and he didn't sleep at home that night now you put it that way maybe I did hit the car simple is good just now saw a post of a guy cost defendant claimed that the parked cars were at fault that he hit them or maybe some other drivers or something else definitely not him even though it's clear on a CCTV as day that he just didn't want the road and scrape three cars still tried lifting the blame blindly some people are just sure that everything in the world is to blame that's not them not me but my mentor this is the reason you never ask questions that you don't already know the answer to in court during the trial with the judge on a divorce matter the wife brought up that he had abused her during the course of their marriage client whispers to my mentor that that is absolutely not true on the stand during his portion of testimony my mentor asks at any point in the marriage did you lay your hands on your wife one time we were having an argument and I held her down on the couch until she stopped arguing with me what my mentor said it was like she could see it happening in slow motion and all the alarm bells were going off in her head because he had never mentioned this and apparently to him this was not abuse the judge gave wife a lot more money as a result and husband was baffled my mental was fuming eita husband admitted this was the only time he had laid hands on wife my mental was more peeved because she had thought the case was in the bag since wife had abandoned the kids with husband to run off with a lover down in Florida and literally only came back to the state to get the divorce done husband had been noted as being a great dad to the kids and a good figure in the community hence why she was so damn shocked at his answer it I was approached by this attorney to work for him for free to go after smugglers this guy had been arrested for dumping goods onto American markets that violated trade agreements in his arrest a bunch of goods were left in warehouses to rot and their owners his clients were never paid this attorney showed me that this smuggler had assets and that he had gone to the criminal trial and gotten the judge to set aside two million dollars of the criminal penalties to settle his clients debts he had receipts invoices all of the paperwork he just needed associates to help him take the case to trial he wanted me to work for free but he would pay me on contingency once he obtained the verdict he had two other returners working for him with the same deal I worked on the case for a short while but luckily moved on to other things the other two attorneys worked on that case for over two years at one point they negotiated a $1 five million settlement of all claims the attorney in charge rejected the offer because he was convinced he could get twice as much at trial in the end the case settled for dollar sign 200k because none of the clients would enter the United States to testify for fear of being arrested the two associates got dollar sign 8 K apiece for two years of work but I'm still a law student and this happened during my first internship at a court a girl among other people was charged with drug possession but because she had thrown away the drugs and the police couldn't prove that she bought or owned the drugs b/c it could have been one of the other people as well who still had drugs on them the judge ruled in do Bo pro Ryo he then asked if she wants to say add something and this girl asked if she could get her drugs back the defense attorney looked like he was about to get a heart attack edit for those wondering I know what in CBO Pro Ryo means but I wasn't sure if they use the term in other countries and tried to explain it if not this happened in Germany employment law matter he claimed to have been unfairly dismissed over bogus performance management the real reason he organised via Craigslist to have someone collect a box of his camp from a children's playground there were explicit messages from him asking what they did with it and whether they rubbed it all over themselves the employer provided us the messages edit he was doing this on company time plant and family law matter lied to me about using meth then used meth with the child in the room and the X got footage of it on the nanny cam and then made excuses about why they told do a drug test then blamed me when they lost custody despite the fact that they didn't show up to appointments or return Michaels so I called and prepare any court material I dumped the client after that and left family law I was actually on a jury guy was suing a business said he got injured couldent worked for three years defense counsel sir I sent it true that he spent eighteen of those months in prison for armed robbery edit for more info guy was saying he was shopping at a major grocery store chain and slipped in some water on the ground in front of a freezer guy has cell phone video his wife made of him in the water and we could hear her say that the water wasn't showing up on video and to splash it with his hand so it would look better in the video it also came out that head had three prior convictions for crimes of dishonesty that may not be the exact term but something similar for things like shoplifting and other petty crimes second edit for more info while him on my lunch break guy was representing himself pro se defense counsel asked him if his inability to work could be from the two previous knee injuries head had when asked how they knew about those injuries he was told his previous lawyer had given the defense's medical records upon request guy wanted to enter his MRIs as evidence but had no one there as an expert witness to explain to the jury what they showed he wanted to show us what the results were you [Music] [Music]
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Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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